1857 - ____
By James M. (Jim) Allen
These items were copied as found in the Archives of Cheatham County and are not in specific order by date. Be aware that the difficulties of interpreting the handwriting of the loose papers coupled with the sad state of the papers themselves, plus my own inadequacies with spelling and knowledge of names of the era may tend to render these utterings as incorrect in many respects. Your indulgence and willingness to accept these as I have prepared them is necessary. If you find an obvious error you might advise me and I will review it and make necessary changes if appropriate. I have not seen an attempt at this type publication that did not have errors. Be Fair. Additionally, it should be noted that some of the items found here were apparently misfiled in with the 1856 loose papers and have not yet been placed in their proper files. I entered them anyway rather than attempt a complete overhaul of the filing system. If an entry for a name or word appears in italics then it is due my inability to make out the name or word from the handwriting and have given it my best effort.
SPECIAL NOTE: I am of the opinion that very often the term which appears to be "hands" may in fact be interpreted as "lands" and vice versa. Additionally; bear in mind that my left little finger and left ring finger no longer function properly ‘a product of maturity’ and you may find many places where the letter ‘a’ is missing; that is my fault - put one in there and read on.
I did not attempt to Spell Check this document due to its length and the many, many names herein.
Quarterly Court Loose Papers
Jan Feb March Term
Item 01. State of Tennessee Cheatham Coimtu <arcj Ter, 1857. It is ordered by the court that Charles Symes, B. H. Gibbs, Washington Wall and Gardnes Green be appointed Commissioners to lay off to Mrs Evaline Stewart widow of E. L. Stewart the dower she is entitled to out of the Real estate of the said E. L. Stewart decd.
Seized asnd possessed of and that you in company with G. W. McQuary the County Surveyor of said county go upon said premises at an early day and lay off to said widow such portion of said Real estate as she is entitled to by law having due regard to timber, water, etc., etc., given under my hand at office the 3rd day of March 1857. W. W. Williams Clk
Reverse indicates: March 1857
Item 02. Receipt: Daily Gazette Printing Establishment, Nashville, Tennee March 14, 1857 to Mr. W. W. Williams
James T. Bell & Co. Dr. No. 52 Cherry Street, Nashville, James T. Bell, M. V. B. Haile Proprietors --- To printing 50 bills and postage $2.90. Rec’d Payment Signed Jas T. Bell
Item 03. State of Tennessee. Cheatham County. We being duly elected informed and sworn & charged by the Coronor of said County as a Jury of Inquest to inquire How, When & in What manner the person unknown to the Jury came to his death. On our oath so say that we suppose that the ? person came to his death by being drowned, having no marks of violence. His dress was the garb of a Boatsman stout able bodyed man also a small pocket book in his pants with three dimes and two brass rings in it supposed to be 35 or forty years of age. The body was found in Cumberland River one mile above the mouth of Sams Creek and buried on the South side of the river. Febry 3rd 1857. Signed: J. M. Lee Coronor of Cheatham County - Commissioners = Jas Binkley John T. Harper, J. N.
Dozer, W. H. Cato, Wilson Demumbreun, Jas W. S. Hollis, D. S. Binkley, Burton Nighhouse, L. L. Demumbreun S. S. Knight, Jas Boyt, William Demumbreun
Reverse indicates: Coroners fees for holding inquest to pay Jurors Per $5, 6, $11 Allowed
Item 04. Nettie Edwards being fourteen years of age came into court and cholse L. H. Eatherly as her guardian. The court thereupon gave the said L. H. Eatherly time to make a bond as such guardian in the sum of one thousand dollars and the said L. H. Eatherly failing to give said bond the court is pleased to appoint J. S. Steward guardian of said ward requiring him to execute a bond with good and sufficient securities in the sum of one thousand dollars. Whereupon G. P. Mallery, V. A. Stuart and J. D. Nicholson came into open court and acknowledged themselves the securities of the said J. S. Stewart upon his guardian bond, which bond was approved by the court.
Item 05. Phamplet from the Comptroller’s Office, Nashville, Feb 1, 1857. Dear Sir, the State tax on property for the year 1857, is fourteen cents on the hndred Dollars, as follows: State tax proper, ten cents on the hundred Dollars; Tax for benefit of Common Schools, two and a half cents; Tax for benefit of Lunatic Asylum, one and a half cents. The Poll tax is fifty cents; twenty=five cents State tax, and twenty=fice cents School tax.
