Nashville Business Directory, Vol. III – 1857

Nashville Business Directory, Vol. III – 1857

Excerpt from (with Bedford County, Tennessee Relevance):

 Compiled by the Rev. John P. Campbell

Originally published by Smith, Camp & Co., 16 Deaderick Street, Nashville; 1857; reprinted for Century III Nashville,  c.1980

Index (partial) by Lucy Bryant Dunaway Zeier; 2009.  Within reason, I will also do a complete transcription of the long ads and/or will scan any of the long ads.

Name/BusinessType of AdSizePage
Allen, William A.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Armstrong & DavidsonDry goods254
Arnold, J. T.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Arnold, James F.attorney255
B Blakemorephysician255
B Dashiellphysician255
B H Holt & Co.dry goodsWartrace255
B P Clarkphysician254
B. Z. Ganawaypictures [photographer]SW corner Public Square259
Bank of Tennesseebranch255
Baskett & Stampsdealers in staple & fancy dry goodsS side of Public Square [long ad]258
Baskett & Staten[long ad]262
Baskett, J. H.editor & proprietor, The Constitutionaist[long ad]262
Baskette & StampsDry goods254
Bell & MoultontobacconistsW side of Public Square256
Bell & Moultontobacconists254
Bell, Mr.tobacconistwest side of Public Square253
Blakemore, B.physician255
Blunton & KeltonmerchantsUnionville255
Bradford, W. F.attorney255
Brame, W. D. M.Dry goods254
Brown, W. C. J.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Buchanan HouseWartrace255
Buchanan, G. W.attorney255
Buchanan, J. W.merchantNormandy256
Buchanan, Robertproprietor, Buchanan HouseWartrace255
Burke & SteeleProprietors, Shelbyville HotelS side of Public Square [long ad]258
Burke & Steeleproprietors, Shelbyville Hotel255
Burns, O’Neal & Cocedar-ware mfg.254
Burns, S. A.harness-maker254
Chilton, James N.dry goodsWartrace255
Clark, B. P.physician254
Clay, S. W.Dry goods254
Clay, T. S.Dry goods254
Coldwell, Cummings & Co.grocers & produce merchantsDepot Street [long ad]263
Coldwell, Cummings & Co.given as a reference for Johnson & M’Clure262
Coldwell, Cummings & & commission merchants254
Coldwell, J. C.grocer & produce merchant with Cummings & T.M. ColdwellDepot Street [long ad]263
Coldwell, T. M.grocer & produce merchant with Cummings & J.C. ColdwellDepot Street [long ad]263
Coldwell, Thomas H.attorneyCounsel Row [long ad]265
Coldwell, Thomas H.attorney255
Collins & Co.merchantsUnionville255
Constitutionaist, The[long ad]262
Cooper, E.attorney257
Cooper, E.attorneys255
Cooper, Edwardpresident, Shelbyville Bank255
Cooper, H.attorney257
Cooper, H.attorneys255
Cowan, J. W.Dry goods254
Cowan, W. G.Dry goods254
Cummings, J. F.grocer & produce merchant with T.M. & J.C. ColdwellDepot Street [long ad]263
Curtiss & LowemerchantsRichmond255
D B Shriverfurniture254
D W Harrisongrocery & commission merchants254
D. Derry, M.D.druggists254
Dashiell, B.physician255
Davidson, H. L., Hon.judgeofficer of Circuit Court255
Derry, D., M.D.druggists254
Dismeeker, M. L.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Dismukes, J. P.attorney255
Doak, S.bucket factory254
Dromgoole & Jordan258
Duval & Walshdentists254
Dwigginssteam flouring millsin town & country254
Dwiggins, Mr.steam flouring mill252
E & H Cooperattorneys255
E. & H. Cooperattorneys257
Eakin, Alexanderpurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Edgar, J. T.president of Female Academy (Shelbyville Institute)251, 254
Edwards, Jo.given as a reference for Johnson & M’Clure262
Elliott & Cobledealers in groceries & produceS side Public Square [long ad]260
Elliott & Coblegrocery & commission merchants254
English, Mr.pork packing establishment252
English, Waterhouse & Co.pork packing254
English, Waterhouse & Co.pork packing establishment252
Erskine, P. A.merchantNormandy256
Evans & Crutcherphysician255
Evans HotelD.S. Evans, proprietorN side Public Square [long ad]264
Evans Hotel255
Evans, D. S.proprietor, Evans HotelN side Public Square [long ad]264
Evans, D. S.proprietor, Evans Hotel255
Fain, R. W.merchantUnionville255
