Clay County,

The Tennessee State Library and Archives has microfilmed copies of the following Clay County Newspapers. For information on how to obtain searches or copies of articles, please click here. Microfilms may also be available for interlibrary loan to other Tennessee libraries.

Bill FiskeĆ­s Bugle. (Celina) N 1910 - ? 1948? w. Note: On the misc. Celina Globe papers, 1 - 4, see letter from Mrs. Fiske Hamilton. with Celina Globe TSLA HOLDINGS: Ja 25 1912; Jl 2 1914; N 27 1935; O 29 1941; Je 3; Ag 19 1942

Celina Gobe. Je 21? 1956 - ? 1957 w. with Celina Globe (1960 - 1969) TSLA HOLDINGS: Je 20; O 24, 31 1957

Celina Globe. My ? 1960 - Ag 28 1969 w. Continued by Clay Statesman (Celina) with Celina Globe (1956 - 1957) TSLA HOLDINGS: O 20 1960 - Ag 28 1969

Celina Herald. F ? 1902 ? - ? w. with Celina Globe TSLA HOLDINGS: My 24 - N 15 1906

Celina Messerger. S 26 1907 - 190? w. with Celina Globe TSLA HOLDINGS: S26 1907

Citizen - Statesman. (Celina) D 8 1983 - w. Formed by merger of the Clay Citizen(Celina), and Clay Statesman (Celina). TSLA HOLDINGS: D 8 1983 -present

Clay Citizen. (Celina) S 16 1976 - N 30 1983 w. Continued by Citizen - Statesman(Celina). TSLA HOLDINGS: S 16 1976 - N 30 1983

Clay County Courier. (Celina) My 4? 1928 - ? w. with Celina Globe (1956 -1957) TSLA HOLDINGS: Ag 31, S 7 - 28 1928

Clay County Tribune. (Celina) Je 10? 1899 - ? w. with Celina Globe (1956 -1957) TSLA HOLDINGS: D 30 1899

Clay Statesman. (Celina) S 5 1969 - N 30 1983 w. Continues Celina Globe (1960- 1969) Merged with the Clay Citizen (Celina) to form The Citizen -Statesman. TSLA HOLDINGS: S 5 1969 - N 30 1983

Clay County newspaper publishers in the county are:

Citizen Statesman
800 Lake Avenue
Celina, TN 38551
Phone 931-243-2235
Volunteer News & Printing
220 East Lake Avenue
Celina, TN 38551
Phone 931-243-4126

New book may reveal Your Ancestors in the State Penitentiary!

Announcing the publication of the second volume of Tennessee Convicts: Early Records of the State Penitentiary.  This volume covers records from 1850 through 1870, including more than 2,200 prisoners and their family members who are named in the original ledger volumes.

During this period abolitionists, Confederate bushwhackers and Union army soldiers convicted by courts martial were among those who crowded the State Penitentiary.  In addition, the regular complement of counterfeiters, horse thieves and murderers from across the state are also represented.

For more information on this book please see this web page: http://www.angelfire/tn3/sherrill

You may also contact the author, Chuck Sherrill, by e-mail at:

Shawn Gray sent the following info, which might be of interest to Clay County researchers.

The Overton Co., TN KIN (A Genealogy Newsletter for Overton, Fentress, and Pickett Co., TN)

Go here to subscribe to the Newsletter:

Return to the Clay County TNGen Web Main Page.


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The contents of these pages are property of the TNGenNet Inc. and/or private contributors. Any reproductions and/or use of this material for profit is expressly prohibited without the written consent of the contributors and/or the State Coordinator of the TNGenWeb (TNGenNet Inc.).
Jane Hembree Crowley
Charles Reeves, Jr.,

Clay County Coordinators
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