Ebenezer Wilson’s Will

Ebenezer Wilson’s Will

BEDFORD COUNTY, TN – WILLS – Ebenezer Wilson, 25 Jun 1866 

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Film #476010, page 252-253 #187, 25 June 1866 Will of Ebenezer Wilson Decree–

Be it remembered that this cause came on again for hearing before the Honorable Henry Cooper sitting as Chancels on this 25 June 1866 upon Bill for Confessed order and proof and it appearing to the court that Ebenezer Wilson departed this life on the day of 1859, at his residence in Bedford County and that some years previous to his death he made his will and that after his death said Will was duly proved in the County court of said County and admitted to probate and placed on file in the proper office and it further appearing to the court that the following are the only material contents and provisions of said Will to Wit. I will and bequeath to my wife all my small personal estate except my slaves, absolutely after the payment of my debts and my two slaves Mary and Hannah and my tract of land in Bedford County in Fall Creek in District #8. I give to my wife during her life and at her death the land shall be sold by my executor to the highest bidder and the slaves shall choose their Master or Mistress among my relations and be sold to such chosen persons at some reasonable price under the existing circumstances, and the proceeds of said land and slaves to be equally divided between the children of Fordyce Wilson and Harry S. Wilson my two sons except fifty dollars to buy a horse for Elizabeth Ferrell and I hereby nominate and appoint John P. Steele executor of this my last Will and Testament. –Signed Ebenezer Wilson And it firth appearing to the court that John P. Steele the person named as executor gave bond and duly qualified as my executor. It further appearing to the court that in July 1863, the court house in Shelbyville was destroyed by fire together with said Will and the records of its probate and that now the best evidence of its contents and records have been produced. It is therefore ordered and decreed by the court that the provisions set forth in this decree as the provisions of the Will of Ebenezer Wilson be set up as his Will and that said executor proceed to settle the estate according to said provisions and it further appearing that the heirs of Elizabeth Ferrell, also who are before the court as debts and indebted to the execution the sum of fifty dollars-said execution is therefore allowed to retain in his hands the fifty dollars willed to Elizabeth Ferrell in a horse in payment of the same unless demanded by her personal representative to pay her debts. And that the clerk and master issue to the executor a copy of this decree property and also a certified copy to the County court certified and that the executor pay the costs of this cause out of the sales of the land. It appearing to the court that he has handed over to Rebecca Wilson, the widow of the testator, all the personal estate cour.

Adjourned until tomorrow morning 10 o’clock. –Henry Cooper.

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