Clem Mack Clark Obituary |
CROCKETT COUNTY SENTINEL VOLUME 77 NUMBER 3 THURSDAY JULY 7, 1949 BELLS, TENNESSEE DEATH--Clem Mack CLARK, well known farmer of the Cypress community in the 6th district died Saturday morning following a heart attack while working in the field. He was 74, a Methodist, born and reared in this county. Funeral services were held Sunday at Cypress Church with burial in that place. He leaves his wife; one son, William CLARK, of Jackson; three daughters, Mrs. Rebecca Sue DAVIS, Mrs. Margarette NORVILLE and Mrs. Dorris May WEBB, all of Alamo; one sister, Mrs. Mary GIBBONS, of Memphis; one half-sister, Mrs. Clevie WATKINS, of Alamo; and two half-brothers, Frank CLARK, of Alamo and Victor CLARK, of Paragould, Ark. |