Chancery Court Minute Book
Volume 2, February 1846 - August 1854

Created for the web from a paper copy at the Bedford County Archives by Allison Saxman and Steve Carson.

last update 22 July 2005
Steve Carson, GSC Associates Historical Record Products.

Adams, Addison                        459
    Elizabeth                  403, 492
    Jane                                372
    Jane C.                           459
    Joseph                              33
    Nancy                             384
    William                           372
    William H.                             459
Ake, Felix G.                             334
Albright, Jacob                          118
    Jerime                             118
    William                        54, 73
Alexander, Betsy Ann 567
    James                             228
    Samuel                           567
Allbright, E.                               93
Allen, Cyrus A.                          18
    Hugh                           76, 83
    James                             390
    John                               390
    Martha                        76, 83
    Nancy                            390
    Sarah                              390
    William                           390
Allison, Elizabeth                       498, 526
    James                             521
    James P.          465, 566 - 567
    John M.                          497
    John W.             38, 544, 577
    Kimbro T.                      305
    Mrs. E.                           498
    Richard                          363
    Robert                     4 - 5, 580
    Thomas                          305
    Thomas C.       498, 526, 558
    Thos.                                  4
    Thos. C.                         498
    William            4, 38, 398, 425, 465, 522, 567
    Willliam                          521
Alliston, William                       465
Anderson, Amzi                         198
     Joseph             290, 346, 460
     Richard                   133, 169
    Aquilla                                  75
Armstrong, James L.                  456, 491, 502
Arnold, Absalom                       226
    D.D.               17, 53, 66, 166
    Darling D.            6
    Elizabeth                        521
    Henry                             521
    James H.                        600
    Jesse                              202
    Louisa A.                       613
    Louisa H.         458, 544, 597, 599
    Mary                              226
Arrington, George                     383
    George N.                      432
Baker, Rachel                           403, 492
    Vilsey                             194
    Wilsey                            173
Balch, Alfred                             137, 167
Baldwin, Mary Jane                  512, 513 - 514
    William O. 220, 512, 514
    Wm. O.                              513
Bandy, Geo. M.                      480
    Geo. W.                            482
    Rich'd                                        318, 368, 482
    Richard                                      239, 246 - 247, 259, 306, 343, 398, 480, 505 - 506, 511
Barksdale, James G. 50, 96, 167, 444
    Jos. G.                                       183
Barnet, Isaac                              266
Barnett, Isaac                             351
Barnhill, Benj. Sr.                        554
Benjamin                                   420, 464, 519
Barret, William J.                        14
Barringer, D.L.                           382, 518
Dan'l L.                                     92
Daniel L.                                    52, 57, 108, 135, 243, 320, 342, 381, 387, 445, 452
Bashan, Jos. E.                           461
Baskett, G.B.                              250
Bass, John M. 268, 295, 311, 313, 355 - 356, 364, 393, 421
Baty, William R.                       286
Bearden, J.W.                          469
    William                                627
    Wm.                                   352
    Wynn                                    394, 469, 627
Beaty, Jno.                                 195, 228
    John                                      372
    Sherwood W.                       372
    William                                  195
    Wm.                                     228, 372
Bedwell, Rbecca                      193
Bell, G.W.                                556
    Mary Ann             554, 556 - 557, 608 - 610, 612
    Mrs. L.M.                           556
Biddle, John O.                          480
    Johrim V.                            405
Bidwell, Rebecca                        233 - 234
Bigger, David F.                         431
    Davis                                   372
    James            341 - 342, 372 - 373, 459 - 460
    James R.                               372, 431, 459, 483
    Jane                                      372
    John                                      372, 483
    Joseph                                  372, 431
    Letitia                                    372
    Maria                                    372 - 373
    Mariah                                  341, 460
    Mary                                     372
    Mary E.                                431
    Robinson                               372, 431
    William                                  372, 483
Birmingham, William                   467
Black, Frances                           483
     George                                 483 - 484
Blackeman, Nelson                       9
Blackwell, James                        397, 461
    John                            232, 273
Blagg, Henry           22, 24, 46, 76
Blake, Frances                           103
    George J.                           103
Blakely, William 189, 385
    William B. Sr.                       384
    William R.                             189
    William Sr.                            189
    Wm.                               179
Blakemore, J.A.     20, 452, 506, 518, 582
    John A.                             49
Blanton, Wilkins                        20
    William C.                          571
    Willis 383, 432, 477, 502
Bledsoe, David                           398
     Tempy                            479
Blessing, David                           391
Blount, John G.                           454
     Thos.                              454
Blythe, R.A.                         586
Bobo, Dorotha K.                      145
     Dorothy B.                            146
     W.P.                        115, 256
     Weldon B.                      147
    Weldon W.      145 - 146, 230
Bomar, Elijah    71, 82, 121, 153
    William                      82, 466
Bond, R.                              284
    Richard                           283
Boone, William                           276
Booth, S.V.                          228
Bowdon, John                      455
Bowers, D.                           72
    Benj. F.                            72
Bowles, C.W.               408, 434
    Claiborne W.                      410
    J.F.                                 434
    J.T.                                 408
    John F.W.                           398
Bowling, Geo. W. 509, 554
Bowls, C.M.                        217
    C.W.                       324, 481
    Claiborne              257 - 259, 264
    J.F.W.                     217, 324
    John F.W.                      264
    Mary                     257, 259, 264
Boyd, Charlotte S.                     212, 213
    Cornelia A.                               213
    Francis M. 432, 436, 502
    J.P.                                    478
    Lewis                                 199
    Lewis A.                     212, 417
Bradford, B.M.                         284, 306
    Barclay M.                               9, 14
    Henry C.                         39 - 40
    John                            487, 622
    Lucy G.                              457
    Mary E.                              440
    Mary E.M.           457, 474, 498, 510, 535
    Shadrick F.                         457
    T.F.                                530
    Theo. F.                                94
    Theoderick F.                        9, 527
    Theodric F.                           474
    Thodric                                 499
    William F.                              294
    William L.                              457
Bradley, Elizabeth                       502
    James L.                                502
    John C.                                 502
    Leander                                 502
    Mary C.                                502
Brame, Melchesadec                  133
    Melchesidec                          58
    Melchisadec                          169
    Sarah                                    133, 168
    W.B.M.                                170, 414, 480, 603
    William                                  58
    William B.M.                         133, 167, 169, 425 - 427
    Wm.                                      76
    Wm. B.M.                             58, 168, 213, 250
Brandon, Charles                        176, 305, 364
    Elias                                      90, 304
    Elias H.                                 100, 176, 183, 305, 307, 364
    Margaret                               176, 305, 364
Brasfield, Isaiah C. 252
Brittain, James                            50 - 51, 95 - 96
    Jason T.                                50 - 51, 71, 95 - 96, 497
    Joseph H.                              50 - 51
    Joseph J.                               95
    Mariah                                  50 - 51, 95
Broadaway, Lemuel             97, 276
Broaden, Lemuel                        504
Broadway, Lemuel                        3
Bromfield, A.                              97
Brown, Benjamin                        425
    Dan'l                                     202
    Daniel                                    33
    Elizabeth                               33, 202
    George W.                            591 - 592
    Henry               33, 202, 326, 355, 418
    Jesse                                     2, 34, 71, 489
    Jesse W.                               2, 33, 150, 202, 558
    John                                      33 - 34, 202, 387
    John F.                                  487
    Madison S.                          310
    Pascal 2, 33, 71, 101, 150, 177 - 178, 202
    Robert A.                              3, 33 - 34, 202
    Robt. A.                                487
    Shad'k                                     8
    Shadrack                                 6
    Solomon                               176, 197
    Thomas                                 33, 202
    Thomas S.                             310
    William                                  6, 29, 33, 202, 427, 434, 444, 562, 575,   586, 603
Buchanan, G.W.                       115
    Geo. W.                         314, 353, 504, 593
    George W.                      174, 251, 281, 315, 318
    Robert                               469
    Robt.                              369, 543
Buckaloo, Eleanor                  501
    J.E.                                 502
    James M.                        501
Bullock, L.                          555
    Leonard           480, 519, 538, 555
Burdett, Ambrose H. 568
    Giles P.            267 - 268, 290, 348, 567 - 568
    Joel H.                            262
    Kenneth L.                      568
    Patience                          568
    Samll S.                   567 - 568
    Samuel S.                348, 460
    Sarah                267, 417, 501
    Sarah J.                          568
    William                           568
    William A.                       568
Burditt, Ambrose H. 441
    Giles P.            291, 376, 441
    Kenneth L.                     441
    Samuel S.                       441
    Samuel T.                       376
    William                           291
    William M.                     441
Burgess, Vilsey                    173
    William                    173, 194
Burks, Willis                        189
Burnett, Thomas                  312
Burr, S.                                   8
Burrow, B.M.D.                  522
    Banks M.                       489
    Banks M.D.              518, 583
    Banks M.P.                    504
    E.                                     93
    Ephraim                   103, 456, 483 - 484, 489, 504, 522
    Eve           103, 254, 483 - 484, 504
    F.T.                 609, 612 - 613
    J.J.                                 465
    Jacob C.          129, 448, 464, 572, 623
    Jacob P.                         534
    James M.                       577
    M.L.                456, 465, 483
    Madison J.                     276
    Madison L. 456, 483, 489, 504
    Nimrod            394, 469, 627
    R.                                   623
Burt, Susan                         417
    Thomas                   265, 288
    W.H.                              169
    William                           133
    William H.               238, 417
Burton, John W.                      527
    Mary A.                         527
Bury, Thomas S                      628
Bussey, George                 86, 137, 210 - 211, 218
Bussy, George                           120, 170
Butler, John                               145 - 147, 230
    Nancy                                   145 - 146, 230
Callaghan, James                        484
    Michael                                 421, 424, 484
    Richard F.                         485
Callahan, Richard F.                   421
Calleghan, R.F.                          486
Campbell, Alfred                        86, 97, 106, 117, 125, 175, 184, 185, 203, 209, 304, 308
    Arthur                                   86, 106
    Sally                                      184
    W.P.                                     103
    William                                 237, 253 - 254, 308, 456, 483, 504
    Wm.                                    489, 522
Cannon, C.                                94
    Clement                                54, 94, 101, 406, 527, 529 - 530
    Clement Sr.                          71
    J.T.                                       377
    John M.                                191
    Letitia                                    301 - 302, 377, 382
    Mary                                     94
    Minos 3, 42, 50, 55, 57, 71, 77, 84, 97, 108, 135, 166, 179, 191, 202, 240, 262, 314, 364, 380, 387, 445
    Robert     42, 97 - 98, 101 - 102, 177, 191, 262, 314
    Robert Sr.                             40, 71
    Robert T.                              52, 65, 79, 87 - 88, 191
    Robt.                                     110, 624
    Robt. T.                                466
    Samuel T.                              377, 380, 385
    Thomas B.                             480
    Thos. B.                                239, 317
    Willis                                     377, 379
