Editor, Will A. Vick
February 28, 1900
Sam Hayes, a hustling queensware drummer, was in town Saturday.
Messrs. R.A. Boles, A.B. Allen and W.Clay Adcock returned after an extended business trip to Ky.
Mrs. Vena Givans is very low.
C.A. Cantrell is grafting lots of fruit trees.
Alf Allen says he is going out to see him woman Sunday.
John L. Jones is very sick with 'con-something".
Miss Emma Potter was in our 'city' one day last week.
L.P. Magness has taken a stock in "Wall Street".
Lem Cantrell of McMinnville lost four of his family, they having died of measles.
Mrs. Sampson Sesly of McMinnville quietly passed out of this world of trouble into the land of eternal rest last week.
W.[?] H. Rhody made a business trip to Liberty today.
Mrs. Mary Rhody, who has been sick for six months, is not expected to live.
Miss Mary Jane Edge, who has been sick for the last three or four years, died on the 22 inst. Her remains were interred in the Cantrell graveyard on the 23rd.
Messrs. Alonzo and Alfonso Bennett were in town yesterday.
John Owen and Lum Vanatta were in town today. Mr. Vanatta was purchasing material to rebuild
his house which was burned recently.
George Henley was in town today.
Misses Omagh Tubb and Miss Sallie Phillips visited Miss Lena Tubb last week.
Judge Crowley and Mrs. Fannie Tubb visited the family of F.L. Foutch last week.
Judge Dan Williams is in Nashville.
Wm. H.H. Hamilton and daughter of Rockford, Ill. are visiting the family of L.W. Compton on West Main Street.
Col. J.J. Ford is in Nashville in attendance to the Supreme Court.
Mat Marler is quite sick at his home near Greenwood.
Marvin Jennings is clerking for Liv Tubb.
Mrs. Mattie McNelly and daughter, Corrinne and George McNelly, Jr. are visiting at John Frazier's.
Miss Hassie Lucas will begin her school as soon as the bad weather is over.
James Compton and son now own the entire stock in the Alexandria Roller Mill.
To George Jones, Charley Jones and unknown heirs of Polly Hawkins deceased. It appearing to me from
the petition filed that [the above] are defendants in the above styled case and that they have an interest in the
lands of which Samuel Malone died seized and possessed of the the 17th civil district. … to appear on the
1st Monday in April next.
Mrs. Jas. Henry Odom is no better.
Mr. Charlie Brewies and son, formerly of this place, but now of Holmes Gap, are visiting friends and relatives here this week.
Mrs. C.C. Francis of Sander's Fork died yesterday of a long spell of sickness.
Ed Bethel of Woodbury is with homefolks this week.
Irvin Bryan gave a birthday dinner the 17th inst., in honor of his father, W.R. Bryan, who is 74 years of age.
J.B. Adams has gone to Nashville this week.
John D. Smith and Miss Alma West of Viola spent the night with J.H. Green and family.
Mrs. S.J. McKnight is on the puny list.
Bud Hayes had the misfortune of getting house burned and all the contents.
Bud Barrett, our old fiddler, left for Nashville this morning to attend the fiddler's contest.
Elder John T. Oakley and son spent Monday night in town.
We suppose Col. Dave Pitts has been on the sick list as he hasn't been on the streets.
The marriage of Miss Vista Doak to Mr. Hugh Fisher Gibson occurred at noon today. The double parlors
of the Doak home were closely shuttered and curtained, and the soft light from the many wax candles flooded
the room. The color scheme of the parlors was pink and handsome palms gave a tropical affect to the simple decorations.
J.W. Cathcart, who has been in business at Commerce for some months past, in partnership with Horace
Bell, left several days ago for Nashville, taking all the firm's money, checks, etc. amounting to $300 or $400,
with the avowed intention of paying the firm's Nashville debts.
Sunday, Feb. 11th, Miss Lula Young, daughter of Mr. J.B. Young, a prosperous farmer living one mile north of Commerce, left home with a gentleman friend presumably with the intention of joining a party on the Cumberland who were going on a trip up the river. Instead of going to the river, however, she came to Lebanon and Monday morning took the train for Nashville where she joined Cathcart and the last seen or heard of them, they were on the train Tuesday morning bound for Louisville.
Cathcart came to Commerce from Woodbury. He is about 32 years old and has a wife and two children. Miss Young is an attractive young lady of 18 and has always been unusually prudent in her dealings with young men. Her parents are, of course, heart-broken over the unfortunate affair and will do everything in their power to bring Cathcart to justice.
Since Cathcart left the firm has made an assignment through Mr. Bell.
Messrs. Jackson and Sam Rhody have both rented land about two miles from town. [No other names mentioned-written
by] Eld. J.H. Davis
Alexandria, Feb 21-Represton Lodge, No 3825 also the Benevolent order, No. 34 lost a good and faithful member in
the death of Bro. Geo. Foutch. He was a good member in the A.M.E. Church. He leaves to mourn their loss
some children and a very sick wife. W.W. Allen
Mr. Ben Thomas, Misses Minnie Davis and Nelia Davis killed 55 rats today.