Female Academy251
Fisker, Henryshoe & boot makers254
Fletcher, G. & J.  W.clothing254
Fletcher, G.merchant, tailors & clothiersSE corner of Public Square256
Fletcher, J. W.merchant, tailors & clothiersSE corner of Public Square256
Freeman & TricemerchantsRichmond255
Fulghum, J. G.tinner254
G & J W Fletcherclothing254
G W Buchananattorney255
G W HeardmerchantRowsville256
G W Ruthjeweler254
G. & J. W. Fletchermerchant, tailors & clothiersSE corner of Public Square256
Galbreath, Rob’tgrocer, confectioner & produce merchant (with Thos. J. Warren)Depot Street262
[long ad]
Ganaway, B. [photographer]SW corner Public Square259
Ganaway, J. A.dry goodsWartrace255
Gannaway, B. Z.artist[listed under ‘Banks’ heading]255
Garrett, Benjaminpurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
George, Reddingpurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Gilliland, Mr.cotton spinning factory; weaving factory251
Goggin, William M.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Gosling, Gilliland & Co.cotton goods mfg.254
Gosling, Gilliland & Co.cotton spinning factory; weaving factory251
Gosling, Mr.cotton spinning factory; weaving factory251
H N Huttonattorney255
Hamilton, A. L., Prof.president of Shelbyville University (male)251, 255
Harrison, D. & commission merchants254
Hart & Cannondry goodsWartrace255
Hastings, W. W.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Heard, G. W.merchantRowsville256
Henry Fiskershoe & boot makers254
Holt, B. H.dry goodsWartrace255
Hutton, H. N.attorney255
Hutton, H.[long ad]264
J A Ganawaydry goodsWartrace255
J G Fulghumtinner254
J Moore & Co.merchantsUnionville255
J P Dismukesattorney255
J R StemmerchantUnionville255
J W BuchananmerchantNormandy256
J W Cowan & Co.Dry goods254
J W JarniganDry goods254
J W Storyconfectioner254
J W Wellsgrocery & commission merchants254
J Zachary & Bro.saddlers254
J. & N. Thompson262
James F. Arnoldattorney255
James N. Chilton & Co.dry goodsWartrace255
Jarnigan, J. W.Dry goods254
Jett, W. S.cashier, Shelbyville Bank255
Jo W Thompsonattorney255
John P. Steeleattorney255
John T. Nealattorney255
Johnson & M’Cluregrocer & produce merchantDepot Street262
[long ad]
Johnson & McCluregrocery & commission merchants254
Johnson & McClureWholesale Grocers & Commission Merchantson Depot St.253
Johnson, J. G.grocer & produce merchant (with W. D. M’Clure)Depot Street262
[long ad]
Johnson, Mr.wholesale grocers & commission merchantson Depot St.253
Jordan, Mr.wholesale & retail druggists & chemistson Depot St.253
Jordan, T. W.wholesale & retail dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, etc.[long ad]258
Knott, Ledbetter & Co.furniture254
Kooner, J. J.purchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Laird, Thos. B.publisher & proprietor, Shelbyville Expositor[long ad]262
Lande, N.clothing254
Lande, in ready-made clothingE side Public Square [long ad]260
Lanier & Phillipsgiven as a reference for Johnson & M’Clure262
Lipscomb, Thomaspurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Lipscomb, Thomasphysician255
Madigan, Mr.carriage & coach mfg.252
Martin, Mattattorney with Barcklay Tillman[long ad]260
Mathews, RobertDry goods254
Mathews, Robtpresident, branch of Bank of TN255
McClure, Mr.wholesale grocers & commission merchantson Depot St.253
McClure, W. D.grocer & produce merchant (with J.G. Johnson)Depot Street262
[long ad]
McGrew & Barkdalephysician255
Mitchell, G. C.wholesale grocer with R.P. ShapardDepot Street [long ad]263
Mitchell, Mr.wholesale grocers & commission merchantson Depot St.253
Moore, J.merchantUnionville255
Moorman & Sperrywholesale grocersnear the Depot [long ad]264
Moorman & Sperrygrocery & commission merchants254
Moorman, M. B.wholesale grocer with J. N. Sperrynear the Depot [long ad]264
Morgan & Madigancarriage & coach mfg[long ad]261
Morgan & Madigancarriage mfg.254
Morgan, Mr.carriage & coach mfg.252
Moulton, Mr.tobacconistwest side of Public Square253
Mullins, Jamespurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
N & C Railroad251
