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This is number FOUR of SEVEN files.
1852 - (Amended bill) names the children of Jesse DELOACH: Wiley DELOACH, Thos. B.
NETTESVILLE and his wife Betsey, James A. LILLY and his wife Manerva, William
DELOACH, Benj. WALKER and his wife, Evealine, John R. DELOACH and a grandson Saml.
DELOACH, son of James DELOACH, dec'd. all non residents of the state.
1853 - Depositions of Isaac EATHERLY; Saml. DAVIS; George WILLIAMSON; James
EATHERLY. James EATHERLY says Jos. T. WILLIAMS is his Father in Law and has been
dead many years. Witness owned a still house. He lived near his brother Isaac EATHERLY. Jos.
T. WILLIAMS left this county for IL about 26 years ago....
1856 Jan. 30 - Polly BASS'S deposition to be taken at her dwelling house in Wilson Co., TN.
Depositions taken at the dwelling house of James TIPTON: James TIPTON, James DAVIS,
Thomas DAVIS. ...at the dwelling house of Alexander BRETT: Williamson BIRTHWRIGHT,
John D. TAYLOR, in Wilson Co., TN. ...at the dwelling house of John G. GRAVES:
John G. GRAVES, Rutherford BUTTIN, Brice MARTIN, Joab SULIVAN, Pathena W.
COTHORN, Thomas B. LAIN. ...at the dwelling house of Thos. S. WATSON in Sumner Co.:
Thomas S. WATSON and Thomas WATSON. ...at the office of Josiah S. FARRIS, Esq. in
Nashville: Sollomon TAYLOR.
1856 Feb. 28 - Deposition of Thos. DAVIS aged about 75 years of age says he knew William
SPICER and his wife Tracy as early as the year 1810.... Daniel was sold in the year 1825 to
William MOORE. Daniel was at my house at the time he was sold.... I read a certified copy of the
will at the request of some one of the family. Some of the INGRAM and DELOACH family
were together and Wm. SPICER was also present. Mrs. DELOACH the mother of Mrs. SPICER
was present at the same time.... - Deposition of Mrs. Mary TIPTON, aged about 62, says she
knew Wm. SPICER and his wife Tracy. "I became acquainted with them the year after I was
married which took place in the year 1811...." - Deposition of Daniel GLENN, aged
about 73, knew the SPICERS about the time or soon after he was elected constable. He was
elected constable in 1812 and remained in office until 1818. - Deposition of James TIPTON, aged
about 68, says they lived about two miles from me in 1811 ... They moved near Cedar Lick
Creek.... - Deposition of Webb BLOODWORTH, aged about 79, says he knew old Samuel
DELOACH the father of Tracy SPICER; in N.C. "My father lived about 7 miles from old man
DELOACH. I was about 15 years old when I left there. I knew Wm. SPICER'S father. I was
living with my father at the time Mr. SPICER married Tracy; her father was very much opposed
to the marriage. I remained in N.C. 2 or 3 years after the marriage.... I came to this county about
the year 1795. Wm. SPICER and wife moved to this county. They settled near my father in
Sumner Co. for 3 or 4 years before they moved to Wilson County." - Deposition of John D.
TAYLOR, aged about 54, says he has lived in this county since he was about 4 years old and
knew SPICER.... - Deposition of Robt. R. TAYLOR aged about 35.... - Dep of Rutherford
RUTLAND, aged about 67, knew SPICER first at Cedar Creek.
1856 Mar. 18 - Deposition of Wm. S. HILL, 50. He became acquainted with the SPICERS in
1820.... Hasty was a black negro and Daniel was copper colored.... - Deposition of James
FOSTER, 73 years old, lived near SPICER. He moved from that place in 1817.
1856 Mar. 21 - Deposition of Thompson EATHERLY, age 45, says he knew the SPICERS from
his first reccollection. Hardy said to be a son of Hasty and was sold to Wm. MCGREGOR. Hardy
was hired on a steamboat and was drowned. Spicer said it didn't make much difference; that
MCGREGOR would have lost him some day, that the INGRAMS would have got him had he
lived. SPICER said he did not want the INGRAMS to get the negroes.
1856 July 5 - Answer of George K. ROBERTSON admr. of Alfred MCCLAIN, dec'd. Respt. has
in his possession a negro woman and 4 children said to be and claimed as the descendants of
Hasty. The woman's name is Judy about 25 and children are Lewis about 11 or 12, Prince about 5
years and Beb 3 or 4, John between 2 and 3 years old. One of the children of Judy has died since
the original bill.... - 1856 (amended bill) names Tracy as Lucretia.