Capley, Franklin                          399
     George                                 12
Capps, Charles L.                      420
     P.E.                                      420
Capps.Charles L.                      421
Carlisle, James                   591 - 592
    William                                  34
Carpenter, Peter                         66, 84
Carrol, Eliga J.                            196
    Felix W.                                196
    Henry                                    196
    John                                      196
    Martin G.                              196
    Mary E.                                 196
    Nancy C.                              196
Carter, Crancis                           226
    E.W.                                     197
    James                                   226, 275, 359, 377, 557 - 558
    Judethan                                  6
    N.W.                                  508
    Sarah                    494, 543, 622
Cass, Madison                          67
Casteel, Elizabeth                      568
    Samuel                           568
Cavin, Pat                         460
    William                           460
Chadwell, George                      335, 361, 420, 476, 500, 621
Chaffin, Nathan                          413,  415 - 416
Chamberlain, Martha                 206
    William P.                             206
Chandler, Allen                           2
    John                   65, 473, 551
Chaney, Dan'l                            309
Cheatham, Edmond B.               319
    N.P.                               319
    Nicholas P.                           319
Chockley, Jesse                         487
Chockly, Jesse                           397
Clagett, Horatio                         13, 22
Claggett, Horatio                       31
Clanton, Jeremiah                       66
Clardy, Mrs.                        334
Clark, James P.                         179
    William                           287
Claunch, J.                           314
    J.H.                                314
    James H.                      54, 72
Jeremiah           54 - 55, 72 - 73, 240, 262
    Jos. H.   262
    William M.                            72
Claxton, Jeremiah                       84
    John                               183
Clay, Anderson T.                      21
Claybrook, John S.                     13
Cleveland, J.                              181
    Jeremiah                         149
Coats, James                       518
Cobb, Charles A.                       172
    H.                                   265
    J.H.                                287
    James H.                 155, 195, 265 - 266, 287 - 288
    Jno. W.                   195, 265
    John W.            155, 266, 275, 287, 377
    Nancy A.                        172
    Sarah        265 - 266, 288, 557
Cobbs, Thomas                        326
Coble, Allen                             226
    Benj.                              275
    Benjamin               226, 359, 377
    Benjamin K.                         557
    Jacob                             226
    Martha Ann                          226
    Neely                             226
    Samuel                           226
    Will                                  14
    William                27 - 28, 226
Coe, L.H.                    274, 350
    Levin H.                         274
Coffee, Henry B.                       369, 469
    Thomas                              274
Coffey, Andrew P.                    502
    Cyntha E.                              502
    James W.                              502 - 503
    John R.                                  600 - 601
    Martha A.                             502
    Mary                                     502
    Rice                                      601
    Thomas                                 502
    Thomas N.                            502
    Thomas Sr.                            503
Coldwell, J.C.                            103
    John C.                                 541
    John C. 50, 108, 116, 135, 387, 445
    John C. Jr.                            427
    Montgomery 413, 415 - 416
    Sarah A.A.                         541
    T.M.                                   365
    Thomas H.                                243, 297, 530, 627
    Thomas M.                            269
    Thos. H.                                 408, 531
    W.W. 216, 276, 314, 336, 352 - 353, 519
Cole, L.M.                                 225
Coleman, E.                               57
Collier, William                           367
Collins, Henry                             23
    Henry H.                               128
    Margaret                                   23
    Mariah Catharine 128
     Phillip Doss                           128
Coooper, John D.                       363
Cooper, Abram B.                      22
     C.D.                                      29
     Charles D.                             29
    E. 304, 379, 456, 533, 590, 608 - 609, 621
    Edmd 231, 421, 574 - 575, 606
    Edmund 115, 188, 229, 245, 307, 354, 369, 378, 381 385, 419, 424 - 425, 428 484 - 486, 527, 576
    H. 379, 533, 576, 590, 608, 609, 621
    Henry     486
    John L. 62, 83, 243, 249, 298, 616
    Johnathan J.                            83
    M.L.                                     115
    Sarah                                     22
    Sarah P.                                258 - 259
    W.B.                                     410
    William                                  100
    William B. 257 - 258, 440, 481
    Wm.                                      390
    Wm. B.                                 282
Cortner, George                         421, 423
Corton, George                          395
Couch, Jane                               604
    Joseph                                   94
    Thomas                                  94
Courcey, Charles                        83
Courtner, George                       469
Covey, Martha J. 144, 146, 229
    W.B.                                 144
    Welcome B.                         146 - 147
Covinaton, Ambrose                 118, 231
    Ambrose B. 119, 135, 201, 230
    Christopher                           201
    Eldridge                                118 - 119, 135, 201, 230
    Jesse                                        119, 201, 230
    Levicy 135 - 136, 201, 230
    Levicy Sr.                                 201
Cowan, John W.                       249, 269 - 270, 295 - 296, 312,  313, 364 - 365
    W.G.                                    364 - 365, 454
    William G,                            71, 95, 452 - 453
    Wm. G.                                356, 455
Cowart, Wm. G.                        454
Cox, Harriet                              198
Craig, Henry C.                         314
    Henry Clay                           105, 175
    J.P.                                       106
    James                                   174, 276
    James B.                               105, 175, 353
    James P.                               216
    Martha A.                             175, 314
    Mary                                    273
    Mary A.                                105, 174, 314, 352 - 353
    Mary Ann                             154
    Mary E.                                216
    Polly                                     199
    Rebecca A.                           314
    Rebecca N.                          175
    Rebecca Nunn                      105
    Robert M.                            175, 314
    Robt. McNeely                    105
    William                                 199
Crawford, Alexander               509
    John J.                                 292
Crips, Christopher                   390
Crittanden, John J. 305
    Prior                                     306
    Robert M.                             306
Crook, John                                  4
    Ruthy                                    4 - 5, 38
Cross, Saloma                            65
Crowell, Henry                          280, 290, 346
    Peter                                     280, 346
Crucher, Mary                           584
    W.H.                              584
Crutcher, Thomas                      365
    W.H.                              586
Culberhouse, J.                          249
    Jeremiah                               249, 616
    Thomas                                 616
Cully, J.                                       623
Culverhouse, J.                          298
    Jeremiah                               298
Culverson, James M. 384
    Rebecca Jane                      384
Cummings, C.C. 85, 136, 242
    James F. 179, 242, 279, 464, 618
    Jane F.                                  85
    N.B.                                     425
Cummins, James F.                 621
Cunningham, Benjamin         200
    Benjamin W.                       187
    G.W.                                       262, 274, 367
    George                                     397
    George W.                               115, 219, 324, 326, 461
    James                                       187
    James F.                                  192
    John                                         130, 187, 200
    John Sr.                                      129
    Joseph H.                                   187
    Langston                                187 - 188
    Nancy E.                                     188
    Richard                                       35, 63, 107, 187 - 188
    Robert                                        129
    William                                       187, 200
Curtis, James                                515
    John                                           554
Curtiss, John                                509
Dacus, John W.                           172
Daniel W.F.                                182
Daniel Wiley F. 143 - 144
Daniel, Amos                            261
    Angeline                                261
    Calfina                                   261
    Charlotte                               261
    Clementine                            261
    Cornelius                               261
    Ede                                       261
    Eliza                                      261
    Elizabeth                                261
    Emeline                                 261
    Franky                                  261
    George                                  261
    Harriett                                 261
    Henry                                   261
    Houston                                261
    James                              261, 385
    Jefferson                               261
    Jo.                                        261
    Julia                                      261
    Lewis                                   261
    Mississippi                            261
    Nancy                                  261
    Napoleon                              261
    Nelly                                     261
    Patsey                                   261
    Pauline                                  261
    Phil                                        261
    Polly                                      261
    Richard                                 261
    Robert                                   261
    Salina                                    261
    Sam                                      261
    Symas                                  261
    Vina                                      261
    W.F.                                    561
    Wiley                                    143
    Wiley F.                 151, 207, 235, 261, 263, 275, 308 - 309, 573
    Wiley J.                              262
    William Merritt                   261
    Wilson                            261
Davidson, Andrew 70, 77, 93
    B.                             77, 225
    Bluford 77, 93, 180, 196
    Coleman                         287
    D.V.                          65, 455
    David U.                           29
    David V.                           56
    Goo.                        306, 482
    George 9, 14, 89, 100, 131, 270 - 271, 345, 408, 413, 415, 427, 456 - 457, 518, 527
    H.L.            75, 262 - 263, 309, 379
    Hugh L. 51, 290, 330, 332, 378
    Hugh L. Jr.                            287
    Isaac                                 70
    Jane Vance 329 - 330, 332
    John L.                            609
    John Q.           23 - 24, 35, 464, 478, 516, 561, 613, 615, 621
    Mary Rebecca                      329 - 330, 332
    R.B.          75, 262 - 26~3, 309
    R.M.                                70
    Rebecca                 329, 332
    Ro B.                             308
    Ro. B.                     436, 461
    Robert A.                       542
    Robert B.             81, 90, 378, 389, 432
    Robt. B.                         294
    Sam'l L.           217, 345, 478
    Samuel L.                287, 294, 329 - 330, 332, 409, 517, 523
    Thos.                              224
Davis, Jno. S.                            201
    Jno. T.                            330
    John                                6, 8
    John S.             213, 287, 403, 568
    William P.                             461
Dean, Dan'l                         469
    Daniel               352, 393, 627
    Henry                      115, 276
    John                        468 - 469
    John P.                           611
    Thomas 8, 58, 62, 106, 123, 151 - 152, 276
    Thos.                              175
Decherd, Benj.                          622
Deery, J.H.                         262
    James                             404
Delk, Benjamin                          479
Denison, Robert                        188
Denniston, Robert                     129
Denson, William                         18
Derrit, S.                             326
Dickson, J.N.                             50
    L.                                          50 - 51
    T. N.                         51
Dismukes, M.L.               280, 358
Dixon, J.N.                                 95 - 96
    L.                                          95 - 96
Doak, Sam                                 263
    Sam'l    71, 76, 217, 254 - 255, 279, 292, 317, 367, 543, 572
Samuel    21 - 22, 24, 46, 103 - 104, 123, 139, 151, 219, 237, 239, 253, 326, 464, 527, 621, 628
Dobson, Arch'd                         79
    Archibald                                  52, 79, 87 - 88
    B.C.                                     65
    Blackman C.                   52, 88
    Joseph                                   52, 88
    Martha                                  88
    Mary                                     53, 65, 87 - 88
    Mrs. Mary                             79
    William                                  88
Dolby, James                              435