N Landeclothing254
Nashville & Chattanooga Railroadbranch at Wartrace255
Neal, John T.attorney255
Neal, John T., Hon.judgeCounty Court255
Neil, J. with J. T. NeilSW corner Public Square [long ad]260
Neil, J. with J. H. NeilSW corner Public Square [long ad]260
O’Neal & Duvalbooksellers254
P A ErskinemerchantNormandy256
Phillips, Garrettpurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
R C WilsonmerchantNormandy256
R P SettiffmerchantRowsville255
R W Fain & Co.merchantsUnionville255
Rice & SimmsDry goods254
Riddley, B. L.chancellorChancery Court255
Roan [sic], White & Jordandruggists254
Roane, Mr.wholesale & retail druggists & chemistson Depot St.253
Roane, W. T.wholesale & retail dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, etc.[long ad]258
Roane, White & Jordanwholesale & retail dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, etc.[long ad]258
Robert MathewsDry goods254
Russ, Jas., Jr.Editor, Shelbyville Expositor[long ad]262
Ruth, G. W.jeweler254
S A Burnsharness-maker254
S Doak & Co.bucket factory254
S H Whitthorneattorney255
S. Doak & Co.bucket factory – by machinery252
S. H. Titcomb & Co.mfg. & dealers in boots & shoesE side Public Square [long ad]259
S. H. Titcomb & Co.shoe & boot mfg.252
Sanders, Alexanderpurchased ‘Excelsior Horse Power & Thresher’ from Michael Shoffner[long ad]257
Scudder, J. genl.officer of Circuit Court255
Settiff, R. P.merchantRowsville255
Shapard & Mitchellwholesale grocersDepot Street [long ad]263
Shapard, R. P.wholesale grocer with G.C. MitchellDepot Street [long ad]263
Shelbyville Bank255
Shelbyville Expositor[long ad]262
Shelbyville Hotel255, 258
Shelbyville Institute (female)254
Shelbyville University (male)254
Shepherd & Mitchellgrocery & commission merchants254
Shepherd, Mr.wholesale grocers & commission merchantson Depot St.253
Shoffner, M.agent for Manney’s combined reaping & mowing machines[long paragraph about his business]253
Shoffner, Michaelagent of Richard H. Pease[long ad]257
Shriver, D. B.furniture254
Shriver, D. of furnitureDepot Street [long ad]261
Shriver, D., pianos, melodeons & musical instrumentson Depot St.252
Sperry, J. N.wholesale grocer with M. B. Moormannear the Depot [long ad]264
Stamps & McGheecarriage mfg.254
Steele, John P.attorney255
Stem, J. R.merchantUnionville255
Story, J. W.confectioner254
Sylvan Millsmfg of cotton yarns, etc.Office SW corner of Public Square [long ad]259
T S & S W ClayDry goods254
Thomas H. Coldwellattorney255
Thomas Lipscombphysician255
Thompson, J.262
Thompson, Jo. W.attorney255
Thompson, Jo. W.clerkCounty Court255
Thompson, N.262
Tillman & MartinattorneysNE corner Public Square [long ad]260
Tillman & Martinattorneys255
Tillman, Barcklay with Matt Martin[long ad]260
Tillman, Lewisclerkofficer of Circuit Court255
Titcomb, Mr. S.H.shoe & boot mfg.252
Titcomb, S. H.mfg. & dealers in boots & shoesE side Public Square [long ad]259
Tittcomb & Co.shoe & boot makers254
W D M BrameDry goods254
W F Bradfordattorney255
W G Cowan & Co.Dry goods254
Wallace, R. N.cashier, branch of Bank of TN255
Warren & Galbreathgrocers, confectioners & produce merchantsDepot Street262
[long ad]
Warren & Galbreathgrocery & commission merchants254
Warren, Thos. J.grocer, confectioner & produce merchant (with Robert Galbreath)Depot Street262
[long ad]
Waterhouse, Mr.pork packing establishment252
Well, J. & commission merchants254
White, Mr.wholesale & retail druggists & chemistson Depot St.253
White, R. A.wholesale & retail dealers in drugs, medicines, paints, etc.[long ad]258
Whiteside & DavidsonattorneysCounsel Row [long ad]264
Whiteside & Davidsonattorneys255
Whitthorne, S. H.attorney255
Whitthorne, S. H.attorneyCounsel Row [long ad]263
Whitthorne, W. J.clerk & masterChancery Court255
Whitthorne, Wm. J.attorneyCounsel Row [long ad]263
Wilhoite & BrothersDry goods254
Wilson, R. C.merchantNormandy256
Wisener & Scudderattorneys255
Wisener, Wm. H.attorneyCounsel Row, Shelbyville256
Zachary, J.saddlers254



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