Samuel Haggard Will

Samuel Haggard Will

This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: William A. Holmes GLOBETREKR [at] aol [dot] com

In the name of God Amen. I, Samuel Haggard of Bedford County and State of Tennessee being weak of body but of sound mind and memory, and calling to mind the uncertainty of Life, do make, appoint, constitute and ordain this my last will and testament revoking and disannulling <sic> all others heretofore made or appointed.

First: I my give body to the dust its original, and my soul I recommend to God who gave it.

Item: I first desire that all my just debts shall be punctually paid and all of my funeral expenses paid out of my effects by the men whom I shall hereafter appoint to settle my affairs after my death.

Item lst:

My desire is that my beloved wife Mahala Haggard: after paying all my just debts shall have all my estate both real and personal, after her death for Williamson and Esquire to sell my land on one, two and three years credit, and my surplus property, sell on one years credit (all but my negroes (sic)). I give to Esquire Haggard and Williamson Haggard, to wit: Catherine my black woman and Allick and Henery <sic> her two sons and if she has more, all of her increase to belong to them: Esquire and Williamson Haggard and the Negroes to be valued by three disinterested men Slave holders, and if my other property does not fetch as much as they are worth then Esquire and Williamson are to make it up equally so as to make the other three children equal heirs with them, to wit- Richard’s heirs,  Note: there are improperly placed commas in the following list:

Samuel, William, Mariah, Jane John, Riley, Squire Henderson, Jonathan, Webster, James Richard Cintha (sic) Haggard my Son Richard C. Haggard’s wife, they all so have one legatees part divided between them all: Then John M. Haggard to have an equal part, and Mary Justia (sic) McGee, my daughter because she is crippled have fifty dollars more than either of the rest of my children: and it go to her own use and benefit, her husband William McGee to have no control of it neither directly nor indirectly but my son Williamson to be her Guardian to let her have it as she needs it and if she dies before she uses it, all of it is to go to her children, and my desire is that my negroes (sic) shall not be separated, so apart that they cannot see each other and never be sold to have them ill treated, and when Catherine gets fifty years old who to set her free and treat her well. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this the fifth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven Signed, sealed and acknowledged in presence of:

Samuel Haggard (signed)

Test: F. H. Keller Joseph Smith
John T. Smith
F. A. Keller A Copy List of Samuel Haggard’s Will which was duly proven
John J. Smith
A. F. Keller

subscribing witnesses thereto, and admitted to record At the December term 1847 of the County Court of Bedford County

Robert Hunt, clerk.    A true copy from the record Joseph E. Thompson, clerk

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