Mr. Clifford Jacobs visited his best girl in NewTown Sunday.
Messrs. Nat Williams and Bill Davis visited Ed Davis Wednesday.
Andy Thomas and wife visited their uncle, Carroll Lawrence last week.
Alva Jones went down to New Town last week and helped the girls quilt.
Irving Scott is very ill at present.
Rev. Chas. Givan is visiting relatives here this week.
Prof. William Neal is teaching a "fun" school here, assisted by Shelah Vanatta.
O.E. Yeargin announces himself a candidate for matrimony now.
The plaintiffs, Braswell having obtained from me an original attachment returnable … against the estate
of the defendant, Sidney Fuson, that said defendant was justly indebted to them and was a nonresident of
the State and said attachment having been levied upon defendants property.
Rev. W.P. Banks is on the sick list.
Miss Micca Hoskins, our assistant post mistress is sick.
Born to J.F. Turner and wife last week, a boy.
Mrs. W.A. McClellan will leave for Nashville this morning where they will spend a few days with their daughter.
We understand that there was a wedding near town Sunday, the contracting parties being Dyer Vandergriff and a Miss Barger.
Miss Amanda Blackburn of Forks of Pike visited homefolks here.
Jno. Geraghty and Ed Gothard had business(?) on Helton Friday night.
Prof. Robt. Caplinger of Close was in town one day last week.
Andrew Springfield moved to town last week.
Joe Barry and family attended the debate at Alexandria.
Marvin Fite was in town Sunday on business (?).
Chas. Fite was in town Saturday buying items.
Marvin Tramel and Eugene Taylor spent Saturday night with relatives on Indian Creek.
Arleigh Duggan was the guest of Warren Stricklin Saturday night.
W.A. Oakley fell from a barn loft and was injured very badly last Thursday.
Aunt Sarah Williams has been the guest of her son, Andrew, for the past week.
Mrs. Lavonia Vanatta and her mother visited Miss Effie Williams Thursday.
A.B. Pritchard passed through here this evening buying hogs.
Wallace White gave us a call last Sunday.
The young people enjoyed the entertainment given by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Clarke, Friday night.
Eld. L.P. Potter was in town Friday.
A.J. Goodson was in town Friday.
Yeargin Scott's boy is on the sick list.
Miss Cynthia Ruyle is on the sick list.
H.L. Walling was in town Saturday.
Sallet Evans was at Brush Creek last week.
Eld. J.G. Gunn of Sparta was here Friday.
Robt. Pettie of Smithville was here Monday.
Thos. Kellum left today for his home in Pulaski.
Mrs. P.J. Mangum is on the sick list this week.
R.B. West of Smithville was in Liberty Friday.
Jesse Cantrell of Smithville was here Friday.
Cripps and Vickers Bros. visited homefolks Sunday.
F.L. Foutch of Alexandria was seen on our streets Monday.
Dr. J.R. Hudson returned to Nashville Monday morning.
Mr. W.P. Hawker, who resides near town, is very ill of Lagrippe.
Jno. Measle of Alexandria was in town Monday talking insurance.
Jessie Mangum has gone to Hollandsworth to spend a week.
Judge W.G. Crowley of Smithville was seen on our streets Monday.
Ex-Postmaster W.C. Davis of Hollandsworth was in Liberty Monday.
Mrs. Lillian Keirsey Conaster of Cookeville is here with relatives and friends.
Bob Vanatta has bought Bragg's interest in the firm of Bragg & Groom at Forks of Pike.
Toy Hayes was in town Friday.
Miss Nettie Youngblood who has been visiting relatives at Gordonsville and Cookville has returned home.
Bro. Kellum's little son, Johnnie, is able to be out and throw rocks again. He has been very ill.
Something unusual and remarkable can be seen on Horace Evans' place. It is a ewe that has four lambs.
Misses Jennie Kellum and Mattie Lamberson spent a part of last week with Miss Addie Barbee of Alexandria.
Mrs. Alice Robertson Huddleston, wife of Dr. J.W. Huddleston, died at her home in Lebanon last Friday morning. She was about 60 years old and had been an invalid for several years. The funeral services were conducted at the Christian church by Elder F.B. Srygley. Mrs. Huddleston was the daughter of James Robertson, the first male child born in the city of Nashville-Carthage Times
[There is a two page supplement from the October 17, 1900 edition, containing the speech of Hon. John E. McCall,
Republican candidate for Governor, no names mentioned]
If anyone should have or hear of any additional issues of this paper, of any dates, please contact me and I will
try to make arrangements to photograph them. Thank-you.
Ms. Dale Givan Cantrell, P.O. Box 27, Liberty, TN 37095
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