The tax aggregate for the Comptroller must be made out by the Clerk of the County Court as heretofore. Respectfully, J. C. Luttrell Comptroller.
Reverse side indicates: The revenue received by Sheriffs and Collectors of public taxes shall, for each year, be due and payable on the last day of such year. See act 1840, ch 100, sect. 7th.
Item 06. Estray Report: State of Tennessee Cheatham County
One horse of a grayish color, 15 hands high, 12 or 13 years old, taken up by William Durham residing in District No. 6 of said county, on the 29th day of July 1856. Appraised at forty dollars ($40.00) Proven Away Aug 14th 1856.
A Bay horse with Black main and tail, 14 years old, with a small star in the forehead. Taken up by Benny Forehand residing in th 11th District of said county on the 20th day of October 1856. Appraised at twenty -five dollars ($25.00) Proven away Nov 10th 1856.
One red pided steer, marked with a smooth crop and under slit in the right ear and a half crop in the left ear. Taken up by Granville Nicholson, residing in District No. 5 of said county, on the 1st day of Nov. 1856. Appraised at six dollars ($6.00).
State of Tennessee, Cheatham County. l The above is atrue transcript from the records of my office. This 2nd day of February 1857. Felix A. Harris, Ranger of Cheatham County.
Reverse indicates: Report of Estrays Feb 2nd 1857.
Item 07. The following is a true list of the number of children in the Sam Creek School District over Six and under Twenty One years old. Upper division - Jesse Hooper 6; L.B.S. Lovell 7; C. S. Lovell, 5; Wm B. Lee, 3; N. W. Dozier, 6; C. J. Hooper, 2; James Wynn, 3; Enoch Dozier, 2; J. R. Allen, 1; E. C. Allen, 2; J. Work, 3; C. C. Hooper, 2; Jno. Gallaher, 4; J. H. Russell, 2; Beny Cox, 5; N. Jordan, 5; J. N. Dozier, 1.
Reverse indicates: Report of number of Children entitled to the benefits community school money 1857 in 9th District.
Item 08. State of Tennessee. To all who shall see these presents -- Greeting: Know Ye, that we do commission
Thos Perdue of the county of Cheatham Justice of the Peace in and for said county, and do authorise and empoweer him to execute and fulfill the duties of Justice of the Peace in said county, agreeably to the Constitution and Laws of the State, with all the powers, privileges and emoluments thereunto appertaining.
In Testimony Whereof, I, Andrew Johnson, Governor of the State aforesaid, have hereunto set my hand, and caused the Great Seal of the State to be affixed, at Nashville, the 15th day of Jan 1857. Signed Andrew Johnson By the Governor: L N. McBurton Secretary of State.
Reverse indicates: Tho Perdue Commission Jan 1857
Item 09. To the Worshipful County Court of Cheatham County the undersigned petition your worships to change the Brush Creek Road in the 12th District of Cheatham County to commence at or near William Herins on South Harpeth and to run across by the widow Herin’s and on to Brush Creek at or near Georg Jones and thence up Strons
fork of said creek to the county line between Williamson and Cheatham Contys we petition for a Jury of View to view out and lay off said road and report to the Feb term of this court. This the 3rd of January 1857.
Signed: Wm. Herrin, Thomas Pence, Jesse Hooper D. M. Dunn.
Reverse indicates:Petition for Jury of View.
Item 10. The 9th Scholastic District - The 1st Division.... Mrs. Van, 1; E. Dozier, 3; Mr. P. Allen, 2; J. Allen, 3;
E. C. Allen, 2; S. Stron, 2; Mrs. Lovel, 7, C. J. Love, 5; S. Davis,, 2; J. Work, 4; J. Hooper, 4; P. Hul, 4, B. Cox, 4;
N. Jordan, 5; 42. Brush Creek Rebeker Parr, 2; G. W. Hale, 2; Stephen Elliott, 4,; L. W. Lovell, 1; William Sherron, 1; Stephen Lee, 1; W. A. Cauthen, 4; T. J. Crouch, 8; Susannah Hooperm, 4; Hunter Gower, 3; T. W. Russell, 5; T. B. Lovell, 5; Moses Raggan, 3; E. S. Read, 4; W. M. Hooper, 3; Abner Vick, 6; E. L. Hooper, 2; T. C. Hale, 4; Joseph Brown, 5; L. Lancaster, 1; W. H. Story, 3; A. Work, 1; L. J. Hale, 1; C. S. A. Dozier, 6; L. F. Cullum, 4; John Hooper, 3; G. E. Dozier, 6; L. H. Riggan, 3; J. H. Riggan, 1; Middle Division 96
Item 11. Cheatham County
To G. W. McQuary
for Surveying Davidson County
18 days at $5 per day 90.00
12 " ploting and calculating area 60.00
Expenses paid by said McQuary 10.00
Paid by said McQuary for Drawing
papers to make maps and calculations 2.00
Ordered 100 paid
Reverse side indicates: Cheatham County Act. $162.00 1857
Item 12. Resolved that the County Court of Cheatham that the commissioners appointed in persuance of sections 6th of the Act establishing the County of Cheatham forthwith advertise for proposals for the building of a Court House and Jail in the town of Ashland when such plans as may be agreed upon by said commissioners and that they be authorised to pay for said buildings with the town lots of Ashland when sold & with the proceeds of the lots already sold in that may hereafter be sold.
