Crockett County Marriage Records
Surnames M - July 1872 - December 1899

Transcribed and contributed by Natalie Huntley

Maby, Brown (Col)                 Piggee, Nellie (Col)             22 Mar 1890
Mack, Bill                        Campbell, Julie F.               10 Nov 1890
Mack, Susan (Col)                 Lathe, Jim (Col)                 26 Dec 1878
Mackey, Charly, (Col)             Leath, Allice (Col)              24 Jan 1884
Macklin, C. C.                    Cooke, Sally E.                  20 Apr 1885
Macklin, Cordelia                 Burch, J. L.                     29 Jul 1875
Macklin, George (Col)             Dunigan, S. Jane (Col)           8 May 1885 
Macklin, George (Col)             Robertson, Lutisha (Col)         13 Jan 1875 (license)
Macklin, J. P. (f)                Mitchell, C. K. (m)              8 Aug 1878 
Macklin, Julia                    Tidwell, A. T.                   20 Nov 1873 (license)
Maclin, B. F. (m)                 Prescott, N. E. (f)              20 Mar 1888
Macon, Mary F.                    Cleek, B. W.                     26 Aug 1880
Magasley, Cornelia (Col)          Weathers, Kelp (Col, m)          13 Oct 1888
Mahome, John (Col)                Chatman, Nancy (Col)             3 Jul 1895 
Mahome, Lewis (Col)               Moris, Dellar (Col, f)           16 Nov 1885
Mahomes, Jennie (Col)             Randolf, Thomas (Col)            17 Jul 1889 (license)
Mahomes, Lula (Col)               Brooks, Phil (Col)               28 Dec 1886
Mahon, Henry (Col)                Weathers, Jane (Col)             14 Oct 1880
Mahon, J. C. (m)                  Farmer, S. E. (f)                3 Jul 1898 
Mahon, J. C. (m)                  Worrell, J. T. (f)               25 Dec 1876
Mahone, David (Col)               Marshall, Mary                   14 Jul 1892
Mahone, Susan                     Owen, R. D.                      5 Oct 1883 (license returned, not executed)
Malene, Margarett                 Burns, John P.                   6 Mar 1878 
Malery, Bula                      Davis, John (Col)                26 Dec 1889
Mallery, Ed (Col)                 Robertson, Mollie                1 Aug 1888 
Mallory, Allace C.                Harwell, L. B. (m)               25 Dec 1877 (license)
Mallory, Charlott                 Crockett, David (Col)            8 Jun 1874 (license) 
Mallory, Gertrude                 Slayton, A. J. (Col)             9 Jul 1899 
Malone, Geo. H. (Col)             Green, Ida                       23 Dec 1899
Malone, George (Col)              Johnson, Scrap (f)               29 Mar 1896
Malone, Laura                     Green, Joe (Col)                 25 Dec 1897
Malone, Retha (f)                 Pane, Arthur (Col)               30 Dec 1899
Malone, Willie (f)                Mitchell, C. E. (m)              21 Dec 1890
Malry, Tappa (f)                  Williams, Jim                    25 Dec 1892
Mangram, Julia                    Hays, Nick (Col)                 14 Jun 1896
Mangrom, Wm.                      Robbin, M. E. (Mrs.)             9 Sep 1884 
Mangrum, A. J. (f)                Baker, B. A. (m)                 23 Dec 1884
Mangrum, Alice                    Reasons, E. L.                   14 Oct 1894
Mangrum, Isaac (Col)              Perry, Mollie (Col)              5 Nov 1896 
Mangrum, J. W.                    Jackson, Sallie F.               25 Oct 1885
Mangrum, Nannie                   Vanfelt, J. W.                   15 Dec 1886
Mangrum, T. W. (m)                Montgomery, Mollie A.            13 Feb 1879
Mangrum, Viola                    Smith, Mitchell                  30 Oct 1897
Mangrum, W. C.                    Davis, Ella                      28 Jul 1889
Mangrum, W. S.                    Faulkner, Lauan (f)              30 Jan 1878
Mangrum, Will (Col)               Loyd, Lucy                       19 Oct 1896 (license)
Manley, Annie                     Woods, Thomas                    8 Nov 1876 
Manley, J. W. (m)                 Harber, D. E. (f)                12 Oct 1884
Manley, J. W.                     Earnheart, Florance              25 Dec 1888
Manley, Jesse (m)                 Weatherless, Oscar (f)           10 Oct 1896
Manley, Jessie (m)                Lee, Sausan E.                   30 Dec 1877
Manley, Lilly                     Strange, H. J.                   10 Feb 1878
Manley, Mollie                    Watson, R. G.                    30 Nov 1884
Manley, Nannie                    Wood, Wm.                        22 Dec 1878
Manley, Sarah M.                  Barker, J. N.                    13 Sep 1873
Manley, Susie                     McClanahan, H. D.                8 Dec 1897 
Manley, Willie (m)                Whitby, Lillie                   18 Dec 1888
Mann, Jerry (Col)                 Wood, Mary (Col)                 15 Mar 1885
Manning, J. B. (m)                Agee, M. C. (f)                  24 Nov 1885
Manning, J. T.                    Parker, Iva May                  27 Oct 1895
Manning, Laura                    Bailey, T. S.                    2 Feb 1876 
Manning, Lucinda                  Brewer, N. M.                    6 Feb 1884 
Manning, Marina                   Mitchell, R. L.                  18 Nov 1875
Mansfield, J. H.                  Swain, Nannie                    24 Nov 1880
Mansfield, James H.               Swain, Harriet E.                14 Oct 1875
Mansfield, James                  Brassfield, Mary A.              26 Feb 1874
Mansfield, Joe                    Greggs, Maud                     26 Dec 1899
Mansfield, Joel                   White, Lillie May                24 Jun 1898
Mansfield, Joshaway (m)           Howell, Ella                     13 May 1888
Mansfield, L. (m)                 Perry, N. E. (f)                 12 Dec 1880
Mansfield, Louiza                 Burnett, J. B.                   26 Jan 1896
Mansfield, M. A. (f)              Vaughn, W. R. (m)                5 Jan 1887 
Mansfield, N. H. (f)              Agee, J. B. (m)                  6 Dec 1893 
Mansfield, Nola                   Medlin, D.                       21 Jun 1896
Mansfield, Sarah                  Agee, John W.                    8 Jan 1876 
Mansfield, Tom                    Jones, Jennie                    6 Dec 1894 
Mansfield, W. C. (m)              Burrow, M. A. (f)                1 Nov 1876 
Mansfield, W. C.                  Nowell, Fannie                   19 May 1892
Marchant, C. D.                   Randolph, Mattie                 9 Jan 1880 
Marchant, E. A. (m)               Pate, P. A. (Miss)               19 Aug 1879
Marcom, R. E. (f)                 Tatum, T. E. (m)                 1 Jan 1891 
Marcom, W. A. (m)                 Jones, A. V. (f)                 20 Dec 1885
Marcom, W. T. (m)                 Tatum, M. E. (f)                 2 Aug 1891 
Marcum, M. J. (f)                 Wagster, D. E. (m)               18 Aug 1885
Margathey, Ed (Col)               Wethers, Tilda                   2 Jan 1889 (license) 
Margraves, H. H.                  Branch, Bettie E.                23 Nov 1887
Margraves, M. J. (Miss)           Bridger, J. B. (m)               27 Nov 1878
Margraves, S. E. (f)              Montague, W. S. (m)              10 Sep 1893
Margraves, W. H.                  Harrell, Emma                    26 Jun 1873
Marks, Frank                      Zlomke, Ellen                    17 May 1897
Marlow, Ann Elizabeth             Bolton, James S.                 3 Oct 1875 
Marlow, E. J. (f)                 Nelson, W. J. (m)                25 Dec 1879
Marlow, J. C.                     Younge, Alice                    18 Dec 1887
Marlow, Lula E.                   Young, Robert P.                 8 Sep 1889 
Marlow, M. E. (f)                 Nelson, W. J. (m)                26 Feb 1882
Marlow, Mary A.                   Williams, Nathaniel V.           13 Sep 1882
Marr, H. C.                       Harrison, Julia A.               12 Nov 1882
Marrie, Birthy (f)                Ward, Thomas (Col)               5 Mar 1899 
Marsh, Julia                      Golden, J. C.                    4 Oct 1899 
Marsh, Mary Lee                   Puckett, M. L.                   30 Nov 1893
Marshall, Hattie (Col)            Parker, James (Col)              19 Oct 1896
Marshall, Mary (Col)              Tayler, Wm. (Col)                2 Jul 1878 
Marshall, Mary                    Mahone, David (Col)              14 Jul 1892
Martin, Ada (Col)                 Edwards, Jim (Col)               9 Sep 1888 