    James B.                               268, 404
    John C.                                 268, 296, 343, 403, 434, 474, 605
     Knight                                   403
     Nancy                                   403
     Philip A.                                474
     Thos. D.                                474
     Warren K.                             474
Dollar, D.M.                               32
     D.W.                                     6, 72
     Daniel W.                              155, 166
     S.M.                                     6, 32, 72
     Samuel                                    1
     Susan M.                               6, 32, 166
     Susannah M.                         1, 155
Doss, Sam'1                               78
Douglass, B                                 448, 534
     Byrd                                      192
     H.                                         448, 534
     H.B.                                      535
Dromgoole, C.J.                         385
     John P.                                  385, 498
Dudley, C.S.                               363
Duke, W.                                   573
Dukes, W.                                  561
Dunaway, Foster                        19
     Foster W.                             344, 386
Dunnaway, Foster                       45
Dunston, Aley 311 - 312, 314
Dwiggins, Dan'l                  255, 292
    Hundley                               240
    Hundly                                369
    R.L.                                    292
    Robert                                 255
    Robert S.                              240, 274, 318, 369
Dwyer, Jane                                  1
    John                                      24, 46, 76
    William                                    1
Dysart, Elizabeth                       502
Eakin, Albert 270, 313, 340 365, 391 - 392, 453, 455
    Alex                                454
    Alexander        249, 268 - 269, 299, 336, 391
    Alexander C.    365
    Alexander E.       270, 313, 455
    Ann                                313
    Ann Grundy 295, 365, 453, 455
    Argyle P.          270, 313, 365, 453, 455
    Asa M.                           351
    Charles             270, 313, 340, 365, 391 - 392, 453, 455
    Felicia              313, 365, 453
    Felicia Jane W.                     455
    Felix Grundy                        295
    George N.               340, 365, 391 - 392, 453, 455
    George W.              270, 313
    James H.          270, 313, 365, 453, 455
    Jane W.            295, 313, 365, 453
    Jno.                                401
    John 16, 50, 269, 295 - 296, 311 - 313, 340, 357, 364, 365, 391 - 392, 431, 453, 455, 529, 571
    John A.                         455
    John R.            249, 269 - 270, 295 - 296, 311 - 313, 364, 365, 453, 615
    Julia A.                    270, 296, 311 - 313, 364 - 365, 453, 455
    Julia Anne                           357
    Lucretia                          270, 313, 340, 365, 391 - 393, 453, 455
    Sara C.                               296
    Sarah J.                          270, 311 - 313, 364 - 365, 453, 455
    Sarah Jane                     357
    T.                            401, 571
    Thomas            240, 252, 268, 295 - 296, 311 - 314, 320, 325, 335, 356 - 357, 364, 365, 393, 400, 421, 431, 450 - 455, 457, 461, 471, 479, 494, 507, 509, 520, 529, 560, 570 - 571
    Thomas  L. 313, 453
    Thomas S. 270, 365
    Thos.        278, 355, 400, 403
    Thos. L.                         455
    W.                          401, 571
    W.T.                            357, 365
    William            295 - 296, 311, 313, 357, 364, 431, 529
    William S. 249, 269 - 270, 295 - 296, 299, 313, 336, 357, 453, 455
    Wm. D.                          252
Earnhart, Benjamin                   488
    James                             488
Eaton, Andrew J.                       484
Edde, H.                                    278
    Hiram                                    1, 8, 38, 42, 58, 62, 77, 89, 100, 123, 151 - 152, 166, 537, 561
    Hiram J.                                556, 568
Edins, Sally Ann                         329
Edward, Jesse R.                       187
Edwards, B.S.                           196
    J.L.                                       128
    J.R.                                       65
    James                                   305
    Jesse R.                                129 - 130, 186, 188, 200, 221
    T.S.                                      140
Elkins, Anna                               205, 397
     Asa    561
    Asa M. 205, 266, 464, 478, 516, 621
    David                                    297
    David L.                                470
    David S.                                260
    Mary                                     297
    Mary S.                                470
    W.P.                                     334
    William D. 260, 297, 470
     Wm. D.                                 470
Elliott, David                               520
     James M.                              354
Ellis, H.                                       42
     R.G.                                      12 - 13, 20
     R.W.                                     12
Elmore, William                          559
Emerson, B.H.                            82
     H.S.                                      82
Emmerson, B.H.                         35, 72
     H.                                           8
     H.S.                                      72
     Hiram S.                                35
Enoch, Felix G.                           100
Epperson, Jordan               194, 593
    Rebecca Ann                        590 - 593
Erwin, Andrew                           512
    Anne                                     29
    Charles                                  29
    Emily                                     29
    Isaac                                     29
    Jane                                       29
    Thomas                                 29
Escue, Sam                                 77
Euless, Martin                             621
Eulis, Martin                               377
Evans, A/H.                                194
    Abram                                  445
    David S.                                137, 167, 234 - 235, 621
    David T.                                183
    John L.                                  309
    Mary                                     281
    Mary A.                                401
    Mrs.                                      315
Ewel, Dabney                             141
Ewell, Dabney                            157, 159, 161 - 162, 205, 264, 289, 374
    John                                      141, 158, 162, 205, 264, 374 - 375
    Joseph 162, 206, 374 - 375
    Leighton                         205
    Mary                       397, 486
    P.K.                               450
    Philip K.                         205
    William                           205
Ewing, Flora L. 316, 319
Fain, R.W.                          305
Rich'd W.                           278
Fay, Patrick                   73, 581
Ferguson, J.A.                     139
John F.                               294
Fholson, Mary                     491
Fields, L.P.           348, 376, 417, 441, 500 - 501
    Lilburn P                            568
Finch, James                       492
    Matt                                   568
Finney, Norman                      4
Fisher, A.             359, 482, 515
   America                         406
   Annice                            577
   Annis                391, 409, 446, 607 - 608
   Annis L.                  411, 608
   Betsy                              428
    John 241, 255 - 256, 285, 292 - 293, 409, 411, 428, 446, 470, 515, 544, 607, 608
    Margaret C.                    608
     Michael                   428, 608
     Rebecca                  241, 256
Fletcher, James H.                     243
Floyd, David                        175
    Watson                           175
Fogg, Godfrey M.               290
Fogleman, G.W.             65, 103
    Geo. W.                         498
    George W. 10, 83, 99, 173, 252, 262, 440
Fonvill, F.F.                         227
Frederick F.                208 - 209
Fonville, Ann O.                   133
    F.F.                               21, 264
    Frederic F.                           90
    Frederick F. 52, 57, 128, 264
    Washington B.                    133, 168 - 170
    William B. 133, 169 - 170
Forbes, Benjamin M.              72
Foreman, Richard                391
Foster, Geo.                        216
    Guynn                            398
    Gwynn 241, 243, 277, 327, 346 - 347, 443 - 444, 446, 538, 555
    James                 76, 179, 192
    James W.           85, 242, 260, 305 - 306
    Mary                              584
Frazer, Farwick                       22
    Granvill                             405
    Henry T.                               65
    Joh S.                                   21
    John                                      17, 405, 434
    John L. Jr.                             298
    John S.                                 29, 37, 65, 268, 404, 434 - 435
    Preston                                  405
Frazier, E.J.                                403, 605
    Granville H.                           157
    Jno. L.                                   403
    John                                      343
    John S.                                  474, 605
    Preston                                  157
Freeman, Abner                          108
    Sally Matilda                         18
    W.                                        93
Friddle, Martin                           97
Frierson, Albert                          389
    E.J.                                       40, 173, 213 - 214
    Ervin J.                                  42, 215, 227, 239, 425, 527, 529
    Erwin                                     369
    Erwin J.                                 369, 576
    John                                      389, 527
    Mary                                     294
    Mary A.                                306
    Mrs.                                      33
    Robert                                   389, 527
    William                                  389, 527
Furgason, John F.                       369
Furguson, John A. 29, 42
Gabbert, Amanda 590 - 593
    Barton                                   590 - 591
    Benton                                  593
    George G.                             591
    George W.                            590, 592
    Jordan                                   590 - 592
    Lucinda                                 590 - 593
    Martha                                  590 - 591, 593
    Mary                                     490, 590
    Mary Ann                              491, 592 - 593
    Nelson                                  590
    Nelson J.                               591 - 593
    William                                  490, 514, 536, 590 - 591
    William Jr.                             536, 559
    William Sr.                            536
    Willilam,                               515
    Wm.               491, 589, 592 - 593
Gabbot, George, C.                     408
    George G.                             407
    George W.                            384
    Mary Ann                              407 - 408
    Nelson                                  407
    William                                  384, 407
Galbert, Wm.                             225, 469
Galbraith, William                       444
Galbreath, Willian                      9, 20, 42, 55, 83, 113, 118, 133, 157, 245, 279, 527
    Wm.                                      159, 169, 558
Gambal, Judith                           540
Gambell, John H.                       567
Gambill, Alfred H.                     186, 198
    Benjamin                              186
    Eliza Jane                              198
    George W.                            186, 198
    James                             518
    James B.                               108 - 109
    John S.                           198
    Polly                               518
    Polly C.                          108
    Rachel                            198
Gamble, Aaron                          196
    James B.                           92
    James C.                         135
    Polly C.                          135
Gamels, Wm.                      194
Gant, Absalum B.                      61
    James A.                      53, 90
    Lewis 61, 241, 255 - 256, 285, 292 - 293, 398, 429
    Polly                       241, 256
    Robert J.B.                          273
    William A.                            61
    Wm. A.                          120
Gardiner, john M.                     471
    John W.                         488
Gardner, John W. 344, 380, 390, 420
    Morgan                          252
Garrett, B.F.                              131
    Elijah                       157, 565
Gaston, Elizabeth                       140
    Harrison                               140
    Nancy                            140
    William                          140
Gault, Drury                               559
    Hugh M.                         559
    J.C.                                559
Gaunt, A.B.                         170
    Absalom B.                          210
    Absalum                         137
    J.A.                                  66
    James                             467
    James A.                   17, 81, 403
    Lewis 86, 137, 170, 210, 218, 241
    William A.                           210
Gholson, Mary 403, 492, 573, 628
Gilbert, T.                              420
    William                               450
Gilchrist, Adalaide                      42
    Adelaide                               39
    Catharine Mary 39, 42
   Malcolm                           42
   Malcom                            63
   Sarah                          39, 42
   William             26, 40 - 42, 97, 110 - 112
   Willliam                                 39
   Wm.                          63, 317
Gill, A.G.                     354, 441
   Benjamin                               82
   Daniel                               82
   W.W.               276, 348, 428
   William H.                            276
   Winston                          151
   Winston G.                           310
    Winston W. 173, 194, 240
Gilliland, Sam'l                              552
Gobble, John                                4
Goodwin, Eliza                           584
    George                                   584
    Harriett                                   584
    James                                     584
    John                                        584
    Malinda                                  177
    Washington P.                         177
