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Author: Bettye Liberty

Index to obituaries from the Shelbyville Gazette in 1938

Index to obituaries from the Shelbyville Gazette in 1938

This index abstracts the obituaries that appeared in the Shelbyville Gazette in 1938. Selected obituaries will eventually be transcribed. These obituaries were abstracted, indexed, and transcribed by Martha Mendez. Translated for the web by Steve Carson, GSC Associates Historical Record Products. Click a name below to go to the transcription of that obituary. Only obituaries that have been transcribed have active links. Adams, John W., , 79, Dec, 22, 1938, pg 2, Buried in Willow Mt. Wife not named. 4 daughters;…

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Centennial Celebration Tennessee Historical Society 4th of July, 1876

Centennial Celebration Tennessee Historical Society 4th of July, 1876

  SHELBYVILLE, BEDFORD COUNTY, TENN. CONCLUDING WITH HISTORICAL ADDRESS –OF– Hon. H. L. DAVIDSON,Under Joint Resolution of Congress, passed March 18, 1876. Resolution for Publication of Proceedings. CHATTANOOGA W I. CRANDALL, PRINTER; TIMES JOB OFFICE. 1877. HISTORICAL ADDRESS OF JUDGE H. L. DAVIDSON   DELIVERED IN SHELBYVILLE ON THE 4TH OF JULY, 1876.  LADIES AND GENTLEMEN  : At a meeting of a portion of the citizens of Bedford county, recently held, I was, very unexpectedly to myself, selected to deliver…

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Family Bible of Edmund Cooper, Sr.

Family Bible of Edmund Cooper, Sr.

Born in Williamson County, but resided most of his life in Bedford and is buried in Shelbyville. Transcribed by Buddy ManuelCOOPER, Edmund, (brother of Henry Cooper), a Representative from Tennessee; born in Franklin, Williamson County, Tenn., September 11, 1821; was graduated from Jackson (Tenn.) College in 1839; studied law at Harvard University; was admitted to the bar and commenced practice in Shelbyville, Bedford County, Tenn., in 1841; member of the State house of representatives in 1849; presidential elector on the Constitutional…

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Information Found in Deed Books

Information Found in Deed Books

This document contains many examples of both the types of legal documents recorded in deed books and the types of information found in those records. This information is very valuable to historians and family history researchers. Use of a deed index is the first step in the process of locating such information so you can obtain copies of deeds likely to contain important information. Table of contents 1 Types of instruments recorded in deed books 2 Types of information found…

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Shiloh Methodist Church

Shiloh Methodist Church

In 1885 Shiloh Methodist Church South was organized in the Wheel community in Bedford County. At time of organization there were twenty-five members. In 1899, almost across the road from the Shiloh Church Ligetts Chapel, a Northern Methodist Church, was built. In 1943 the Shiloh Church burned and soon after Ligetts Chapel was torn down and on that spot the present Shiloh Church was built at the cost of $3,300. At present there are 154 members. Clura Reeder and Wesley…

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Bethlehem Methodist Church

Bethlehem Methodist Church

The Bethlehem Church, though inactive since 1953, is still a part of the Rich Valley Charge. Its history has roots which can be traced to the year 1865 as a part of Dryden’s Chapel, which was located between the present Bethlehem Church and the present Shiloh Church. In 1890 land was granted by Mrs. Manurva E. Muse for the purpose of building the present Bethlehem Church. In 1894 the church was dedicated. At present there are still twenty-seven members whose…

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Bell-Buckle Methodist Church

Bell-Buckle Methodist Church

  “Salem Church and Camp-ground, located on Bell Buckle Creek, Bedford County, Tennessee, about ten miles from Shelbyville, are historic. The first cane was cut on this creek in 1805. Here at an early day was formed an important settlement. As early as 1807 or 1808, the neighborhood was included in the Duck River Circuit. Tradition says that in 1807, the neighbors cut round poles, and erected a meeting house on Mr. Norvell’s land, and called it Salem.” (Christian Advocate,…

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The Records of the Allison Land Deal

The Records of the Allison Land Deal

  Compiled by Steve Carson Copyright 2002-2008 All Rights Reserved The Allison Land Deal is named after David Allison of Philadelphia who held mortgages on thousands of acres of land in the Three Forks area of Bedford County. As far as we know this David Allison was not related to any of the Allisons who settled in Bedford County in the early 1800s. The land in question was originally surveyed for John Gray Blount and Thomas Blount of North Carolina….

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The History of the First Presbyterian Church Shelbyville, Tennessee 1815-1965

The History of the First Presbyterian Church Shelbyville, Tennessee 1815-1965

A Complete Index and Extraction of the BookWritten on Many HeartsOriginally Written and Published by Robert E. Cogswell; The Parthenon Press; Nashville; abt. 1965 Indexed and Extracted by: Lucy Dunaway Zeier Minden, Nevada Copyright, 2001 INTRODUCTION Quite coincidentally, but luckily, I happened upon an autographed copy of the book: Written on Many Hearts, The History of the First Presbyterian Church, Shelbyville, Tennessee, 1815-1965. It was being offered for sale “on-line” by a bookstore in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. As a long-distance researcher…

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Index to obituaries from the Shelbyville Times Gazette in 2002

Index to obituaries from the Shelbyville Times Gazette in 2002

This index abstracts the obituaries that appeared in the Shelbyville Times Gazette in 2002. Selected obituaries have also been transcribed. These obituaries were abstracted, indexed, and transcribed by Martha Mendez. Translated for the web by Steve Carson, GSC Associates Historical Record Products. Click a name below to go to the transcription of that obituary. Only obituaries that have been transcribed have active links. Adams, Robbie 153 Adams, Johnny 192 Adams, Don Lincoln 169 Adams, Thomas “Randy” 136 Adcock, John Raybon 16…

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