Bedford County, Tennessee
Indices to Circuit Court Records

TSLA microfilm
roll number

Volume number and 
link to index

Date range Type
1 1840 - 1851
1853 - 1855
1855 - 1857
Jun 1840 - Apr 1857 Minute Books
2 1857 - 1858
1858 - 1859
Aug 1857 - Aug 1859  Minute Books
3 Aug 1859 - Aug 1860
Aug 1861 - Aug 1867
Aug 1859 - Aug 1860
Aug 1861 - Aug 1867
Minute Books
Enrollment Docket
4 1864 - 1865
1864 - 1867
Apr 1864 - Aug 1867 Minute Books
5 1867 - 1869
1869 - 1871
Dec 1867 - Apr 1871 Minute Books

If an on-line index has been created, the hyperlink in the "Volume number and link to index" column will be active. If the index you want is not yet available, please check back later since new indices are being created..

last update 9 November 2007
Steve Carson, GSC Associates Historical Record Products.