Martin, Bettie                    Fourbuss, B. D.                  30 Nov 1878
Martin, Ella                      Horton, Ephram (Col)             26 Nov 1892
Martin, Harriet                   Locus, Wesley (Col)              28 Sep (Dec) 1885
Martin, Henry (Col)               Locus, Kitty Ann (Col)           19 May 1897
Martin, J. W. (m)                 Roberts, T. A. (Mrs.)            23 Nov 1884
Martin, John Thomas               Stovall, Effie Dometra           19 Nov 1895 (license)
Martin, John                      Floyd, Marina (Miss)             19 Aug 1879
Martin, M. L. (f)                 Casselman, Willie (m)            24 Jun 1898
Martin, M. S. (Mrs.)              Lasiter, Abram                   3 Oct 1889 
Martin, Martha (Col)              Dozier, William (Col)            27 Nov 1876
Martin, Mose (Col)                Hopper, Elvier (Col, f)          28 Dec 1882
Martin, S. F. (f)                 Eason, J. T. (m)                 11 Jan 1888
Martin, S. R.                     Beard, Jane                      28 Dec 1881
Martin, Steven                    Bland, Ida                       17 Mar 1887
Martin, W. S.                     Studard, Sallie                  6 Nov 1887 
Martin, William (Col)             Murkerson, Annie                 23 Dec 1898
Martin, Willis (Col)              Tranzou, Demetra                 12 May 1897
Mask, Col. Jesse                  Presly, Fannie                   25 Jul 1882
Mason, Dora                       Jackson, J. E.                   1 Jan 1889 
Mason, G. C. (m)                  Raines, M. O. (f)                29 Sep 1898
Mason, Henry (Col)                Stegers, Sally (Col)             23 Feb 1883
Mason, Julus (m)                  Shivers, Rina (Miss)             25 Oct 1879 (license)
Mason, Milley                     McLemore, Major (Col)            13 Nov 1880 (license)
Mason, Nancy J.                   Edwards, W. H.                   4 Jan 1883 
Mason, Pauline                    Cates, Sid                       5 Mar 1889 
Mason, S. L. (f)                  Simons, J. P. (m)                28 May 1885
Mason, T. A.                      Smith, Anna L. (Mrs.)            9 Jan 1881 
Mason, Tenny C.                   Clanton, B. T.                   24 Dec 1874
Mason, Willie (Col, m)            Rucker, Jellie (Col, f)          29 Nov 1896
Massengale, Louisa                Temple, J. A.                    26 Aug 1874
Massey, Clem                      Moore, Lena                      30 Jul 1899
Massey, J. M.                     Kail, Alice                      25 Dec 1889
Mathens, Lucinda (Col)            Lewis, Jerry (Col)               16 Nov 1873
Mathews, B. A.                    Willoughby, Lula                 28 Dec 1896
Mathews, B. T.                    Best, Susie E.                   9 Aug 1891 
Mathews, Bob (Col)                Boykin, Alyetee (f)              6 Mar 1884 
Mathews, Bob (Col)                Hunt, Dixie (Col)                9 Jun 1889 
Mathews, Carrie L.                Todd, J. H.                      23 Nov 1887
Mathews, Clarasa (f)              Andrews, William (Col)           30 Jun 1889
Mathews, Clayton (Col)            Lucas, Coy (Col, f)              29 Jan 1883 (license)
Mathews, Clayton (Col)            Pipkins, Cora                    18 Jan 1885
Mathews, Ellen                    Robertson, Bill (Col)            26 Dec 1895
Mathews, Em (f)                   Cochran, Isaac (Col)             1 Jan 1891 
Mathews, Geo. (Col)               Bell, Nelie                      11 Jan 1889
Mathews, Henry (Col)              Warren, Mary (Col)               25 Dec 1873
Mathews, Ida                      Radland, Will (Col)              25 Dec 1891
Mathews, J. A. (f)                Wade, O. H. (m)                  30 Jun 1885
Mathews, J. C. (f)                Askew, E. F. (m)                 16 Mar 1876
Mathews, Joseph (Col)             Shearron, Mattie (Col)           1 Oct 1874 
Mathews, Lib (m)                  Johnson, Bertie (f)              22 Nov 1896
Mathews, Lida (Col)               Mitchell, John (Col)             31 Dec 1885
Mathews, Marshal (Col)            Wetherspoon, Sarah (Col)         6 Apr 1874 
Mathews, Mary                     Green, John (Col)                5 Aug 1891 (license) 
Mathews, Minnie                   Sharp, Edwin                     31 Jan 1883
Mathews, Nathan (Col)             Clayboore, Eliza                 20 Jan 1883
Mathews, Nelson (Col)             Hunt, Laura (Col)                12 Dec 1884
Mathews, Newt (Col)               Childress, Julia (Col)           25 Dec 1884
Mathews, Newt (Col)               Jennings, Texas (f)              9 Aug 1896 
Mathews, Nora (Miss)              Beard, James                     23 Oct 1879
Mathews, Oskar (Col)              Smith, Mary (Col)                6 Apr 1889 (license) 
Mathews, Patsy                    Holland, George (Col)            5 Aug 1889 
Mathews, R. L.                    McDonald, Bettie                 13 Nov 1895
Mathews, Ruth                     Culbertson, William H.           4 Aug 1875 
Mathews, S. J.                    Thomas, Bettie (Mrs.)            29 Dec 1892
Mathews, Sallie                   Cawthon, C. C.                   17 Oct 1880
Mathews, Sarah                    Allen, Lewis (Col)               4 Jun 1896 
Mathews, Sidney (Col)             Donalson, Emma (Col)             9 Dec 1876 
Mathews, Wesley (Col)             Neal, Lucy                       27 Dec 1889
Mathews, Will (Col)               Corzort, Ida                     13 Oct 1899
Mathis, Fannie (Col)              Hays, Jeff (Col)                 22 Dec 1877
Mathis, M. A. (f)                 Richie, J. T. (m)                2 Feb 1875 (license) 
Mathis, Monroe (Col)              Johnson, Queen (Col)             19 Oct 1876
Mathis, Nathan (Col)              Powell, Delia (Col)              6 Aug 1877 
Mathis, Sue (Col)                 Perry, James (Col)               21 Dec 1876
Matthews, James F.                McGee, Katie                     30 Nov 1876
Matthews, John (Col)              Hunt, Ida                        29 May 1893
Matthews, M. B.                   Raines, Thos. F.                 18 Oct 1896
Maury, John (Col)                 Harris, Martha                   28 Dec 1893
Max, Charley (Col)                Roberts, Harriet (Col)           19 Feb 1877
Maxey, Mollie L.                  Weaver, Wm. Ervin                30 Jan 1881
May, J. H. (m)                    Alley, C. L. (f)                 29 Oct 1899 (license)
May, Julia E.                     Yearwood, S. A.                  29 Jun 1873
May, Susan S.                     Finch, R. J.                     23 Dec 1873
Mayes, Mattie                     Gatlen, Andrew                   31 Jan 1892
Mayfield, Adline (Col, f)         Sims, Geo. (Col)                 7 Nov 1884 
Mayfield, Aron (Col)              Goth, Mary Clementine (Col)      10 Oct 1872
Mayfield, Dave (Col)              Tilmon, Lizzie                   2 May 1892 
Mayfield, Della                   Beckwood, Wm. (Col)              17 Oct 1892
Mayfield, Demetra (Medie)         Woods, Cal (Col, m)              30 Dec 1897
Mayfield, Eliza (Col)             Nun, Abner (Col)                 5 Nov 1885 (license) 
Mayfield, Eliza                   Nunn, Henry (Col)                24 Dec 1898
Mayfield, George (Col)            Williams, Lizzie                 6 Nov 1898 
Mayfield, Harriet (Col)           Hicks, William (Col)             7 Jan 1874 
Mayfield, J. D. (m)               Porter, M. J. (f)                28 Jul 1886 (license)
Mayfield, John (Col)              Junell, Minerva (Col)            19 Aug 1891
Mayfield, L.                      Lewis, Andrew                    18 Nov 1883
Mayfield, Lucy (Col)              Jackson, George (Col)            23 Nov 1880
Mayfield, Lucy (Col)              Robertson, Noah (Col)            17 Jun 1883
Mayfield, Luiza                   Enis, Joseph J. (Col)            28 Dec 1882
Mayfield, Mack (Col)              Jelks, Sarah (Col)               12 Jun 1887
Mayfield, Malicy (f)              Boykin, A. C.                    5 Jan 1888 
Mayfield, Mariah (Col)            Howard, Benjamin (Col)           24 Mar 1876
Mayfield, Mattie                  Blurton, A. J.                   13 May 1888
Mayfield, Mollie (Col)            Hartwell, Dock (Col)             30 Dec 1875
Mayfield, Nettie                  Boykin, James (Col)              6 Jan 1876 
Mayfield, Robert (Col)            Layneer, Fannie (Col)            16 Jan 1895
