These records can be invaluable in your search. It is advisable to obtain a person's death record even if you think you know everything about the person. Info included on these records includes name of the deceased, birth and death place and date, marital status making it possible to determine if a spouse died before or after the deceased, name and birthplace of parents, place of burial, name of the undertaker or funeral home where you may find more records, and in some cases, the cause of death. To obtain the cause you may have to state your relationship to the person and that the request is for genealogical research.
For death records beginning in 1950 to the present, you will need to contact the Tennessee Vital Records Office.
You can search for death, divorce and marriage records on any county in the state on the Shelby County Register of Deeds web site.
Clay County Tennessee Death Certificates, 1914-1925 compiled by Harold McLerran is a three volume work with index available in the Clay County Public Library.
Lea C. Savage provided this information on Richardson and Goodpasture Births, Deaths, and Marriages, taken from entries placed in a history book.