Editor, Will A. Vick
March 29, 1899
Alva Lamberson Writes to Mrs. M.C. Vick Relating his first Experience in Battle.
The following letter was received a few days ago from a Liberty boy, who is now with the 1st Tennessee Regiment.
Manila, P.I., Feb.9th, 1899
Dear Mother-I will write you a few lines this morning to let you know that I am well and alright.
I was on guard the morning of the 4th when the battle commenced. It was about ten o'clock and our regiment went up the river about 1/2 mile to a bridge called the Bridge of Spain. I did not get to go on account of being on guard. They came back pretty soon as the firing ceased. About 2 o'clock the next morning it began again and they went back to the same place. They did not stay very long as they were not needed.
I came off guard duty at 9 o'clock Sunday morning. I had not had any sleep all night so I was just getting ready to sleep when our whole regiment was called out and I had to get ready. The second batallion [sic] left before we did. They went one way and we went another. We went back to the bridge and while we were there our first batallion was ordered to move. So we marched out about 1 mile and came up with the 14th Regulars where they were already fighting.
We halted in the road to wait orders and the bullets began to play tunes all around us. We were then ordered to move on the left flank which we did. We were told that if we went through there we would not come out with twenty men but we went on.
Col. Childress sent the companies out in different directions, company A taking the lead. We had not gone far before we saw the enemy and we fired on them, running them back in front of the 14th Regulars who gave it to them strong; Dewey was also throwing shells into them.
We went out seven or eight miles before we stopped, then we came back to the place we first began fighting. It was then about dark. We got supper and turned in for the night but had not more than lay down until we had to get up and go to the trenches for the night. We stayed there all night firing a few shots. We were relieved in the morning, which was Monday and came back to camp. That was 48 hours that I had not pulled off any of my clothes and slept only three hours. There was not any of us hurt. Well I will have to close now. Write soon. --- Alva
Miss Ophe Ellege has been very sick for two weeks, but is some better today.
Miss Ella Vandigriff is on the sick list.
John Vandigriff, Jr. has been sick for some time but improving slowly.
Mrs. John Reynolds is suffering very much with rheumatism.
Thos. Chapman is no better at this writing.
Robt. Martin is suffering very much from a wound he accidentally received last week splitting his knee cap open with an axe.
C.C. Avant planted corn yesterday.
We had a young cyclone in these parts one night last week which did some damage to our neighbors. W.B. Williams had the misfortune of having his buggy torn to pieces. W.M. Taylor had a smokehouse blown down. Zack Hendrickson was at his barn during the storm and thinking the gale would blow him away be began to pray very much and hollowing so loudly he excited his neighbors
Joe Rucker of near here attempted suicide last Saturday morning by shooting himself twice and trying to
cut his throat.
Messrs. Lum Bailiff and Bob Turner were visiting very dear friends here yesterday.
Wade Sneed went to Dowelltown yesterday.
School will begin at Cottage Home next Monday with fine prospects under the management of Prof. R.A. Taylor.
Miss Emma Hinds came up from Watertown, where she is teaching music.
Sam Webb, colored, was tried before Esq Burton last Friday for obnoxious conduct and was bound over to court.
Robert Cantrell and two sisters of Nashville came up last Monday and spent the night with their uncle, Z.P. Lee.
Saturday morning Deputy Marshal Campbell Morgan proceeded to the home of Monroe Howell, who lives near Ditty and arrested him for alleged violations of the revenue laws. The remains of a still were found in his smokehouse, also some beer and liquor.
Mr. E.E. Bell, Deputy U.S. Marshall, was here this week looking after Internal Revenue matters.
Lieut. Geo. M. Whitson returned home last Saturday , his regiment the Sixth Immunes, having been mustured out of the service at Savannah some time ago.
Mr. Jos. Grizzle's fine stallion, Reyon, died at Elking Bros. stable from lung fever.
Mrs. W.D. Gold has been quite sick but is better today.
Miss Ethel Jordan is visiting relatives and friends at Dixon Springs this week.
Mrs. Mai Sperry of Nashville is the guest of Mrs. Lizzie Savage and family this week.
Joseph M. Gardenhire and L.A. Ligon attended the Bryan speaking at Nashville this week.
Rev. J.B. Jordan preached at Cedar Point last Sunday.
Rev. Enoch Winds of Lascassas, Rutherford County, preached at the Baptist Church.
Sam Lynch of Celina was here Saturday to have two men arrested for the theft of a canoe.
Sheriff Scruggs recently arrested Robert McCoy near Maberry's Landing, charged with the theft of a canoe belonging to Alex Gibbs. He acknowledged his guilt before Esq. J.M. Fisher and was bound over to court. He was committed to jail in default of bond.
Maj. Jas. A. Jones went to McMinnville last Monday.
Miss Zora Vance, who has been sick, is able to be up again.
L.M. McCrary left last week for Texas where he will engage in selling fruit trees.
Mrs. Potter of Smithville is visiting her daughters, Mesdames C.B. Ragland and E.H. Tatum.
Deputy Marshall Bratten of Nashville attended the U.S. Commissioner's court yesterday as a witness in the Henry Mullenix case.
Messrs. T.R. Patton and W.W. Young went to the Caney Fork river country last week and bought ten
horses to enter the Lebanon sale which begins April 25th and lasts four days.
Miss Betttie Simmons left for her home at Bessemer, Ala. last Monday after spending several weeks here with relatives.
Misses Audie Phillips and Era Dillon of Lascassas and Pearl Allen of Christiana spent part of last week here among relatives and friends.
J.S. Phillips & Co. are preparing to erect a 22 X 40 store at this place right away.
Chas. Y. Givan lost a fine "Hurry" colt last Monday.
