Bedford County, Tennessee, Chancery Court Minute Book
Volume A, March 1865 - June 1868

last update 22 July 2005
Steve Carson, GSC Associates Historical Record Products.

Transcribed by Martha Mendez from the index on Microfilm Roll 29 of Bedford County, Tennessee records at the Tennessee State Library and Archives with conversion and html creation by Steve Carson. This partial index covers pages 1 - 400 of the 800 pages in this volume.

Adams, J.L. 344
Alderman, J.H. 41
Alderman, John H. 42
Alexander, D.W. 382
Alexander, M.L. 335
Allen, E.J. 298
Allen, Wm. A. 279, 280
Allison, ______ 7, 33, 267
Allison, Andrew J. 163
Allison, David C. 163
Allison, Elizabeth 260, 287, 394, 395, 396
Allison, John T. 163
Allison, K.T. 9, 260, 364
Allison, Kimbrough T. 286, 395, 396
Allison, Rebecca Phillips 363
Allison, Robert C. 163
Allison, T.B. 9, 260, 359, 363, 364
Allison, T.C. 114, 126, 160
Allison, Thomas 363
Allison, Thomas 9, 45, 286, 363
Anderson, ________ 7, 267
Anderson, Allison 161
Anderson, Livingstone 172, 183, 184
Armstrong, Arch 196
Armstrong, J. Tucker 308, 309, 310
Armstrong, James G. 285
Armstrong, John 154
Armstrong, William 156
Arnold, A. 261
Arnold, Chesly 48, 49, 92, 96, 335, 336
Arnold, Griffin 2
Arnold, Henry 356
Arnold, J.T. 265
Arnold, James T. 243, 244, 396
Arnold, Jessie 2, 52, 156, 271
Arnold, L. 373
Arnold, Louisa H. 249, 271
Arnold, O.P. 26
Arnold, Oliver 250
Arnold, R.F. 261
Arnold, Robert 320, 321
Arnold, W.J. 212
Arnold, William S. 320, 321
Ayers, Frances M. 199
Ayers, James P. 199
Ayers, Jasper W. 199
Ayers, Jeremiah 199
Ayers, Joseph 199
Ayers, Lucinda 199
Ayers, Moses B. 199
Ayers, Robt E. 199
Ayers, Sarah 199
Ayers, Virginia 199
Ayers, Wm. 199
Baker, Francis Martha 95
Baker, James 95
Baker, Wm 271
Bank of Tennessee 360
Barker, Willis 57
Barksdale, J.G. 262, 264
Barksdale, James G. 80
Barnes, James G. 21
Barnett, Leroy 26
Barnett, W.J. 268
Barrett, _____ 185, 234, 246
Barrett, L.W. 26, 186, 342
Barrett, Leroy 31, 33, 153, 154
Barrett, Leroy W. 362
Barrett, Lucy E. 188
Barrett, Lucy W. 89
Barrett, W.J. 26, 186
Barton, A. 380
Barton, B.W. 380
Barton, William 29, 30, 352
Basket, ______ 26
Baskette, Wm T. 396
Bates, Ann 26, 153, 154
Bates, D.S. 145
Bates, David S. 289
Bates, John B. 153, 289
Bates, John W. 89
Bates, Thomas 136
Bates, W.H. 26, 27, 301
Bates, Wm. H. 153, 154
Batty, J.E. 378
Baxter, Nathaniel 389
Bell, T.A. 37, 196
Bellefant, John 274
Bellenfont, _____ 64, 223
Bennett, D.N.G. 2
Bennett, John E. 198
Berge, Nancy 64
Berge, Sarah 64
Berge, Susan 64
Berge, William D. 64
Berry, P.H. 262, 264
Berry, W.W. 27, 299
Bheleson, Joseph 104
Biddle, John V. 268
Bigger, A.A. 382
Bigger, W.J. 268
Bigger, Wm. J. 26
Biggers, W.J. 186
Bingham, A.J. 149, 214, 379, 385
Bingham, Charles 149
Bingham, David 382
Bingham, E.H. 386
Bingham, Mary 149
Bingham, Molly 149
Bingham, Rebecca 149
Bingham, Robert 214, 215
Bingham, Robert J. 149
Bingham, Sarah 149
Bingham, Senera 149
Bingham, Thomas 214
Bishop, T.B. 381
Bivins, Alex 284
Bivins, Alice 284
Bivins, James 284
Bivins, James M. 329
Bivins, John 288
Bivins, John A 284
Bivins, Lucy 284, 341
Bivins, Molly 284
Bivins, Silas A. 284, 341
Black, Thomas C. 188, 269
Black, W.A. 292
Blackman, Frances 396
Blackwell, _____ 172
Blackwell, Andrew J. 282, 302, 318
Blackwell, G.R. 171
Blackwell, J.J. 43
Blackwell, Joel W.H. 298
Blackwell, John N. 175
Blackwell, Margaret 282, 318
Blackwell, Margaret C. 302
Blackwell, Martha 298
Blackwell, R.B. 31, 161, 170, 171, 239, 359, 387
Blackwell, Sarah E. 318
Blair, R.D. 31, 186, 329
Blake, D.D. 254
Blake, Delia 216, 240, 241, 244, 254, 269
Blake, L.D. 216
Blake, S.D. 216, 242, 243, 269
Blakemore, J.A. 60, 270, 312, 313, 378
Blanton, M. 136
Blanton, Samuel 281
Blanton, Samuel F. 283
Blanton, W.C. 140, 282
Blanton, William 138
Blanton, William C. 44
Blanton, Willie 101, 106, 159, 168, 176, 283
Blanton, Willis 254, 355
Bledsoe, Tempy 276
Bomar, John 29, 154, 237, 238, 285, 373
Bomar, John S. 327
Bomar, Thomas 285
Bomar, Virginia 285
Bond, Land on map 259
Bowlin, Smith 80, 89, 215, 215, 267, 290
Brame, W.B.M. 379
Brame, W.B.M. 7, 27, 299, 328, 384
Bramlet, John A. 392
Brentz, T.W. 344
Brewer, C.C. 159
Brinkley, John 2
Bromer, C.C. 284
Brothers, _____ 26
Brown, ______ 53, 174, 320, 339, 351
Brown, A.J. 57, 71, 99, 174, 339
Brown, Alvin 359, 364
Brown, Barba 71
Brown, Barba Amy 57
Brown, Basha 63, 99
Brown, C.C. 20, 47, 97, 149, 235, 390
Brown, Cynthia 276, 277
Brown, Fall 326
Brown, Henry 80
Brown, J.F. 121
Brown, J.M. 387
Brown, J.W. 142, 162
Brown, James F. 383
Brown, John F. 128, 353
Brown, John H. 248
Brown, John L. 339
Brown, M.L. 99
Brown, Martha J. 248
Brown, Mary E. 248
Brown, Moon 63
Brown, Nancy E. 248
Brown, Peter 38
Brown, Q.T. 397, 398
Brown, Robert C. 248
Brown, Robert D. 398
Brown, Robert T. 397
Brown, Samuel M. 32, 78
Brown, Soloman 50
Brown, Solomn L. 256
Brown, Thomas J. 241, 243
Brown, Toby 46
Brown, W.B.M. 161
Brown, William 46, 58, 118, 127, 245, 293, 328, 331, 332
Brown, William G. 248
Brown, Wm 162, 164, 167, 220, 221, 343, 399
Brown, Wm. L. 102
Buchanan, Annie 155
Buchanan, G.W. 11, 104, 245, 262, 264
Buchanan, George W. 323, 378, 387, 393, 395
Buchanan, Harry M. 155
Buchanan, Henry 63
Buchanan, J.W. 177
Buchanan, James 63, 155
Buchanan, Mary Ann 63, 155, 308, 309
Buchanan, Mary N. 51
Buchanan, Robert 89, 155, 267, 284, 308, 309, 310
Buchannan, _____ 205
Buchannan, G.W. 12, 209
Buchannan, Robert 297
Buchannan, Thomas W. 342
Bullock, _____ 233
Bullock, T.F. 274
Burge, Danny 73
Burge, James C. 64, 73
Burge, Mrs. 73
Burge, Nancy 73
Burge, Sarah 73
Burge, Susan 73
Burger, S.N. 152, 257
Burleson, Patience 103, 105
Burleson, Patience Ward 369
Burns, John H. 93
Burrell, _____ 396
Burrow, F.L. 195
Burrow, F.T. 48, 49, 92, 96, 164
Burrow, Freeman 160
Burrow, J.J. 25
Burrow, Jarrell J. 278
Burrow, Nimrod 239
