Editor, Will A. Vick

June 10, 1896

Forks of Pike

Mr. J.W. Groom was out in the field with the binder most of last week.

Mrs. Lillie High and Miss Lena Odom of Auburn visited S.H. Flippen and family recently.

Mr.& Mrs. J.B. West spent Sunday U.W. Neal and family of Watertown.

Miss Jennie Powell is on a visit to relatives on the mountains.

The residence of Mrs. S.D. Fite came very nearly being burned up last week. Captain Fite, a very small child, entered the house and finding no one there burned the fire screen and a large hole in the floor with matches. Prompt discovery saved the house and perhaps the little boy's life too.

Mr. Jim Barret of Brush Creek spent Saturday night with the family of Mr. Wm. Robinson.

A dog belonging to Sam Vanatta was killed after being bitten by a mad dog.

Prof. Tom Turner of Dibrell spent Saturday night with T.P. Bragg.

Joe Wheeler of Alexandria spent Saturday night with his sister, Mrs. S.H. Flippen.

Miss Fannie Measle of Alexandria spent last week with Mrs. H.C. Givan.

Summer Normal

A Summer Normal to be held at Smithville, DeKalb county, Tennessee, for the purpose of examining teachers for certificates to teach the public schools of DeKalb county. This Normal will begin June 29, 1896, and close July 3, 1896.
First Day Program
Devotional exercises; Welcome address by Judge B.M. Webb; response by Prof. Z.D. Jones; Reading by E.L. Mooneyham; Spelling by Miss Laura Wright; Geography by Prof. E.W. Brown; Geometry by Prof. T.A. Killman; Philosophy by Prof. Jas. Drake; Algebra by W.S. New; Physiology by E.L. Mooneyham; Arithmetic by R.L Smithson. W.J. Gothard, County Supt.

Mr. Anderson of Hartsville has moved to this place and taken charge of the Fletcher tobacco factory.

P.C. Crowley returned home from Alexandria Thursday.

Miss Ada Blankenship, who has been teaching school at Petersburg, returned home last week.

Thos. Mason has moved to the house he purchased from Mrs. Walker.

J.A. Newby has moved to Pine Creek.

A.J. Pugh of the 3rd district was here Thursday.

Colvert and Staley will soon have their business house completed and will add greatly to the look of the town.

The new dwelling of J.J. Smith on Main street is nearing completion.

J.B. Jones returned Friday night from Nashville.

M.A. Stark was here Monday.

Our Neighbors
News Taken From Our County Exchanges
Rutherford County ---- The News

Adair Ridley, the bright little son of Capt. & Mrs. B.L. Ridley, died at his home in this city yesterday morning. He had only been sick a few days with appendicitis. An operation was performed on Tuesday night from which he never recovered.

Funeral services over the remains of the late John D. Wilson, who was killed Friday evening by falling through an elevator shaft in the Vanderbilt building on Cherry street, were held yesterday afternoon at the First Presbyterian Church [by] Revs. I.D. Steel, R.W. Binkley and J.L. Alexander.

James Ryons, a grave-digger at Evergreen Cemetery, had his skull fractured by a rock thrown Thursday afternoon by Charles Williams, a colored boy about 15 years old.

The remains of Mr. Wm. E. Baskette, formerly of this city and who died after a lingering illness in Chattanooga, were brought here Sunday afternoon for interment.

Warren County ---- New Era

Lightning struck the barn of Mr. Prate Douglass in the Pleasant cove last Sunday evening and set it on fire.

Profs. N.J. Finney and J.M. Paschall left last Monday for Piedmont, Ala., at which point they have accepted the conduct of a large Seminary for young ladies and will soon remove their families there.

Wilson county ---- The Tribune

Last Monday, Wm. Cox, who lives in the country some miles south of town, when the mule which he had to his buggy became frightened at a lady on a bicycle and wheeled suddenly around, upset the buggy and threw Mr. Cox and two children who were riding with him to the ground. Mr. Cox, in attempting to protect the children in the fall was thrown in such a manner as to cause the breaking of his collar bone. Medical assistance was immediately summoned and he was taken to his home late in the afternoon. The two children escaped unhurt.

A.W. Page has laid off the foundation for the new jail and will proceed at once to erect it.

Last Monday morning during the storm, the residence of T.J. Baker was struck by lightning. It struck the roof tearing a portion of it off, running down to the ground. Fortunately no one was hurt.