Gordon, Sarah                            226
    William C.                             226
    Wm. C.                                 226
Gore, Thomas                            29
Gosling, William.                        425, 474
    Wm.                                     284, 440, 498, 510, 527, 529
Graham, James H.                      143, 219
    Nicholas                                219, 435
Grammer, Peterson                    276
Grant, James A.                         577
Gray, Nicholas                           143
Grayham, Nicholas                     145
Green, Berry                              397
    Edmund                                 380
    L.                                          60
    Littleberry                              487
    William P.                              502
Greer, Archibald J. 189, 192
    B.F.                                      622
    Benj. F. 387, 445, 452
    Benjamin F.                          192
    Catherine R.                          192
    David S.                                79
    Joseph                                  189 - 192
    Robert J.                               382
    Thomas                  190, 192, 425
Greggory, William                       568
Gregory, James                           568
Griffis, William A.                       575
     Wm. A.                                 576
Griggs, Jane                                124 - 125
     Robert W.                             124 - 125
Gunn, Francis B.                         474
     Martha C.                             474
Haggard, Robert M.                    43
     Williamson 294, 386 - 387
Hail, Mead                                 178
Haile, Samuel                              74
Hale, Mead                                 15
    Thomas                                 74 - 75
Haley, Mary Ann                        52, 57
Hall, Elizabeth                             615
    Hu A.                                    224
    Joshua                                   243, 320, 342, 381 - 382
    Lucy                                     206
    S.W.                                     266
    Sibby                                    540
    Wilson                                  206
Hamlin, Ann P.                           527
    Catharine               527, 574 - 576
    Catherine                              .527
    Hubbard                               527
    Jno. W.                                 527
    John W.                   262, 527, 574 - 576
   Kenneth, L.                      527
   Martha                            527
   Sarah C.                         527
   Sarah T.                          527
   Theophilus R.                  527
   Victoria T.                      527
Hancock, Martin 83, 99, 520, 560
   Sam'l                          83
   Samuel                          99
Hanslett, E.A.                   326
Harbert, Henry                  247
Harris, James             164, 215
   Mumford D.                      10
    Newton C.                       10
Harrison, Edward C.                 238, 245, 252
   Elijah W.                        396
   Eliza H.                           217
   Eliza W.              75, 239, 268, 307, 359, 419, 560
   Francis M.                      489
   Jacob            55 - 56, 254, 344, 390, 420, 471, 488
   Joel           138, 164, 188, 254
    Mahala Jane                   489
    R.P.                               243
    Robert                   10, 55, 77
    Robert P.                359, 419
Harryman, Charles                    109
Haskins, James                     78
    John M.                  433, 549
    John W.                         550
Hastings, James                  552, 625 - 626
    Jane                 172, 553, 626
    John                                 72
    John T.                           514
    Joseph                           625
    Josiah              552, 625 - 626
    Lacy                              118
    Mary A.                         514
    Mary Ann                      593
    Robt.                             552
Hasty, Joseph                      172
Hathcoat, Jane                     390
    Sarah                             390
Hawkins, Sam'l G.                     193
    Samuel                   233 - 234
Hayes, Sam'l G.                  324
    Samuel                           145
    Samuel G.                      143
Hays, Samll G.             262, 543
    Samuel G.               219, 245
Haywood, George W. 19, 26, 39 - 41, 63, 97, 110 - 111, 112, 317
Hazlett, E.H.                273 - 274
    Wm                               472
Hazzard, Robert M. 67, 70
Head, Enoch 580, 617 - 618, 620
    James W.                554, 617
Heaglett, William 532 - 533
Heard, Catherine                     205
    G.W                                  264
    George W. 141, 162, 205, 266
     Mrs. Catherine                   264
Herbert, Henry 246
Hickerson, Arrington 320
     Charles                               383
Hickman, W.P. 502
Highland, Mary Rebecca                    454
Hill, James 517
     John M.                              311
     W.                                     505
     W.D.                                  347
     W.W.                                 216
     William D. 216, 243, 277, 398, 443 - 444
Wm. D.                                 241, 346, 446
Hix, C.C.                                   611
    Christopher C. 463, 611
    D.D.                      59, 73 - 74, 463, 472, 532, 540, 567, 572
    Demarcus                          16
    John C.                                 540
    Joshua                                   540
    Joshua R.                              463, 611
    Mary                                     540
    Nancy C.                               463, 610 - 61k
    Rebecca                               540
    S.E.                                       611
    Sally                                      172
    Sarah E.                                463, 611
    William                                  540, 567
Hodge, Philip 608, 624 - 625
Hodges, Minos C.                     336
Hoggar, Williamson                   535
Holland, Benjamin F.                  262
    Franklin                                     395 - 396, 422 - 424, 542, 569 - 570
    Julia A.                                      542
    Julia Ann                                    350, 395, 422 - 424, 555, 569
    Martha                                  569
    Mary Ann                             569
    Matilda                                 569
    Middleton                             71, 350, 395, 422 - 424, 542
    Mitchell B.                           569
    Moses                                   569
    Sally                                      262
    Sarah                                    444 - 445
    Thomas                                 32 - 33, 444 - 445
    Thos.                                     6, 72, 155
    Thos. G.                                71, 84
    Wm. M.                                569
Holt, A.M.                                 509, 554
    Archibald M.                          35
    D.D.                                     599
    H.F.                                      115
    H.G.                                     115
    Herod F.                               14, 290, 515
    Herod G.                              290
    Hiram                                    42, 77, 101, 166
    Hiram H.                               551, 602
    Isaac B.                10, 55, 290
    J.C.                         266, 399
    John C.                          167
    Jordan                            450
    Jordan C.          14, 19, 28 - 29, 45, 54, 56, 73 - 74, 102, 130, 164, 179, 222 - 223, 224, 256, 291, 293, 299, 320, 325, 328 - 329, 359, 362, 366, 370, 382, 388, 389, 398 - 399, 427, 429, 467, 472, 480, 488 - 489, 507 - 508, 522, 525 - 526, 541, 553, 602
   Joshua                     118, 194
   Lodurick                         141
   Lodwick                  143, 161
   Sullinger                          485
   Wm. C.                          335
Homes, Sarah Ann                    521
Hooper, E.                          317
Hooser, Daniel                       265
   David                             288
Hopkins, Eli                        286
   Eli H.                       250, 286
   Mary J.                         285
   Mary Jane               250, 286
   William W.                           286
Hopwood, Willis             18 - 19, 31
Hord, E.B.                      57, 65
   Edmond                           494
    Edwin                            494
    Edwin B.        23 - 24, 35, 543
    P.                                     57
    Polly                      28, 57, 65
    Wm. M.                         543
Horde, E.B.                          80
Hornaday, Henrietta 578
    Joseph 146, 182, 230, 543, 578
    Salina                             230
Horneday, Joseph                     143
Houston, C.P.                           516 - 517
    Caleb P.                         418
    Elizabeth                 516 - 517
    Sam                               251
    William                           516
    WM.                              517
Hudlow, George                      73 - 74
    Lucy                           73 - 74
Huffman, George             422 - 423
    John                           21, 54
Hufman, George                       542 - 543
Hughes, Rebecca M.                330
    Rebekah M.                         287
    Sarah                      287, 330
Hughs, Sarah                      332
Hunter, E.                           103
Hurst, America                         74
    Elizabeth                          74
    Hugh C.                59, 66, 73 - 74, 308, 384, 407, 490 - 491, 536, 589 - 590, 592 - 593
    James L.                          74
    John J.                              74
    Robert                                  11 - 12
    William                                 59, 73 - 74
    William W.                            74
Huston, M.J.                              158
Hymes, William                          621
Irvin, Isaac                                 56
Ivey, Nathan                              267
Ivy, Nathan                                290 - 291, 444, 568
    Patience                                568
Jackson, Andrew              122, 208, 264
    Francis                                  360
    Martha                                  491 - 492
    Martha E.                             28
    P.M.                                     28, 57, 65, 80
    Prior M.                               100, 405, 480, 491, 573, 628
    Susanna                                492
Jacob, Alfred                             178
Jacobs, Alfred                     5, 15, 39
Jakes, George 132, 211, 267
     James                                   132, 211
     Jane                                      267
     John                                      132
Jenkins, Will                                14
     Wm.                                     27
Jennings, Edmld                          572
    M.C.                                    263
Jett, Burkett D.                           41
    W.J.                                     77
    William 0.                             172
    William S.                             9, 38, 100, 182
    Wm. S.                                101, 537
Johnson, Harriet 186, 198
    James 335, 361, 420, 476, 500
    James M.                              102, 129 - 130, 160, 179, 266
    Jane M.                                  29
    John                                      9, 454
    Joseph                                      9
    M.                                         375
    Mr.                                        374
    Nathaniel                               379
Jones, Anna E.                           314
    David                                    227, 252
    George                                  238, 245
    George W.                            252
    James B.                               280, 314
    James M.                              240, 276, 310, 348, 428
    Jas. B.                                   346
    John R.                                   10
    Jonas S.                                314
    Mahala                                  349
    Mahala H.                             396
    Martin J.                                314
    Moses                                   298
    Richard N.                            246
    Robert A.                              314
    Robert N.                              247
    W.B.                                     350
    William B.                             396
    Wm. B.                                 349
Jordan, Fleming                         23 - 24, 35
Keck, George              433, 469
    John                            420, 469
    John M.               433, 468 - 469
Keeble, Edwin A.                      530 - 531
Keele, William               99, 383
Keelin, James                      393
Keeling, Charlotte                   584
    Eliza                               584
    James                             627
    James Jr.                        584
    James T.                         584
    Larken                            501
    Mary                              584
    Thomas                            84
    William                           584
Kendall, John                       600
    Mary G.                         600
Kendle, John                582, 601
    Mary G.                  582, 601
Key, Jno. W.                       335
    John W.           411 - 412, 436, 549
    Margaret C.                    411
    Martha                           436
    Martha A.                437, 549
    Martha Ann                    436
    Mrs. W.A.                      549
Kilingsworth, Elizabeth C.                        418
    Jackson C.                         418
Killingsworth, Henry 37, 65, 81
Kimbro, Alexander 206, 375
    Benjamin          102, 130, 179
    George          25, 27, 220, 262, 321 - 322
    Neely                          25, 27
    Sarah                             206
Kimbrough, Alexander 205
    Sarah                              205
Kimmons, Bartlet                      197
    Bartley                           198
    Joshua                    197 - 198
    Thomas                   176, 197
    William P.               197 - 198
Kincaid, Airy E.                        495 - 497
    Ary                                    262
    Joseph                        495 - 496
Kingree, William                        151, 194
    Wm.                                  173
Kingry, William                   291
Kinnard, William                      187 - 188
Kirkman, Jno.                     268
    John             243, 347, 477 - 478
Kizer, Jacob                       537
    John                               561
    Valentine                          16
Knight, A.                        35, 82
