Will of R. G. Harris - Dated 8 Feb 1889
R. G. HARRIS Will Probated March Term 1889 Minute Book E page 134 Crockett County Tenn Feb 8th 1889 I the undersigned being of sound mind and desirous of making some disposition of my effects while living do hereby make this my last will and testament. To witt. I give to my wife M. G. HARRIS one bay horse called Printer the same claimed by my son LYMAN HARRIS for his the said LYMON HARRIS use and benefit, and one bay colt called Dexter to my said wife for the use and benefit of MURRY F. HARRIS. I further will and bequeath to my wife M. G. HARRIS all other effects that I may be possesed of when I die to control and do as she may think best with. That is to say I give it said effects to her absolutely. I further name and appoint my wife M. G. HARRIS Executrix of this my last will and testament and require no bond of any kind. R. G. HARRIS
Witnesses: |
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