Editor, Will A. Vick
July 23, 1890
Much sickness still prevails. Those sick at present are; Mrs. Nannie Talley and Baby, Mrs. Don McMillen,
R.C. Jennings, Sr., Rev. ChumleyJames George. Nathan Walden is much better at present.
H.C. Alsup of Murfreesboro is visiting his many friends and relatives here.
Levi Grandstaff and family of Greenvale were visiting the family of R.C. Jennings, Sr. a few days ago.
Jossie Davidson of Commerce was visiting his brother, J.L. Davidson, of this place.
G.C. Webb and family and Lillie Smith visited Milton relatives last week.
Born last Friday to James Kelley and wife, a ten pound boy.
Born last Thursday to Tobe Thomas and wife, a daughter.
Rev. H.F. Hollandsworth delivered an excellent sermon at Hebron yesterday.
Mrs. Cason DavisW.H. Davis, who lives about 2 miles south of this place, died last Friday and was buried near Statesville. She leaves a husband and one little child.
Miss Mary Thomas left last week for Beulah in company with Mr. Everett Blankenship.
Mrs. Manda Williams had a backset, but is better at this writing.
Misses Lillie and Lucie Oakley paid Statesville a visit last week.
Wesley Alsup of Pickup, a correspondent of the HERALD, was in our section last week.
Mrs. J.T. Oakley and Miss Lille Oakley spent Sunday in Linwood.
Miss Ella Pritchard has recovered from fever.
Charlie Thompson, son of Geo. Thompson, who recently returned home from Texas on account of ill health, died at his father's on the 12th inst.
The portrait referred to in my last, painted by Miss Josie Lee was not of Fall Creek Church as the types made me say, but a portrait of Rev. J.T. Oakley.
The daughter of Mrs. Polly Ann Blankenship, who lives in Illinois is visiting her Ma and relatives in this community.
Among our visitors this week was seen the pleasant faces of R.F. Jones, J.W.L. Green and Mr. Starks, Post Master of Dowelltown.
Mrs. Alice Grizzle of Nashville is visiting her brother, Ewing Stanley.
Mrs Maggie Tucker and Miss Maggie Epperson of Nashville are visiting Miss Julia Potter.
Miss Nellie Jones of Nashville is the guest of Miss Villie Dillard.
Miss Mattie Tucker of Bellbuckle is the guest of Miss Ophie Tyree.
Miss Mai Maddux of Short Mountain returned home Sunday. She was the guest of Miss Mattie Webb.
Mrs. W.S. Tyree is visiting relatives in McMinnville. Her little daughter, Lucile, has been very sick but is improving. Mr. Tyree returned last night.
W.T. Jewell and T.H. Knight have finished threshing wheat.
A.W. Cox, who has been sick for some time, is no better.
Mrs. Nannie Talley is thought to be improving.
Mr. Lea Templeton is through plowing.
Miss Mary Hutcheson visited Alexandria Thursday.
Miss Minnie Knight and Miss Mollie James visited relatives at Statesville this week.
Col. J.H. Blackburn was at Statesville this week on pension business.
Mit Earls is very ill with fever.
Esq. Mack WalkerJ.G. Parks, the supervisor.
The firm of Botts and Flippen has been dissolved by mutual consent, each will continue in business for himself.
The President [of] Sunday School appointed L.E. Simpson a delegate to the S.S. convention in Gordonsville.
Burt Jared, John Boyd, J.W. Thompson, Lewis and Fred were here last week.
Thomas Bowman and wife arrived last Wednesday.
Jo Wheeler and Jess Doss of Nashville are spending a few days here with relatives.
Bob Doss came back from Cookeville last week.
Prof. R.A. Seigler of Henderson, Kentucky arrived Saturday and will teach at Lawrence Academy.
Miss Hattie Bowers has returned from a visit to relatives in Maury county.
Charles Burgers of Lebanon, accompanied by Misses Lizzie Hudson and Willie Barthey, spent Sunday at this place.
Tom Swann and family, Demps Oldom and family, Sam Swann and wife and Mrs. Susan Swann have been visiting Mrs. A.J. Donnell of this place, who has been quite sick for several days.
George Cooper is up from Nashville on a visit.
Will M. Hunt was here today interviewing the voters.
A.N. Nichols and family have moved to J.T. High's.
Dr. W.W. Jones, wife and son arrived yesterday from Murfreesboro to visit relatives.
Albert Allen of Brush Creek left yesterday to take charge of the Depot at Cookeville.
Miss Lunnie Woods has returned from a visit to friends at Round Top.
James Allen made a short visit to home folks last week.
Claud Doss is pulling the lines up over "old Jim" and gathering up the "square built old hens".
Clarence Baird and Tom Williams of Gainesboro were here last week.
The voters in this end of Wilson county are solid for Jo Britton, the nominee. Jo is an old Alexandria boy.
Among the colored folks, Jennie Goodner, Henry Moore, Tom Floyd's three children and Rube Phillips, wife and children are sick this week. All are improving except Jennie Goodner, who is quite sick.
A little child of Tobe Cragwalls died Saturday.
Mrs. Mary Chapman, who lived near here, died Saturday, aged 70 years. Round Top
James W. McMillen is as happy as a crow hanging on a grapevine-it's a girl.
Miss Alice Roberts and Melissia Mullinax are some better this week.
Mrs. Evey Fite is sick with the fever.
Miss Sallie Bass, who has a music class, could not come on account of her mother's sudden illness.
There will be a picnic on the Beech grove of P.L. Reynold's. Come all.
John Donnell of this place and Mr. Babo of Tucker's X Roads have just returned from Van Buren county with over four hundred sheep which were bought by our wide awake trader, Bud Smith.
Uncle Billy Bass, one of the oldest men in this section, is rapidly improving after a continued illness.
Henry Thompson and family are visiting his father-in-law, Enis Bass and other relatives in this community.
Miss Myrtle Oakley is visiting friends and relatives here.
Rev. John T. Oakley, wife and daughter, Miss Lillie, were visiting Wm. Bass.
Eli Winfrey, the popular well-digger at this place, has just finished a well for R.T. Donnell.
Misses Mary Miller and Jemima Cartwright of Lebanon are guests of Miss Annie Cartwright.
An ice cream supper was given at the residence of Magness Bass last Thursday.
Esq. Joe Clark is confined to his bed again this week.
L.J. Bratten is laboring with an attack of the fever.
Two of Jas. Pritchett's children are on the sick list this week.
Esq. R.M. Johnson and his son were here on business.
Wiley Vick will supply our market with beef Saturday morning.
Jno. Givan supplied our market with a load of Georgia watermelons last week.
Foster Beard and wife of Commerce were visiting here Sunday.
Mrs. Dr. Redmon has been visiting the family of her son, Dr. W.H. Robinson, for several days.
G.W. Burton of Laurel Hill says "Healing Water saved my life".
I want to sell my house and lot at Mahone. Geo. A. Neal
Mrs. R.G. Davis and two children were visiting the family of C.W. L. Hale.
Chas. L. Bright is in Nashville today attending the funeral of his mother who died at Morillton, Arkansas Sunday evening.
Prof. Frank Holmes was here Monday. He and Prof. Wheeler will teach at Four Corner this fall.
Josiah Bass and his two little daughters of Rome, Georgia are visiting relatives in DeKalb. We are pained at announce the death of his wife about three weeks ago.
J.F. Pendleton has been engages to teach at Auburn this fall and his worthy assistant is Miss Cecil Barry.
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