Mayfield, Robt. (Col)             King, Emma                       28 Dec 1891 (license returned, not executed)
Mayfield, Sallie (Col)            Howell, Wesley (Col)             29 Feb 1876
Mayfield, Sam (Col)               Murry, Nan (Col)                 20 Jan 1898
Mayfield, Wiley (Col)             Bacheler, Margaret (Col)         6 May 1877 
Mayfield, Wiley (Col)             Bachalor, Mary                   9 Mar 1891 
Mayfield, Wm. (Col)               Riddick, Feby (Col)              25 Nov 1879
Mayo, Alice H.                    Strachn, Joseph D.               9 Dec 1894 
Mayo, J. A.                       Jones, Pattie                    22 Nov 1891
Mayo, N. T.                       Moore, Mary E.                   4 Aug 1887 (license) 
Mays, J. G.                       Park, Mary L.                    15 Nov 1880
Mays, J. S.                       Agee, Sarah Elen                 27 Jul 1886 (license)
Mays, M. D. (f)                   Agee, J. F. (m)                  6 Jan 1880 
Mays, M. P. (f)                   Davis, M. C. (m)                 27 Dec 1879
Mays, R. D.                       Park, Nannie                     26 Dec 1885
McAfee, W. C.                     Rogers, Jennie                   14 Mar 1880
McAfie, Margarett                 Miller, Fedrick                  25 May 1874
McAlister, Mary J. (Miss)         Reece, T. B.                     21 Jan 1879
McBride, J. T.                    Parker, Laura A.                 9 Aug 1876 
McBride, L. A. (Mrs.)             Harris, G. W. (m)                14 Oct 1897
McCain, Duly (f)                  Ward, Joseph D.                  13 Jul 1873
McCain, Jeff (Col)                Jackson, Milley (Col)            24 Jan 1881
McCain, Robt. E.                  Raines, Mattie E.                26 Sep 1883 (license)
McCarver, J. C.                   Prescott, Sarah J.               13 Sep 1877
McCay, J. W. (m)                  Burris, N. A. (f)                9 Apr 1876 
McCay, J. W. (m)                  Smelser, M. J. (f)               19 Dec 1883
McClain, Norman                   Conley, Mollie                   23 Oct 1873
McClanahan, H. D.                 Manley, Susie                    8 Dec 1897 
McClanahan, Rachel (Col)          Higgings, Wade (Col)             3 Nov 1872 
McClanahan, W. J.                 Watt, Matilda                    29 Dec 1887
McClaran, J. D.                   Pearson, Margrett                21 Jul 1880
McClaren, J. D. (m)               Lovell, S. A. (Mrs.)             16 Dec 1886
McClarin, Corilla                 Avery, Josephus                  19 Aug 1877
McClarin, J. A. (f)               Hunt, W. J. (m)                  28 Dec 1884
McClary, Mollie                   Boxley, Wess                     10 Nov 1882
McCleary, James A.                Reeves, Mary                     14 Nov 1872
McClelen, Alex (Col)              Burton, Ada (Col)                27 Mar 1890
McClellan, Alvira (Col)           Gregory, Lauson (Col)            24 Feb 1873
McClellan, Bill (Col)             Lacy, Mary (Col)                 15 Oct 1888
McClellan, Hays (Col, m)          Rener, Henretta                  11 Dec 1898
McClellan, Henretta (Mrs.)        Gregory, J. E. (m)               7 Nov 1888 
McClellan, Phillis M.             Belliford, Charley (Col)         31 Oct 1899 (license)
McClellan, Robert (Col)           Burnett, Eliza (Col)             26 Nov 1872
McClellan, William M. (Col)       Williams, Iona (Col)             10 Jun 1876
McClellan, Wm.                    Shane, Alice                     18 Sep 1879
McClelland, Joe (Col)             Cole, Lena                       6 Jul 1893 
McClenahan, James R. Jr.          Bryant, Tobetha K.               30 Oct 1872
McClish, Fannie (Col)             Perry, L. H. (Col)               20 Nov 1879
McClish, Ike (Col)                Davis, Rachel                    6 Nov 1897 (license) 
McClish, Isaac (Col)              Powell, Julia (Col)              2 Jan 1875 
McCloud, Mollie                   Studard, J. W.                   7 Aug 1888 
McCluer, L. J. (f)                Oslin, G. W. (m)                 2 Dec 1880 
McClunon, Mary                    Payne, Ashley (Col)              11 Oct 1897 (6)
McClure, E. A. (f)                Slayton, W. T. (m)               26 Nov 1884
McColleem, Lizzie                 Pointer, Tom (Col)               20 Jul 1896
McCord, G. R.                     Casey, Minnie                    25 Aug 1897
McCorkle, H. R. A. (m)            Menzies, J. C. (f)               10 June 1872 (license)
McCoy, M. A. (f)                  Hopper, H. C. (m)                12 Mar 1887 (license)
McCoy, M. A. (f)                  James, B. F. (m)                 6 May 1894 
McCoy, Mattie                     Andrews, Wm. T.                  10 Sep 1883 (license)
McCoy, N. J. (m)                  Berry, M. A. (Miss)              15 Dec 1878
McCracken, M. F. (Mrs.)           Thomas, S. H. (m)                10 May 1880
McCrackin, T. W. (f)              Sutton, E. D. (m)                30 Aug 1877
McCrary, J. R.                    McCrary, Lula                    5 Jan 1892 
McCrary, Lula                     McCrary, J. R.                   5 Jan 1892 
McCroery, Moseler (f)             Barnes, J. W.                    6 Mar 1883 
McCrory, John                     Williamson, Mosella              14 Feb 1878
McCrory, M. E. (f)                Young, W. F. (m)                 6 Jun 1875 
McCrory, Tenny                    Young, Buck                      28 Nov 1886
McCrory, Thomas                   Littles, Tennie                  24 Oct 1880
McCulloch, Lillian                Sims, W. A.                      25 Dec 1883
McCullough, Bettie                Vaughn, Mitchell (Col)           22 Dec 1881
McCullough, Tennessee             Buford, Wiley (Col)              20 Dec 1875
McCurry, Linch (Col, m)           Ragan, Renia (Col)               22 Jun 1885
McCurry, Linch (Col)              Exum, Laura                      9 Nov 1891 
McCurry, Richard (Col)            Jones, Susie                     22 May 1890 (license)
McCurry, Robert (Col)             Cox, Idella W. (Col)             19 Jul 1877
McCutcheon, J. B.                 Winfield, Drucilla               25 Jun 1890
McDaniel, H. F. (m)               Claybrook, M. A. (f)             3 Oct 1878 
McDaniel, M. E. (f)               Barnes, J. L. (m)                16 Apr 1899
McDarnell, Fannie A.              Mitchell, John                   22 Nov 1877
McDavid, E. E.                    Bell, Mattie                     30 Apr 1884
McDearman, Mollie (Col)           James, Anthony (Col)             2 Dec 1886 
McDearmon, J. M.                  Andrews, Cathrine                15 Mar 1883
McDermit, Cathran (Mrs.)          Johnson, A.                      20 Oct 1886
McDermit, M. E. (f)               Craig, J. N. (m)                 3 Feb 1889 
McDermit, Minnie                  Evans, J. H.                     7 Aug 1898 
McDermit, Mollie                  Johnson, A. J.                   14 Mar 1878
McDermitt, Ida                    Nunn, Jessie (m)                 11 Feb 1894
McDermitt, Sallie                 Richards, T. J.                  18 Dec 1890
McDonal, G. B.                    Ozment, Addie                    26 Sep 1880
McDonald, A. A. (f)               Garrett, W. R. (m)               24 Dec 1885
McDonald, Bettie                  Mathews, R. L.                   13 Nov 1895
McDonald, E. H. (f)               Williams, C. M. (m)              31 May 1885
McDonald, George                  Baker, Nannie                    28 May 1895
McDonald, Mollie P.               Brummett, W. A.                  15 Dec 1874
McDonald, Robt.                   Goodwin, Fannie                  23 Dec 1894
McDonald, S. A.                   Dardy, Wm.                       19 Dec 1880
McDongouald, Mike (Col)           Johnson, Sarah Ann               10 Dec 1872
McDougal, Matt (f)                Holder, George (Col)             27 Aug 1896
McDougle, Parale M.               Halliburton, Frank (Col)         23 Mar 1876
McDowell, Charley (Col)           Smith, Vina (Col)                4 Nov 1877 
McDurmit, J. A.                   Berry, Mattie E.                 4 Jan 1874 
McElwe, Tony (Col)                Carter, Nicy (Col, f)            18 Sep 1894 (license)
McElwee, Membran (f)              Carter, G. W. (Col, m)           15 Feb 1898
McElyea, Willie (m)               Eason, Zada (f)                  13 Feb 1896
McFarlan, A. F. (Miss)            Bell, T. J. (m)                  9 Feb 1879 
