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Excerpts from the Tri-County News - Volume 2, No. 4 (Thursday, June 12, 1913)

Harvey BUMPASS, colored, shot and killed Will ROLLINS, another negro, at Tigrett Friday night. BUMPASS claims he shot ROLLINS through mistake.

A negro working with the section crew was arrested Sunday charged with appropriating $4.50 that belong to a negro who is employed by Ed BOLING. He was placed in the city bastile but was released when made the four-fifty good.

Miss Marthie HITE, who worked in the millinery department of J. W. SUDBURY's the past season, returned to her home in St. Louis Sunday.

Dr. and Mrs. D. H. CONYENS, Mr. and Mrs. Jim HALE of Chestnut Bluff visited friends here Sunday and heard Wild Bill preach.

County Supt. T. E. LOWRY of Bells was in town Wednesday and dropped around to take a little stock in the Tri-County News, the fastest growing paper in Crockett County.

W. F. SANDERS of Sanders went to Lennox Tuesday to look after some building contracts.

Mrs. Nannie JONES will have her closing out sale of millinery at Tigrett Friday and Saturday and will return to her home here. She has been a very successful business in our neighbor town.

H. E. BRASSFIELD and J. E. NICHOLS, popular Crockett Mills merchants, were here Wednesday.

Miss Cora HOWELL of Alamo was the guest of Miss Edna YORK.

Roy COFFMAN went to Trenton Wednesday in his car.

J. M. RIDDICK and wife of Maury City were visitors here Sunday.

L. B. HARWELL made a business trip to Tullahoma, Tenn. this week.

M. M. EASON of Dyersburg was on our streets Monday on business.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ira D. PARK, a girl.

J. B. ACRED of Crockett Mills was in Friendship last week.

Austin JONES of Halls was her Sunday.

Esq. J. F. ROBERTSON of Crockett Mills was on our streets Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest BEAVER of Dyersburg were visitors here Sunday.

Floyd CHANDLER, B&NW agent, visited home folks in Jackson Saturday.

W. A. CLARK of Trenton was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. CLARK is an old Friendship boy and is holding down a good position with the D. C. Taylor Company at Trenton.

County Court Clerk R. L. CONYERS of Alamo was in the city Saturday.

Jerry SUDBURY went to Alamo Monday to turn Will PALMER, colored, over to the authorities.

Mrs. W. S. SIMMONS and little daughters visited relatives at RoEllen last week.

D. SMITH was in Alamo Monday.

C. C. WHITTLE, salesman for J. W. SUDBURY, is visiting relatives in Rocky Hill, Ky.

Messrs. Elmer MILLER , Little Tom MILLER, Willie RODGERS, Earl MILLER and others of the Bonicord vicinity attended the revival Sunday night.

Herburt SUDBURY is at home from Henderson school to spend his vacation. Herbert is preparing for the ministry and is a very popular young man with many friends who wish him great success in his work.

Miss Iva HURLEY of Halls visited the Misses LOVE last week.

D. D. ROBERTSON of Brownsville visited his father, Elisha ROBERTSON.

T. W. SMITH of Dyer College vicinity paid us a call Monday morning. Mr. SMITH has been attending Union University at Jackson, preparing for the ministry. He went to Alamo Monday where he will make head quarters for the next several weeks.

Drewey INGRAM has returned home from Texas and other western states.

Esq. F. S. MOORE was in Tigrett Tuesday morning.

County Register G. L. BENNETT of Alamo was in our city Monday.

H. A. HUGHES of Elizabeth paid us a call Tuesday morning.

Rev. McCANNEY of Fowlkes attended the meeting her this week.

Mr. WILLIAMS of Bells is visiting at the home of Ben PERRY.

Mrs. Mary PERRY and son, Carson, spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. TYLER at Fruitvale.

Miss Grace TYLER spent last week with her aunt, Miss B. H. PERRY.

B. H. PERRY visited his sister, who is very sick, Monday. Excursion to Jackson, Saturday, June 14, Account of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show, Fare $1.40 for round trip from Friendship, leave Friendship 8:49 a. m., leave Jackson 6:10 p.m.

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