Nathan Chaffin Will

Nathan Chaffin Will

Joel W. Harris Exor & others

      vs                                       } Decree

Archer Hatchett & others

          Be it remembered that this cause came on for hearing and was heard before the Hon Jno T. Steele Chancellor &c this the 15th day of September 1866 upon bill & answers of Mary E lliott for Delilah Elliott Sarah Elliott & Emily Elliott minors by their Guardian Ad Litem and bill and pro [several illegible words] as to the other defendants when it appeared to the court that Nathan Chaffin departed this life in Bedford County on the [blank] day of [blank]1858 having previously made and published his last will   and testament which was duly proved and recorded in Bedford County Court at its [blank] Term 1858 and that said will & record thereof  has been destroyed by fire in the burning of the Court house in Shelbyville, and it further appearing that the following is a true copy of said will to wit

            Nathan Chaffins Will

In the name of God Amen I Nathan Chaffin knowing the uncertainty of life and certainty of death do make and establish this my last will and testament that is say  1st I bequeath my soul to God who gave it and my body to be  decently interred.

2   I give and bequeath to my beloved brother Archer Chaffin   the interest of one thousand dollars during his natural life and at his death the said “one thousand dollars” must be equally divided between his two daughters, one of whom is named Phebe McMinn and Cornelia McMinn the other who now reside [or resides] in the State of Missourie.  The said one thousand dollars shall be deposited in the hands of John W. Frizzell as Guardian for my Brother A. Chaffin and he must pay over annually the interest of the same to A. Chaffin for his support.

3   I bequeath to my beloved sister Sally July a negro girl named S [as it ends on right margin] and her children.  Also “Morris” to Sister July.   

4   I bequeath to Mary F. Frizzell wife of Jno W. Frizzell and the heirs of her body a negro “George”

   5   I bequeath to Joel W. Harris a negro boy named “Ben”

   6   I bequeath to Phebe McMinn and the heirs of her body one negro boy names “Charles”

   7   I bequeath to Joel W. Harris and John W. Frizzell wife Mary and her children the following tracts of land to be equally divided between them   that is to say The Taylor tract the Weaver tract and the Warren tract, to be divided to the best interest of each party.

   8   I bequeath the remainder of my land in Bedford County to my beloved wife Harriett during her natural life and after death to be sold to the highest bidder (except one acre[?] be given to

  1. G. Fields including his kitchen) upon a credit of one two & three years and a sufficient sum of said money applied to building a good stone fence around the grave yard with a gate to enter the same.

   9   I bequeath to Phebe McMinn & the heirs of her body my tract of land in Rutherford County Tenn known as the McE___ tract and the same on which she now lives.   10   I bequeath to Emily Hatchett and Mary Hatchett and Mary Elliott and the heirs of their body the purchase money for my land as specified in article 8th be equally divided between them the two parties except the one thousand dollars given for the benefit of A. Chaffin as specified article 2nd

 11   I bequeath to my wife Harriett the remainder of my negroes to be disposed of by her as she may think proper

 12   I will that all my just debts be paid out of the money arising from the hire of negroes not at work on the Rail Road.

  13   I bequeath all the remainder of my money and farming tools & g_____ wagon &c to my beloved wife Harriett to be her disposed of

         In witness whereof I have this day affixed my seal and wrote my name.  October 13 1858

                                              Nathan Chaffin 


Test Stokes White

  1. G. Fields

State of Tennessee Bedford County

        I Jos H. Thompson Clerk of the County Court of said county do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the will of Nathan Chaffin as the same appears on record in my office.  Witness my hand at Office this the 25th day of June 1862.

                                                   Jos H.

Thompson Clerk

                                                By N. F. Thompson


[Certified copy from the files of Carolyn Smotherman. Transcribed and submitted by JoLee Gregory Spears 27 Sep 1997   spearsj [at] bellsouth [dot] net]

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