1856 July 8 - Answer of Henry F. SMITH. ...Wm. SPICER and wife have both died since filing
the amended bill ... said slaves have increased five in number ages from 6 months to 6 years of
age. Sally 6 years, Emelin 5, Martha 3, Lewis 3 months, Catherine 6 months of age.... - William
H. EVANS says he has a 27 or 28 year old woman named Evaline and she has not had a
1856 Nov. 13 - Names Lucretia SPICER as "Creesy". Shadrack INGRAM, Jr. of Washington
Co., Ark sells his claim to the negroes to Henry RIEFF of Fayetteville, Washington Co., Ark.
Wit.: W.L. WILSON. [This WILSON died prior to 1869.]
1857 - Wilson Co. jurors summoned: A. HARRISON, Thompson EATHERLY, John BETTIS,
1857 Jan. 2 - Deposition in Wilson Co., TN of Jordan STOKES, Joel SULLIVAN, and Thomas
R. LAIN in regard to SPICER'S deposition taken by Col. Alfred MCCLAIN.
1857 Mar. 25 - Washington Co., Ark. Thomas MCKNIGHT, J.P. takes the deposition of
Shedrick INGRAM about 74 years of age. He says the complts. are Joseph INGRAM, William
INGRAM, Maria FELLERS who married Cyrus FELLERS who is dead, Elisabeth CONNER
who married Isaac S. CONNER, Delila SHERRY who married Green W. SHERRY, Polly
SKELTON who married Jonithon S. SKELTON, Minerva INGRAM married James INGRAM,
Samuel INGRAM and Shadrack INGRAM Jr. (who not including the husbands of the daughters)
are the children and only children of myself and my wife Polly who was the dau. of Samuel
DELOACH who resided in Johnson Co. N.C. where he remained until his death which was about
the year 1805. ...had a boy Daniel and a girl Hasty which he loaned William SPICER and wife to
wait upon them. SPICER'S wife was the dau. of Samuel DELOACH ... some two or three years
after his death, I moved to TN with my family and resided in Wilson County some 20 or 30 years
about 6 months after I moved there SPICER and wife moved to TN and brought with them
Daniel and Hasty....
1857 July 6 - Henry F. SMITH says he went to N.C. into the neighborhood where Samuel
DELOACH lived and died and where William SPICER lied.... He ascertained while there that
Mrs. Delila SPICER, Gray ARMSTRONG, Hartwell LONG and Hugh B. PRYOR will proove
facts very material for the defdts....
1857 Aug. 17 - Edgecombe, N.C. deposition of Delilah SPICER going on 61 years. She is the
widow of William SPICER'S brother, Moses SPICER. "My mother lived about two miles from
William SPICER...." /S/ Delilah (her D mark) SPICER. - Deposition of Hartwell LONG past 60
years of age, not exceeding 63.... - Deposition of Newsom LONG about 58.... - Deposition of
Gray ARMSTRONG, 70 to 75 years old,.... "SPICERS had in their possession a yellow or
mulatto girl named Jenny who was not grown. At the age of about 18 or 19 I went to TN and
settled in sumner Co. where I remained about two years or long enough to make two crops. I
came back in either 1805 or 1806. I married in this county (Edgecombe) after my return from TN
in 1807. William SPICER was at my wedding and in the same year he removed to TN. I started to
TN in Feb. and got there in March following and stoped on Station Camp Creek Sumner Co.,
TN.... I got back to N.C. near Christmans. ...William SPICER lived on the HARGROVE place
which he had bought. SPICER sold the land to either John HILL or his two sons, Peoples and
Nathaniel HILL.... I have talked to old Duncan HARGROVE about this case....
1857 Aug. 31 - Edgcombe, N.C. Deposition of Hugh B. BRYAN and Benjamin WILLIAMS at
the home of William NORFLEET in town of Tarborough. Hugh B. BRYAN, 35, was the son of
Dempsey BRYAN. He lived in this county and died about 13 years ago. "My brother William
BRYAN settled my father's estate. William removed to AL several years ago. ...my sister, Mrs.
BATES, is about 50 years of age...."
