Bible records of Edward Wade

Bible records of Edward Wade

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This file was contributed for use in the USGenWeb Archives by: Steve Carson <carson [at] siggraph [dot] org>

TSLA, recorded on page 28 of Book C, Bedford County Deeds; updated on pages 490-491 of Book L Edward Wade, son of William & Sara Wade, Born 27th day of May 1777 [version in Book C says 1776]

Elizabeth Fisher, Daughter of Michael and Christina Fisher, Born 29th day of Sept 1789 Edward Wade Married to Elizabeth Fisher, Daughter of Michael [Michael spelled “Michel” in version in Book C] Fisher, 26th Day of February 1807

William Stokes Wade, son of Edward and Elizabeth Wade, Born 27th [version in Book C says 29th] Day of March 29th 1808 Martin Fisher Wade, Son of Edward and Elizabeth Wade, Born 27th day of July [May in version in Book C] 1809

Ann Wade, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Wade. Born the [sic] November the 30th AD 1812 [this entry not in the version in Book C]

Patsey Wall Wade, Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Wade, Born 25th of November 1810 [none of the following entries is in the version in Book C:]

Edward Wade Son of Edward & Elizabeth Wade, Born 23rd September AD 1814 Elizabeth Wade Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Wade, Born 11th December 1817

Margaret Jane Wade Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Wade, Born 9th Day of July 1819

Mary Thompson Wade Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Wade, was born July 26th 1821

Michael Fisher Wade, Son of Edward & Elizabeth Wade, was born June 5th 1824

Morma Duk [sic ‘Marmaduke’] Michell Wade Son Edward & Elizabeth Wade was born 27th March 1826

Nancy M. Wade Daughter of Edward & Elizabeth Wade. Born the Eighteenth day of July AD 1828 and of the Independence of the United States the Fifty Second.


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