OLD-SOUTH-BURIALS is a freely provided RootsWeb public mail list. The list is used for the purpose of
research of burial
practices in the Old South (USA), including monument typology,
grave stone types, the culture of death, folklore,
and old time religion. Primarily this list will be used by the
TNGenWeb special project, Sickness and Death in the
Old South, DarkFiber, and by Independent
Webmasters who pursue the same subjects. It is our intent that the mail list
be for scholarly pursuits.
This list is not a standard cemetery list. Please do not post your personal cemetery queries to the list.
This list is open to all interested parties, but by subscription only.
No one will be able to post to the list unless they are subscribed to it.
This way, advertisers will not be easily able to spam the list.
No commercial activities by subscribers are allowed on this list! Advertisements on the list are the exclusive
prerogative of RootsWeb. Any advertisements placed on the list by RootsWeb helps defray the cost of providing the list.
No flames are allowed, nor
are threats, promoting e-mailbombings, jokes, or passing along chain letters. Please
practice good Internet Netiquette.
Of course, those folk who do not follow the rules may find themselves banned from the list. So be good
for goodness sake!
Tag lines, Sig lines (signature files). These are the small files that subscribers automatically insert to their e-mail postings.
These files are allowed on list postings, however, they are subject to the same rules as the message itself.
Additionally, tag lines that prohibit disclosure, copying, and/or distribution of the list posting are in opposition to
RootsWebs Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and should not be included on this RootsWeb public mailing list. Those
folk who feel the need to add unnecessary legalese tag lines will face unsubscription from the list.
Before you subscribe, you might want to read
RootsWebs Acceptable
Use Policy (AUP)
Subscriptions to the list are available in two modes: first is the standard mail mode (L) where each
message is relayed to subscribers as received: second is the digest mode (D) where a number of messages
may be bundled together before being relayed to the subscribers. The digest mode (D) is recommended.
You may subscribe to the OLD-SOUTH-BURIALS list in the standard mail mode by sending a message
In the message window, it should only contain the word:
Or, you may subscribe to the DIGEST mode, where posts are
bundeled together and then sent to the subscribers. Digests produce less
clutter in your mailbox, but replying to an individual message may
require a little extra effort.
If you prefer to subscribe to the digest mode, you should send the
command instead to:
... and of course, the word in the message window:
No other words should be in the message window. Any sig lines should
also be removed from the window.
Once you are subscribed, you will be able to post to the list using this address:
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