Burrow, T.F. 335
Burton, John W. 58, 59
Burton, Mary A. 60
Byers, Thomas 375
Caffin, Nathan 385
Cain, David 144, 145
Cain, Lydia 144, 145
Caldwell, Thomas 141
Caldwell, Thomas H. 368
Calhoune, Jones 314
Calhouns, J.F. 379
Calhouns, N.J. 379
Call, L. 163, 260, 286
Call, L. 359
Call, Lemuel 393, 394
Campbell, Alfred 95
Campbell, Catherine 95
Campbell, Elvira M. 292
Campbell, Sarah 95
Campbell, Theophilus 308
Campbell, W.A. 89
Campbell, W.O. 340
Campbell, Wm 297
Campbell, Wm A. 89, 308, 309, 310
Cane, Lydia 368
Cane, Lydia Ward 369
Caney, James L. 338
Cannon, _____ 166, 216, 217, 218, 219, 263
Cannon, C.L. 56, 337
Cannon, Charles L. 362
Cannon, Clement 54, 56, 170, 362
Cannon, Elisha 166
Cannon, Jason T. 147
Cannon, John T. 13
Cannon, Minos 3, 56, 102, 166, 217, 218, 219, 352, 353, 354
Cannon, Minos T. 115, 123
Cannon, R. 27
Cannon, Robert 3, 15, 16, 20, 31, 35, 36, 56, 57, 61, 62, 102, 106, 115, 123,
Cannon, Robert 156, 165, 170, 204, 214, 250, 299, 379
Cannon, T.B. 56
Cannon, Thomas B. 31, 337, 362
Cannon, W.P. 9, 62
Cannon, William 56, 352, 353, 354
Cannon, William P. 20, 102, 106, 124
Caple, John 371
Caply, Mary 65
Carlisle, J.K.P. 15, 152
Carlisle, James 15, 16, 33, 188
Carlisle, Martha 168
Carlisle, W.A. 168
Carlisle, William 271, 272
Carney, _____ 204, 205
Carney, L.H. 294
Carney, Smith 301
Carslile, James 342
Cartwright, Gelphea 23
Cartwright, Zilphia 65
Casteele, Abram 378
Cates, Wm 72
Catholic Church 327
Cauthern, James 271
Chaffin, ______ 34
Chaffin, Archy 333
Chaffin, Harriett 273, 334
Chaffin, Nathan 333
Chambers, ______ 9
Chambers, G.D. 170
Chambers, George W. 141, 142, 143, 144
Chambers, I.D. 270
Chambers, Thomas 304
Champion, George W. 399
Chance, ______ 202, 203
Charles (slave of Nathan Chaffin) 333
Cheatham, Mary 141, 159
Cheatham, Mary A. 337
Cheatham, Thomas 141
Cheaves, Thomas N. 397, 398
Childress, _____ 351
Childress, Brice M. 152
Childress, Mary 152
Childress, Newton 152
Childress, Preston 152
Ching, Pequata 307
Chockey, W.J. 152
Chockley, Jesse W. 163, 168
Chockley, Jessie 158
Chockley, Mary 158, 163
Christian, R.A. 81, 260
Christopher, W.H. 99
Clardy, Adeline M. 135, 136
Clardy, J.R. 94, 263, 303, 326
Clardy, J.W. 393, 394
Clardy, John E. 322
Clardy, L. 263
Clardy, N.L. 94
Clardy, Noble L. 366
Clardy, Peter E. 360
Clardy, Peter E. 8
Clardy, Richard 366
Clardy, Richardson 135, 136
Clardy, Sarah 366
Clark, Adeline 307
Clark, H.J. 307
Clark, John D. 65
Clark, Robert S. 310
Clark, Sarah 65
Clark, Thomas 274, 275
Clary, J. 288
Clary, J.W. 359
Claxton, John 227, 229
Claxton, John 319
Cleveland, J. 260
Cobb, Ailsey 246
Cobb, Benjamin 227
Coble, B.K. 25, 55, 157, 196
Coble, S.D. 25, 196
Coble, Samuel D. 55, 157
Cocharn, Levi 382
Cochran, ______ 8, 186
Cochran, William J. 288
Coffey, H.B. 284
Coffey, J.W. 344
Coldwell, _____ 214, 215
Coldwell, T.H. 195
Coldwell, Thomas 30, 48, 78, 92
Coldwell, Thomas H. 44, 49, 96, 151, 164, 335, 336
Coleman, T.H. 230
Collin, J.W. 381
Collins, William 304
Collins, Wm 270
Collins, Wm 397
Conwell, Elisha 165, 268
Conwell, G.M. 165
Conwell, John W. 268
Cook, William C. 357
Cooks, J.M. 381
Cooks, W.C. 381
Cooper, A.A. 264, 397
Cooper, E. 12, 15, 45
Cooper, E. 312
Cooper, Edmond 202
Cooper, Edmond 9, 27, 36, 37, 40, 53, 102, 143, 147, 167, 200
Cooper, Edmund 202, 231, 292, 321, 340, 352, 369, 376, 383
Cooper, H. 15
Cooper, Henry 38, 94, 107, 119, 125, 248
Cooper, J.L. 170, 399
Cooper, John I. 248
Cooper, John L. 73, 248, 397
Cooper, Michaj T. 219
Cooper, William 295
Corporation of Wartrace Depot 345
Cortner, Alex 169
Cortner, Alexander 232, 330
Cortner, George 310
Cortner, Grandville 326
Cortner, John 343
Cortner, John 60, 171, 216, 316
Cortner, Lydia (child of color) 326
Cortner, Margaret 216, 316, 317
Cortner, Margaret Swift 60
Cortner, Peter 155
Couch, Martha A. 48, 92, 96, 195, 335, 336
Couch, Reuben 399
Couple, John G. 348
Covington, Wm 166
Cowan, John W. Jr. 70
Cowan, J.W. 157
Cowan, Robert 70
Cowan, Samuel 70, 71
Cowan, William G. 37, 111
Cowan, Wm C. 196
Cowan, Wm G. 93, 109, 116, 126
Cox, A. 381
Craig, B.B. 276, 277
Crimtaker, W.H. 245
Crisco, Joel E. 224
Crisco, Margaret E. 224
Critchener, J.C. 381
Crowders, Wm 381
Crowell, _____ 25
Crowell, Jacob 84
Crowell, John 355
Crowell, John 52, 65, 83, 84, 225, 226
Crowell, Joseph McKinley 23, 52, 65, 83, 225, 226, 355
Crowell, Joshua 65
Crowell, Mary 52, 65
Crowell, Mary Ann 65
Crowell, Michael 65, 84
Crowell, Samuel 65, 84
Crowell, William 23, 52, 65, 83, 84
Crowell, William 355
Crowell, Wm 225, 226
Crunk, J.J. 52
Crunk, J.W. 90, 201
Crutcher, W.H. 94, 268
Culley, William 290
Cully, Wm 291
Cumings, James T. 103
Cummings, _____ 214, 215
Cummings, B.W. 147
Cummings, Elija H. 146
Cummings, Eliza 147
Cummings, Hugh 174
Cummings, J.F. 268
Cummings, James F. 24, 146, 147, 156, 163, 189, 197, 269
Cummings, James F. 389
Cummings, James G. 25
Cummings, James T. 170
Cunningham, C.P. 237, 238
Cunningham, C.W. 9, 61, 62, 68, 69, 147
Cunningham, G.W. 237, 238
Cunningham, J.F. 2
Cunningham, James 183, 184
Cunningham, James F. 15
Cunningham, M.T. 52
Cunningham, S.A. 172
Cunningham, Thomas 183, 184
Curry, E.I. 164
Curtis, J.H. 365
Curtiss, James F. 269
Curtiss, James H. 397
Daniel, B.F. 216
Daniel, B.K. 2, 240, 242, 243, 244
Daniel, Robert 189
Davidson, H.L. 2, 151, 186, 267, 288, 294
Davidson, Hugh L. 51
Davidson, Isaac S. 27, 58, 156
Davidson, Issac S. 359, 364
Davidson, J.H. 379
Davidson, Jno I. 172, 195
Davidson, John 23, 51, 298, 308, 309
Davidson, John I. 362
Davidson, John I. 63, 284, 297
Davidson, K.L. 8, 24
Davidson, L.L. 31
Davidson, Martha R. 364
Davidson, R.B. 21, 65, 76, 77, 162, 223, 224
Davidson, Robert B. 23, 164, 263, 300, 288
Davidson, Sam'l 161
Davis, E.G. 379
Davis, Henry 172
Davis, J.W. 176
Davis, John E. 188, 325
Davis, John S. 222, 258, 259
Davis, Lucinda 64
Davis, May Ann Burge 73
