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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 15 (Thursday, September 4, 1913)

Tigrett is to have a bank and the stock has about all been subscribed by the wealthy citizens of that town and vicinity. Mr. N. C. WARREN, former assistant cashier of the Bank of Friendship, will be the cashier of the new bank.

Mr. & Mrs. W. F. PARKER went to Louisville Monday to purchase a stock of fall and winter merchandise.

Mrs. M. V. CUDE left Wednesday for St. Louis to purchase a stock of fall millinery.

Mrs. Harriet WRAY died Friday night at the home of her son in this city, aged 63 years. She was a devoted member of the Methodist Church for many years. Two sons, W. E. WRAY, prominent hardware merchant of this place and John WRAY of Palestine, Texas survive her. The remains were shipped to Elbridge, Tenn., her old home for burial.

Night Marsha KING killed John MOORE, negro barber, in Dyersburg Monday night. MOORE was loaded with bad booze and resisted arrest.

Triplets were born to Mr. & Mrs. J. T. NORVILLE of Alamo Monday - two boys and a girl. The three were all fine, healthy babies, averaging between five and six pounds each.

Mr. Wesley TURNAGE and Miss Willie AUSTIN of Maury City were united in marriage last week.

Mr. Turney RIDDICK and Miss Gertrude ROBERTSON of McBride vicinity were married last week.

Mr. Vannie HAMILTON and Miss Milton BRICE of McBride vicinity were married recently. The groom is the son of Mrs. W. S. SIMMONS of this place.

Mr. David JONES and Miss OWELS, popular young people residing near town near town, were united in marriage.

Rev. T. F. CASON of North Dyersburg solemnized the matrimonial rites for Mr. Roy T. COFFMAN and Miss Winona CURTIS. She is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. William CURTIS of this city. He is the son of the late John COFFMAN.

Miss Mary WALKER, a charming Dyersburg girl, and Mr. Carl HAMILTON of Stockton, Calif. were married at the groom's home.

Rev. S. J. JONES, minister of the Free Will Baptist Church, died Wednesday at his home near Chestnut Bluff. He is survived by his wife, five sons and one daughter and a host of friends. Interment at Holly Springs today.

M. G. PRICE and Ira D. PARK went to Jackson Monday, Labor Day to attend a meeting of the West Tennessee Rural Mail Carriers' Association.

Henning got its' first bale of cotton Monday.

First bale of cotton at Bethel Springs sold for 13 cents.

William COOK was arrested in Rutherford County, charged with the murder of his wife and niece.

Miss Jeffie HOPPER of Jackson was the guest of Mrs. M. V. CUDE last week.

Miss Lula MULDER visited relatives in Dyer County this week.

Mr. & Mrs. Sidney OWEN of Humboldt visited John CARMEN last week.

B. F. BURNETT of near Maury Junction visited in Alamo last week.

George COFFMAN of Memphis was here this week.

Born last week to Mr. & Mrs. Francis PERRY, a fine boy.

A little lady arrived at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Frank ANDERSON last Friday and has been christened, Mary Alice.

J. W. DILAHA was in Dyersburg Monday.

Nelson GRAVES Sundayed in Alamo.

Miss Iva HURLEY of Halls visited Misses LOVE last week.

Dr. McDOUGALD of Tigrett was in the city Saturday.

Miss Sallie WATSON has accepted a position at the post office.

Jim HEFLY of near Crockett Mills was here Saturday.

Roy COFFMAN and Charles BANDY were in Memphis last week.

W. N. BEASLEY of Halls was her Wednesday.

Leslie SIMS was in Memphis last week.

Pleas BESSENT of Bessent City was in town Wednesday.

Mrs. S. S. CALDWELL and little daughter visited Brownsville.

Miss Carrie GREER of Alamo was the guest of Miss Lida Sue SIMS this week.

Mrs. John HALL of Lepanto, Ark. visited A. L. SHIKLE and family last week.

D. D. ROBERTSON of Brownsville spent several days with his parents here.

Aubrey HARWELL of Parkin, Ark. was a visitor here since our last issue.

Mr. John WRAY of Palestine, Texas is the guest of his brother, W. E. WRAY.

The grand jury of Obion County in session this week indicted Mrs. Hennie YATES for the horrible murder of her two step children.

Clyde LEATH of Crockett Mills was in town Friday.

Another crowd of fishermen went down to Horseshoe Lake Tuesday and spent the night. In the party were: Mr. & Mrs. Ira CLARK, Mr. & Mrs. Roy COFFMAN, Mr. & Mrs. Victor GROUNDS, Ben PERRY, Charles BANDY, and others whose name we failed to get.

Ed BOLING appeared before Esq. L. A. BEDWELL Wednesday on charges of assault and drunkenness preferred by Charley LOVE. The trial was postponed. BOLING immediately had LOVE arrested charged with assault. The arrest grew out of the recent difficulty in which BOLING was stabbed.

Call No Halt In Building
Boom In this Burg--
Pleasant Ring Of Hammer

Right on through the "dog days" and the terrible heat of the summer the building boon goes merrily on.

Two nice residences built and another nearing completion.

MENZIES & AIKEN, the expert concrete men of Alamo, will soon complete the handsome concrete livery barn of J. A. STALLINGS on Depot Street. This is one of the nicest barns in the county. The builder have done quite a lot of nice concrete work in Friendship and the other towns of the county.

Contractor IRVAN of Dyer completed the brick work on the Grounds building, Saturday. Monroe HAWKINS will do the woodwork.

Contractor IRVAN and his crew are at work on the new brick drug store.

Work has been started on the McCanless Hotel building. Contractor DAVIS will build it.

The new Planters Gin at the depot is about completed.

The Poolroom and Anderson's buggy house will be turned around to face Depot Street.

Several of the Main Street stores have made marked improvements.

Concrete and plank walks have been put down in many parts of the town.

The News Office will probably be moved up on the corner of Depot Street.

A new lumber shed has been built by Thad HALEY on South Main Street.

J. W. SUDBURY has built three cottages on "Blue bird".

The city has erected a "home for the unruly".

The two brick being rebuilt on Depot Street were build during the early part of the year and were destroyed by fire.

Madam Rumor says a new two-story brick on Main Street and a new residence in South Friendship.

The two-story two-room Coffman brick on Main Street was completed this year.

1913 has been a building year in Friendship.

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