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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 16 (Thursday, September 11, 1913)

Elisha ROBERTSON and Dr. J. S. DOWNEY have purchased a business lot from the Methodist Church on Depot Street. The lot adjoins the lot of the Friendship Pharmacy.

Miss Maud DANIEL, daughter of Charles DANIEL, who resides near town, was painfully burned about the face Tuesday morning while preparing dinner. Her mother came to her assistance and was also burned. A blaze from the store caused the accident.

Mr. W. S. PARKER wished to thank his neighbors and friends for the faithful work in saving his house from flames last Monday morning.

Frank CRAIG spent Sunday in Alamo.

Paul SIMS of the Henry Progress visited his parents, Mr. & Mrs. J. P. SIMS, Sunday.

A successful revival was conducted by Elder HARDING at Miller's Chapel last week.

William CURTIS and L. E. SANDERS added 30 cents to the wealth of the B. & N. W. Sunday. They went to Tigrett.

George CALLIS and family of near Dyer visited relatives near here Sunday.

J. N. BENHAM of near Tigrett was in town Saturday.

Miss Carrie GREER returned to Alamo Sunday.

Constable E. W. BOLING was given a hearing before Esq. L. A. BEDWELL last Saturday on a charge of public drunkenness and was found not guilty.

Monday morning about 2:30 o'clock the alarm was given that the Baptist Church located on South Main Street, was on fire. The loss on the church was about $1,700 with $800 insurance. the church was built before the war.

The first load of 1913 cotton was brought to town Thursday and was bought by the Friendship Gin Company at the fancy price of 5 cents. The load weighed 1,255 making the amount paid $61.25. The second load was brought in Friday by Charles LATHAM and was purchased by the Planters Gin Company, who also paid five cents. The second load was a little larger than the first.

Mrs. J. L. STALLINGS' mother died last Thursday. Funeral in Boyle, Miss. on Monday.

Mrs. M. V. CUDE has returned from St. Louis where she purchased a large stock of fall millinery.

J. A. STALLINGs, the livery man, has moved to his new concrete livery barn on Depot Street.

Church STALLINGS of Earl, Ark. is the guest of his father, J. L. STALLINGS.

L. M. FONES, who has been teaching in Georgia, is at home again.

R. T. COFFMAN was in Dyersburg Wednesday.

Wednesday's Commercial Appeal says: "C. PERRY, a contractor from Alamo, Tenn., reported to police last night that he lost $1,600. at a dog fight and did not make a bet on either dog. He claims the money was taken from his coat. Hardly had PERRY made his report when he himself was arrested on charges of passing two worthless checks. PERRY denies these charges and sticks to his original story. The dog fight, he claims was accidental as the two dogs met in a saloon, but PERRY was unable to tell where the saloon was."

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