Davis, Thos E. 73
Davis, W.G. 188
Davis, W.J. 379
Davis, Wm G. 255
Davis, Wm J. 366
Dean, _____ 312
Dean, Henry 172
Dean, John P. 172, 331
Dean, P.H. 372
Dean, Peyton S. 165, 268
Deason, D.G. 312
Deason, David G. 134, 135
Delk, Annie 65
Delk, B. 172
Delk, Benjamin 276
Delk, Jacob B. 65
Denniston, James 256
Dickson Academy 337, 338
Dillard, James 171, 344
Dixon, James B. 328, 329
Dixon, M. 177
Dobison, W.J. 156
Dobson, G.P. 61
Doss, P.V. 299
Douglass, John 172, 313
Dromgoole, Jno E. 190, 198
Dromgoole, John 212, 229
Droomgoole, John E. 307
Droomgoole, John P. 321
Drumright, Elizabeth 64
Drumright, Richard 64
Drumwright, Baswell 64
Dryden, _____ 33, 267
Dudley, C. 310
Dudley, C.S. 14, 72, 106, 129, 138, 187, 291, 391
Duggan, B.F. 393
Duggan, Benj. F. 141, 160
Duggins, R.S. 2, 52
Dunnaway, _____ 72
Dunnaway, M.E.W. 88
Durrett, J.R. 365
Dwiggin, R.F. 359
Dwiggins, Benj. F. 337
Dwiggins, John S. 231
Dwiggins, R.S. 15, 31, 67, 70, 91, 92, 97, 119, 163, 167, 175, 189, 220
Dwiggins, R.S. 236, 237, 268, 269, 273, 274, 291, 308, 314, 315, 339
Dwiggins, Robert S. 69, 127, 323, 324, 362
Dwiggins, W.S. 223, 224
Dyer, W.H. 172, 313
Eakin, Albert 157
Eakin, Alex 156, 157
Eakin, George N. 157
Eakin, John R. 157, 308, 310
Eakin, Wm. G. 157
Earnheart, G.W. 371
East, Edward H. 18
Eatherly, Margaret J. Wilson 266
Edwards, Thomas 267
Elkins, Elizabeth 35, 36
Elkins, H.H. 36
Elliott, Deliah 279, 332, 333
Elliott, Emily 279, 332, 333
Elliott, J.M. 247
Elliott, James M. 97, 186, 190, 351
Elliott, Mary 279, 332, 333, 334
Elliott, Sarah 279, 332, 333
Ellis, _____ 42
Elmore, Eliza J. 397
Elmore, W.H. 397
Emily (slave of Smith) 365
Endsley, James 276, 277
Endsly, Bedford 100
England, Rezin 99
English, P.S. 25, 113, 126, 177, 183, 353
English, Peter S. 156, 269
Erwin, Andrew 41
Euliss, Martha 256
Euliss, Martin 236
Evans, A.H. 60, 97, 219, 314
Evans, Henry 100
Evans, Jesse 219
Evans, Nathan 314, 323
Evans, R.F. 24, 42, 81, 82, 164, 204, 205
Evans, W.H. 323
Evans, Zebalon 166
Ewing, Edwin H. Jr. 30
Fay, Ann S. 217, 218, 219, 245, 247, 340, 352 - 354, 367
Fay, Annie 3, 102, 198, 245, 247, 263
Fay, Ella P. 191, 198, 245, 247, 263
Fay, Emmett 198, 263
Fay, Ernest 245, 247
Fay, John 191
Fay, John C 198, 245, 247
Fay, John G. 263
Fay, Julia 191, 263
Fay, Julia P. 198, 245, 247
Fay, Minos 198, 245, 247, 263
Fay, Mrs. 56
Fay, P. 3, 10, 62, 186
Fay, Patrick 97, 99, 102, 134, 191, 198, 245, 247, 273, 340, 351
Featherstone, _____ 255
Featherstone, B. 344
Featherstone, Burrell 357
Ferrell, Elizabeth Wilson 252, 253
Fields, _____ 301
Fields, B.F. 334
Fields, B.G. 334
Fields, Bennett G. 273, 386
Fields, L.P. 36, 45, 108, 125, 268, 292, 294
Fields, Lilben P. 98
Filmore, John F. 145, 368
Fishborne, J.F. 369
Fishborne, Rebecca Elizabeth Stockard 369
Fisher, Michael 202, 331
Fleming, D.G. 382
Fleming, Eli G. 31, 151
Fletcher, G. 10
Fletcher, Mary 10
Floyd, Heirs of 64
Ford, T.S. 290, 396
Foreman, John W. 60
Foster, Anthony S. 174
Frierson, Albert 58
Frierson, Erwin J. 60, 123
Frierson, William 162
Frierson, Wm S. 396
Frizzell, David 34
Frizzell, John W. 333
Frizzell, Mary 333
Fugett, A.D. 31, 329
Fugitt, Alfred 364
Fugitt, Townsend 13
Fulmore, John H. 144
Gaddis, Thomas 90
Galbreath, Robert 122, 128, 167
Galbreath, Wm. 83, 253, 314
Gambill, Manerva 283, 396
Ganaway, J.A. 344
Gant, Andrew J. 320
Gant, Elizabeth 320, 339
Gant, James A. 331
Gant, W.W. 276
Gardner, ______ 26
Garner, Lewis 269
Garrett, James 274, 275
Garrett, James S. 357
Garrett, James T. 304
Garrett, John C. 304
Garrett, Robert C. 304, 305
Garrett, William 304
Gather, James 241, 243
Gattis, Thomas 189
Gattis, Thomas A. 9
Gaunt, A.J. 15, 16, 53, 101
Gaunt, Andrew J. 339
Gaunt, Elizabeth 101, 198
Gaunt, John 152
Gaunt, Mary 54, 152
Gentry, M.P. 58
George (slave of Nathan Chaffin) 333
Gibb, W.W. 97
Gilchrist, M.J. 191, 263, 340
Gilchrist, Malcom I. 367
Gilchrist, P.P. 191, 263, 340, 367
Gill, H.W. 308
Gill, W.W. 175, 219, 291, 314, 323, 324
Gill, Winston W. 296
Gilliland, L.E. 88
Gizzard, C.C. 379
Gizzard, J.D. 380
Glenn, Martin 117
Glenn, Martin 354
Goar, Roseana 65
Goggin, Castleman 116, 127, 219
Going, George 156
Goodman, W.P. 270
Goodrich, T.C. 299
Goodwin, Mrs. 206 - 212
Goodwin, W.P. 120
Gormley, _____ 31
Gosling, Phileman 26, 82
Gosling, Wm 6, 18, 34, 82, 88, 214, 247, 346
Grace, James 144, 145
Grace, Mary 369
Grace, Mary Ann 144, 145
Grace, Mary Ann 368
Graham, J.H. 25
Gravis, Mrs. 174
Gray, J.D. 380
Grayham, Mrs. 46
Green, ______ 97
Green, A.J. 189, 196, 197, 359
Green, A.P. 336
Green, B.G. 294
Green, George W. 156, 299
Green, Henry R. 297, 298
Green, Horace 23, 356
Green, Hosea 194, 312, 362, 400
Green, I. 186, 312
Green, Isaac 245
Green, J.H.M. 172
Green, John W. 260, 400
Green, John Willis 190
Green, Margaret 399
Green, Nancy M. 283
Green, R.W. 267
Green, Robert 297
Green, Robert W. 297, 308, 309, 310, 311
Green, Ross T. 283
Green, S.H. 196
Green, Sarah 399
Green, Stanton 219
Green, W.P. 26, 52, 153, 284, 285
Green, Wm 10
Green, Wm P. 154
Greer, A.J. 2, 87, 204, 253
Greer, George 31
Greer, George H. 204
Greer, George W. 341
Greer, J.W. 354
Greer, Jackson 134
Greer, Jacob M. (Green?) 314
Greer, John W. 283, 396
Gregory, _____ 248
Gregory, Thomas 248
Griffin, Wm 384
Grouster, Martin 167
Grouster, Viana C. 167
Gwinn, W.N. 292
Hail, Mary 76
Hail, Milbery 21, 22
Hail, William G. 20, 21, 22
Hailey, John 300
Hailey, R.P. 300
Hailey, Sam R. 399
Hailey, T.R. 27
Hailey, Taylor 399
Hailey, W.N. 52, 70, 78, 167, 223
Haily, E. 288
Haily, Samuel R. 292
Haily, Wm. N. 273
Haley, S.A. 301
Haley, S.R. 230
Hall, J.V. 355
Hall, J.V. 61, 226, 316
Hall, John 216
Hall, John F. 281, 283, 311
Hall, John V. 60
Hall, L.W. 310
Hall, Robert 304
Hall, William H.W. 60
Hallyburton, ____ 25
Hallyburton, Reubin P. 327, 328
Hamilton, M.B. 79, 204
Hamlet, S.B. 188
Handcock, _____ 301
Handly, ________ 99
