Will of Thomas Gregory of Bedford Co., TN 1866

I, Thomas Gregory of the State and County aforesaid, do make and publish this as my last will and Testament, hereby revoking and making void all other wills by me at any time made.

First I direct that my funeral Expenses, and all my debts be paid as soon after my death as possible; Out of any moneys that I may die possessed of or may first come into the hands of my Executors.

Secondly I give and bequeath to my wife Martha Gregory all my property, both real and personal during her natural life, that shall remain after paying all my debts.

Thirdly, I give and bequeath to my Son Joseph P. Gregory five Dollars out of any moneys on hand, or that may come into the hands of my Executors, at the death of my wife Martha Gregory-

Fourthly- It is my will that at the death of my wife Martha Gregory, all my property, both real and personal shall be sold- the personal property on a twelve months credit, and the land, on one & two years credit, and the same together with all moneys and other effects that I may have, to be equally divided among and between the following - (to wit)  The heirs of my Daughter. Elizabeth Phillips- one share, to my Daughter Martha Wade and her heirs- One share, to my Son Thomas Gregory, one share to my son, James Gregory- one share to my son George W. Gregory- one share- to my Grand son Joseph Gregory- Son of Joseph P. Gregory one share-

Lastly- I do hereby nominate and appoint my sons George W. Gregory & James Gregory- My Executors

In witness whereof- I do, to this my will- act my hand and Seal, this 29th day of November 1859.  Thomas (his marX) Gregory (seal)

Test:  A. J. Goodman  C. S. Dudley

State of Tennessee  Bedford County I, Joseph H. Thompson Clerk of the county Court of said County, do certify that the foregoing, is a full, true, and perfect copy of the original Will of Tomas Gregory deceased, as proved and admitted to record at the November Term of said court D. D. 1866

Lunenburg Co., VA Deed Bk 26:387; 13 Jan 1825; recorded ______?
Between Thomas Gregory and Martha his wife of Bedford County, TN and
Thomas Pettus of Lunenburg Co., VA of other part.
Sum of $50
160 acres
One seventh part of tract of land belonging to the heirs of the late James Gregory , lying in Lunenburg Co., VA on Juniper Cr. adjoining lands of Silas Shelburn, John Fowlks, Daniel Townsend and Banister Jordan containing 160 acres.
Sig: Thomas Gregory