1857 Dec. 7 - Deposition of Edmond W. VAUGHAN, aged about 72, says he was acquainted
with the SPICERS after they moved to this county. He went to SPICER'S in about the years
1810-11-12-13 to collect some notes. "Hasty was about 12 or 15 years of age; good chunks of
negroes, but not grown. Spicer was then living between Spencer's Creek and Cedar Creek about 3
miles from this place. I was in AL when he sold the negroes and lived there from the year 1818 till
1830. Two or three years previous to the time I went to AL I lived in Sumner Co...."
1857 Dec. 18 - Deposition of Elijah MADDOX says he moved in 1814 to within 3/4 of a mile of
where Wm. SPICER and wife lived and remained there until 1817. Samuel DICKENS was at
SPICERS. He moved to IL 20 years ago. /S/ Elijah X MATTOCKS.
1858 Jan. 18 - William D. SMITH bondsman for Henry F. SMITH.
1858 Dec. - State of TN Supreme Court finds for the complaintants.
1859 - Promissory notes to John K. HOWARD, C&M signed by: J.M. SMITH, Jas. D. WHITE,
1859 Oct. 10 - Wilkinson Co., Miss. Deposition of Cato C. WEST and John B. THERREL say
they were well acquainted with Jesse DELOACH and his family and that Wiley, William, and John
R. DELOACH, Elizabeth NOTTENVILLE formerly Elizabeth DELOACH are the children.
Other children of Jesse were Ervin DELOACH who is said to have died in 1816 and Mary
DELOACH said to have intermarried with one Mr. ROULS/BOUBS? and died sometime about
1848 - and the others now living viz: Manerva DELOACH said to have intermarried with Joseph
A. LILLY and Emiline DELOACH said to have intermarried with Benjmain WALKER. -
Deposition of Lucretia SPICER says, "I was 14 years old the 10th day of Sept. and was married
the 17th day of the following Oct. I am now about 75 years old. After I was married, about
Christmas, my father and mother sent for me again having sent for me often before and then gave
me the negro girl Jinny, the girl was then about 6 years old. I took the girl home and she and her
husband ever after claimed her as their own. They raised her until she was grown and had three
children, to wit Daniel Hasty and Sarah. Mr. SPICER then sold Jinny and her youngest child
Sarah to Dempsy BRYAN.... The reason they sold her, her husband ran away and she would go
to him, and Mr. SPICER'S father advised them to sell her and lay the money out in land, which
they did. The other two negroes Hasty and Daniel was as many as they wanted, Hasty was born
mine and I claimed as my own until she was sold to George SMITH. The land for which Jinny and
Sarah was sold to purchase was sold by Mr. SPICER and the money brought with him to this
country. Hasty was about 5 years old when I came to this country. She is now between 49 and 50.
Shadrick INGRAM married Polly DELOACH sister of witness. Witness father gave Polly
INGRAM two negroes, Hannah and Dinah. I understood that my father had made a will willing
away my property before I left N.C. and I went to see lawyer HANDY and Davey and Davey said
my father had no more right to these negroes than he had. I told the old man that my father had
made a will and he asked me what I was going to do about it. I said I would go and see about it. I
never saw the will. It was after my father's death. I went to see about it. I went by myself. Mr.
SPICER did not go with me. Mr. HUNTER told me my father was not in his senses when he
made the will. About 4 years after this we moved to this country. My father never claimed or
exercised any ownership over Jenny or her children after he gave me Jenny he never had Jinny nor
any of her children in his possession after he gave to me. I paid no attention to the will. I claimed
the negroes after the will just as I did before. Hasty the negro woman is the child of Deemy. I am
now sick and confined to my bed and dont expect to live long. I lived about 80 miles from my
father when I took Jenny and I never saw him afterwards. ...says the property was not claimed by
her under the will of her father, but as heir to her mothers estate. Mother was security for
Solomon for $200. and Solomon made mother a bill of sale Lewis and D(?), Solomon
died in the war, Judy belong to Sam DELOACH Lewis belong to Solomon, Ned belonged to
brother Samuel." - William A. MCCAIN states that Handulb the dau. of Jude and granddaughter
of Hasty is dead, that she died since the filing of the answer of A. MCCAIN. /S/ W.A. MCCAIN.
- Deposition of William SPICER says he married the dau. of Samuel DELOACH in Edgecomb
Co., N.C. as much as sixty years ago, about 6 months after the marriage Samuel sent for his wife
Lucretia to come to see him.... He says he lived about 2 miles from DELOACH when Jinny was
brought to his house DELOACH moved into Johnson Co. about 8 or 9 years later. The first year
after DELOACH moved to Johnson Co. wit. moved there and made a crop then DELOACH
moved there.... The old man assigned the bill of sale to Dempsy BRYAN when BRYAN went to
see him about buying the negroes from wit.