McFarland, Connie (m)             Webb, Janie                      13 Jun 1897
Mcfarland, D. M.                  Kellerson, Mary                  22 Jan 1893
McFarland, E. J. (f)              Kail, B. T. (m)                  27 Jul 1876
McFarland, J. A.                  Graham, James                    9 Jan 1879 
McFarland, L. E. (f)              Fitzhugh, W. D. (m)              1 May 1892 
McFarland, M. A. M. (f)           Yearwood, E. N. (m)              14 Nov 1883
McFarland, Minnie                 Riddick, T. W.                   19 Dec 1890
McFarland, R. M. (m)              Randolph, M. M. (f)              6 Nov 1883 
McFarland, R. S. (m)              Jenkins, H. J. (f)               28 Dec 1887
McFarland, Rosa                   Reddick, Edmond                  6 Mar 1890 
McFarland, Sarah P.               Kail, William                    25 Jul 1872
McFarland, W. V. (m)              Webb, Florena                    24 Dec 1894
McGary, Jerry (Col)               Frost, Margaret (Col)            3 Oct 1876 
McGathin, Cornelia                Transon, Nat (Col)               15 Oct 1893
McGavock, H. W. (m)               Howard, J. A. (f)                28 Oct 1873
McGee, J. M.                      Knolton, Lona (f)                9 Aug 1899 
McGee, J. M.                      Ray, Mollie A.                   15 Oct 1874
McGee, James A.                   Farmer, Ellen M.                 23 Dec 1894
McGee, Katie                      Matthews, James F.               30 Nov 1876
McGee, R. J. (Miss)               Cloud, J. F. (m)                 7 Feb 1879 (license) 
McGee, R. L.                      Ray, Allice                      31 Dec 1884
McGee, Thos. B.                   Burnett, Laura A.                1 Aug 1894 
McGhee, Mary T. (Miss)            LeRoy, Francis L.                21 Dec 1879
McGill, Als (Col, m)              Smith, Susan (Mrs.) (Col)        23 Jul 1882
McGinley, James                   Sharon, Fany                     3 Sep 1894 
McGinness, J. J.                  Sensing, Dora                    9 May 1898 
McGlothin, Gusta (f)              Weatherford, W. R. (m)           22 Mar 1877
McGowan, Eva                      Scudder, Harvey                  30 Oct 1895
McGowan, Maggie (Mrs.)            Todd, J. W.                      3 Sep 1898 
McGroan, Mary (Col)               Coleman, Spencer (Col)           7 Feb 1880 
McInturf, Ephrim                  Williams, Martha                 2 Jan 1880 
McIver, T. J. (m)                 Boals, M. A. G. (f)              24 Aug 1881
McIver, T. J. (m)                 Lowell, E. L. (f)                2 Mar 1892 
McKeever, Lona                    Davis, James                     25 Dec 1892
McKeever, Robert (Col)            Dickerson, Addy (Col)            24 May 1873
McKeever, Willie (m)              McKenny, Annie                   25 Dec 1892
McKelvey, Thos. W.                Neal, Nina E.                    29 Jan 1899
McKelvy, I. L. (f)                Lyons, J. B. (m)                 25 Sep 1898
McKenny, Annie                    McKeever, Willie (m)             25 Dec 1892
McKinzie, Hess (m)                Coffman, Sallie                  16 Apr 1890
McKnight, Bettie                  Williams, Mingo L. (Col)         13 Jun 1897
McKnight, Edney (Col)             Childers, Edmond (Col)           5 Jan 1873 
McKnight, Mollie                  Porter, Johnson (Col)            22 Mar 1888
McKnight, Willie (m)              Sandford, Delia                  27 Dec 1883
McLamore, Dolly                   Williams, Henry (Col)            17 Nov 1888
McLamore, Forest (Col)            Hatheway, Lou (f)                30 Dec 1891
McLamore, Lula                    Howard, Jim (Col)                16 Dec 1889 (license)
McLamore, Mattie                  Blades, Joe (Col)                5 Sep 1889 
McLamore, Mosco (Col)             Turpin, Mollie                   25 Dec 1887
McLamore, Tas (Col, m)            Brooks, Parfinnie (Col, f)       23 Aug 1890 (license)
McLamore, Wes (Col)               Randolf, Mary (Col)              27 Apr 1890
McLanahan, Mattie                 Harris, J. N.                    25 Sep 1886
McLarey, J. B.                    Herndson, Dollie                 7 Dec 1887 
McLary, W. E.                     Peay, Mary                       13 Dec 1893
McLean, A. G. (m)                 Hall, M. A. (f)                  27 Apr 1873
McLean, A. G.                     Avery, Mattie                    14 Sep 1899
McLean, A. L.                     Harris, Sophia                   7 Mar 1898 
McLean, Cora                      Tatum, J. S.                     29 Jul 1897
McLean, J. C.                     Babb, Vera                       7 Nov 1899 
McLean, Vena (f)                  Litle, Ed                        19 Nov 1899
McLeary, Maggie                   Sullivan, J. D.                  5 May 1872 
McLeary, Minnie                   Miller, R. L.                    2 Jun 1895 
McLemore, A. M.                   Jackson, Nannie (Miss)           11 Feb 1879
McLemore, Babe (f)                Patterson, George (Col)          28 May 1899
McLemore, Candos (Col, f)         Jacocks, Jesse (Col, m)          28 May 1885 (license)
McLemore, Easter (Col)            Claybrooks, Wm. (Col)            28 Nov 1884
McLemore, George (Col)            Reams, Addie (Col)               13 Oct 1894
McLemore, Hunter                  Boling, Hattie                   29 Apr 1899
McLemore, Katie (Col)             Hunt, Henry (Col)                1 Jan 1876 
McLemore, L. A.                   Griffin, John W.                 17 Dec 1872
McLemore, L. D. (Col, m)          Nunn, Clycy (Col, f)             15 Nov 1888
McLemore, Lem                     Pearson, Ethel                   15 Dec 1899
McLemore, Lemuel E.               Jones, Mary L.                   16 Feb 1875 (license)
McLemore, Lida                    Weddle, A. C.                    8 Nov 1885 
McLemore, Lula                    Brackett, Gilbert (Col)          14 Apr 1897
McLemore, Major (Col)             Mason, Milley                    13 Nov 1880 (license)
McLemore, Mary (Col)              Freeman, Abraham (Col)           10 Mar 1895
McLemore, N. E. (f)               Moore, C. N. (m)                 3 Jul 1886 (license) 
McLemore, Nathan (Col)            Noel, Neily (Col, f)             16 Oct 1879
McLemore, Wesley (Col)            Boykin, Mary Eliza (Col)         19 Apr 1896
McLemore, William (Col)           Cole, Sarah (Col)                1 Dec 1872 
McLewee, Toney                    Boykin, Betsy                    14 Oct 1883
McMakin, Thomas (Col)             Banks, Hannah M.                 28 Dec 1889
McMay, A. F. (f)                  Laurie, Hall C. (m)              11 Mar 1885
McMillan, A. M. (f)               Porter, W. J. (m)                24 Jan 1897
McMillan, A. M. (m)               Newman, Lela                     7 Sep 1892 
McMillan, Bird (f)                Emerson, B. C.                   6 Mar 1898 
McMillan, Eunice (?)              Midyett, J. R.                   24 Apr 1898
McMillan, H. S.                   Permenter, Allice                3 Feb 1892 
McMillan, Julia                   Austin, A. A.                    10 May 1892
McMillan, L. J. (f)               Crossnoe, J. W. (m)              25 Dec 1894 (lic. 8 Jan 1895)
McMillan, S. E. (f)               Dungan, J. W. (m)                18 Dec 1898
McMillen, Lula                    Emison, Colly (m)                27 Oct 1895
McMillen, M. F. (f)               Gaba, A. D. (m)                  25 Oct 1877
McMillin, Lucy                    Porter, Stephen                  16 Dec 1880
McMillon, Mary L.                 Webb, James T.                   31 Dec 1874
McMillon, Nancy M.                Russ, John W.                    5 Nov 1874 
McMillon, Tennie                  Porter, C. C.                    22 Jun 1890
McMin, George                     Watt, Mollie                     21 Jan 1883
McMoy, Amelea                     Austin, A. L.                    24 Feb 1878
McMurry, E. L. (f)                Jones, J. B. (m)                 24 Nov 1880
McMurry, Gertie                   Liles, W. H.                     17 Oct 1883
McMurry, Jocia (f)                Sullivan, G. H.                  17 Dec 1877
McMurry, Lela                     Duffey, J. G.                    26 Jan 1882 (license)
McMurry, Mattie                   Bond, J. W.                      23 Feb 1888
McMurry, Sallie                   Dickson, Albert                  16 Oct 1883 (license returned, no marriage)