Hannaway, W.R. 173, 234
Hansom, James 387
Harber, Elisha 149
Harber, Jane 149
Hardin, C.B. 371
Hardin, C.R. 348
Hardin, C.R. 370
Hardin, Mrs. 370
Hardin, R.C. 346
Hardin, Rosanah C. 52, 156
Harris, G.B. 168
Harris, Isaac 29
Harris, Joel W. 273, 279, 332, 333, 285
Harris, John T. 33
Harris, N.C. 44
Harrison, ______ 52, 156, 346, 370
Harrison, J.H. 239
Harrison, Jacob 31, 253
Harrison, James H. 170, 171, 172, 389
Harrison, Rachel 22, 225
Harrison, Uriah 9
Harrison, William 22, 225, 268
Hart, John 30
Hart, Stephen 27
Hart, Thomas 41, 42, 80, 145, 284
Haskins, C.F. 378
Haskins, C.W. 245
Hastings, James 201
Hastings, John 299
Hastings, Mary A. 299
Hatchett, Abram 279
Hatchett, Archer 332, 333
Hatchett, Archer 385
Hatchett, Emily 334
Hayes, Samuel 279
Haywood, Clark 382
Heard, G.W. 299
Heard, George W. 289, 360, 385
Heard, S.B. 168
Height, W.G. 367
Height, Wm G. 256
Heights, W.G. 379
Helton, D.D. 102
Helton, J.L. 101, 155, 275
Helton, J.N. 358
Helton, Malinda E. 155
Helton, Mary C. 101, 102
Hendricks, Mary Ann Clardy 366
Hendricks, Nathaniel 366
Henford, John 346
Henslee, Franklin 193, 377
Henslee, Harris 193
Henslee, O. 76
Henslee, Orville 193, 290, 377
Herford, John 6, 18, 19
Hesten, J.D. 380
Hickel, Jimmy 271
Hickman, W.O. 125
Hicks, I.M. 284, 297
Hicks, Isaac M. 97
Hicks, Sarah 98, 297
Hicks, Sarah A. 190, 198, 212, 229, 230, 307
Hidge, Alexander 195
Hight, Betsy 145
Hight, H.G. 67
Hight, William G. 356, 357
Hight, Wm G. 63, 66, 91, 95
Hiles, Wiliam 56
Hill, Henry 219
Hill, R.H. 380
Hill, Robert 304
Hill, T.D. 380
Hilton, Daniel Davis 9
Hilton, Hannah Catherine 9
Hilton, John Wilson 9
Hilton, Mary E. 9
Hilton, Mary Jane 9
Hilton, Newsom 9
Hilton, Peter Alexander 9
Hilton, Willam N. 9
Hix, D.D. 33, 155, 277
Hix, J.M. 397, 398, 400
Hix, John 33
Hix, John C. 155, 189, 231, 236, 237, 277, 299
Hix, Joshua M. 273
Hobbs, James M. 10
Hobbs, Nobel 10
Hobbs, Rachel 10
Hobbs, Sarah 366
Hobbs, Theodioas H. 366
Hobbs, Thomas W. 366
Hodge, Alexander 40, 264, 269, 284, 337, 397
Hodges, A. 177
Hodges, Phillip 293
Holland, ________ 97, 191
Holland, M. 176
Holland, Middleton 224
Holland, Thomas 78
Holland, Thomas G. 155, 245, 292
Hollins, R.S. 6, 18, 346
Holt, ______ 185, 234, 246
Holt, A.J. 285
Holt, B.D. 157, 285, 293
Holt, Benj. D. 157
Holt, D.D. 176
Holt, Elais C. 36
Holt, Emma C. 164, 204, 205
Holt, H. 245
Holt, Henry 31
Holt, Herrod G. 134
Holt, Issac B. 151
Holt, J.V. 83
Holt, John 164, 308
Holt, Jordan C. 119, 125
Holt, Joshua 205
Holt, N.C. 285
Holt, Robert 204, 205
Holt, W.C. 25, 285, 292
Holt, W.H. 285
Holt, William C. 245
Holt, Wm. C. 155
Holthoff, Bernhard 38
Hooker, D.R. 302
Hooser, Fanny 226
Hooser, George M. 36
Hooser, Harriet V. 36
Hoover, Thomas 378
Hoover, Wm 385
Hord, W.M. 284, 400
Hornady, Joseph 396
House, H.M. 329
House, John 329
Houston, C.P. Jr. 200
Houston, William 151
Hubbard, B.L. 49
Hubbard, James 101
Hubbard, John 168
Hubbard, Joseph 168
Hubbard, Mary 101
Hubbard, Mary E. 168
Hubbard, Sarah 101, 168
Hubbard, W.S. 168
Hubbard, Wm G. 101
Huffman, John 30, 49, 82, 214, 379
Hughes, Dr. 93
Hughes, William 14
Humphrey, J.J. 9, 299
Hurst, Hugh C. 299
Hurst, Hugh C. 70
Hutton, John B. 14
Iceley, John 399
Iceley, Susan 399
Isom, James 291, 356
Isom, James M. 31, 151
Ivey, Eleanor 399
Ivey, T.B. 335
Ivie, Matilda Allison 287, 288
Ivie, T.B. 87, 177, 378
Ivy, Nathan 233, 297
Jackson, ________ 64
Jackson, J.C. 51, 368
Jackson, John 32, 33
Jackson, Nathan 235
Jackson, W.S. 381
Jackson, William 32, 78
Jakes, John 324, 325
James, Mary E. 103
Jenkins, J.E. 188
Jenkins, J.F. 33
Jenkins, Wm 227
Jennings, Dr. 282
Jennings, Moore 270
Jett, D.F. 15, 17
Jett, Wm. S. 1, 59, 164
Johnson, J.M. 379
Johnson, James 292
Johnson, James M. 25, 55, 243, 244
Jones, _____ 97, 191
Jones, E.L. 49
Jones, I.N. 298
Jones, I.N. 354
Jones, John 103
Jones, John R. 24, 170, 389
Jones, Pequata 306, 307
Jones, Presly 353
Jones, R.N. 191, 245, 263
Jones, Redding 389
Jones, Robert 288, 289
Jones, Samuel G. 306, 307
Jordan, ________ 91
Jordan, J.T. 52
Jordan, John 1, 66, 68
Jordan, Minos O. 274
Jordan, T.H. 269
Jordan, T.W. 292
Kaussman, _____ 45
Keeler, _____ 95
Keeling, Mrs. 206 - 212
Kellar, F.A. 195
Kelly, E.B. 64
Kelly, Jo P. 386
Kelly, W.J. 381
Key, J.W. 399
Kimbro, Alexander 226, 227
Kimbro, B. 380
Kimbro, Benjamin 227
Kimbro, George 226, 227
Kimbro, John B. 378
Kimbro, John M. 90
Kimbro, John T. 335
Kimmons, Martha B. 279
Kimmons, Mary 317
Kimmons, Mary Swift 60
Kimmons, Mrs. 199
Kimmons, Thomas 57, 60, 280
Kincaid, W.F. 57
King, Brandon 291
King, C.B. 391
Kirby, Charles 293
Kisner, _______ 2
Kissom, ______ 95
Knider, Theo L. 34
Knight, W.G. 48, 49, 176, 335, 336
Knight, William G. 80
Knight, Wm G. 8, 96
Knott, _____ 80, 161, 299
Knott, I.B. 332
Knott, Ivenson 302
Knott, L.B. 221, 293
Knott, Thomas 63
Knott, W.S. 270
Knott, William B. 63
Knott, Wm F. 337
Koonce, B. 156, 236
Koonce, Blackman 78, 150
Koonce, W.W. 156
Lacy, W.W. 231, 236, 237
Lacy, William W. 189
Ladd, Amos 396
Ladd, Barbara 271, 306
Ladd, Dennis 396
Ladd, James M. 396
Ladd, Lucinda 396
Ladd, Margaret 396
Ladd, T.J. 306
Ladd, Thomas J. 271
Ladd, Virginia 396
Ladd, Wm C. 396
Laird, T.B. 354
Laird, Thomas B. 329
Lambert, Montgomery 75
Lambert, R.A. 74
Land, T.B. 156
Landers, A.L. 142
Landers, Caroline 95
Landers, Elgin 284, 341
Landers, H.H. 95
Landers, John 52
Landers, R.L. 27, 86, 288, 293, 400
Landers, Robert L. 150, 236
Landers, Robert L. 390
Landers, William A. 288
Landis, _____ 221
Landis, A.L. 262, 264, 374
Landis, Grand 302
Landis, Thomas 302
Lane, David 168, 169
Lane, Isaac 190
Lane, James 30
Lane, Jane 169
Lane, John 30, 190, 262, 264
Lane, Land on map 259
Lane, Milly 168, 169
Lane, Rosannah 169
Larid, Margaret 329
Larue, H.B. 371
Larue, Issac 370, 371
Larue, James 371
Larue, James M. 370
Larue, John 346, 366, 367
Larue, John H. 371
Larus, Joseph 362, 363, 366, 367