Rev. J.B. Moody of Tampa, Fla. Was unanimously elected pastor of Round Lick church this afternoon.
Representative Smith of Macon county came up from Nashville and spent Sunday with his family who are visiting
relatives here.
Fleming Medford has returned from Saint Louis.
Mrs. W.H. Petway has returned from Nashville.
Dibrell Dinges leaves this week for California.
Mrs. John Goodner and son have returned from a visit to relatives in Nashville.
Manson Scott and wife visited the family of James Parker Sunday.
Irene, daughter of H.C. Rutland has about recovered from a recent spell of sickness.
D.Bethel continues to improve and hopes to soon be out again.
Miss Annie Blackburn is expected home from Nashville today.
W.F. Forrester and wife went to Smithville today.
Judge Dan Williams is at home after attending court at Smithville last week.
T.W. Eason has taken charge of the livery stable he recently bought from D.W. Dinges.
Dr. R.M. Bone is able to walk over to town.
Mr. Armistead, Editor of The Issue, lectured at the Methodist church Sunday. Elder Jessie Baird accompanied him.
Rev. T.J. Eastes will preach at the Baptist church next Saturday and Sunday.
Earnest Botts of Nashville is here.
Death has come and taken from the home of one of our neighbor friends, James Johnson, a precious little
baby. It breathed it last on Sunday morning Mar. 26th and was buried at the Robinson Cemetery today.
Granma Turentine, who got her arm broke some time ago is improving very fast.
Edgar Stephen of Woodbury who has just returned from Cuba visited friends and relatives here part of last week. He belonged to Gen. Shafter's Company and received prizes for marksman.
Uncle Thomas Chapman is better.
Mr. and Mrs. John Clark and a Miss Smith of Liberty visited C.R. Smith and family Sunday.
Miss Ethel Bratten of Liberty is visiting relatives here this week.
Dave Lewis of Statesville was in town Sunday.
J.C. Bass of Carrolton Ga. came in last week and sold his farm on Smith Fork to Overall Bros. of Capling.
Miss Ethel Banks began a school at Eureka Normal this morning with bright prospects.
Miss Lula McClellan has returned from Nashville.
Warren Stricklin was the guest of his friend, Orville Fuson, of Dry Creek last Sunday night.
Miss Minnie Blackburn visited her friend, Miss Hassie Campbell, at Liberty Sunday.
Robert Burkett must have had some very serious business (?) at Liberty Sunday.
We have now attacked the stronghold of "old man High prices" and compelled him to surrender unconditionally.
The style of the firm is now changed from T.P. Bragg to that of Bragg & Groom. We want your trade.
Liberty was visited by the most damaging and destructive wind storm Wednesday night since the big storm in April
of '78 when so much timber was blown down. In point of damage this was more extensive because the surrounding forest
covered hills protected the houses of town. The cloud that bore the wind is said to have been tinged at the bottom
with a reddish hue and kinder funneled shaped by some people who witnessed its approach. It descended with the
fury of a cyclone in a twinkling and began to get in its work. The atmosphere was heavily charged with electricity
and the wind was preceded by large globules of falling hail.
The first building that succumbed to its drastic influence was the Christian church, which was in course of construction. The cupola was pitched into the center of Main street and the wind gathered in the main body of the church and twisted and tore its way out toppling the most of the debris over toward the residence of H.L. Hale. Mr. Hale was standing in his hall when the church fell and says a piece of plank flew through past him with the velocity of a cannon ball.
The wind then veered somewhat from the south-east, its original course, and went rumbling and muttering nearly directly east when it struck with full force the large business house of J.L. Lamberson and raised it the same as if it had been a goods-box and threw it from the pillars to the ground.
The wind swerved somewhat toward the north and knocked the carpenter shop out of plum. Several flues and fences were blown down and limbs broken off of trees in town. A few courses of the roof of Chas. Evan's residences was blown off and a stable on the Liberty Hotel lot was unroofed. Some estimates place the damage at about $1000 with no insurance.
Mrs. C.L. Bright still improves.
Bob Stark went to Smithville Thursday.
W.H. Huggins is more feeble today than for some time.
H.L. Hale made a business trip to Dry Creek Saturday.
Miss Forrest Squires has been numbered with the sick since our last.
Editor Wallace and wife of Smithville visited at A.E. Potter's Sunday.
Mansfield Williams lost his carpenter tools which were in the house burned on Dr. J.R. Hudson's farm.
Mr. Thos. Chapman, Sr. still remains a very sick man at his home in Dowelltown. We learn his chances for recovery are slim.
Mrs. McConnell and Mrs. Platenburg, who have been the guests of Mrs. Wm. Vick for several weeks left for their home at Cornersville Monday.
Lost-Boat washed away in yesterday's freshet. Reward. -- Chas. Evans, Liberty, Tenn.
Johnie Whaley is in Nashville.
Sam Priest is in town today.
Ed Evans was on Dry Creek Monday.
Miss Maud Flippen returned from Nashville last Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Woodside visited Mrs. Gothard at Dowelltown Saturday.
R. Matthew Priest of Nashville was in Liberty yesterday renewing acquaintances.
J.C. Bass left Monday for the south with a car of mules. While here he sold his farm to Lee and Herschel Overall.
Mr. Jas. Briggs, Mrs. Bettie Floyd and Miss Ella Hollowin of near Smithville visited Mr. and Mrs. C.W.L. Hale last week.
The flue of Jas. Pritchett's sawmill engine, located on Dry Creek, blew out Monday.
Lex Tubb (col.) is now confined in the county boarding house at Smithville. He was tried and found guilty by the Circuit Court of the charge of burning Dr. Hudson's house.
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