Cannon County ---- The Herald

John Preston, who has been attending Bethany College at Bethany, Va., is home spending vacation.

Robert Todd left last Wednesday morning for Fort Worth, Texas.

Mr.& Mrs. W.F. Fuller of Fairfield, Texas are visiting relatives and friends here.

White County ---- The Expositor

Flora Austin, who is quite deaf, was struck in the back by the bumper on the mountain engine in East Sparta yesterday. She was badly bruised but nothing in the nature of fatal injuries.

Louis P. Leland of Knoxville is in the city to take charge of the handle factory now being erected at the east end of the dam. His family will be here today.

The Board of Mayor and Aldermen, acting upon motion, appointed a committee consisting of E. Jarvis, Frank Dibrell and John Potter to investigate the question … [of a free ten month school] …

The Directors of Dibrell Normal met Saturday last and re-elected Prof. W.T. Garrett as principal.

Smith County ---- The Times

On Monday afternoon of last week, C.P. Cullom, living at Carthage, was going to a field with his team and mower, his horses became frightened and started to run. [He was cut and bruised but not hurt seriously.]

Last Monday the physicians met at the court house in Carthage and organized the Smith County Medical Society. A.H. King of Chestnut Mound was elected president; Frank Swope, Carthage, vice-president; H.E. Hart, Carthage, secretary; and J.L. Jones, New Middleton, treasurer.

D.B. Kittrell of Difficult who was recently caught in a belt at his mill and seriously injured his left breast and side, has sufficiently recovered as to be able to get out.

Elder F.B. Shrygley of Nashville is conducting a revival service at Elmwood.

Mrs. Lydia T. High, aged 82 years, is sick at the home of son, J.W. High, near Chestnut Mound.

Last Sunday night, Mrs. Andrew Scruggs of Bowling's Branch, died of consumption and was buried on Monday in Heflins graveyard. She leaves a husband and several children.

Walter Page, who has been in Caddo, I.T. for two years, is visiting his sister, Mrs. J.S. Sanders, for a few days. He reports matters shaked in the territory on account of the proposed division of lands among the Indians and says building operations in consequence are dull.

W.D. Wright, living above town, went to the south side last week and got a horse. The animal was taken sick on the way and died on Thursday night with lockjaw.

H.M. Stone, constable, sold at public auction last week on the south side, the machinery of the old Gibb's Mill. John Conditt of Elmwood bought the engine and one boiler; J.R. Jared of Oliver bought one boiler and W.W. Ford of Carthage bought the smokestack

. C.W. Garrett continues to improve slowly.

D.O. Williams of Alexandria is holding circuit court in McMinnville this week. Judge Smallman being incompetent.

On Wednesday last week Tillman Crook and Miss Nannie Courtney of Brush Creek were married at the home of Judge Irenus Beckwith while sitting on their horses.

The foundation work on the new Road Bros. drug store in Carthage will be completed this week, when T.D. Wooten; the contractor, will push the woodwork to completion as rapidly as possible.

Last Sunday afternoon during a heavy storm, the large barn on the farm of Dr. J.G. Goodpasture, about one mile from Kempville, was struck by lightning and burned to the ground. Benjamin and Edgar Butler are the renters and occupants of the farm, while Dr. Goodpasture lives in Carthage.

K. of P. Resolutions

Whereas an alwise and Almighty God has seen fit in his wisdom to remove from our Lodge here to the Supreme Grand Lodge on high another one of our brightest and most promising young and in the death of our Brother E.C. Bratten, which occurred in Chattanooga, Tenn., March 26, 1896.


Jno. Mason vs. W.N. Wilson, et als

By virtue of an order issued to me by the Honorable Circuit court at its March term, I will offer for sale, Monday, July 6th, at the courthouse door in Smithville, the following described tract of land in the fifth district of DeKalb county beginning at 2 post oaks at the edge of the round pond, South 63 poles, thence West 80 poles to a stake in the McMinnville road, south 16 poles to a stake, East 64 poles, North 24 poles, East 105 poles to Reddman's line, thence with said line 117 poles, West 21 poles, North 17 poles to a post oak. Thence with Hassie's line West 160 poles to a stake in said line, South with Wharton line 76 poles to a stake this corner, west 17 poles to the beginning contain 100 acres and is levied on as property of deft. To satisfy debt in favor of plaintiff.
This June 9th, S.F. Anderson, Shff.