Laure, Honduras B. 348
Laure, Issac 348
Laure, James M. 348
Laure, John H. 349
Laure, Joseph M. 348
Lawrance, A.S. 27
Ledbetter, _____ 299
Ledbetter, J.M. 389
Ledbetter, M. 390
Lee, Peter 250
Lenior, Samuel 381
Lewis Tillman 400
Lewis, R.H. 112, 126, 353
Lewis, Robert S. 218, 219
Lidyard, W.J. 362
Lillard, A.P. 381
Lipscomb, _____ 247
Lipscomb, Charles 262, 264
Lipscomb, Thomas 5, 19, 294, 360
Long, A.J. 271, 293
Lorance, A.S. 86
Lowell, Wm 389
Loyd, W.J. 33, 34
Lucy (slave of Smith) 365
Lynch, _____ 303
Lythis, James 380
Lytle, ______ 80
Majors, Robt 156
Majors, W.P. 156
Malone, F.F. 382
Mankel, Lewis 268
Mankel, Louis 196
Mankel, M.C. 37
Mankin, John J. 353
Manly, Henry H. 33
Manson, Tract of land 334
Marks, Thomas B. 322
Marsh, John 80, 312
Marshall, _____ 97, 191
Marshall, Moses 113, 117, 127
Martin, James 312
Martin, James C. 295
Mary Ann Campbell 308
Mary Bivins Landers 284
Mason Jr., Thomas 81
Mason, Huldah 20, 74, 98, 137, 149, 152, 257
Mason, James 20, 74, 76, 81, 98, 137, 149, 152, 257
Mason, John 81
Mason, Milberry 81
Mason, Rebeca 76
Mason, Thomas 21, 22, 76, 98, 152
Mathew, Wm 220
Mathews, Andrew 239
Mathews, Andrew 377
Mathews, Andrew F. 72, 85, 94, 177 - 182, 184, 195, 231
Mathews, Author 13, 195, 213, 231
Mathews, R.D. 100
Mathews, Rebecca 13, 72, 85, 94, 96, 140, 177 - 183, 192, 194, 194, 215, 220, 231
Mathews, Rebecca 239, 350, 377
Mathews, Robert 13, 72, 94, 96, 134, 140, 177 - 182, 190, 192, 194, 195, 215, 220, 231
Mathews, Robert 239, 262, 264, 289, 301, 312, 320, 350, 377, 400
Mathews, William 13, 177 - 182
Mathews, William H. 195, 231
Maupin, Gabriel 11, 36, 336, 396
Maupin, James 310
Maupin, Jane E. 270
Maupin, R.B. 89
Maxwell, A. 52, 285
Maynard, Horace 5, 18, 262
McAdams, E.M. 381
McAdams, J.B. 32, 387
McCamies, George H.R. 367
McCamies, Sarah J. Taylor 367
McCanies, George H.R. 356
McClure, Jack 381
McClure, Milton 188, 199, 276, 341, 359
McClure, W.D. 199, 200, 232, 276, 341, 359
McClure, Wm. D. 172, 173
McCombs, George H.K. 256
McConnell, Frances 285, 327, 373
McConnell, James 154
McConnell, R.S. 29, 285
McConnell, Robert S. 43, 327
McCord, T.N. 66, 67, 92
McCowan, J.F. 34
McCrory, A. 269
McCrory, J.W. 381
McCrory, T.C. 78, 81, 214, 215, 303
McCrory, Wm 381
McCullough, R.D. 188, 199, 200, 276, 341, 342, 359
McElroth, ________ 136
McElroth, Albert Kenneth 321
McElroth, F.P. 248
McElroth, J.T. 321, 322
McElroth, Martha 23
McElroth, Martha E. 321, 322
McElroth, Mary S. 136
McElwroth, Mary E. 135
McFadden, Alesas 20
McFadden, Alexas 47, 83
McFadden, Ann Eliza 47, 83
McFadden, Charles A. 30
McFadden, Clemetine 20, 30
McFadden, Clemetine A. 47, 49, 83
McFadden, Eliza 30
McFadden, John Forrest 20, 30, 47, 83
McFadden, Samuel 20, 47, 83
McFadden, Samuel G. 30
McFadden, Thomas 30, 47, 83
McFadden, William H. 20, 30, 47, 49, 83
McFadden, William R. 20, 30, 47, 49
McGee, John H. 50
McGee, John R. 256
McGowan, E.H. 65
McGowan, Nancy 65
McGowan, William 55
McGreer, J.H. 89, 161
McGrew, C. 153
McGrew, Curry 206
McGrew, George W. 206 - 212
McGrew, H. 113
McGrew, J. 293
McGrew, J.H. (Dr.) 109
McGrew, Wm 206 - 212
McGuire, C. 282
McKamey, Samuel 29
McKhail, John A. 88
McLain, William 350
McMahon, _______ 45
McMinn, Corneillus 333
McMinn, Phoebe 333
McNut, Cass 17
McNutt, C.S. 339
McNutt, Mary 339, 340
McQuiddey, John 284
McQuiddley, T.W. 391
McQuiddley, Thomas 291, 356
Meadows, A.M. 382
Meadows, John T. 397, 398
Medlins, James 157
Medoris, _____ 312
Melton, Benny S. 172
Merritt, Benjamin 88
Merritt, Thomas 88
Methodist Episcopal Church 344
Miles, W.T. 165, 231, 232, 273
Miller, J.G. 94
Miller, J.M. 81, 303
Miller, J.W. 245
Miller, John W. 268
Miller, T.G. 386
Mitchell, Sheppard 140
Mobley, C.A. 245
Montgomery, H.T. 74
Moody, _____ 398
Moody, Mrs. 107, 108, 114
Moon, B.P. 331
Moon, P.B 148, 202, 203
Moore, A.G. 110, 125
Moore, Arch G. 353
Moore, Jennings 363
Moore, Jennings guardian 356
Moore, John A. 237, 238, 250, 353
Moore, Mary 285
Moore, T.T. 285
Mooreman, W.B. 220
Morgan, _____ 399
Morgan, G.B. 69
Morgan, Irby 260
Morgan, Toby 46
Moriss, E. 379
Morman, M.B. 97
Morris, Ana 380
Morris, D. 230
Morris, E. 237
Morris, W.D. 380
Morrison, Charity 246
Morton, Felix 376
Morton, G.W.C. 374
Morton, Heirs of 274
Morton, Irwin 274, 275
Morton, L.E. 354, 355
Morton, Lula T. 273, 274
Morton, Lula Thomas 223, 224
Morton, Nancy 223, 224
Morton, Nancy J. 273, 274
Morton, Thomas 273
Morton, Thomas K. 52, 78, 223, 224
Moseley, A. 341
Moseley, Absolome 156
Moseley, Benj. 173, 184, 185
Moseley, Benjamin 397
Mosely, Benj 379
Mosely, Benjamin 293
Mosley, _____ 89, 154, 245, 246
Mosley, Absolem 343, 344
Mosley, Absolom 79, 204
Mosley, Benjamin 72, 233, 234, 269, 343, 344
Mosley, Cynthia 277
Mosley, Land on map 259
Mosley, Reubin 386
Mosley, Robert 276, 277, 298, 343, 344
Mosley, Thomas G. 262, 264
Mosley, Tracy 298
Moulton, M.C. 196
Mullins, _____ 2, 15, 297
Mullins, A.E. 89, 293
Mullins, James 20, 26, 80, 89, 267, 290, 293, 360, 385
Mullins, Matt 44
Murfree, William 187
Murphey, Alonzo 391
Murphey, Archibald 310, 311
Murphy, Alonzo 291
Murphy, Archibald 41
Murphy, Patrick 42
Muse, J.W. 47
Muse, James H. 39
Muse, Susan W. 47
Myers, Ailsey 246
Myers, Alexander 246
Myers, Charity 246
Nance, Elizabeth 172, 173, 200, 232, 276, 341
Nance, Jennie 173, 189, 200
Nance, Malinda 173, 200
Nance, Malinda B. 189
Nance, Richard 51, 66, 337, 368
Nance, T.J. 342
Nance, Thomas J. 200
Narcaris, Robt B. 281
Neal, James 156
Neal, James K. 80
Neal, James T. 378
Neeley, James G. 250, 251
Neeley, Mary W. 249, 250, 251
Neil, _____ 9
Neil, J.H. 145
Neil, James 392
Neil, James H. 8, 52, 57, 146, 290, 301, 361
Neil, John 214
Neil, John F. 164, 263
Neil, John P. 216, 217
Neil, John T. 2, 52, 204
Neills, J.F. 379
Nelligan, B. 384
Nelligan, P. 270, 384
Nellingan, _____ 295
Nelson, Eliza 217, 218, 219
Nelson, Eliza J. 102
