Will of J. P. Taylor - Dated 21 Jan 1884

[Please note that according to Hugh Dunlap, this is Isaiah Paschal Taylor, h/o Rebecca Williams, though the name is clearly written as J. P. Taylor in the will.]

Probated April Term 1884
Minute Book D page 53

I. J. P. TAYLOR of the County of Crockett and State of Tennessee being feeble in health but sound in mind and memory... do make and publish this my last will and testament.

First and principally I commit my soul into the hands of my Creator who gave it and my body to the earth and direct that my executors herein after appointed shall bury my at Center church in the 4 civil district of this county in a decent and respectable manner, suitable to my means and condition in life and direct that my Executors shall out of any money or monies I may have at my death pay my burrial expenses. I direct that my Executors shall place at my grave and the grave of my wife who is now burried at said Center Church a monument to cost about $20 each.

I will that HENRY DUNLAP and his wife ELIZABETH shall be paid a reasonable compensation for their trouble and expense in boarding and taking care of me during the time I may live with...

I will that all of my children shall share and share alike in the division of all my property both personal and real at my death.... If any of my children shall be dead at my death I will that their children or legal representative shall have the share that such child should be entitled to if living.

It is my will that if REBECCA MEDLIN shall be entitled to receive any thing from the division of my Estate that whatever amount she shall be entitled to shall remain in the hands of my Executors to be used by them for her benefit and the benefit of her children as she and my Executors may think best free from the use and control of her husband.

It is my will that none of my children shall pay any interest on the debts they owe or may owe me except the note my son JOHN TAYLOR owes me in the sum of about $700. It is my will that he pay interest on this note...

I hereby nominate and appoint my son W. D. TAYLOR and my son in law HENRY DUNLAP my Executors...

Signed... this 21st day of January 1884



Please note that the preceeding information was extracted, as written,
and includes all names mentioned in the will.

The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

This will was transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley

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