Will of M. F. Coltrain - Dated 1 May 1896

M. F. Coltrain
Will probated
August Term 1897
M. Book F. page 700

I M. F. COLTRAIN do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all others by me at any time made.

First I desire that my funeral expences be paid as soon after my death as possible out of any moneys that I may die possesed of.

Secondly I give and bequeath to my son C. C. COLTRAIN one dollar in money.

Thirdly I give and bequeath to my married daughter MOSELLA GARRETT one dollar is money.

Fourthly at my death It Is my desire that my son A. L. COLTRAIN is to have my house and lot in Maury City Tenn said lot of land that I give and bequeath to A. L. COLTRAIN Is bounded on north by RIDDICK South by SCOTT East by Rail Road and west by MRS. FIELDER and ED BYASSEE it is also my will that he A. L. COLTRAIN is to have all moneys and personal proberty of every description Except the one dollar each which is to go to my son as above stated and my daughter as above stated. The Balance to go to A. L. COLTRAIN. I do hereby appoint and nominate my son A. L. COLTRAIN My Executor. In testimony where by I do this seas my last set my hand this May 1st 1896



Attest a true copy D. B. DODSON Clerk County Court

This will was transcribed, as written, and contributed by Natalie Huntley.
The submitter of this will has no further information on this person or their family.

This transcription is provided for personal use only, and is not to be copied,
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