    Allen                                72
   Lewis                              568
Knott, L.B.           131, 392, 453, 549 - 550, 566
Koonce, Jane                      303
    John                        618, 621
Kyle, J.H.                             12
Kymes, William                          618
Lacey, Elijah                               566
    John                                      565
    Robert                                   581
    Sam'l                                     565
    Samuel                                  566
Lacy, E.                                      93
Laird, Alexander                         63
    Angiline                                 63
    Anne                                     63
    John H.                                 29, 76, 85
    Nancy                                   77
    Nancy B.                               63
Lamb, Thomas                            465
Landers, Elizabeth                    129
    G.S.                                    555
    H.H.                                   463
    R.                                       555
    R.L.                                    450
    Robert                                188
    Robert L.                                  138, 143, 164, 188
Landis, A.L.                               255, 289, 397, 448, 450, 464, 467, 486, 534, 572, 623
     Absalom L.                            534
     R.L.                                       467
     Robert L.                               254 - 255
Lane, Isham                                 371
     John                330
     John H.                                  371
     John M.                                 286, 329, 332
     Robert                                   448
     Thomas                                 361, 449
     Thomas M.                            473
     Thos.                                     448
Lasater, R.E.                               440
Laughry, W.G.                            601
Lawrance, Andrew                     598, 623 - 624
     Joel                                       482, 504, 598 - 599
     Mary                                     598 - 599, 624
Lawrence, A.S.                           499
Lay, James S.                             460, 508
     James T.                                390
Ledbetter, Elizabeth                    241, 256
     James M.                              241, 256
     S.M.                                     256
Lee, James                                 410
     Peter                                     458
Lenard, J.G.                               274
Lentz, J.J.                                    11
Lindsley, A.V.L.                         311
Lipscomb, Thomas 20, 49, 94, 126, 203, 299, 425, 527, 604
    Thos.                                     168, 227
Lipton, Edmond W.                    203
Little, John                                  420
    William                                  119, 319, 362 - 363, 559
    Wm.                                  25, 78
Lock, James H. 11 - 12, 239, 283 - 284, 306
Locke, James H. 259, 318, 324, 343, 368, 398, 480, 482, 505 - 506, 511
    Jas. H.                              13
Long, James                          29
    M.A.                    11, 20, 49
    Medicus A.                       20
    William F. 50 - 51, 95 - 96
Longhr - y, J.G.                     464
    Wm.                               563
Longley, W.G.                     573
Looney, J.K.                267, 292
    James K.          199, 271, 430
    James M.                        232
    Joseph J.                  271, 273
    Martha                            232
    R.B.                                267
    Robert B.          199, 232, 271, 430
    Robt. B.                          292
    William                           299
    William R.                  13, 199, 232 - 233, 273
    Wm. R.                             17
Lorance, Joel                359, 470
    Polly                               359
Loving, William H.                    35
Lowe, B.M.                          23
    Wm.                               520
Lowrance, Joel             406, 446, 515 - 516
    Mary                       515 - 516
Loyd, Wm. A.              543, 578
Lytle, William                      559
Majore, Joseph L.                    117
    Robt. H.                         117
Majors, Joseph L.                    116
    Noble L.                        116
    Robert                            116
    Robert H.                       116
    Robt. H.                         260
Mallard, Alfred                  624 - 625
    Alsy R.                             97
    Betsy Ann                       540
    Dan'l                                 97
    Dan'l L.                            97
    Daniel L.                             3
    Elizabeth A.                      97
    Jamison                          567
    Nancy                              97
    Sarah Ann                        97
    Sibby                              567
Malooney, Eleanor                     46
    James B.                           46
Manning, Mark                   101
Manor, Nancy            82, 91 - 92
Marbury, L.W.                    474
    Leonard                            72
    Leonard W.                      54
Marby, Absolom                 450
    Edward A.                      327
    Thomas B. Sr.                327
Marshall, Matt                     368
    Moses                            626
Martin, Abram                    512
    Amanda                 31, 35, 37, 107, 134
    Amanda I.J.                      236
    Amanda J.                            148, 180, 360 - 361, 426
    Amanda J.J.                       541
    Ann                                       180
    Barkley                                121
    Barclay                                 137, 237, 457 - 458, 498
    Barkley                                 147, 149, 180, 183, 271, 440, 482
    Burkly                                270
    Elizabeth                            148
    Elizabeth D.                           220, 512 - 514
    H.C.E.                                  361
    Henry                                    148
    Henry C.                               148 - 149, 181
    Henry E.                               137, 180
    Henry Elizabeth                   149
    James C.                            628
    John              220, 314, 405, 486, 512 - 514, 561
    Mary Jane                            512
    Mary Jane                             513
    Mat                                       121
    Matt                                      137, 149, 180, 270 - 271, 307, 327, 344, 348, 362, 368, 408, 413, 415, 457 - 459, 464, 481, 482, 510, 573, 594
    Matt Jr.                                 147, 183, 237, 307
    Matt Sr.                                147 - 148
     Nancy Elizabeth                     148
     Polly                                     187, 200
     Rachel                                   148
     Sarah                                    35, 37
     Sarah H.A.                            148, 236, 360 - 361, 426
     William D.                             137, 148, 180 - 181
     William L.                             260
     Zebulon                                 501
Mash, Jane                                  29
     John W.                                 29
Mason, Thomas                          413, 415
     Thomas W.                           432, 502
     Thos.                                    416
Massey, G.W.                            573
     W.G.                                    464
Mathews, Robert                        213 - 215, 311, 318, 344, 369, 386, 387, 425
Matthews, L.L.                           72
     Robert                                       239, 299, 576
Maupin, Robert B.                      35, 161
Maxwell, Jno. W.                        362 - 363
Mayfield, Jno. W.                       171
     John                                          241 - 242, 285
     John W.                               214
     John W.                                    1, 6, 8, 213, 215, 301, 511
     William S. 227, 252, 369
     Wm. S.                                     294
Maynard, Nancy                        165 - 166
McAdams, Amos                   62
    Isaac D.                          140
    Jessy Sylvania                       140
    John Nelson                          140
McCarver, James                       22, 24, 76
McClanahan, Samuel                 35
McClure, William                       128
McConnell, Elizabeth                 25
    Jane                                  25
McCrory, James                       371
McCuistian, Claborne                394, 438
    Claiborne                        127
    John                                394
McCullough, Elender                  106, 107
    Ellender                                 131
    Mrs.                                      107
McDowell, Samuel                     473
McElrath, A.G.                           477
    Albert G.                  293, 477
    Jos.                                       347
    Joseph                                   293
    William C.                             601
    Wm. C.                                 602
McGhee, Benj.                           573
    Benjamin                               561
    C.W.                        561, 573
McGimpsie, Airy E.                    495
    Caroline                                495
    John W.                                495
McGowan, Emily F.                   521
    George M.                            521
    J.J.                                  521
    James W.                              521
    John                         521 - 522
    John James                            522
    Martha J.                               521
    Mary H.                                521
    Peter E.                   521 - 522
    Sarah Ann                             522
    Thomas                                 521
    W.H.                               522
    Wm. H.                                 521
McGrew, Catherine                    584
    Curry                       584, 587
    Eliza                                      584
    Francis                                  584
    George                                  589
    George W.               511, 524, 584 - 585, 588 - 589
    J.H. 343, 377, 379 - 380, 432, 588
    J.M.                               589
    J.M.H. 498, 524, 584, 587, 589
    John                 584, 588 - 589
    Joseph H.                       439
    Letitia               377, 379, 432, 439
    Mary Jane                      584
    Samuel T.                       379
    William             524, 584 - 587
    William T. Jr.                       584
    Wynn                              584
McGuire, John 155
McIntosh, N.C.                       561
McKenzie, Thomas 8, 58, 62
McLain, E.B.                           153
McLaughlin, Daniel                  291, 362, 389
McLean, E.B.                             164, 193, 222, 224
    J.B.                                       478
    R.B.                                      228, 372
McMahan, Abram                      195
    Samuel                                  195
    Wm. C.                                 195
McNeeley, James                       488
McPhail, Angus                          507, 602 - 603
    Dan'l                                       399
    Daniel 507 - 508, 602
    Jno. A.            399
    John   507 - 508
    John A.          507
    Mary  507
    Nancy            508
McQuiddy, John                         141, 161, 395
McRay, Daniel A.                     487
McRea, Dan'l A.                      622
Meadows, Jane 94, 115, 126, 168, 227, 299
    John                                      94
    Michael                                 604
    William                                  115
Meredith, Washington                216, 241, 327
Miles, Henrietta                           578
     Henrietta W.                          543
     William                                  578
     Wm.                                     543
Miller, Amanda                           257, 259
     Amanda J.                             258
     F.C.H.                                  129
     F.M.                                     481
     Francis M.                             257 - 258
     James                                    481
     T.C.H.                                  324, 373
Milton, John            306
Minter, Japtha                             52, 91, 127, 152, 165, 436 - 437, 549
Mintor, Jeptha                            411 - 412
Mitchel, J.P.                               502
    Sarah                                    502
Mitchell, John                              387
    Polly                                      384 - 385
    Samuel                                     111
    Thomas                                 384
Moffat, Robt.                              453
Moffatt, Robert                  231, 269, 311
Mooney, Hugh                            76
    Hugh P.                                 21, 24, 46
Moor, John A.                            599
Moore, Henry                             558
    John A.                                   6, 571
    R.A.                                        38
    R.J.                                         77 - 78, 80, 86
    Robert J.                                 78 - 79
Mooring, Henry                           57
Morgan, Calvin                          365
    Gideon                            365
    Henry C.                           78
    Mrs.                                314
    Robert                             379
    Robt. G.                          251
Morris, Col.                         563
Morrow, James                          65, 75, 211
    Jno. M.                            436
    John M.                           432
    Margaret                         132
    Margaret C.                           65, 75, 140, 211, 267
    Sam                                 267
    Sam'l                               132
    Sam'l C.                            65
    Samuel                            140
    Samuel C.                          75
    Sarah P.                          132
Morton, Jacob                           83
    Joseph                      194, 489
    Mrs. S.                            191
    William                            568
Moseley, Absalom 384, 536, 559 - 560
    Benjamin                 560, 583
    Edward A.                      137
    Isham                             219
    Jonathan                         536
    Minerva                   536, 560
    Thomas B.137, 460, 568
Mosely, Archibald                    481
    Benjamin                 247, 256
    Betty M.                        270
    E.A.                37, 180 - 181, 271
    Edw. A.                              147
    Edward A.       134, 149, 180, 183, 270 - 271
    Henry Elizabeth                    181
    Hilary                             329
