Lorene Smallwood Massey, |
CROCKETT COUNTY SENTINEL VOLUME 77 NUMBER 35 THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 1949 BELLS, TENNESSEE THREE KILLED IN AUTO WRECK--Mrs. Lorene Smallwood MASSEY, 28, of 785 Poplar, Memphis and her 6-month-old son, Johnny MASSEY and Mrs. Geraldine AVERY, 24, of 1160 Ryder, Memphis, were killed and five others were injured in a two car collision Saturday night, four miles south of Arlington on Highway 70. The cars were driven by J. W. MASSEY, 30, and Lanny AVERY, 30, husbands of the women who were killed. In addition to the drivers, the other injured were B. B. GRIFFIN, 30, Rose Angela PRIVETT, 7, and Miss Evelyn PRIVETT, 20, all of Memphis. Services for Mrs. MASSEY and son were held Monday at Bethesda Presbyterian Church, burial in church cemetery. They leave their husband and father, Johnny MASSEY, who is still in critical condition in the Methodist Hospital, Memphis; mother and grandmother, Mrs. Buddy DAVIDSON; father and grandfather, Harley SMALLWOOD; brother and uncle, Willie SMALLWOOD; all of Crockett County. Services for Mrs. AVERY were held Tuesday at Cairo Baptist Church and burial in Pond Creek Cemetery. Mrs. AVERY was born and reared in the Cairo community of Crockett County. She leaves her husband, Lanny AVERY; her daughter, Rose Angela AVERY; her mother and father, Mr. & Mrs. W. A. PRIVETT; her sister, Ruth Evelyn PRIVETT; her brother, Max PRIVETT.