McMurry, Sallie                   Pearson, Jno. Jr.                17 Oct 1883
McNail, W. E.                     Casey, Alice                     8 Nov 1896 
McNatt, Ella                      Trimble, W. B.                   27 Nov 1892
McNatt, Evie                      Moore, Hart (m)                  6 May 1891 
McNatt, J. A.                     Earley, Mattie                   22 Jan 1893
McNatt, J. H. (m)                 Powell, Dolie                    18 Jan 1888
McNeal, W. F.                     Jenkins, Celia                   12 Nov 1893
McNight, Bob (Col)                Morgan, Lucy (Mrs.)              24 Oct 1896
McPhearson, Kate                  Garland, Jim                     28 Jan 1894
McPherson, R. T.                  Parker, Laura                    5 Aug 1896 
McPherson, W. G.                  Stallings, Joe Etta (f)          1 Oct 1889 
McVary, Milley (Col)              Taylor, Edmond (Col)             25 Feb 1880
McVay, Hampton (Col)              Turnipseed, Fannie (Col)         13 Jun 1880
McVay, No first name (Col)        Blakemore, W. L. (Col)           26 Dec 1883
McVey, Amanda (Col)               Hunt, Alfred (Col)               9 Oct 1880 
McWhirter, Annie                  Boyde, J. S.                     6 Sep 1887 (license) 
Meador, J. N. (m)                 Lunsford, M. E. (f)              17 Feb 1874
Meadows, J. W. (m)                Rosamon, N. N. (f)               30 Oct 1888
Meadows, Sallie (Col)             Hicks, Tom (Col)                 8 Jun 1887 
Meakes, James                     Trimble, Eller                   20 Mar 1878
Medford, J. W.                    Lunsford, Rebecca                1 Oct 1877 
Medlin, Annie                     Richards, E. N.                  17 Dec 1899
Medlin, B. H. (m)                 Williams, Dillie                 1 Mar 1885 
Medlin, D. H. (m)                 Davis, M. E. (f)                 11 Nov 1887
Medlin, D.                        Mansfield, Nola                  21 Jun 1896
Medlin, Daizie                    Heglar, Luther                   9 Jul 1899 
Medlin, Dora                      Wright, J. T.                    12 Aug 1890
Medlin, Ellen                     Simons, J. P.                    12 May 1897
Medlin, Gennever (m)              Henderson, S. J. (f)             4 Jan 1892 
Medlin, Graca G. (f)              Winford, G. H. (m)               13 Dec 1890
Medlin, Harriet (Col)             Holmes, Freman (Col)             20 Dec 1883
Medlin, J. A. (m)                 Herindon, M. J. (f)              3 Sep 1881 
Medlin, J. A.                     Humphreys, Addie                 11 Jun 1899
Medlin, J. T.                     Griffin, Mollie                  15 Jun 1887
Medlin, James S.                  Johns, Mary L.                   26 Sep 1875
Medlin, Jas. S.                   Kirsey, Martha A. (Mrs.)         14 Sep 1886
Medlin, M. I. (Miss)              Stanley, J. M. (m)               1 Jan 1880 
Medlin, Mabel C.                  Hughes, W. B.                    6 Dec 1890 
Medlin, Maggie                    Smith, T. J.                     16 Oct 1887
Medlin, Mollie                    Hughes, E.                       31 Aug 1890
Medlin, Murry                     Brasfield, Adena                 16 Jun 1895
Medlin, Nannie                    Boon, Chas.                      3 Mar 1886 
Medlin, S. (f)                    Mooneyhan, G. W. (m)             13 Sep 1885
Medlin, Sarah M.                  Aspray, James T.                 13 Feb 1887
Medlin, Selie (f)                 Foresythe, George                12 Jul 1888
Medlin, Thomas                    Jones, Sister                    21 Aug 1890
Medlin, Vick (f)                  Bradley, W. W. (m)               13 Dec 1896
Medlin, W. D. (m)                 Boles, Jamsie (Mrs.)             7 Aug 1892 
Medlin, W. H.                     Smith, Cora                      19 May 1892
Meeks, E. W.                      Fife, Martha                     26 Mar 1889
Meeks, H. J. (m)                  Buroughs, Claricy                6 Oct 1878 
Menzies, J. C. (f)                McCorkle, H. R. A. (m)           10 June 1872 (license)
Meredith, M. F. (m)               Strange, N. E. (f)               3 Jan 1877 (license) 
Merewether, Peter (Col)           King, Mattie (Col)               13 May 1888
Meridith, Nannie                  Barker, Joe                      28 May 1895
Meridith, Welsie (f)              Whitby, W. B. (m)                4 Apr 1897 
Merkerson, Lucy                   Anderson, Henry (Col)            8 Nov 1889 
Merrell, Eula                     Bickerstaff, J. A.               8 Feb 1899 
Merrideth, Sarah                  Nash, John                       18 Sep 1877
Midyett, Alex (Col)               Branch, Alice (Col)              24 Nov 1881
Midyett, Bettie                   Cox, L. M.                       8 Dec 1889 
Midyett, Buck (Col)               Midyett, Martha (Col)            17 Apr 1877
Midyett, Chaney (Col, f)          Cole, Horace (Col)               11 May 1893
Midyett, E. E. (m)                Beard, A. T. (f)                 2 Jan 1887 
Midyett, E. E.                    Ditto, Mally                     7 Sep 1882 
Midyett, E. M. (m)                Bell, Willie C. (f)              8 Sep 1875 
Midyett, Elder (Col)              Carpenter, Maggie (Col)          22 Dec 1887
Midyett, Elvy (f)                 Claybrook, Ben (Col)             19 Feb 1891
Midyett, Emerson                  Wells, M. A. (Miss)              30 Dec 1879
Midyett, Frances A. E. (f)        Fitzpatrick, W. J. (m)           4 Apr 1876 
Midyett, George                   Dosier, Tempy (f)                26 Dec 1878
Midyett, Guss (Col)               Jetton, Julia                    25 Dec 1898
Midyett, J. A. (Col, m)           Read, Macy (Col, f)              25 Oct 1879
Midyett, J. R.                    McMillan, Eunice (?)             24 Apr 1898
Midyett, James A. (Col)           Sherron, Rachel (Col)            29 Sep 1872
Midyett, Jennie                   Wyatt, Calvin D.                 9 Sep 1873 
Midyett, Jinnie (Col)             Wade, Littleton (Col)            28 Mar 1887
Midyett, Martha (Col)             Midyett, Buck (Col)              17 Apr 1877
Midyett, Mary (Col)               Richmond, Hardy (Col)            27 Jan 1881
Midyett, Math (Col, m)            Harris, Allice (Col)             10 May 1891
Midyett, Mattie                   Woodard, W. A.                   13 Oct 1889
Midyett, Middy (f)                Twiddy, Ash (Col, m)             13 Dec 1888
Midyett, Mollie                   Casey, R. E.                     10 Jun 1893
Midyett, Nathan (Col)             Parmer, Piggie M. (Col, f)       27 Oct 1888
Midyett, Rose                     Johnson, Tom (Col)               24 Feb 1889
Midyett, Sallie                   Winston, Dave (Col)              10 Dec 1899
Midyett, Sarah (Col)              Claybrooks, Charley (Col)        29 Dec 1887
Midyett, William                  Moody, Emily (Col)               6 Apr 1878 (license) 
Midyett, Wm. A.                   Dungan, Mary B.                  3 Nov 1881 
Miles, Dora                       Bell, Sid (Col)                  2 Jan 1889 
Millard, Ella                     Coop, John B.                    27 Dec 1893
Millard, Jesse (m)                Sims, Mary                       30 Dec 1899
Miller, Ada                       Hunt, Will                       15 Oct 1892
Miller, Branch (Col)              Roper, Emma                      2 Feb 1876 
Miller, Charles L.                Butler, Amanda J.                18 Feb 1882 (license)
Miller, David                     Green, Lumie (f)                 8 Oct 1899 
Miller, Fedrick                   McAfie, Margarett                25 May 1874
Miller, George                    Hert, Ella                       26 Dec 1896
Miller, J. E.                     Coleman, Thomas C.               6 Jan 1875 
Miller, J. T.                     Pearce, Lula                     19 Jan 1897
Miller, John C.                   Ward, Sallie B.                  25 Jan 1876 (license)
Miller, Jordan (Col)              Cochran, Eliza                   28 Jun 1883
Miller, Laura B.                  Dixon, G. B.                     4 Nov 1896 
Miller, M. J. (f)                 Beshears, W. T. (m)              25 Dec 1879
Miller, Milton                    Gering, Martha E.                1 Apr 1888 
Miller, Olie (f)                  Bickerstaff, John                25 Dec 1898
