Mary Meek’s Will

Mary Meek’s Will

BEDFORD COUNTY, TENNESSEE – WILLS – MARY MEEK, 5 JANUARY 1856 File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ron & Darla Rohan rrohan [at] email [dot] msn [dot] com 

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Mary Meek’s Will I Mary Meek of the County of Bedford and State of Tennessee being weak of body but of sound mind and memory do make, ordain, and publish this to be my last will and testament in manner and form as foreunto, to wit. It is my wish and desire that my son James Meek shall have my tract of land and I do hereby will and bequeth the said land to him which is land I bought of Mr. Martin and said land is situated in the County of Weakley in the Western District of the state, Tennessee and containing one hundred acres more or less, provided always that the said James Meek shall pay the sum of five hundred dollars after deducting twenty dollars I owe him out of the sum. I will and bequeth to my two daughters Mary Jane Hopkins and Matilda Robinson the four hundred and eighty dollars that will be coming from James Meek for my tract of land in said… It is my will that my son James Meek … pay to my said daughters or their heirs the said sum of four hundred eighty which is to be divided equally among them after all debts be paid for. I hereby revoke all other wills by me at any time made as witness my hand this 5 day of January A.D. 1856.

Signed and witnessed Joseph Anderson W.B. Fisher Solomon B. Britter

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