    Isom                        143, 262
    John                                 21
    Letty                329 - 330, 332
    Martin                            287
    Mary Ann                       262
    Rebecca                         270
    Thomas B.       147, 180 - 181, 183, 203 - 204, 270 - 271, 329 - 330, 332, 481
Mosley, Edw. A.                       121
    H.                                   101
    Thos. B.                         121
Moss, Elizabeth                         422 - 423
    R.J.                                  38
Motlow, Z.                          112
    Zacoc                            156
    Zadoc                              79
    Zadock                   141 - 142
Muirhead, Adam G.M.               65
Mullins, Andrew E.                   599
    Col. James                          552
    James 10, 22, 29, 55, 76, 85, 130, 134, 179, 181, 217, 236, 239, 257 - 258, 259, 268, 282, 290, 307, 359 - 361, 390, 396, 410, 419, 425 - 427, 432, 436, 440, 473, 530, 541, 551
    Mathew           13, 22, 304, 307, 363 - 364, 436
    Matthew      31, 90, 100, 129, 176, 183, 432
    Mrs.                                      107
    Sarah                                    134
Murfree, Doke                            2
    Rebecca Ann                         2
    W.                                         2
Murphy, William                         134
Muse'Isaac                                425
    J.T.                                       427
    Jno. T.                                  399
    John J.                                  508
    John T.                                  299, 320, 325 - 326, 366 - 368, 472, 507, 541, 602 - 603
    Joseph B.                              456
    Joseph C.                             427, 472
    Orville                                  106 - 107, 131, 287, 330, 425
    Rachael                                427
    Rachel 299, 320, 366 - 367, 399, 541, 603
    Rebecca                               472, 541
    Richard                                 2, 325
Myers, James H.                         578
Nash, G.W.                                108
     George W.                            31
     James C.                               236
     T.C.                                      29
     Travis C.                               19, 132
     Washington                           236, 277
     William                                 113, 131 - 132, 277
     Wm.                                    217
Neeley, Elijah                             519
Neely, James G.                         236
     Moses                                  73 - 74, 511
     Nancy                                   74
     Sam'l                                     66
    Samuel 450, 511, 551, 590
Neese, Hiram                            233 - 234
Neil, James H.                           524
     James W.                              511
      John H.                                304, 487
      John S.                                527
    John T.  29, 60 - 61, 63, 128, 179, 189, 221 - 222, 243, 245 - 246, 268, 314, 327, 400, 427, 430 - 431, 481, 534, 628
    Newton F.                            61 - 62
Newman, Randolph                    184
    Thomas                                 184
Newsom, Eliza F.                       584
    Eliza Jane                              588
    George R.                             584
    Green B.                               584
    Henry W.                              584
    Lewis                                    382
    Margaret                               584
    Martha                                  584
    Mary                    184 - 185, 584
    Nancy                             584
    R.                                    588
    Randolph                               150, 185, 524, 584, 586, 588
    Thomas                                 72, 185, 584
    Thou.                              150
    William R.                             584
Newton, James S                       487
    Mrs. Helen                            576
Nichols, Catherine                      15
    Cynthia                                 432
    Jackson                119, 135, 230
    Jackson R.           118, 201, 230
    Jacob                         15, 178
    Katharine                              178
    Sarah                         15, 178
    Susan                         15, 178
    Wm.                               390
Niell, John S.                              270
    Sarah                              270
Norton, Alex.                             151
    Alexander                              73 - 74, 220, 314, 512
    James C.W.                          220
    James K.                               1, 235
    Jane                                314
    Jane C.W.                             512
    Martha                                  52
    Meredith                               526
    William                                  1, 15, 84
    William D.                             52
Norvell, William                          116 - 117
Norvill, C.M.                              203
     Daniel J.                                235
     William B.                             235
Norville, Alexander                     323
     Alexander S.                         252
     C.M.         260, 279 - 280, 358
     Charles M. 413, 415 - 416
    David J.                                 323
    E.M.B.                                  323
    Elizabeth                                323
    Felix B.                                 323
    H.J.H.                                   280, 358
    Henry S.                                280
    James                              323
    John                  323, 358, 425
    Sidney                                   323
    Thomas                                 323
    William B.                             280
Ogilvie, R.C.                              480, 538
    Richard C.                             406
Old, Wm. M.                              21
Oneal, john H.                            556, 568 - 569
Orr, David                                 347, 477, 601
    Larkin B.                               293, 347
    William D.                              56
    Wm. D.                                 262, 419
Osborn, G.                                 287
    G.G.                                403
Osborne, G.G. 149, 181, 330
    William                                     194
Osteen, William J.                      373
Owen, joseph                            434
Owens, Joseph S.                       605
Ozment, David A.                       278
Palmore, Joseph                        257, 259
Pannell, Eliza                               197
    Milton                                    197
    Polly                                      22
    Thos.                                    22
Pardee, America                         361
    Miles                                      361
Parker, Cinna                              199
    Francis                                  149
    James M.                               199
    John                                      584
    Jonathan                                149
Parks, Cuma                               429
    James M.                              239, 282, 326, 340, 406, 429
Parsons, Ruthy                           559
Patterson, John                           250
Patton, Daniel                             512
    James                                    512
    Jane                                      73 - 74, 220
    John 73 - 74, 151, 220, 314, 405, 512, 561
    Neely L.                              512
    Nicly S.                               220
    Thomas                                 74, 220, 314, 512 - 514
    Thomas Sr.                            74
    William                                  220, 405, 512 - 514
    Wm.                                      73 - 74
Payne, Grant W.                          35
     Thomas P.                             35
Peacock, Mary E. 303, 332, 334
    Thomas                                 252, 302 - 303
    Thomas J.                             314, 332
    Thomas W.                           303, 332, 334
    Virginia                                 303
    Virginia G.                    332, 334
    W.J.                                     334
    William J. 252, 303, 332
Pearson, Kindred                        66
    Kindred Jr.                            10, 35
    Kindred Sr.                           10, 35
    William                                   35
Pepper, William                          149
    Wm.                                      181
Perkins, A.G.                              334
     Albert G.         334
     Nicholas T.     334
Perry, Artamessia                       383
    Isam                                      320
    Sarah                                     383
    Wiley                                     482, 506
    Williams                                 383
    Willie                                     480, 505
Perryman, Margaret                   584
Peyton, Joseph M.                      192
    Thomas R.                             179
Phifer, John                                 79
    John A.                                  78
Philips, B.                                   65, 194
    Beni.                                      14
    Charles T.                              216
    John                                 79
    S.                                   599
Phillips, B.                                 115
    Benjamin                              52, 87, 101, 115
    Jesse                       157, 564
    Susan                             198
Philpot, C.T.                    174, 618
    Charles T. 175, 610, 620
    Mary Ann                                 459, 540
Philpott, Charles T.                    567
    John G.                           567
    Mary Ann                             567, 572
    Rebecca                         567
Pickett, Mrs.Wm. S. 471
Pickle, James                             398
Pinson, John B.                          22
Pleasant, Martin                        23
Pope, Jane                           526
    John                                526
Poplin, A.                     400 - 401
     Alfred              278, 400, 471, 570 - 571
     G.L.                        400 - 401
     Green                              570
     Green L.                               400, 450, 471, 479, 509, 571
     Green S.                               182, 278
     William                            571
Porter, Eli                                   182
     Jno. N.                            221
     John N.                    243, 577
     Nathaniel                               577, 582
Potter, William                           44 - 45
    Wm.                       19, 77, 96
Powell, Elizabeth                          5
    Mary L.                 47 - 48, 54
    Mary P.                              5
    Robert                              48
    Thomas P. 48 - 49, 54, 178, 221, 243
    Thomas V.                              5
Pratt, Catherine                        380
    Geo.                               465
    George W. 397, 469, 533, 583
    William                                 343, 377, 379 - 380, 432, 439
    William W.                           385
    Wm.                        396, 449
Preeyer, Hardeman                    501
    James                             502
    John                        501 - 502
Presgrove, George                     215
    Susan                             215
    Wm.                                 65
Pressgrove, George                  164
    Susan                                  164
Prewitt, Archibald                      32
    Moses H.                                3
Primrose, John G.                      245
Proby, James W,                       143 - 147, 230
    Jane                                230
    Jno. R.                            131
    John                                146
    John R. 81, 89, 114 - 115, 142, 144, 182, 203, 218, 229, 420
    Maacha                                478
    Mary J.                                 81
    Peter 81, 146, 203, 230
    Peter R. 21, 54, 89, 142, 145, 147, 219, 229
    Thomas B.                            144 - 146
    William W.                            182
Puckett, Milley                            82
    Milly                                        122
    William S.                                82, 122
Purdee, America                         473
Purdy, America                           449
     Miles                                     448
Puryear, James                            461, 555, 569
     John                                      461
Pybus, Kenneth M.                     551
Ragsdale, Benjamin                  166
Rainey, Wm.                             243
Ransom, Alfred                        532
     Benjamin F.                        165
Ray, Alexander                          19, 44, 77, 96
    G.M.                                         143
    R.G.                                          276 - 277
Ready, Charles                           187, 254
Reager, Abram 565 - 566, 581
    James                                   565
    James B.                                 3
Reagers, James                          97
Reaves, A.                                 150, 410
    A.S.                                      179, 419
    Alexander S. 218, 448
    Archibald                              150, 477
    Archibald S.                          439
    Archibald T.                          300
    Benj. S.                                227
    Benjamin S.                          122, 129, 218
    Benjamin T.                           71
    Elizabeth                               108
    Elizabeth J.                            300, 439
    Francis J.                              300, 439
    Henry C.                               300, 439
    Hiram H.                               438
    Jos. B.                                  235
    Mary                                     117, 236, 438 - 439
    Mary J.                                 117
    Moses                                   419
    Mrs.                                      254
    Mrs. Mary                            234
    P.H.                                      240
    Pleasant H.                            234 - 235
    Solomon                               519
    Solomon G.                           230
    Steph. B.                                 8
    T.J. 108, 129, 204, 220, 234, 236, 410, 419, 441
    Tarlton J. 117 - 118, 122, 204, 218, 234, 236, 438, 439, 448, 477
    Virginia 133, 169 - 170
    Willis G.133, 169 - 170
    Wm. R. 235
Record, S.W.                            292
Reddings, Joseph                        454
Rees, Joel                     208 - 209
Reese., W.L.                354, 441
    W.W.                       354, 441
Reeves, A.J.                        278
