Dr. D. A. Nunn

Dr. D. A. Nunn, a prominent citizen and physician of Chestnut Bluff, was born September 25, 1850 and is a son of Dr. I. A. and E. A. (Moss) Nunn. The father was born in Haywood County, Tenn., September 26, 1827, and came to Chestnut Bluff in 1850, where he began the practice of medicine. This he continued up to the time of his death, which occurred September, 1883. He was twice married, the second time to Mary E. Buck, daughter of Henry Buck. He was in the mercantile business at this place and was one of the county�s most prominent citizens. He was elected State Senator in 1882, and held that position at the time of his death. The mother of our subject was born in Middle Tennessee about 1831 and died about 1860. Our subject received a good literary education at the Western University of Jackson, situated at that place. In 1867 he began reading medicine under his father�s direction and at the end of two years he entered the University of Louisville, Ky., where he graduated in 1871 and in 1882 took a post-graduate�s course at the same school. September, 1883, he married Miss Emma Young, a native of Haywood County, born 1850, and the daughter of Frank and Sarah Young. To our subject and wife were born three children: Ethel E., M. A., and Sarah B. After graduating in medicine the Doctor located at this place, and began practicing medicine. He is also engaged in the drug and grocery business and is one of the county�s best men. He is a Republican in politics and he and wife are active church members, he of the Baptist and she of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

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