Miller, R. H.                     Moore, Maud                      13 Jan 1895
Miller, R. L.                     McLeary, Minnie                  2 Jun 1895 
Miller, T. G. (m)                 Moore, M. L. (Miss)              11 Dec 1878
Miller, T. N. (m)                 Powell, L. F. (f)                24 Dec 1888
Miller, W. A.                     Agee, Sallie                     20 Dec 1888
Milliken, Nannie                  Turner, R. C.                    12 Nov 1882
Mills, Ada                        Alexander, Joe (Col)             27 Dec 1888
Mills, Anna                       Lay, Jim (Col)                   10 Mar 1891
Mills, Tenny                      Blaydes, Solomon                 24 Dec 1882
Millstead, James A.               Lovelace, Saphronia J.           7 Mar 1877 
Millworth, John J.                Jeans, Sarah L.                  21 Jan 1882 (license)
Milton, I. N. (m)                 Camp, L. T. (f)                  31 Jan 1883
Milton, Lizzie (Col)              Swift, Wm. (Col)                 19 Aug 1877
Milton, Mary E.                   Horshaw, John H.                 14 Dec 1879
Mitchel, Claib                    Claybrook, Caroline              11 Jan 1879
Mitchel, Orb (Col, m)             Smith, Mary (Col)                3 Oct 1881 
Mitchel, S. A. (Miss)             Blurton, W. J. (m)               18 Mar 1879
Mitchele, Lige (Col, m)           Huddleson, Jane                  27 Oct 1889
Mitchell, Alfred (Col)            Cochran, Milly (Col)             21 Dec 1884
Mitchell, Alice (Col)             Robertson, Clide (Col)           12 Sep 1891 (license returned, not executed)
Mitchell, Andrew (Col)            Williams, Minnie                 9 Apr 1892 
Mitchell, Beckie (Col)            Tolliver, John (Col)             24 Dec 1894
Mitchell, C. E. (m)               Malone, Willie (f)               21 Dec 1890
Mitchell, C. K. (m)               Macklin, J. P. (f)               8 Aug 1878 
Mitchell, Callie (Col)            Mitchell, Osb. (Col, m)          16 Dec 1889
Mitchell, Candie (f)              Fisher, Jas. (Col)               14 Feb 1896
Mitchell, Catheren J. (Col)       Smith, Alex (Col)                22 Oct 1872 (license)
Mitchell, Clarence                Hefley, Ida                      18 May 1895 (license returned, not executed)
Mitchell, Edna                    Boykin, Joe (Col)                9 Jan 1887 
Mitchell, F. E. (m)               Franklin, S. F. (f)              26 Oct 1879
Mitchell, H. C. (m)               Curtis, S. E. (f)                28 Dec 1886
Mitchell, J. C.                   Kenner, Minnie                   19 Sep 1897
Mitchell, J. J.                   Tirpin, Bula                     20 Aug 1890 (license)
Mitchell, J. W. (m)               Brewer, S. E. (f)                24 Sep 1876
Mitchell, John (Col)              Mathews, Lida (Col)              31 Dec 1885
Mitchell, John                    McDarnell, Fannie A.             22 Nov 1877
Mitchell, John                    Weathers, Ada                    29 Dec 1881
Mitchell, Kate                    Taylor, Charley (Col)            9 Oct 1895 
Mitchell, L. V. (f)               Castellaw, J. D. (m)             3 Apr 1887 
Mitchell, Love (f)                Bell, W. F. (m)                  27 Dec 1881 (license)
Mitchell, M. M. (f)               King, D. T. (m)                  23 Jan 1887
Mitchell, M. N. (f)               Graham, W. T. (m)                4 Feb 1877 
Mitchell, May                     Netherly, J. R.                  19 Aug 1894
Mitchell, Nelse (Col)             Twiggs, Lula                     16 May 1894
Mitchell, Nelson (Col)            Hunt, Tennessee (Col)            27 May 1876
Mitchell, Orb (Col, m)            Pearson, Mary Ann (Col)          22 Nov 1884
Mitchell, Osb. (Col, m)           Mitchell, Callie (Col)           16 Dec 1889
Mitchell, Parker                  Williams, Hadenia (f)            11 Jul 1880
Mitchell, R. H.                   Parker, Lula                     8 Nov 1899 
Mitchell, R. J. (f)               Jolley, H. E. (m)                10 Jul 1874
Mitchell, R. L.                   Sloan, Clara                     15 Jan 1888
Mitchell, R. L. (f)               Mozeley, J. C. (m)               1 Jun 1873 
Mitchell, R. L.                   Manning, Marina                  18 Nov 1875
Mitchell, Rena (Mrs.)             Carter, William                  2 Jul 1893 
Mitchell, Rolly (Col)             Green, Liddy (Col)               6 Nov 1886 (license) 
Mitchell, Rosa A. (Mrs.)          Pearson, T. C.                   17 Dec 1890
Mitchell, Sallie E.               Hartman, J. G.                   16 Dec 1873
Mitchell, Simpson (Col)           Green, Emma                      17 Apr 1872
Mitchell, T. O. (m)               Perry, R. S. (f)                 2 Sep 1884 
Mitchell, W. H. (Col)             Twiddy, Gabella (Col, f)         8 Mar 1895 (lic 8 May 1895)
Mitchell, Z. A. (m)               Alston, J. F. (Mrs.)             2 Dec 1879 
Mitchell, Z. A.                   Waggoner, Emma                   24 Aug 1880 (license)
Mobley, Cora A.                   Williams, Geo. A.                18 Sep 1892
Mobley, J. W.                     Vernon, Sarah F.                 13 Oct 1873 (license)
Mobley, Laura M.                  Kenner, D. H.                    9 Mar 1876 
Mobley, Mary                      Beaver, R. S.                    21 Jun 1894
Mobly, J. L. (m)                  Boales, M. H. (f)                21 Jul 1880
Mockbee, Josie                    Carr, J. L.                      18 Oct 1894
Modley, Edmond (Col)              Norville, Mattie (Col)           4 Aug 1874 
Moncier, Oliver                   Henley, Hester                   24 Dec 1874
Mongomery, Alice                  Faulkner, D.                     3 Sep 1884 
Montague, Bertha (Miss)           Smith, E. M.                     31 Dec 1879
Montague, Birta (f)               Wade, Van                        1 Mar 1893 
Montague, Emma (Col)              Parker, Jack (Col)               29 Mar 1879
Montague, M. L. (f)               Vick, W. W. (m)                  13 Dec 1876 (license)
Montague, Nora                    Jenkins, A. E.                   23 Jun 1894
Montague, W. S. (m)               Margraves, S. E. (f)             10 Sep 1893
Montgomery, Clayton J.            Wood, Lula                       7 Apr 1898 
Montgomery, Hallie                Goosman, Geo. F.                 7 Dec 1898 
Montgomery, J. M. (f)             Williams, W. F. (m)              23 Oct 1878
Montgomery, Kate B.               White, Thos. J.                  9 Jan 1879 
Montgomery, M. A. (f)             White, V. B. (m)                 20 Nov 1889
Montgomery, M. M.                 Riddick, Dena                    11 Jun 1896
Montgomery, Maggie                Onley, Jas.                      16 Oct 1890
Montgomery, Mattie J.             White, V. B.                     20 Sep 1876
Montgomery, Mattie                Acred, A. W.                     28 Dec 1887
Montgomery, Minnie                Agee, Wm.                        9 Dec 1888 
Montgomery, Mitta                 Agee, Jeff                       27 Nov 1895
Montgomery, Mollie A.             Mangrum, T. W.                   13 Feb 1879
Montgomery, S. A.                 Petty, George A.                 1 Dec 1878 
Moodley, J. M.                    Boals, Annie                     7 Mar 1877 
Moody, Adena (Col)                Claybrooks, William (Col)        8 Dec 1894 
Moody, Albert (Col)               America, Mary Eliza              1 Dec 1897 
Moody, Albert (Col)               Bond, Elisa                      23 Dec 1888
Moody, Anna (Col)                 Barney, Joe (Col)                23 Feb 1883
Moody, D. H.                      Whitaker, Laura                  15 Mar 1882 (license)
Moody, Dora                       Moore, A. J.                     29 Aug 1888 (license)
Moody, Dovey                      Noel, Randle (Col)               25 Apr 1891
Moody, E. I. (f)                  Loving, A. J. (m)                14 Aug 1873
Moody, Ed (Col)                   Barham, Laura                    4 Jul 1899 
Moody, Edmond (Col)               Noel, Eliza (Col)                21 Jan 1877
Moody, Edmond (Col)               Patterson, Rosana (Col)          16 Jul 1885
Moody, Eliza A. (Col)             Branch, Alex (Col)               22 Dec 1881 (license)
Moody, Emily (Col)                Midyett, William                 6 Apr 1878 (license) 
Moody, George (Col)               Claybrooks, Bettie (Col)         29 Dec 1875