Nelson, Eliza M. 3, 352, 353, 354
Nelson, Elizabeth J. 233
Nelson, John Campbell 233
Nelson, Margaret M. 233
Nelson, Mrs. 56
Nesbitt, Bertha 348
Nesbitt, Berthia 370
Nesbitt, Joshiah 370
Nesbitt, Mathew 370
Nesbitt, Mrs. 371
Newcome, Ella K. 85
Newman, John A. 382
Newpell, ______ 31
Newsom, ______ 111
Newsom, Edward 364
Newsom, Elisa I. 206 - 212
Newsom, Green B. 385
Newsom, L.A. 364, 365
Newsom, R. 94, 206 - 212, 245
Newsom, Randolph 268, 385
Newton, James S. 31
Norman, J.A. 312
Northcutt, John T. 202, 203, 331
Norville, Alex 188
Norville, Alexander 255
Norville, F.B. 400
Oakly, A.F. 380
Oden, John A. 215, 216
Oneal, _____ 60
Oneal, Jacob 60
Oneal, Jane 317
Oneal, Jane Swift 60
Oneal, John H. 50, 80, 156, 162, 188, 256, 269, 322
Oneal, W.P. 276, 277
Oneal, Warren 60
Oneal, Wiley 349
Oneal, Wiley 370, 371
Osborne, G.G. 22, 312, 400
Osborne, Glenn 356
Osborne, J.J. 400
Osborne, William 250
Owen, _____ 161
Owen, B.C. 12
Owen, Fannie 383
Owen, R.C. 383
Owen, T.B. 387
Owen, Thomas 11, 387
Owens, Fannie 11
Owens, Woodly 11, 12
Ozment, D.J. 270
Ozment, David A. 312
Pardee, Miles 349
Pardu, Miles 371
Parker, Daniel 219, 262, 264
Parker, Epps 379
Parker, Isaiah 95, 270
Parker, J.B. 312
Parker, Richard 149
Parker, Samuel 23, 45, 188
Parker, Senera 149
Parsons, B.F. 65
Parsons, Catherine 65
Parsons, George W. 321, 322
Parsons, Jacob 23
Parsons, Jacob M. 84
Parsons, Jennie 23, 52, 65
Parsons, Phillip 65
Parsons, Thomas 73, 88
Pate, Harriett 248
Patterson, Elizabeth 103, 104, 105
Patterson, Elizabeth Ward 369
Patterson, Sarah 51, 54, 73, 88, 103, 104, 105, 133 139, 144, 161, 158, 161, 215, 255
Patterson, Sarah 368, 386
Patterson, Sarah Ward 369
Patton, D. 76
Patton, John 383
Patton, M. 76
Patton, Mary E. 72, 140
Patton, Mrs. 12
Patton, Robert J. 44, 140, 141
Patton, Sarah 387
Payne, Micajah 52, 285
Peacock, N.E. 50, 256
Pearson, C. 256
Pearson, Charles 219, 220
Pearson, J.E. 295
Pearson, James 248
Pearson, K. 256
Pearson, R.W. 319
Pearson, Thomas 214, 215
Pearson, W.F. 35, 36, 80
Pearson, W.H. 219
Pearson, Wm E. 220
Pearson, Wm F. 149
Pearson, Wm. 34
Perry, Wiley 139, 158
Pettis, Thomas 147
Petty, Presley 296
Petty, Richard 380
Petty, T.B. 295
Phillips, G. 27, 254, 265, 269, 288
Phillips, Garrett 166, 216, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 261, 284, 329, 341
Phillips, I.P. 48
Phillips, J.J. 31, 153, 212, 285, 290, 359, 399
Phillips, James J. 26, 52, 154, 250, 373
Phillips, Joshua 267
Phillips, Rebecca 363
Phillips, Richard 9, 363
Phillips, S.P. 92
Phillips, Samuel 9
Phillips, Samuel P. 96
Phillips, Sims 248
Phillips, William 241, 243, 248
Philpoit, Charles T. 142, 162
Pillow, R.W. 200
Porter, James 45
Porter, Reeves C. 271
Posey, Wiley 148, 255
Potts, Isabella W. 65
Potts, J.H. 65
Powell, _______ 26
Powell, John 89, 158, 269
Powell, Namoi 392
Pratt, Patience 201, 202
Pratt, Silas 201
Presbyterian Church 327, 328
Presley, Thomas L. 262, 264
Price, Elizabeth 283
Price, James 344
Price, Manerva 283
Price, S.H. 80, 312
Price, Sarah A. 283
Price, Thomas 283
Price, Virginia 283
Pruitt, Archibald 271
Pruitt, F.M. 188, 255
Pruitt, Wilson C. 273
Puckett, J.A. 399
Puckett, James 357
Puckett, James R. 397
Puckett, Jas R. 73
Puckett, Mary E. 397
Pyror, C.L. 55
Ragsdale, Joanah 88
Ramsey Jr., Joseph 40
Ramsey, B.F. 279
Ramsey, Jo 9
Ramsey, Joseph 10, 195, 269, 284, 299, 337, 352
Ramsey, Joseph Sr. 110, 125
Ramsey, L. 354
Ramsey, Luke 212
Ramsom, Wm K. 99
Randall, D. 379
Randolph, C.L. 374
Randolph, C.L. 379
Rankin, R.D. 94, 263
Rankin, R.S. 326
Rankin, Robert D. 364
Ransom, Alfred 104, 148, 256
Ransom, Benj. F. 89, 319
Ransom, Charles 295
Ransom, R.P. 86, 161
Ransom, Richard 51, 254, 368
Ransom, W.K. 187, 222, 239, 240, 262, 263, 264
Ransom, William H. 378
Ransom, Wm 214, 227, 228, 378
Ransom, Wm K. 14
Rawley, J.D. 381
Ray, G.M. 55, 165, 216, 219, 240, 242, 243, 244
Ray, J.A. 276, 358
Ray, Nathan 64
Ray, Rebecca 64
Ray, Rebecca Burge 73
Ray, Thomas M. 390
Reagor, Isaiah 397, 398
Reagor, Isaiah 400
Reagor, J.B. 99
Reagor, James B. 273
Reagor, Mary E. 397, 398, 400
Reagor, Wm. T. 397, 398
Reed, J.L. 200
Reese, Catherine 295
Reese, Thomas 295
Reeves, Benjamin 78, 150
Reeves, D.L. 188, 195, 269, 337
Reeves, Daniel 23, 36, 40, 45
Reeves, Smith A. 84
Reid, Elziva 328, 329
Reval, Mary 103, 105, 368
Reval, Mary Ward 369
Reval, Theophilus 51, 54, 73, 88, 103, 133, 139, 144, 148, 158, 161, 215, 254, 255
Reval, Theophilus 368, 386
Rickman, H.O. 352
Rickman, W.O. 107
Riddle, Mary N. 392
Riggins, Wiley 10
Roane, Thomas J. 59
Robertson, Land 386
Robinson, E.M. 22
Robinson, Wm J. 152
Robinson, Wm M. 255
Rogers, Amelia 164
Rogers, Cambell 164
Rogers, Elijah 164
Rogers, James 379
Rogers, Jesse 221
Rogers, Margaret 164, 331
Rollins, R.S. 19
Rosebourgh, John L. 150
Rosebrough, Jno L. 390
Rosenburgh, J.L. 236
Ross, William J. 151
Rozier, D.H. 270, 372
Rucker, Jordan 163, 394, 395
Runnells, P. 293
Runnells, P.R. 25, 31, 157, 285
Rushing, A. 227, 228, 240
Rushing, Able 14, 222, 227
Rushing, M.R. 222, 227, 228, 240
Rushing, Martha H. 227
Russell, J.C. 343
Rutledge, J.W. 89
Ryan, P.M. 299, 360
Sanders, Alex 241, 243
Sanders, Bryant 138
Sanders, David 381
Sanders, James 29
Sanders, James L. 195
Sanders, Stephen 23, 321, 322
Sanders, Wm 99
Sandford, J.G. 382
Saw Mill 330
Scales, A. 270
Scales, Ab 63
Scales, H.C. 373, 387
Scales, M.B. 63, 270
Scott, J.H. 355
Scruggs, E. 22
Scudder, J.L. 80, 165
Scudder, James 215, 216
Scudder, James L. 58, 101, 163
Searcy, Susanah 373
Sewell, Sanford 55, 165
Shackleford, H. 379
Shappard, _____ 398
Sharp, B.G. 150
Sharp, G.B. 80, 188, 325, 329
Sharp, Thomas 50
Sharp, Thomas S. 256, 257, 329
Shearin, M. 15, 101, 198
Shearin, Mathew 15, 16, 53, 149, 152, 339, 351
Sheffield, James 304
Shelbyville Universitery of the Methodist Espocial Church 337, 338
Shelton, William H. 324, 325
Sherry, Patrick 81, 260