Dr. Jno. Roberts vs. Jas. Hale, et als

By virtue of an order issued _ for sale Monday, July 6, at the courthouse… tract of land, to wit: bounded on the North by the lands of Thos. Sadler, et als; on the South by Blue Mathis, on the East by the lands of widow Craddock, west by the lands of Thos. Sadler, containing 90 [?] acres more or less and the place where Jas. Hale now lives. Said land is situated in the 3rd district.
This June 9th, S.F. Anderson, Shff.

H.M Hennessee vs. Robt. Braswell

By virtue …for sale Monday, July 6, at the courthouse … the undivided interest of Robt. Braswell in the following described tract of land to wit: North by Bailiff, South by Savage, East and West by Braswell, situated in the 4th civil district.
This July 9th, S.F. Anderson, Shff.


The Alexandria Times comes out this week under a new management, Rob Roy and R.W. Patterson having purchased a majority of the stock.

Mrs. Geo. Cooper of Nashville is visiting relatives here.

Miss Lena Tubb has returned from Nashville.

Dr. Barton is making arrangements to leave Alexandria.

James H. Snoddy has rented the Turner office and will have it fitted up in good style. He has employed a stenographer and typewriter to attend to his correspondence. The orders he is receiving for his Hog Choloera Cure has reached large proportions. He received from one man an order for 186 boxes last week.

Dr. Know has had a well drilled at his home on church street.

Rev. J.B. Fletcher is improving his house on Locust street.

The Bank at Watertown opened Saturday.

There are thirteen Federal and Confederate soldiers buried at East View Cemetery this place.

Miss Frankie Reece of Nashville came up last week to spend the summer with relatives.

Judge Dan Williams is holding court for Judge Smallman.

Miss Sexton of Nashville is visiting Miss Beulah Lawrence of Brush Creek.

Shelton Fletcher of Memphis is visiting his father, Rev. J.B. Fletcher at this place.

James and Jo Snoddy went to Dibrell this week.

Mrs. Ira W. King is not expected to live by a few days.

Rufe Gleason and Miss Flora Snoddy joined the Baptist church Sunday and were baptized at the Camp Ground Sunday morning at 9 o'clock.


Mr. Tom Morris and little son of Smith county visited relatives here last week.

Uncle Jake King died at his home on Sycamore and was buried at the Sycamore cemetery.

Miss Mattie Lamberson of Liberty is visiting at Wm. Jettons.

Mrs. Helen Estes and Miss Suda Melton went to Sugar Tree Knob Friday.

Mrs. Ellen Rich living near here is very low and is not expected to recover.

Mrs. Lena Butterbaugh of Cottage Home visited relatives here last week.

Dillard Northcutt and sister are visiting relatives here.

Messrs. Charlie Hall and Johnie Geraty of Dowelltown were here Friday.

J. Watson of near Short Mountain and Will Watson of Dixon Springs will debate here beginning June the 30th and continuing 4 days.


Ben Edmonds has bought him a new bicycle from Vick & Bright.

Prof. R.L. Smithson has returned from a business trip to Kentucky.

Will T. Hale did not leave for St. Louis Monday on account of a sick child.

T.E. Pinegar, a promising young lawyer of Smithville, was here on business last week.

Mrs. Lillie High and Miss Lena Odom of Auburn visited relatives and friends here last Friday.

The young people of the town had lawn parties at J.B. Stark's last Friday night and at J.D. Smith's last night. Both were nice affairs.

J.H. Overall has finished his assessment of the taxes for this year which winds up his term of office.

Supt. W.J. Gothard will hold a colored institute here next Monday and wants all colored teachers who expect to teach in this county to be promptly on hand at 8 o'clock.

There was an election for J.P. at Smithville Monday to fill out the unexpired term of R. Black, resulting in J.C. West (Rep.) getting 248; F.P. Sanders (Dem.) 188. There was considerable excitement all the way through but no serious trouble.

At an election of K.of P. officers last Thuresday night the following were chosen: Will A. Vick, C.C.; Dr. T.J. Jackson, V.C.; C.L. Bright, Prel; G.W. Bradley, M.A.; C.Y. Givan, M.W.; W.H. Smithson, I.G.; J.M. Bradley, O.G. Installation first meeting night of July.

Mrs. M.C. Vick has gone to the Sulphur Springs for her health.

J.W. Overall will leave the last of the week for St. Louis to attend the Republican National Convention.

Tom Amonett was here last Saturday on his return from Louisville where he had been with a carload of hogs.

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