Moody, Ike (Col)                  Williams, Alice (Col)            31 Mar 1883 (license)
Moody, John (Col)                 Rucker, Delpha (Col)             28 Dec 1882
Moody, John D.                    Conyers, Amanda E.               4 Dec 1892 
Moody, L. M.                      Freeman, Anna (Miss)             9 Dec 1879 
Moody, Laura (Col)                Searcy, John (Col)               3 May 1879 
Moody, Lewis (Col)                Howard, D. (Col)                 26 Dec 1883
Moody, Love (Col, f)              Drake, S. D. (Col)               18 May 1886 (license)
Moody, Lue (f)                    Van, Burk (Col)                  4 Jul 1880 (license) 
Moody, M. M.                      Neal, Alice                      19 Feb 1880
Moody, Mary E.                    Hunter, John                     14 Jun 1883
Moody, Mittie                     Caruthers, Robt. Jr.             4 Oct 1882 
Moody, Mose (Col, m)              Bakewood, Irena (Col)            4 Jan 1895 
Moody, Thad (Col)                 Rucker, Mattie                   4 Aug 1878 
Mooneyham, H. L.                  Harpool, Mary L.                 30 Jun 1880
Mooneyhan, G. W. (m)              Medlin, S. (f)                   13 Sep 1885
Moor, Elisabeth                   Perry, James J.                  12 Oct 1876
Moor, Susan                       Lonon, J. C.                     3 Jan 1878 
Moore, A. J.                      Dean, Aner (f)                   20 Dec 1883
Moore, A. J.                      Moody, Dora                      29 Aug 1888 (license)
Moore, Alice (Col)                Edwards, Albert (Col)            17 Mar 1887
Moore, Alice (Col)                Thacker, Rufus (Col)             27 Nov 1879
Moore, Alice                      Cooper, R. C.                    19 Oct 1882
Moore, Amanda                     Potts, L. C.                     1 Jan 1888 
Moore, B. (Dr.)                   Boothe, Delia                    20 Sep 1888
Moore, B. F.                      Bunn, Lizzie (Miss)              5 Dec 1878 
Moore, B. H. (m)                  Bettis, W. M. (f)                10 Oct 1897
Moore, Bell                       Brown, Ed. R.                    26 Feb 1889
Moore, C. N. (m)                  McLemore, N. E. (f)              3 Jul 1886 (license) 
Moore, C. P. (m)                  Gage, S. G. (f)                  15 Apr 1885
Moore, Charley (Col)              Coop, Lena                       18 Aug 1895
Moore, D. B.                      Hollihan, Daniel                 23 Mar 1892
Moore, D. H.                      Parlow, Ida                      21 Jul 1889
Moore, Delia A.                   White, Al                        26 Mar 1892
Moore, Delia                      Farrow, John Frank               19 Dec 1883
Moore, E. D. (f)                  Leath, B. C. (m)                 3 Jan 1894 
Moore, Eliga (Col, m)             Bowen, Fanie (Col)               10 Jan 1883
Moore, Elijah (Col)               Robertson, Eliza                 12 Oct 1898
Moore, Ella                       Swift, Will (Col)                2 Jan 1898 
Moore, Erma                       Thompson, Will                   19 Feb 1899
Moore, F. S. (m)                  Smith, D. E. (f)                 10 Jan 1883
Moore, Flora                      Jetton, Jas. Ed (Col)            29 Jan 1896
Moore, H. F. (m)                  Powell, M. A. (f)                3 Feb 1886 
Moore, Hart (m)                   McNatt, Evie                     6 May 1891 
Moore, Harvey (Col)               Jones, Maggie (Col)              20 Apr 1890
Moore, Harvy (Col)                Jones, Mag                       25 Dec 1889 (license returned, not executed)
Moore, Henry (Col)                Edwards, Nora                    24 Apr 1890
Moore, J. A. (m)                  Tucker, J. A. (f)                11 Feb 1883
Moore, J. C.                      Williams, Ereutha (f)            9 Jan 1880 
Moore, J. H.                      Bowling, Anna                    11 Jan 1887
Moore, J. S. (m)                  White, A. G. (f)                 21 Sep 1890
Moore, Jas.                       Paine, Nettie                    26 Nov 1898
Moore, John A.                    King, Mary E. (Mrs.)             4 Jan 1898 
Moore, John                       James, Maggie                    26 Nov 1893
Moore, L. (f)                     Byrum, J. T. (m)                 18 Nov 1885
Moore, L. A. (f)                  Westbrooks, C. P. (m)            4 Jul 1880 
Moore, L. F. (f)                  Lemons, J. F. (m)                8 Jul 1883 
Moore, L. J. (f)                  Tucker, R. J. (m)                1 Dec 1889 
Moore, Laura (Miss)               Hays, O. V.                      18 Jun 1879
Moore, Lena                       Ford, Tom (Col)                  21 Apr 1895
Moore, Lena                       Massey, Clem                     30 Jul 1899
Moore, Linda                      Davis, Ed                        17 Nov 1897
Moore, Loula                      Craig, J. R. (Dr.)               11 Oct 1893
Moore, M. A. (f)                  Oldham, Saml.                    9 Feb 1881 
Moore, M. A. (f)                  Yelveton, G. H. (m)              25 Jul 1886
Moore, M. E. (Mrs.)               Taylor, A. H. (m)                19 Feb 1880
Moore, M. J. (m)                  Moore, S. E. (Mrs.)              21 Jul 1885
Moore, M. L. (f)                  Whitenton, L. Y. (m)             21 Mar 1889
Moore, M. L. (Miss)               Miller, T. G. (m)                11 Dec 1878
Moore, M. M. (f)                  Cates, W. A. (m)                 1 Dec 1898 
Moore, M. S. (f)                  Tyler, J. Y. (m)                 5 Jun 1892 
Moore, Maggie (Col)               Avery, Geo (Col)                 5 Aug 1885 
Moore, Marian                     Lewis, Willie (m)                5 Mar 1899 (license) 
Moore, Mary E.                    Leroy, James                     28 Jul 1876
Moore, Mary E.                    Mayo, N. T.                      4 Aug 1887 (license) 
Moore, Mattie                     Castleman, C. A.                 19 Feb 1899
Moore, Mattie                     Dunlap, M. L.                    2 Jan 1897 (license, not executed) 
Moore, Maud                       Miller, R. H.                    13 Jan 1895
Moore, Merry E.                   Tyler, John Y.                   3 Feb 1881 
Moore, Minnie L.                  Cude, O. C.                      24 Sep 1899
Moore, Minnie                     Parlow, G. W.                    10 Sep 1898 (license)
Moore, Nannie (Col)               Anderson, Jack (Col)             18 May 1899
Moore, Nannie                     Beasley, Fletcher (Col)          27 Jan 1889
Moore, Pearl                      Neely, R. F.                     1 Mar 1898 (lic 27 Apr 1898)
Moore, R. F.                      Roe, Hattie                      3 Mar 1890 
Moore, R. J. (m)                  Harris, T. A. (f)                27 Sep 1883
Moore, Robert                     Furgerson, Maggie (Mag)          9 Apr 1899 
Moore, Robt. J.                   Parker, Cornelia O.              8 Sep 1887 
Moore, Robt. L.                   Bond, Olivia                     8 Feb 1893 
Moore, Robt. L.                   Norville, Mattie E.              20 Mar 1898
Moore, S. E. (Mrs.)               Moore, M. J. (m)                 21 Jul 1885
Moore, S. F. (f)                  Tucker, J. P. (m)                11 Feb 1883
Moore, S. L. (f)                  Carlton, W. J. (m)               28 May 1886 (license)
Moore, S. T.                      Stephenson, Sarah                24 Aug 1890
Moore, Sallie                     Barnes, A. D.                    15 Nov 1899
Moore, Sally                      Kail, R. E.                      5 Jan 1881 
Moore, Sophia                     Yearwood, J. E.                  30 May 1897
Moore, T. E. (m)                  Tucker, M. F. (f)                22 Dec 1882
Moore, W. F. (m)                  Willett, M. J. (f)               16 Sep 1891
Moore, W. T.                      Wright, Mollie E. (Mrs.)         26 Apr 1885
Moore, Willie (f)                 Tatum, B. T. (m)                 18 Oct 1896
Moore, Willie (m)                 Johnson, Georgie                 16 Aug 1897
Moore, Willie A. (f)              Spraggins, J. E. (m)             8 Jun 1893 
Moore, Y. T.                      Baird, Etta                      22 Dec 1887
Mooris, S. D.                     Parker, Ella                     19 Mar 1882
Moreland, Vic (f)                 Cook, John (Col)                 29 Jan 1893