Shirver, D.B. 60
Shoffner, D. 355
Shoffner, Joel 355
Shoffner, John 355
Shoffner, Lorton 355
Shoffner, M. 355
Shoffner, Matilda 254, 273
Shoffner, Mike 353
Shofner, D.M. 142, 375
Shofner, Joel 142
Shofner, Joel 374, 375
Shofner, John 376
Shofner, L.D. 10
Shofner, Loten 374, 376
Shofner, Matilda 10, 198
Shofner, Michael 142
Shofner, Mike 374, 376
Shook, Isaac 271
Shorn, D.H. 9
Shower, Catherine 285
Shower, J.J. 285
Shriver, D.B. 25, 322
Shriver, D.C. 25
Shriver, Daniel B. 313
Simmons, Alex 380
Sims, Richard 11, 12
Sims, Richard H. 383, 388
Sims, Wm 64
Skeen, ________ 143
Skeen, D.H. 89, 141, 144
Smith, John R. Jr. 63
Smith, _____ 64, 174
Smith, A.J. 384
Smith, B.A. 365
Smith, Geo. 161
Smith, George 84, 134, 135
Smith, Haggard 57, 63
Smith, J.B.T. 34
Smith, James 57, 63
Smith, James Haggard C. 365
Smith, John R. 57, 63, 359, 364, 365
Smith, Joseph 138, 282
Smith, Lucy 138, 153, 282
Smith, Mary 364
Smith, Mary Ann 359
Smith, Mary Jane 365
Smith, Regina 57, 63
Smith, Robert M. 169, 232, 330
Smith, Roena 57, 63
Smith, Rowen 365
Smith, Rozin 364, 365
Smith, S.F. 138
Smith, Sarah 364
Smith, Sarah A. 63
Smith, Sarah B. 359, 364
Smith, Sarah N. 365
Smith, Smith 339
Smith, W.R. 339
Smith, William A. 71
Smith, Wm R. 364, 365
Smith, Wm. R. 57, 99
Snell, J.C. 9, 99, 101, 275
Snell, James C. 155
Snell, James C. 358
Snelling, E.B. 379
Snelling, Elizabeth 154, 237, 238, 250, 285, 373
Snelling, J.F. 249, 271
Snelling, John 250
Snelling, John 373
Snelling, Lemuel 373
Snelling, Nancy 285
Sniles, Martha B. 279
Sparrow, Martha 373, 376
Speer, William S. 68
Spence, _____ 166
Stallings, _____ 33, 267
Stamps, _____ 26, 295
Stamps, A.L. 7, 10, 89, 107, 125, 161, 163, 273, 342
Stamps, Asa L. 55
Standfield, Lucinda 308
Standfield, Nancy 95
Standfield, W.W. 95
Standfield, William 293, 400
Standfield, Wm. 308
State of Tennessee 378
Steel, Price C. 14
Steele, Jno P. 7, 18, 88
Steele, John P. 3, 23, 29, 32, 133, 150, 155, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 306
Steele, P.C. 392
Steele, Price C. 302
Stem, W.R. 381
Stephens, _____ 8, 186
Stephens, D. 153, 260
Stephens, Daniel 146
Stephens, E.H. 25
Stephens, Henry 83, 84
Stephens, John T. 288
Stephens, Nancy 324, 325
Stephens, Richard M. 324, 325
Stephenson, _____ 45
Stevens, Thomas 20, 30, 47, 49, 82, 83, 150, 214, 235, 236, 390
Stewart, Daniel 113, 126, 160
Stockard, Elizabeth J. 103, 145
Stockard, James 104, 369
Stockard, James J. 215, 216
Stockard, Jane 369
Stockard, John 368
Stockard, John E. 103
Stockard, Mary E. 369
Stockard, Nancy 103, 104, 105, 145
Stockard, Nancy Ward 369
Stockard, Samuel 368
Stockard, Samuel 369
Stokes, _____ 31
Stokes, J.M. 293
Stokes, John M. 25, 80, 250, 284
Story, F.D. 166
Story, F.V. 10
Story, Francis M. 60, 134, 317
Story, Martha C. Oneal 60
Story, Rebecca 10
Strayborn, W.J. 15
Streater, Bill 169
Streater, Cassie 222, 258, 259
Streater, John P. 222, 258, 259
Streater, Mildred 222, 258, 259
Streater, Susan 222, 258, 259
Street, John T. 304
Street, John T. 357
Strickler, _______ 42
Sugg, Joseph 81, 303
Sugg, N. 379
Sugg, Nehemiah 303
Suggs, Thomas G. 380
Sutliff, R.P. 165, 231, 232, 273, 301
Sutton, Ella W. 13
Sutton, James 274
Sutton, John 46
Sutton, W.B. 39, 143
Sutton, Wm B. 9, 46, 141, 142
Swan, J.F. 84
Swift, Flower 60, 61, 199, 316, 317, 318
Swift, Jacob W. 60
Talafero, John 272
Talley, W.P. 381
Talley, Wm 381
Tarpley, _____ 97, 270
Tarpley, Edward 92, 339, 393, 394, 395
Tarpley, Elizabeth 285
Tarpley, James N. 298
Tarpley, S.D. 33
Tarpley, T.W. 285
Tarpley, Thomas W. 297, 298
Tatum, Wm. M. 322
Taylor, C.P. 32
Taylor, Henry 274
Taylor, James P. 32, 67, 91, 104
Taylor, John 44
Taylor, Joseph 43, 215
Taylor, Josephine 356
Taylor, M.R. 32
Taylor, Sarah J. 95, 256, 356, 357, 367
Taylor, Tract of land 334
Taylor, Vincent 32
Taylor, W.E. 32
Taylor, William 134, 357, 367
Taylor, Wm 33, 161, 379
Terry, A.W. 266
Terry, Nancy J. 266
Terry, Robert 28
Thomas, R.S. 87, 255
Thomas, Thompson 281
Thomason, Widow 304
Thompson 3rd, N. 39
Thompson Jr., N. 68
Thompson Sr., Joseph 40
Thompson Sr., N. 68
Thompson Sr., Newcomb 69
Thompson, ____ 31
Thompson, Ava 103, 368, 369
Thompson, Ava (heirs) 105
Thompson, Ava Ward (heirs) 369
Thompson, B. 104
Thompson, B.F. 379
Thompson, Elizabeth 137
Thompson, F. 146
Thompson, G.W. 123, 164, 291
Thompson, Geo W. 390, 391
Thompson, George W. 15, 16, 17, 114, 126, 321
Thompson, H.P. 136
Thompson, Hulda B. 281
Thompson, J.C. 104
Thompson, J.F. 68, 87, 164
Thompson, J.H. 166
Thompson, Jacob 196
Thompson, Jacob F. 40, 146, 147, 350
Thompson, Jacob N. 340
Thompson, James 103
Thompson, James 369
Thompson, John 103, 135, 136
Thompson, John 369
Thompson, John R. 136
Thompson, John W. 152
Thompson, Joseph 331
Thompson, Joseph H. 1, 59, 143, 144, 191
Thompson, Judith 136
Thompson, Lavina 136
Thompson, Marg C. 291
Thompson, Mary C. 291
Thompson, Mary C. 390, 391
Thompson, N. 12, 175, 340, 387
Thompson, N. Sr 146
Thompson, Newcomb 11, 147, 196, 383, 388
Thompson, P.H. 135, 136
Thompson, Pleasant 103, 104, 369
Thompson, Stanley 191
Thompson, T.C. 291, 390, 391
Thompson, T.E. 392
Thompson, Terry D. 372, 374, 375, 376
Thompson, Thomas 280, 350
Thompson, Thomas B. 103, 369
Thompson, W.F. 291, 391
Thompson, W.G. 140
Thompson, W.L. 281
Thompson, W.P. 135
Thompson, W.R.F. 136
Thompson, W.T. 61, 83, 216, 226, 355
Tillman, ________ 72
Tillman, B.M. 98
Tillman, Bill 88
Tillman, Clara 81
Tillman, Jo 81
Tillman, Joseph 74
Tillman, Lewis 3, 20, 22, 34, 36, 37, 38, 44, 46, 98, 100, 173, 241, 243
Tillman, William J. 90
Todd, Wm M. 380
Togg, F.B. 18
Towsend, J. 250
Trice, _____ 245, 246
Trice, _______ 89
Trice, J. 99
Trice, Jo 154
Trice, Joseph 173, 184, 233, 234
Trice, W.A. 99
Trollinger, Calvin 50, 256
Tucker, Azariah 170, 270
Tulley, Sally 333
Tune, _____ 302
Tune, John 64, 65, 73, 78, 139, 245, 354, 355
Turner, J.N. 21
Turner, Levi 165
