Do not expect to see Masonic burials in Catholic or Baptist cemeteries. Other cemeteries may have
some Masonic burials and the Masonic symbols may appear on both headstones and tombs. These monuments may
have just one symbol, usually, the Square and Compass, or on rare ocassions, may contain a number of Masonic symbols. Perhaps
the most common symbol we see today is the
Square and Compass with the letter G in the center.
The G is said to represent Geometry or God. Seen on the gravemarkers of wives of Masons
is the
Eastern Star, an inverted pentagram. Notice the example of an
Eastern Star
symbol (to the left) on a white bronze marker (zinc) from the Pine Grove Cemetery, Nevada City,
Another symbol that we
might encounter is the All-seeing Eye, or as some call it, the All-seeing Eye of God.
All-seeing Eye is also found on non-Masonic monuments. It represents the Great Architect of the Universe.
The first image below of the
All-seeing Eye is from
our dollar bill and it is claimed by some to be Masonic - but not by most Masons. The Eye of God enclosed in a triangle represents the
Holy Trinity. We see that the All-seeing Eye on a pyramid also symbolizes the
true stone masons work. The second image is from the white bronze marker as found on a Masonic monument. The third,
from Greenwood Cemetery, Columbia, Maury County
Tennessee, is not from a Masonic marker. Incidentally, the three links, one of which is broken, is not the Odd
Fellows symbol. Their
Three Link Fraternity is unbroken, it stands for Friendship,
Love and Truth.
(Greenwood photo: tom
Also see:
32nd° Scottish Rite Doublehead Eagle; the
most recognized symbol
of the Scottish Rite Masons. Our example shows the eagle on a cross potent clutching a draped sword, displaying a shield with a
square and compass, the scales of justice, and an inverted pyramid (equilateral triangle) with
the number 32 (
from a sarcophogus, ca 1900)
Anchor with Square and Compass
The ladder of three rounds, leading to the moon and seven stars, or the Pleiades
Senior Wardens Plumb
Free and Accepted Masons is a secret organization, however their symbols are well known. While we
work at getting illustrations of the symbols which may appear on burial monuments, we have included an excerpt
from the History of Nevada, 1881 by Thompson & West, p. 234. The many symbols mentioned there are
tattoos on a body of a man found drowned.
With the argonauts, who came in search of the golden treasures of California in 1849, were parties who,
previous to leaving their homes at the East, had formed themselves into companies for either mining or
commercial purposes, or both, as well as for mutual protection. Several of these organizations were
comprised mainly of Masons, and had, previous to setting out upon their journey to the far West, applied
to the lodges where they were made for permits, or dispensations, to open lodges and work when
opportunity offered. These dispensations eventually became the nuclei around which some of the first Masonic
Lodges of California formed.
The following incident will show that, although no lodges were organized until the spring of 1850, the
brethren of the mystic tie of the Pacific Coast, nevertheless forgot not their charitable duties, even among
the allurements attendant upon those flush, golden times of the earlier days:
The first Masonic funeral that ever took place in California occurred
in the year 1849, and was performed
over the body of a brother found drowned in the bay of San Francisco. On the body of the deceased was found a
silver mark of a Mark Master, upon which were the initials of his name. A little further investigation revealed
to the beholders the most singular exhibition of Masonic emblems that were ever drawn by the ingenuity of man upon
the human skin. There is nothing in the history or tradition of Masonry equal to it. Beautifully dotted on his
left arm, in red and blue, which time could not efface, appeared all the emblems of Entered Apprentice. There
were the Holy Bible, the Square, and the Compass, the twenty-four inch gauge, and the common gavel. There were
also the Mosaic pavement, representing the ground floor of King Solomons Temple, the identical tassel which
surrounds it, and the blazing star in the center. On his right arm, artistically executed as the others, were
emblems pertaining to the Fellow Craft, the plumb, the Square, and the level. There were also the five columns,
representing the five Orders of Architecture -- the Tuscan, Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite.
In removing his garments from his body, the trowel presented itself, with all the tools of operative Masonry,
besides all the emblems pertaining to the degree of a Master Mason. Conspicuously on his breast were the Lights of
Masonry. Over his heart was the Pot of Incense. On the other parts of his body were the bee-hive, the book of
constitutions, guarded by the Tylers Sword; the Sword pointing to a naked heart; the all-seeing eye; the anchor and
ark; the hour-glass; the forty-seventh problem of Euclid; the sun, moon, stars, and comet; the three steps,
emblematically of youth, manhood and old age. Admirably executed was the weeping virgin, reclining on a broken
column, upon which lay the book of the constitutions. In her left hand she held the Pot of Incense-emblem of a
pure heart -- and in her uplifted hand a sprig of acacia -- the emblem of the immortality of the Soul.
Immediately, beneath her stood winged Time, with his scythe by his side-which cuts the brittle thread of life-and
the hour-glass at his feet-which is ever reminding, us that our lives are withering away. The withered
and attenuated fingers of the destroyer were delicately placed amid the long and gracefully flowing ringlets of
the disconsolate woman. Thus were the striking emblems of mortality and immortality beautifully blended in one
pictorial representation.
It was a spectacle such as Masons never saw before, and in all probability such as the fraternity will never
witness again. A large concourse attend the burial; the impressive service of the craft was read; the sprig of
acacia was dropped into the grave by the hands of men from all quarters of the globe; the grand honors were
given, and the stranger was entombed in the last resting-place allotted to mankind. His name was never known.