Morgan, Bell                      Capels, John                     20 Feb 1876
Morgan, Francis (Col)             Pain, Love (Col, f)              6 Sep 1885 
Morgan, G. B. (m)                 Wells, L. D. (f)                 22 May 1898
Morgan, Henry M.                  Coley, Sarah                     16 Sep 1883
Morgan, J. C. (m)                 Woodside, M. (Miss)              25 Dec 1878
Morgan, Lucy (Mrs.)               McNight, Bob (Col)               24 Oct 1896
Morgan, M. J. (f)                 Leggett, H. B. (m)               22 Aug 1880
Morgan, Mollie                    Partee, Willie (m)               6 Sep 1895 
Morgan, Sarah                     Glenn, Ed                        7 Aug 1887 
Morgan, Viola                     Baker, Jas.                      6 Feb 1896 
Morgan, W. B.                     Chronister, Mollie               28 Aug 1887
Morgan, Wm. A.                    Bailey, Nannie E.                26 Jul 1885
Moris, Dellar (Col, f)            Mahome, Lewis (Col)              16 Nov 1885
Moris, Rena                       Hooks, M. D.                     21 Jan 1886 (license)
Morphis, J. H.                    Nichols, Ada                     25 Aug 1889
Morris, Annie (Col)               Williams, Warren (Col)           25 Jun 1882
Morris, Charles (Col)             Croom, Mary (Col)                4 Dec 1881 
Morris, M. A. (f)                 Clark, S. B. (m)                 10 Feb 1876
Morris, Margarett (Mrs.)          Daniel, R. A.                    12 Feb 1899
Morris, Robt.                     Williams, Annie                  2 Nov 1892 
Morris, W. T.                     Jaccocks, Margaret               2 Dec 1897 
Morton, Alice                     Jenkins, W. O.                   8 Feb 1894 
Morton, Alice                     Roberson, L. W.                  31 Dec 1897
Morton, Irene                     Evans, T. E.                     11 Aug 1889
Morton, J. F.                     Cunningham, Nannie               9 Aug 1874 
Morton, L. M. (f)                 Cooke, Hartwell                  2 Jan 1876 
Morton, Lou (Col, f)              Bowen, John (Col)                7 Nov 1895 
Morton, Rosa                      Holder, Joe (Col)                25 Dec 1896
Morton, Sarah N.                  Cunningham, Lewis                7 Dec 1881 
Morton, Walter (Col)              Batsley, Ellen                   5 Jun 1897 
Moseley, Ella                     Kee, O. G.                       23 Dec 1899
Moses, Ruthie                     Green, Whit (Col)                10 Sep 1895
Mosley, Hilliard                  Hudgins, Sue (Mrs.)              2 Mar 1887 
Moss, Bettie (Col)                Hicks, Irvin (Col)               20 Nov 1874
Moss, Bettie (Col)                Lewis, James (Col)               13 Dec 1877
Moss, J. C.                       Pearson, Lydia J.                17 Feb 1884
Moss, M. S.                       Bond, Lula M.                    13 Dec 1876
Moss, T. R. (m)                   Parker, M. L. (f)                7 Jan 1886 
Moss, T. W.                       Remly, Kate                      6 Sep 1882 
Motley, Ed (Col)                  Nicholson, Bettie (Col)          21 Feb 1886
Mott, W. H. (m)                   Stephens, Faney                  11 Jun 1882
Mount, A. E. (Miss)               Agee, J. M. W. (m)               5 Nov 1879 
Mount, H. M. (m)                  Stephenson, M. J. (f)            22 Nov 1881 (license)
Mount, M. J. (f)                  Stephenson, R. E. (m)            10 Feb 1881
Mount, W. J.                      Richardson, Alice                29 Dec 1887
Mozeley, J. C. (m)                Mitchell, R. L. (f)              1 Jun 1873 
Mullens, William                  Brown, Alice                     11 Oct 1896
Mulligan, J. W. (Col)             Buck, Mattie (Col)               18 Oct 1889
Mullins, Dora                     Graves, P. B.                    25 Sep 1898
Mullins, T. P. (m)                Perry, Lue (f)                   21 Dec 1884
Mullins, W. A.                    Todd, Laura C.                   7 Feb 1878 
Murcherson, Tom (Col)             Cole, Parilee (Col)              1 Dec 1898 
Murcherson, Tom                   Drake, Jessener (f)              23 Jul 1897
Murchison, Dan                    Byassee, Maggie                  31 Dec 1893
Murchison, J. W. (m)              Nethry, M. E. (f)                12 Sep 1872
Murchison, Mollie                 Powell, Washington (Col)         1 May 1890 
Murchison, Nellie                 Anderson, Will (Col)             7 Apr 1893 
Murchison, Pena? (f)              Crandell, W. W. (m)              26 Nov 1882
Murchison, W. H. (m)              Permenter, M. H. (f)             28 Dec 1876
Murchson, Arch (Col)              Horton, Lela (Col)               17 Jul 1887
Murdaugh, E. C. (f)               Walker, A. K. (m)                3 Oct 1878 
Murdaugh, G. W. (m)               Curtis, S. F. (f)                15 Dec 1878
Murdaugh, H. A.                   Richardson, John                 24 Apr 1890
Murehead, M. F.                   Vernon, Bettie                   14 Aug 1881
Murkerson, Annie                  Martin, William (Col)            23 Dec 1898
Murphy, Mollie                    Perry, Jessie (m)                14 Jun 1891
Murray, Anderson (Col)            Williams, Nancy (Col)            3 Feb 1895 
Murray, J. F. (m)                 Hamel, M. F. (f)                 22 Nov 1893
Murry, Anderson (Col)             Evans, Salley (Col)              14 Dec 1882
Murry, Nan (Col)                  Mayfield, Sam (Col)              20 Jan 1898
Murry, Will (Col)                 Palmer, Nann (Col, f)            12 Nov 1899
Muse, Cordie                      Yarborough, Henry                14 Aug 1898
Musgrave, Lou (f)                 Drake, George (Col)              13 Nov 1895
Musgraves, Roxanna (Col)          Williams, Ab (Col)               10 Nov 1894
Musgraves, S. M.                  Cousins, Columbia (f)            16 Aug 1891
Musgraves, Will (Col)             Wilkins, Eliza                   21 Feb 1897
Mydett, Florence (Col)            Claybrooks, Dave (Col)           14 Jan 1895

Every attempt has been made by me to transcribe these names correctly. Many times, a name was spelled four or five different ways on the certificate. In those cases, I went with what looked right to me, but there is always the possibility that I picked the wrong spelling. Other times, the name was spelled the same each time it was written, and each time it may have been spelled wrong. In other cases, the writing was so bad, it was hard to tell what the name was. Almost always, the letters "a" and "o" looked identical, and an "m" or "n" was easily mistaken for a "u" - they all looked the same for the most part. So, if you don't see exactly what you are looking for, look for something that is close.

Where it states (license) after the date, this means that there was no marriage date given - only the date that the license was taken out, which will be the date shown. I have no way of knowing if this means that there was no marriage, but I do know that some of the couples, without a marriage date given, went on to live as husband and wife, for the rest of their lives. A few of these licenses, with no marriage date given, had notes written on them, stating "license returned not executed", or "license returned with no evidence of marriage", or something else to that effect. I will make a note of these things after the date.

At the end of 1881, and the beginning of 1882, there were many marriages licenses with no marriage dates on them. Out of 17 licenses issued in Jan 1882, only 3 had a marriage date. In Feb 1882, 9 licenses were issued, with only 3 having a marriage date. March was a little better, with 9 licenses issued, and 5 marriages dates shown. The same applies for a large part of 1886. April 1886 had 10 licenses, with only 5 marriage dates, and May 1886 had 9 licenses, with no marriage dates. This pattern, of very few marriage dates for 1886, continues until about Sept. 1886. I find it hard to believe that there would have been this many licenses obtained, with no marriage taking place. So, please keep this in mind when you find a marriage listed below, with only a date of license.

When it says (Col) after a name, this would denote that this was a person of color.

These records may not be copied, reprinted, or used for any commercial purposes.

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