Turney, P. 85
Turney, Peter 206, 209
Turrentine, Felix 83, 84
Union Bank 343
Vance, David R. 261
Vannoy, _______ 88
Vannoy, Henry 263
Vannoy, Henry E. 215
Vannoy, J.F. 78, 96
Vannoy, James 215
Vannoy, James A. 263
Vannoy, Jesse 13, 94, 263
Vannoy, Jesse F. 72, 81, 192, 194, 215, 271
Vannoy, John 215, 263
Vannoy, Mary E. 215, 263
Vannoy, Matilda Ann 215, 263
Vaughan, David 31, 186, 329
Vernon, W.T. 64
Wade, J.M. 166
Wadley, Moses B. 397, 398
Waggner, J.D. 380
Wakefield, W.J. W. 156, 172
Walker, _____ 192
Wallace, _____ 53, 320, 339, 351
Wallace, Allen 46, 344, 357
Wallace, B. 273
Wallace, Dr. 124
Wallace, Jackson 9, 61, 155
Wallace, James W. 327
Wallace, R.N. 6, 18, 19, 164, 176, 263, 274, 346, 350
Wallace, W.B. 10, 19, 164, 198
Wallace, William B. 346
Wallace, Wm. B. 6, 18
Ward Jr., Burl 104
Ward, A.E. 369
Ward, Ava 103
Ward, B. 103
Ward, Burrell 105, 133, 145, 148, 215, 255, 369
Ward, Burrell heirs 254
Ward, Burrell Jr. 254
Ward, Chert? 369
Ward, Elizabeth 104
Ward, Ezckiel 103, 145
Ward, Ezckiel (heirs) 105, 148, 369
Ward, J.E. 104, 369
Ward, J.R. 369
Ward, John E. 103
Ward, Mary 103
Ward, N.E. 104
Ward, Namoi 104, 105, 369
Ward, Nancy 103
Ward, Naomi E. 103
Ward, P.P. 145, 368, 369
Ward, Patience 103
Ward, Pleasant 103
Ward, Sarah 103
Ward, Spence 104, 105
Ward, Spence 369
Ward, Sprous 103
Ward, W.C. 105, 148
Ward, W.R. 103, 104
Ward, William 104, 105
Ward, William C. 133
Ward, William C. 369
Ward, William G. 139
Ward, William R. 255
Ward, Wm C. 104
Warder, James A. 168, 298
Wardlaw, Mrs. E.J. 374, 375
Warner, John M. 281
Warner, T.N. 61
Warner, Thomas W. 316, 317
Warner, Thomas W. 60
Warren, C.A. 2, 60, 115, 116, 127, 128, 267, 314,
Warren, C.A. 315, 353
Warren, Charles A. 57, 323, 324, 327, 328
Warren, T.N. 216
Wartrace and Beech Grove Turnpike Co 345
Watson, Amelia Caroline 158, 159
Watson, M.W. 243
Watson, Mathew 375
Watson, Mathew W. 219
Watson, N.D.W. 158
Watter, R.H. 381
Weaver, Tract of land 334
Weaver, Zephemiah 267
Webb, John D. 274, 275
Wharton, W.H. 227, 253
Wheeler, David J. 14, 222, 228, 229
Wheeler, Elizabeth 228, 229
Wheeler, Elizabeth J. 240
Wheeler, General 93
Wheeler, Martha H. 14
Wheeler, Mary E. 13, 187
Wheeler, R. 14
Whilhoite, John 236, 237
White, ______ 1
White, J.P. 46
White, Jno W. 400
White, John H. 190, 362, 366
White, John P. 260
White, Stephen N. 270
White, Stokley 334
White, William 20
Whiteside, _____ 247
Whiteside, T.C. 19, 116
Whiteside, Thomas 297
Whiteside, Thomas C. 43, 111, 125, 310
Whiteside, Thos C. 5
Whiteside, W.J. 137
Whitfield, Jane 285
Whitfield, John 157, 285
Whithorne, Lewis E. 90
Whithorne, Margaret 151
Whithorne, Margaret Ann 90
Whithorne, Martha H. 90
Whithorne, S.H. 151, 224
Whithorne, Saml. H. 90
Whithorne, Samuel 139
Whithorne, Samuel H. 199, 213
Whithorne, W.J. 172, 194
Whithorne, William J. 90, 139, 152
Whitson, S.H. 355
Whitson, S.K. 159
Whitthorne, Margaret 88
Whitthorne, Saml 88
Whitthorne, W.J. 16, 17, 18, 32, 76
Whitthrone, William J. 135
Whitworth, W.J. 270
Wiggins, B.F. 133, 163, 268
Wiggins, Benj. F. 314
Wiggins, Harbert 156, 188, 269
Wihoite, John 372
Wilhoite, _____ 205
Wilhoite, Hulda 280, 281
Wilhoite, Hulda 350
Wilhoite, J.D. 128, 177, 183, 197, 297
Wilhoite, James D. 300
Wilhoite, Jo. D. 54, 121, 189
Wilhoite, John 189, 231
Wilhoite, Narciruss 350
Wilhoite, R.B. 355
Wilhoite, R.B. 61, 83, 216, 226, 317
Wilhoite, Richard B. 84
Wilhoite, Thomas 300
Wilhoite, Thomas D. 54
Wilhoite, W.W. 89, 163
Wilhoite, Young 300
Wilks, W.W. 382
Williams, _____ 164, 166, 263
Williams, Charley 3, 20
Williams, Chelsey 216, 217
Williams, Chesly 9, 61, 102, 106, 124, 235
Williams, Ellis 189
Williams, Enoch 81, 306
Williams, J.T. 397
Williams, Jemmia 380
Williams, M. 388
Williams, Mary 227
Williams, Mike 322
Wilson, _____ 33, 267
Wilson, A.R. 25, 278
Wilson, Andrew R. 266
Wilson, C.S. 380
Wilson, E.A. 262, 264
Wilson, Eberezer 28
Wilson, Ebernezer 252
Wilson, Florence 285
Wilson, James D. 285
Wilson, John 25, 278, 300
Wilson, John C. 138
Wilson, John E. 81, 306
Wilson, John R. 266
Wilson, M.A. 380
Wilson, M.M. 89, 184, 185, 233, 234, 245, 246
Wilson, Nancy J. 266
Wilson, R. 32
Wilson, Rebecca 252
Wilson, S.W. 380
Wilson, Wm. 141
Winsett, Abraham 354
Winsett, Abram 65, 73, 139, 245
Winsett, Abram G. 64, 78
Winsett, D.H. 79
Winsett, Daniel H. 73
Winsett, Eli 73
Winsett, F.M. 354
Winsett, Jason 73
Winsett, Joan 65
Winsett, John B. 354, 355
Winsett, Mary 73
Winsett, T.K. 79
Winsett, Thomas M 139
Winsett, W.J. 245
Winsett, William 73
Winstead, J.M. 329
Wiseman, John 380
Wisener, W.H. 263
Wisener, William H. 53, 60, 80, 108, 118
Wisener, William Jr. 97
Wisener, Wm H. 347, 369, 376
Wisener, Wm. H. 43, 105, 113, 161, 165, 172, 183, 186, 191, 232, 233, 247
Wisener, Wm. H. Sr. 199, 216, 316
Wisner, _________ 15
Wisner, William H. Jr. 290
Wisner, William M. 351
Wisner, Wm H. 297
Witthorne, Margaret 377
Witthorne, Samuel 373, 376, 377
Witthorne, William J. 128, 331, 376
Wlson, M.M. 173
Wood, ______ 52, 156, 301, 346, 370
Wood, A.C. 72, 87, 240, 243, 244
Wood, A.R. 290, 396
Wood, Albert 248
Wood, Elizabeth 248, 392
Wood, James 248
Wood, James 392
Wood, Jesse 170, 248
Wood, John C. 248
Wood, Lim 248
Wood, S.B. 175
Wood, William 74, 98, 149, 152, 171, 257, 341
Wood, Wm 22, 76, 81, 248
Woods, _____ 163, 270
Woods, A.C. 379
Woods, Ab 45
Woods, C.C. 379
Woods, F.B. 343, 344
Woods, James 384
Woods, Mrs. John 73
Woods, William 343
Woodward, John 72
Word, D.C. 48, 92, 96, 164, 195, 335, 336
Word, Samuel T. 48, 92, 96, 195
Word, Thomas T. 335, 336
Word, Wm N. 97, 159
Wortham, Edmund 84
Wortham, J. 359
Wortham, James 7, 25, 31, 57, 89, 158, 269
Wortham, T.H. 84
Wynn, Levi 356
Wynn, Martha A. 356, 367
Wynn, Widow 304
Yancy, Elizabeth 283
Yancy, Henry 115, 127
Yancy, James 115
Yancy, James W. 283, 313
Yeastman, Henry C. 384
Yeatman, _____ 163, 270
Young, Willliam 9