    A.S.                                354
    Alexander J.                          185
    Alexander T.                         184
    Archibald                              184, 355
    Archibald J.                           81
    Archibald P.                          104
    Archibald S. 277 - 278, 353
    B.J.                                 184
    B.S.                                185
    Ben. S.                            264
    Benj. S.                             90
    Benjamin S.                           182, 208
    Catherine                              201
    Elizabeth                               104, 184 - 185, 354
    Elizabeth J.                            81, 353
    Francis J.                       81, 353
    George W.                      184 - 185, 203
    Henry C.                         81, 104, 353
    J.                                         104
    J. A.                                    203
    Joseph A.                        203, 251
    Mary 81, 93, 104, 118, 300
    Mary J.              81, 104, 353
    Moses       184 - 185, 277 - 278, 354
    Pleasant H.                            184 - 185, 278 - 279
    Solomon G.                           201
    T.J.            203, 208, 264, 277, 299, 353
    Tarlton J.     93, 184 - 186, 215, 300, 353 - 354
    Wm. R.                         203, 251
Reynolds, Andrew                86, 117, 125, 203, 209
    Benjamin          304, 430 - 431
    Elisha                                65
    James                             304
    Jane                         117, 430
    John                    86, 117, 125
    Moses            304, 400, 430 - 431
Rheaves, Solomon 420, 464
Ridley, B.                             214
    B.L.                                215
Riggins, Wiley                            163
Roan, James                        476
    Spencer M.                           476
    Thomas J.                       476
    William H.                             476
    Wm. H.                           476
Roane, James                             475
    Lydia                              418
    Spencer                          475
    Thomas J.                418, 475
    W.H.                              475
    Wm.                               418
    Wm. H.                               418
Roberts, Jemima                      604
    Thomas                              149
Robertson, A.B.                      486
    Abner B.                                   512 - 514, 561
    Abner G.                                   314
    Adaline A.                                 301
    J.B.                                           566
    Mrs.                                          67
    William F.                                  6, 43 - 44, 67, 70, 136
Robinson, A.A.                           300, 336, 339, 388, 405, 488, 525, 544
    Adaline                                  171
    Adaline A.                             300, 336
    Adeline A.                             337 - 338
    Ann                                       178
    E.M.                                     39
    Ezekiel M.                             15
    Francis      5, 15, 178
    J.      62
    James            171
    James M.       5, 15, 178
    Jane   19, 21, 29, 59
    John   21, 127 - 128
    John W.         5, 15, 178
    Joseph 19, 21, 29, 59 - 62
    Laura                                     178
    Laura Ann                              5, 15
    Margaret Frances                    60
    Martha                                   5, 15, 178
    Mary                              39, 178
    Mary E.                        5, 15, 178
    Robert J.                                 60
    Rufus Alexander          60
    Tabitha           15, 178
    Tabotha          5
    Thomas David 60
    Thos. W.        467
     W.F.                                      38
     William                                   65
     William F.                                 8
     Willilam F.                                6
     Wm. R.                                     6
Rose, Frederick A.                      55
Ross, Frederick A.                       73
     John M.                                 452
Rowland, David                          428
     Harrison                                428
     Margaret S.                           428
     Nancy                                   428
Rushing, E.D.                              82, 105
     Enoch D. 25, 78, 119, 346, 480, 482, 505 - 506
Russel, William A.                        13
Russell, Daniel D.                        473
    J.J.                                       479
    James C.                               199, 232, 267, 271, 273, 292, 326, 340, 406, 429
    James R.                                18
    Joel C.                                   18
    Margaret L. Butler                  18
    Martha                                  232, 271
    Martha Ann Freeman              18
    Martha E.                              199, 273
    William A.                             14, 18
    William C.                             239
Russell, James C.                       282
Ruth, David                                167
Rutland, J.B.                              192
    James B.                               179
Ryall, Thos. C.                           405
Saddler, James                           488
Sanders, George T.                    406, 480
    John                        234 - 235
    Thomas                           379
Saunders, Alex                           337
    Alexander                             21
    George T.                             519
Scales, Noah                             23 - 24, 35, 40, 98, 110
Scarce, David                            91 - 92, 127
Scott, J.H.                                 162
    John H.             205, 375, 459, 540, 567, 572
    Virginia W.                           205
Scudder, Harriet P.                    321, 322
    James L.                               35, 121, 164, 189, 192, 211, 220, 262, 318, 321, 335, 405, 442
    Jonas L.                                496
    Philip J.                                 442
Searce, David                             123
Searcy, James                            332
    Lewis James                          329 - 330, 332
    Nancy                             512
    Orville                                   512
Shaffer, C.                                  385
    J.L.                                 385
Sharber, John                              101
    John E.                            101
Sharp, Anthony                          507 - 508
    G.B.                                352
    Nancy                             508
    William                                  99, 103, 520
Sharpe, Mrs. Polly                   262
    William                                 83, 173
    Wm.                               345
Shaw, Geo.                                 99
    R.C.C.P.                               99
Shearin, James F. 241, 256
    Mathew 255 - 256, 370, 399
    Matthew                                   241 - 242, 285, 292 - 293
    Sally                                   241
    Sarah                                  242
    Thomas 241 - 242, 256, 285, 292 - 293, 398 - 399
Sheffield, John                            443 - 444
    John A.                               346
Shelby, John                              224
Shelton, Thomas                         43
Shepherd, Austin                        187 - 188
    Nancy                         187, 200
    Rachel                         187 - 188
Sheppard, Ambro                     485
    Fanny C.                            485
Shofner, Albert J.                281
    F.                                          401
    Frederick                              174, 251, 281, 315
    Jane                                      303
    John                                      265, 288
    Martin                                   251
    Michael                                 115
    N.                                         251
    N.K.                                     143, 146
    Newton                                 174
    Newton K.                            281, 315
    William           303
    William M.     303
Short, A.M.                               196
    Alfred M.                              196
    Sarah                                    492
Shriver, John J.                     172, 240, 252, 314, 335, 403, 431, 457, 494
Shuffield, John A.                 306
Sikes, Jonas 314, 349 - 350
Simmons, George                 10, 35, 66
    S.S.                                      179
Simms, Mary E.                         121
    Walter E.                              121
Sims, David                               380
    John G.                                 380
    Mary                                     35
    Mary E. 21, 211, 442, 496
    Richard                                 133
    Richard H. 169, 337 - 339, 417
    W.P.                                     139
    Walter                                   21, 35, 79, 164, 211, 318, 335, 405, 442, 443, 496, 560
Singleton, Lewis                         308
    Peter                                     207, 263, 308
    Ro. L.                                   417
    Robert L.                              360
    Robt. L.                                500 - 501
    Sally Brooks                          207
Sitliff, R.P.                                  450
Sively, Jacob                              583
Slaton, Abel                             492
    James                                    492
    Martha                                  403, 492
Sloan, F.                                    335
    Frederick                              411
    G.L.                                      335
    George L.                              411
Smith, Barry                               129
    Drury M.                                20
    Elijah                                     157, 564
    Polly                                      428
    Thomas W.                            51
    William R.                              19
    Williamson                             82, 471
Smotherman, John G.                 193, 234
    Mary                                        193, 233
Sneed, Wm. H.                          254
Snell, James F.                           17, 21, 37, 65
    Roger 17, 37, 53, 65 - 66, 81, 90
Snelling, Jno. B. 544, 613
   John B.                     458, 599
   Lemuel                              22
Snoddy, David                           477
Stallard, A.                            75
   Arminta                    101, 109
   Guella                              164
   H.H.                                109
   Hannah                75, 101, 109, 163 - 164
   Joseph P.                         109
   Mary                          75, 109
   Mary Amanda                       164
   Matt                                109
   Matt H.H.                        101
   Mildred               75, 101, 109
   Quilla                        101, 109
   Virginia                75, 101, 109
   William H.                             164
Stammer, John 372, 458, 483
    Letitia                                  372
    Mary Jane                           458
Stammers, John                        510
    Mary Isabel                         372
    Mary Jane                           510
Stantlelu, John 143 - 144
Steaton, Thomas J.                    136, 137
Steele John P.                          104
Steele, C. D.           184, 263, 317
     C.S.                                239
     Carlos D.            83, 103, 139, 173
     John                                304
     John H.                             21
     John P. 38, 42, 46, 62, 76 - 78, 80, 86, 88, 103, 139, 183, 214, 263, 348, 360, 381, 406, 418, 504, 515, 556, 568 - 569, 583, 598, 623 - 624
    Price C. 91 - 92, 123, 127, 152, 165 - 166, 312, 425, 453
    Volney H.                            583
Stegall, Jesse                             372
    Nancy G.                             372
    Ralph                              372
Stephens, Daniel                       604
    E.H.                391, 406, 504, 577
    Eli H.                411, 497, 544, 607 - 608
    Elnathan                          492
    James M.                          74
    L.H.                    82, 121, 153
    Sarah E.                          608
Stephenson, Daniel G.                 16
    Eleanor                               428
    George W.                          140
    Mary                                  140
    William                               428
Stevens, E.H. 359, 470, 482, 515
    Eli H.                                      409, 446
    James                                      472
    Rich'd                                     238
Steward, Grayson H.                  396
Stewart, Alsa     540
    Grayson H.                           20
    William                                  567
Stokes, John M,                         398, 451, 605
Stone, Ann O. 133, 169 - 170
    Jefferson M.                          133, 169 - 170
    L.L.                                      279, 358
Story, James                              60
Strade, Wm.                              11
Stratton, Thomas 6, 8, 44, 67
    Winfred                                  8
    Winifred                                  6
Streeter, John                             133
Strong, Joseph C. 119 - 120, 190
    Joseph C. Jr.                         190
Sugg, Nehemiah                         327, 413 - 414, 425 - 426, 480
Sumner, George B.                   456
    Mary C.                                456, 503
Sunders, Alexander                    60
Sutliff, R.P.                           20, 45
Sutton, Charles F.                     403
    Jane                                    140
    John 43, 67, 70, 140, 252
     Samuel                                286
Swales, John                             120
     Martha                                120
     Sophia A.M.                       120
Swift, Catharine                        488
    Flower                                  197, 246 - 247
    J.W.                                      221, 252
    Jacob W.              137, 167, 183, 231, 245 - 247, 252
Swify, Flower                             198
Sykes, Jonas                               396
Talbert, Viney A.                        390
    William                                390
Taylor, Fletcher 398, 465, 521, 566
    Rich'd                                   496
    Richard                                 442
    William                                  245, 363
Temple, Hannah M.                   17
    Jane T.                                   17
    Mary                                     16 - 17, 29
    R.H.                                      578, 616
    Robert H.                              17
    William                                  17
Terry, James R.                          83, 118, 234
