Will of John B. Jetton - Dated 3 Jun 1896
JOHN B. JETTON Will Probated September Term 1896 M. Book "F" page 580 EXTRACT Know all men by these present that I J. B. JETTON of the County of Crockett and State of Tennessee being of sound mind and disposing memory do hereby make and publish this as my last will and testament… Item 1st I desire my Executor hereinafter named to pay all Just debts… and he is to retain the sum of say four? Hundred dollars as my funeral expenses and in erecting suitable monuments at my grave, and if in the Judgment of my said Executor this amount is insufficient then he is directed to retain more. Item 2nd I hereby direct that my home place consisting of (611) six hundred and eleven acres of land more or less as soon after my death as practicable be subdivided in five lots of land as follows… (directions for land division, lot with residence to have 111 acres and others in 125 acre lots) Item 3rd I give and bequeath to my son W. A. JETTON lot number 2nd as above laid off adjoining lot one the residence lot… Item 4 I give and bequeath to my son ROBT. H. JETTON lot number 3… Item 5 I give and bequeath to my son ISAAC N. JETTON lot number 4… Item 6 I give and bequeath to my son CHAS. A. W. JETTON lot number 5… Item 7 I give and bequeath to my son EDWIN L. JETTON for and during his natural life and then to his children living then as remainder now, provided however, I direct that his wife MINTIE JETTON have the same for her home during her natural life, provided however, that in the event my son EDWIN L. should die and the said MINTIE should marry again, then in that event she is not to have the use of the land herein described but the same to descend his then living children, The land thus bequeathed is situated in the 10 Civil District of Crockett County Tennessee bounded on the North by SAM OLDHAM and ELMORE, South by ELMORE, East by MRS. OLDHAM and West by J. B. PARKER and contains 80 acres more or less… Having provided for said son EDWIN L. during life in the way of furnishing him Money &c; I am content with not making any further provission for him in this my Will except I give him one Clay bank horse here on my place subject to the same limitations as is the land as just described. Item 8 I will and direct that my Executor be and he is empowered to sell the Home place known as lot One (1) of 111 acres and make deed to the same provided the sum of $25 twenty five dollars per acre or more can be realized… Also I empower my said Executor to sell any other lands I may have at my death, not otherwise disposed of in this Will and testament… I am reminded of a lot at Maury City, And the proceeds of said sale of said Home tract 111 acres number 1 be applied by my Executor equally between W. A. JETTON, R. H. JETTON, I. N. JETTON and C. A. W. JETTON provided C. A. W. JETTON must account to my Executor before drawing his part to the amount of $225 Two hundred & twenty five dollars advances made by me to him. Item 9 I direct that my Executor take in hand at once after my decease all of my personal effects; personal property Moneys, notes, accounts and every thing of the kind, sell all the perishable, collect, and the proceeds of my said personal property be distributed between my said sons to wit WM. A., ROBT. H., ISAAC N. and CHAS A. W. JETTON… Item 10 I hereby nominate my son WM. A. JETTON as my Executor and having full faith in his fidelity Honesty and integrity and knowing full well of his capability I respectfully ask that the courts release him from making any bond or taking any oath as Executor of this my last Will and testament. Now having given direction privately in the way and manner that my body is to be disposed of after death and a written disposition of all my property I hereby publish and declare the foregoing as my last Will and testament. Given under my hand this Jun 3d 1896. J. B. JETTON
Witnesses: |
and includes all names mentioned in the will.
The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.
This will was transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley
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