“Swafford-Tollett Feud” Book
This new book by Tommy Swafford presents the events that led up to the Swafford-Tollett feud. This feud between the Swafford and Tolletts had its genesis in the Civil War and continued until the 1920’s. Tommy Swafford spent four years and over 5,000 man-hours researching and writing this book. A four color vicinity map in the front of the book shows the location of homes, churches, schools, cemeteries, mill dams, communities, roads, etc. The book contains fifty well placed photographs. Ten of the photos are in color and were made by a professional photographer. This 8.5 by 12 inch hardback feud book is made of top quality materials with a Kivar (leather like) hard cover with an embossed title and crossed rifles on the cover. The book is case bound, symth sewn, and individually shrink-wrapped.
The price of the feud book is $35 plus $5 for shipping and
handling. Print this order form and send it with a check to: Tommy Swafford,
Route 6,
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