Reverse indicates: Order to allow commissioners to advertise for proposals to build court house and jail.
April May June Term
Item 0l. I N. J. Osburn do hereby resign the office of Justice of the Peace in ?? Civil Districe of Cheatham County to take effect on the first Saturday in March. Signed N. J. Osburn
Reverse Indicates: April 1857
Item 02. Cheatham County Court, April Term 1857. It is ordered by the Court that David H. Felts, Thomas Basford (crossed out), Washington Wall, Abner Edwards, Rawls Maxey and G. W. Shaw be appointed a Jury to assess the damages incurred by Lonnzo Fox in consequence of the Nashville and Clarksville Turn Pike Road running throughout his land, and that the Sheriff of said county summon said Jurrors to attend on the premises on some convenient day not far distand and view and assess the amount of damage to the best of your Judgement, that the said
L. Fox haave incurred in consequence of running said Turn Pike Road through his premises and report your proceeding to the next term of the court. Given under my hand at office this 8th day of April 1857. W. W. Williams Clk.
Reverse indicates: Order to Apt Jury to Assess Damage L D. Fox, Clerks fees .50 Shffs fee Sums Jury 1.25, Each Juror 10.00 funds, April the 11th 1857 Except not legible looks like Except Maxey, E. G. Murphy April 1857
Item 03. State of Tennessee Davidson County. I hereby certify that Wm. J. Carter was at the January term 1854 appointed overseer over the road beginning at the Harpeth Bridge and running up Harpeth River to William Andersons old place on the Hannah’s ford road and that at the April term 1855 the following hands were placed there to work under his direction to wit W. J. Carter, R. B. Dupree ?. April 29th 1857 H. R. Cheatham Clk.
Reverse reds W. J. Carter Road Order.
Item 04. To the Hon County Court of Cheatham County Tenn. We the undersigned commissioners appointed by the County Court of said county at its April term 1857 to examine the lands of L. J. Perdue and the amount it was valued at by the Tax Assessor of said county in the year 1857, and report to this Court if in our opinion it was valued too high. We have examined the same and find that his land is valued at about eighty dollars and seventy two cemts. We think it is too high and value it Seven Dollars per acre. E. G. Hudgens, Abner Edwards
Reverse indicates: Evaluation of L. J. Perdues Land Apr 1857
Item 04. To the Honorable County Court of Chetham County we wish Rufus ????lay appointed over seer of the road leading from the Dickson County line to the Narrows of the Harpeth and he be allowed all the hands from the Narrows down the river on each side to the county line. This the 5th April 1857. B. T. ?work?
Item 05. State of Tennessee Cheatham County. We being duly elected, empanneled, sworn and charged by the Coroner of said county as a Jury of Inquest, to inquire how, when and in what manner an unknown white boy came to his death, on our oath do say, that the said unknown boy came to his death by drowning. From the evidence of Wm. Steward, the boy must be the same who fell overboard from the steamer Umpire, in Cumberland river just below or near Gower’s Island, in February. Mr. Stewart described the boy exactly to the Jury. He having seen the accident of his falling overboard, and remembered distinctly the clothing of the oy. He had on a grayish suit of clothes, of cusinet, with round jacket and pants buttoned together, - small brass buttons, shoes, gaiters, and old woolen socks. We supposed him to be six or eight years old.
Wm. Stewart further stated to the jury that Captain Hudgins of the Umpire made no effort to rescue the drowning boy, not even stopping the boat. We the Jury earnestly recommend that the conduct of Capt. Hudgins, in regard to this matter, be enquired into.
