Nancy Casteel Will

Nancy Casteel Will


File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Osiris Johnson sigh [at] hawaii [dot] rr [dot] com September 23, 2005, 4:48 am
Source: Bedfore Will Book, P. 198; Written: 1868; Recorded: 1870, Page 198

In the name of God Amen.  I Nancy Casteel being of sound mind and memory of the county of Bedford do make and ordain this my last will and testament, revoking all others by me made.

First I commend my soul to God who gave it, and my body to be buried.  Second after my burial expenses & doctor bill are paid I give to my beloved and afflicted sister Sallie Casteel all the balance of my worldly effects, which consists in one third interest in a tract of land inherited from my father.  The one third interest in a black mare, the one third interest in two hundred dollars that Staton Green owes.  The one third of all the money that is due or to come due to the estate of my father be it much or little.  My red cow and all the hogs that I may be possessed at the time of my death.  One bed and all the bed clothing, and should I be in possession of any other goods or effects not mentioned in the forgoing it is my desire that my sister Sallie shall possess and enjoy it also.

In witness here I subscribe my name this 2nd day of Mac 1868.

Test. Lemuel Broadway                                                  her


         Jas B Morris                                                Nancy   Casteel
                                                                                           X  Mark

State of Tennessee } I, Robert L. Singleton, Clerk of the county court of said county do hereby certify that Bedford County
the within and foregoing is a true and perfect copy of the will of Nancy Casteel decd which was proven and admitted to probate
by the County Court of said County at its September term 1870.

 Witness my hand at office this the 8th day of September 1870

                                                                                            Robt L. Singleton



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