Read the Franklinia Story ![]()
5th Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology
J. W. Powell, Director
The Cherokee Nation of Indians by Charles C. Royce
Excerpt, pp. 142-’44
Government Printing Office, 1887
1. Over Hill Towns.-Great Tellico, Chatugee, Tennessee, Chote, Toqua, Sittiqo, and Talassee.
2. Valley Towns.-Euforsee, Comastee, Little Telliquo, Cotocanahuy, Nayowee, Tomatly, and Chewohe.
3. Middle Towns.-Joree, Watoge, Nuckasee.
4. Keowee Towns.-Keowee, Tricentee, Echoee, Torsee, Cowee, Torsalla, Coweeshee, and Elejoy.
5. Out Towns.-Tucharechee, Kittowa, Conontoroy, Steecoy, Oustanale, and Tuckasegee.
6. Lower Towns.-Tomassee, Oustestee, Cheowie, Estatoie, Tosawa, Keowee, and Oustanalla.
1. | Echoe | On the Tanase east of Jore Mountains. |
2. | Nucasse | " " |
3. | Whatoga | " " |
4. | Cowe | " " |
5. | Ticoloosa | Inland, on the branches of the Tanase. |
6. | Jore | " " |
7. | Conisca | " " |
8. | Nowe | " " |
9. | Tomothle | On the Tanase over the Jore Mountains. |
10. | Noewe | " " |
11. | Tellico | " " |
12. | Clennuse | " " |
13. | Ocunnolufte | " " |
14. | Chewe | " " |
15. | Quanuse | " " |
16. | Tellowe | " " |
17. | Tellico | Inland towns on the branches of the Tanase and other waters over Jore Mountains. |
18. | Chatuga | " " |
19. | Hiwasse | " " |
20. | Chewase | " " |
21. | Nuanha | " " |
22. | Tallase | Overhill towns on the Tanase or Cherokee River. |
23. | Chelowe | " " |
24. | Sette | " " |
25. | Chote, great | " " |
26. | Joco | " " |
27. | Tahasse | " " |
28. | Tamahle | " " |
29. | Tuskege | " " |
30. | -- -- Big Island | " " |
31. | Nilaque | " " |
32. | Niowe | " " |
33. | Sinica | Lower towns east of the mountains on the Savanna or Keowe River. |
34. | Keowe | " " |
35. | Kulsage | " " |
36. | Tugilo | Lower towns east of the mountains on Tugilo River. |
37. | Estotowe | " " |
38. | Qualatche | Lower towns on the Flint River. |
39. | Chote | " " |
40. | Estotowe, great | Towns on the waters of other rivers. |
41. | Allagae | " " |
42. | Jore | " " |
43. | Naeoche | " " |
Achohee; Acounee; Ailigulsha; Allagae; Aumoia; Aumuchee.
-- -- Big Island; Big Tellico; Buffalo Town.
Cabben; Chagee; Chatuga; Chatugee; Chelowe; Cheowie; Chestnee; Chewase; Chewe; Chewohe; Chicherohe; Chillhoway; Chota, Chote; Chote, great; Clennuse; Comastee; Conisca; Conontoroy; Coosa; Coosaway; Cotocanahuy; Cowe; Cowee; Coweeshee; Cowpens; Creek Path; Cuclon.
Echay; Echoee; Echoe; Elejoy; Ellijay; Estatoie; Estotowe; Euforsee.
Great Tellico.
High Tower; High Tower Forks; Highwassee, Hiwasse.
Joco; Jore; Joree.
Kautika; Kenyukee, Keowe; Keowee; Kittowa; Kulsage.
Little Tellico; Little Telliquo; Lookout Mountain.
Naeoche; Nantiyallee, Nayowee; New Keowee; Nickojack; Nilaque; Niowe; Noewe; Notley; Nowe; Noyohee; Nuanha; Nucasse; Nuckasee; Nukeza.
Ocunnolufte; Oostinawley; Oustanale; Oustanalla; Oustestee.
Pine Log.
Quacoretche; Qualatche; Quanuse.
Rabbit Trap; Red Bank; Running Water.
Sallicoah; Saukee; Seneca; Sette; Shoemeck; Sinica; Sittiqo; Steecoy.
Tahasse; Takwashnaw; Tallase; Talassee; Tamahle; Tausitu; Telassee; Tellico; Tellowe; Tennessee; Tetohe; Ticoloosa; Tocoah; Tomassee; Tomatly; Tomothle; Toqua; Toquah, Torsee; Torsalla; Tosawa; Tricentee; Tucharechee; Tuckasegee; Tugilo; Tulloolah; Turkey Town, Turnip Mountain; Turruraw; Tuskege; Tusquittee; Tussee; Tusskegee.
Watoga, Watoge; Whatoga; Willstown.