Baker/Long Family Bible Record

Baker/Long Family Bible Record



The four pages of the old Bible from the Long family are transcribed here. The pages are loose from any bound book, so cannot be dated, though appear to be very old. The links are to pictures of the actual pages.



Joseph Long Senr
Maried to Catrin
Foster first wife
Decr 5th A D 1793

Second marriage
To Agnes Kimsey
Decr 14th A D 1813

Henry Long
Married to Rachel
Anderson at —-
May the 1 A D 1814

Anna Long Married to Andrew
Novr 24th A D 1815

Caty Long
Married to
Seabourn Jones
July 13th A D 1820


Wm F Long married
To Elizabeth Bla[page torn]
July 29th 1824

Humphrey P Kimsey
married to Margaret
ulis February 22 [page torn]

M[?] Mary Long
Married to William
S Carpenter Augst
th 9 1825

James Long mar
to Margaret Gore
July 1st A D 1827

John Long
maried to Han[page torn]
Gore Jan [page torn]

Joseph B Long
Was marred to
Emeline McCoy Feb
10th 1839


Joseph Long Senr was
Born July 23rd A D 1770

Catrin Long Senr was
born January 17th A D 1770

Wm F Long
August 31st A D 1794

Henry Long
Sept 11th A D 1796

Henry Long
July 12th A D 1796

Anna Long
August 26th A D 1798

Mary Long
Sept 11th A D 1800

Caty Long Junr
May 18th A D 1803

[M?]arget Long
[J?]uly 24th A D 1805

John and Joseph Long
March 9th A D 1807


James Long
Novr 5th A D 1809

Agnes Long
January 25th A D 1767

Humphrey P Kimsey
March 26th A D 1805

David Kimsey
Novr 12th A D 1782 [last digit “3” written over as “2”]

Wm Kimsey
Feb 23rd 1783

Benjamin Kimsey
Feb 24th A D 1784

Betsy Kimsey
Oct 31st A D 1786

Polly Kimsey
Decr 31st A D 1790

Nancy Kimsey
May 4th A D 1793


Hiram Kimsey
Jany 3rd A D 1797

Solomon Kimsey
Feb 28th A D 1799

Thos Kimsey
May 19th A D 1809

John Long 1844 [?]


Catrin Long Senr
[entry is blotted, nearly unreadable]
Aged 41 year 7 mo ? page torn

John Gore Decd
7th July A D 1834

Hannah Long Decd
April 29th
Aged 27 yrs 2 mos 11 days

Joseph Long senr
Departed this Life
January 6 A D 1837
Aged 66 years 5 m 14 d

James Long decd
February 18th 1849
Sarah J Long
Departed Feb
Elizabeth Long
Daughter of James
Long decd Feb 15, 1849


Henry Longs Family
Rebeca Canfelt
Died April 12th [?] 1846

[page torn] mual A Long Depart
this life Sept 17th 1866

Rachel Long Departed
This life July the 29th 1865

Henry Long departed this life August the 16th A D 1867. Buried in a masonic form Aug 17th 1867

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