    Robert H.                  81, 89, 131, 142, 145, 182, 203, 218, 229, 627
    Robt. H.                                114
    Sarah                                    326, 355
Thomas, James                           334
    Joseph P.                              618
    R.S.                                      417, 500 - 501
    Seth                                        77, 93, 180
Thompson, Elizabeth                  11
    Geo. W.                           449
    George W.       377, 379, 385, 396, 432, 438 - 439, 575
    Harriett M.                           580
    J.C.                                       227, 252, 369
    James                                    11
    James P.                               187
    Jas.                                       11 - 13
    Jo                     196, 225, 240
    Jo.                               81, 93
    John                                      286
    John C.                                 294
    John F.                                  14, 409
    JOB.                                     179
    JOB. P.                                 619
    Joseph                                  65, 90, 93, 108, 117, 122, 129, 143, 182, 185 - 186, 203 - 204, 208, 215, 218 - 220, 227, 234, 236, 264, 277 - 279, 299, 316, 319, 353 - 354, 419, 427, 438, 441, 477, 543
    Joseph H.                             410
    Joseph P..                             498, 526, 554, 558, 579 - 580, 617, 620
    Joseph Sr.                             603
    Manor                                   122
    Martha                                  377, 379, 449
    Mary E.                                 580
    Michael B.                             607, 625
    Minerva                                 201
    Minos F.                               286
    N.                            274, 278
    N. 11                                    508
    N.C.                                     570
    Nancy                                   122
    Newcomb                             301
    Newcomb 11                        507
    Newcomb Jr.                        337, 399
    Newcomb Sr.                        380
    Newsom                               603
    Newton C.                            400
    P.H.                                      619
    Pinkney H.                            201
    Prudence                               580
    R.E.                  252, 306, 369
    Robert C.                              294, 580
    Robert E.                              227, 294
    Samuel                                  337, 366
    Sarah Ann                             580
    Thomas                                 14, 409
    Tranquilla                              14
    Wm. P.F.                              390, 460, 508
Thulen, James                             352
Tillman, Barkley M. 416
    Barkley M. 271, 413, 415, 425
    J.                                        239
    John 9, 77 - 78, 237, 263, 270 - 271, 284, 307, 317, 327, 368, 413 - 415, 425, 426, 481 - 482, 527, 530
    Lewis 29, 56, 65, 180, 327, 413 - 415, 425 - 426, 480, 527
    Peter W.                                    271
    Rachel P.                                   270
    Rachel T.                                   271
Tilman, B.M.                              345, 352, 362
    John                                          345, 352, 362
    Rachel P.                                   362
Tipton, E.W.                              235
    Edmond                                    350
    Edmund W.                               251, 274
    Edw'd                                       225
Trail, Friar                                  578, 616
Tribble, Allen                              73 - 74
    James C. 393, 469, 627
    Sarah                                73 - 74
Trible, James C.                         352
Trice, Joseph                             108, 135
    Joseph Jr.                             198, 274
Trigg, Alanson                            360, 456, 475, 509, 554
    Daniel                                   509
    Haiden                                  475
    Joseph                                  509, 554
    W.M.                                    360
    William H.                             456
    Wm. H.                                 509, 554
Trott, Enoch                               54
Troxler, Jason                            115
Tucker, Jesse P.                         312
     Lewis                                   82, 91, 123, 127, 152, 165
Tune, William T.                         35, 83, 612
Turner, Levi 143, 145, 218
Turrentine, Felix 314, 351, 428
    James                                    351, 428
    M.E.                                     428
    Wilson                                  554, 579
Usselton, Eleanor                         43
Vance, Ann E.                            205
    Jane                                      287
    Mary                                     582
Vannoy, Andrew                        499
    Joseph H.                              25, 78, 119 - 120
Venable, Andrew                       622
    W.E.                                      82
    Wm. E.                                  35
Vincent, John E.                          38
    John M.                                 38
Vinson, William 29, 31, 127
Wade, Benjamin                         433
    Benjamin F.                           549
    Marmaduke                          134
    William S.                             400
    Wm. S.                                  11
Wagster, David                          465
Walker, J.W.                             305
    Jane                                       67
    Jno. W.                                 260
    John G.                                 100
    John W.                                179, 192
    Patton M.                               67
    William                 91 - 92, 94, 127
Wallace, Alfred G.                  440
    Henry                              204
    James                              204
    James C.                         204
    Panthea                    199, 237
    Rebecca                          204
    Rush N.                             77
    Sally                               204
    W.                           199, 237
    Warner                       77, 554
    White                              199
    Wiley B.                          204
    Wm. S.                           266
Warner, Rich'd                           171
    Richard                           420
    Robert                             451
    William                            123
Warren, Benjamin S. 118
    Edward Sr.                     121
    John H.                           127
    John W.                          165
    Joseph C.                127, 165
    William                 91 - 92, 165
    Willliam                           127
Watkins, William S. 231
Watson, Joseph                           3
    Samuel                      65, 139
Watterson, Hervey M.                 9
    Wm. S.                             74
Weatherford, Lewis                    363
Webb, Bushrod 195, 229, 372
    John A.                         228, 372
Webster, Johnathan                     94
West, Isaac               75, 101, 109, 163 - 164, 466 - 467, 573
     Isaac W.                         163
     Jane                                573
     John                                573
     John F.                            466
     Sarah                              466
Wheat, M. P.                         316
     Milton P.                         319
Wheeler, Sarah                           559
     William                            464
     Wm B.                            579
Whitaker, R.N.                     459
White, A.H.                   179, 189
     Augustus H.             189, 243, 478
     Burrel G.                         478
     Burrell G. 268, 345, 347, 477
    Coleman R.                     4 - 5
    John W.                   196, 225
    Panthia                            212
    Ruthy                      590 - 593
    W. Wallace              320, 417
    W.Wallace                      212
Whitesell, G.W.                          243
    George W.                        13
    Jacob                       506, 518
    John                 243, 506, 518
    Lewis                      452, 506
    Wm.                              518
Whitesett, George W. 17
Whiteside, J.                             384
    Thmas C.                              150
    Thomas                                 226, 455
    Thomas C.                            9, 20, 70, 246, 271, 307, 309, 357, 393, 421, 435, 454, 457 - 458, 509, 529, 557
    Thos. C.                                270, 461, 482, 542
Whitman, Robert M.                   479, 562 - 563, 565
    Robt. M.                               520
Whitney, J.G.                             103, 139
    James G.                               83, 190, 321, 442
    Ruthy                                    321 - 322
    Thomas P.                             321
    William O.                              321 - 322
Whitsell, George W.  381, 382
    Jacob                                    582
    John                                      445
    Lewis                                    387, 445
    William                                  388
Whitsett, Jacob                           92
Whitson, George N.                    294, 345, 409, 478, 517, 523
    Heorge N.                                  217
Whitthorne.Sam'l H.                   434
    W.C.                                          214
    W.J.                                           424
    Washington C.                            213, 215
    William J.  4 - 5, 15, 56, 81, 90, 97, 102, 109, 177, 178, 213 - 215, 218 - 219, 291 - 293, 390, 395 - 396, 417, 419, 441, 444, 465, 500 - 502
    Wm. J. 115, 211, 385, 420, 469 - 470, 614
Whitworth, B.F.                          556
    Benj.                                          183, 608, 612
    E.A.                                      609, 612
    Mary                                       1
Whorley, Cynthia                 33, 202
    Elizabeth                             150
     Joel                                       2, 33, 150, 202
Wiggins, B.F.                              620
    Hundley                                 219 - 220, 245, 318, 324
    Hundly                                  262, 274
Wilhoite, Elizabeth                      226
    Jacob                                    1, 35, 56, 300
    Jacob B.                                301
    Jacob R.                                338 - 339
    John                                      60, 141, 143, 237, 240, 337, 383, 388 - 389, 525 - 526
    John B.                                  300 - 301, 338
    John R.                                  339
    Lewis                                    118, 141, 203, 254, 577
    Mary                                     35
    Pierce                                    397, 465, 469, 533 - 534, 583
    Polly                                      1, 35
    William                                  237, 253 - 254, 301, 338, 388 - 389, 525, 526
    William M.                            226
    Willis W.                              586
    Wm.                        217, 240
    Young                    19 - 20, 45
Wilhpoite, William                    171
Williams, B.                                292
    Charity                                  428
    J.W.                                 65
    Jno. W.                                 63, 188
    John                  200, 382, 403
    John W.                                107, 129, 186, 221
    Joseph                     351, 428
    M.D.                              329
    Marmaduke                          151, 164, 193, 223
    Mary                              226
    Thomas G.                            151
    Thomas J.                             494
    Thos. J.                                 403
Williamson, Charles Louis                       223
    Joseph M.                            511, 551
    R.S.                               193
    Richard                                153
    Richard S. 151, 164, 193, 222 - 224
    Thomas S.                   151, 450
Wilson, A.                                 77, 80, 86, 326, 367, 527, 625
    Augustine                              38, 78 - 79, 88, 390
    Augustus                               515
    John               104, 266, 328, 359, 382, 467, 472, 480, 553
    Rhoda                              35, 52
    Robert                                 502
Wisener, Mrs. H.P.                    262
    William H. 12, 21, 29, 35, 40 - 41, 55, 72 - 73, 85, 110, 111, 129, 150, 184 - 185, 186, 190, 192, 240, 307, 383, 457, 535, 556, 568, 571, 577
    Wm. H. 76, 98, 432, 436, 488
Wisner, Wm. H.                         448
Womack, Alexander                  3 - 4
     Hawkins                                  3
Wood, Francis B.                       19
    James            465, 533 - 534, 583
    Levin                           54, 73
    Will                                    5
    William                                 15, 39, 178, 408, 430
    Wm.          211, 274, 344, 459, 511, 594
Wood, Wm.                        115
Woodard, John                           157
Woodfin, James H.                     75
    Sam'l                                74
Woodman, John                         520
Woods, John                              94
    William                              429
Woodward, George 157, 564
    Jerman                                 19
    John     79, 112, 141 - 142, 156, 479, 562 - 565
Woosley, Joshua                          65
Word, Edmond                           202
     James C.                               492
     Nancy                                   540, 567
     Thomas                                 567
     Thomas G.                            172
     Thos. C.                                20
     William                                  75, 279
Works, T.B.                                556
Wortham, Edw.                           135
     Edward                                 136
    James              87, 113, 140, 191, 366
Wray, James E.                        243
Wrench, Mary                          527
Wretherford, Lewis                  129
Wyche, James                              5
Wynn, E.P.                                 373
    John B.                                  373
Wynne, Kibble T.                       262
    Lucy B.                                 262
Yarborough, Sarah                     198
Yates, Elias                                115
    Joshua                                   489
Yell, Archibald                           94
Young, Susan                             395, 438
    William                                  473, 482
    William A. 394 - 395, 438
    Wm.                                   551
Yowell, James A.                       461
Zollicoffer, Mary                      329