Given under our hands and sels this 7th day of April 1857.
Felix A. Harris Forman of Jury (Seal)
J. M. Gent (Seal) B. S. Miler (Seal)
Wm. Shearon (Seal) W. M. D. Bryan (Seal)
E. W. Felts (Seal) J. Hooper (Seal)
J. A. N. Bryan (Seal) J. N. Hooper (Seal
E. B. Carney (Seal) Wm. Demumbrine (Seal)
J. J. Forbes (Seal)
Test J. Lee fees $11
Coronor of
Chetham County
Reverse States: Report of Jury of Inquirey Allowed
Item 06 . State of Tennessee -- Cheatham County.-------------- Know all men by these Presents, That we
????? E. Pegram, Martin Pegram, Mastin Ussery and John Gallaher all of the County of Cheatham and State of Tennessee, are held and firmly bound unto the State of Tennessee in the sum of ......Fifty Thousand....... dollars, to be paid to the said State aforesaid, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, and each of us, each and every of our heirs, executors and administrators jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated this ..... 3rd..... day of ......June.....1857.
The CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGATION IS SUCH, That WHEREAS the above bound.................????(Looks like Penina or Tenna) E. Pegram........being appointed Executor by the last will and testament of .........John T or P Pegram..............deceased, and now qualified as such according to law. Now if the above bound ..........??Penina or Tenna Pegram............doth make or cause to be made a true and erfect inventory of all and singular, the goods and chattels, rights and credits of the deceased, which have or shall come to the hands, knowledge or possession of the said..........???Penina or Tenna E. Pegram......or in the hands or possession of any person or persons for him, do well and truly administer according to the last Will and Testament of the deceased. And further do make, or cause to be made, a true and just account of her said Administration within two years after the date of these presents. And all the rest and residue of said estate which shall be found remaining upon said Executors account, the same being first examined and allowed by the Court of said County, shall deliver and pay unto such person or persons respectively to whom the same shall be due agreeable to the Acts of Assembly in such case made and provided: Then this obligation to be void, otherwise to remain in full force nd effect.
???Penina or Tena E. Pegram (LS)
Mastin Ussery (LS)
John his X mark Gallaher (LS)
Wm. M. Pegram (LS)
Reverse Side indicates: ???Penina or Tenna E. Pegram Bond Given June 4th 1867
"Note Dates are different - filed in the 1857 loose papers of Cheatham County Court Term AprMayJun 1857)
Item 07. State of Tennessee Cheatham County May Term 1857.
It is ordered by the court that N. B. Lovell Wm. M. Hooper, S. W. Lovell, Wash Agen, James R. Allen and Washington Allen, be appointed a Jury of View to View a Road beginning at the forks of the Road at Moses Ragans, with the public Road to Sams Creek near Sheltons Mill thence up Said Sams Creek with the Iron Road so as to interesect a Road Said to be a public Road running through said Shelton’s plantation and if the said road is public to stop the same and turn it as above described and that the Sheriff or any constable of said county summons the said Jury to attend upon said road upon some convenient day and after being qualified by said officer, view the same and report to the next quarterly term of this Court. Given under my hand at office this 5th day of May 1857. W. W. Williams Clk
Reverse Indicates: Order for Jury of View. Sams Creek June the 15th 1857 Executed by ??mmebger, Work CCC.
Item 08. Pursuant to a decree of the county court of Cheatham County of the May term 1857 we the Jury apppointed to View the Road as directed in said order after being duly sworn have done the same. Beginning at Moses Ragans at the fork’s of the Nashville and Sams Creek Road and after viewing the Roads Report the Road said to be a hillie Road which runs through W. G. Shelton’s Plantation be discontinued and said road run with the Nashville Road to the Iron Road at Sams Creek 2 oaks marked thence up Sams Creek with the Iron Road to where said road crosses the Sams Creek above Sheltons Mill dam thence along the basnk of the creek up to the sand bars and within the base to where the Iron Road intersects the the old road that we recommend to be discontinued. All of which is Respectfully submitted this June 13th 1857.
Signed: J. R. Allen (Seal); N. B. Lovell (Seal); Wm. M. Hooper (Seal); L. H. Lovell (Seal); G. W. Allen (Seal).
Reverse Indicates. Report Jury of View Sams Creek June 1857
Court Term : July August September 1857
Item 01.