1859 Oct. 31 - Wilkinson Co., Miss. James M. MILLER takes the deposition of Mrs. Abby
DELOACH. She knew Samuel DELOACH and family of N.C. Jesse DELOACH removed from
N.C. about 1800 to Sumner Co., TN. About the year 1809 Jesse removed from TN to Adams
Co., Miss. and some five years after to Wilkinson Co. where he resided until his death. The
children of Jesse DELOACH were Wiley, William, Ervin, Elizabeth and Mary DELOUCH and
someothers which I do not now recollect. My father in law was a brother of Samuel DELOACH.
1859 Nov. 10 - Wilkinson Co., MS - Deposition of William NETTENVILLE ... names the
children of Jesse DELOACH. Mary DELOACH died in 1848....
1859 Dec. 25 - Negroes sold by the C&M: Jerry was sold to Elijah WILLIAMS. Harriett and
child John were sold to J.M. SCOBY. Jacob to Moses WATKINS. Jane and children Martha and
Joe sold to Josephus WALKER. Also Sally and Emiline to same. Paralee and children Jane and
Mary sold to Joseph ASTON. Hannah and child William sold to Jos. MILLER. Tabby sold
to Wm. H. SMITH. Emiline sold to W.H. EVANS with Bernice and Burrell BENDER, securities.
Prince sold to James D. WHITE, John N. TAYLOR and Allen W. VICK securities. Bebb sold to
Dr. James M. SMITH, James D. WHITE and Joseph ASTON securities. Lewis sold to D.D.
CLAIBORNE and John and Tom to same with Silas and B.J. TARVER, securities. Judy
sold to Ed. R. PENNEBAKER.
1860 Jan. 11 - J.A. LILLEY of Columbia Holowell Parish inquires of STOKES about his interest
in the estate of Jessee DELOACH.
1860 Jan. 20 - Underwood. Dear Sir, "I received your very kind letter offering to provide for the
payment of my fee for the decree to be rendered in favor of INGRAM'S heirs.... I send herewith a
power of atty. executed by INGRAMS to me and also an agreement made with the agent and
atty. in fact for them. You will see that I was to receive ten per cent on the amount
recovered. There was another agreement by which I was to take a conditional fee of a childs part
that is a sum equal to the part coming to anyone of the heirs. I thought this contract objectionable
under the law of maintainance and told them so and there upon the agreement sent to you was
entered into, which enbraced services already rendered as well as those to be rendered. I
am yet willing to receive a childs part or the 10 per cent and propose to take that which will be
most advantageous to the heirs. Will you do me the favor to retain the amount coming to me until
my son who will hand you this may need it. I send him to your law school, much pains have been
taken with his education and I desire to afford him the advantage of study at your school. Would
it be convenient for you or Judge CARUTHERS to board him. I think you will find him affable,
temperate and studious. Any little attentions shown him will be gratefully received. Will you
please inform me when the money coming to the INGRAMS may be drawn some of them depend
upon me for information and are impatientate to know. I believe I know your political
predlections, and it may be agreeable to you to be opposed, that in the event of the organization
of a minor conservative party with a ticket needed by Mr. BELL, Mr. CRITTENDEN
or Mr. BATES, we will make one more struggle to perpetuate the institutions of the country and
vendicate the great national principle now well near crushed out of existence. Very truly Your
Obt Sevt D. WALKER. Jorden STOKES Esqr. Lebanon, TN."
1860 Jan. 22, Steamer Charmer near Bayou Sara LA. Mr. Jourdan STOKES Dr Sir In Sept. last
I gave my brother Wiley DELOACH a power to settle my portion of the estate from our Grand
Father Samuel DELOACH (as per your letter to Mrs. L.R. BARBER of Woodville Miss).... /S/
J.R. DELOACH. P.S. Direct to J.R. DELOACH, Bayou Sara, West Feliciana Parish Louisiana.
1860 Jan. 24 - Letter from Henry RIEFF of Fayetteville, Ark. inquiring of Col. Jordan STOKES
about the sale of the negroes. He says that soon after his return from Ten. last fall that Mrs. Sally
SKELTON one of the INGRAM heirs died sometime about 1852....
1860 Apr. 5, Minden, LA. Letter from Nathaniel TERRY to STOKES says Mrs. Emiline
WALKER is a dau. of Jesse DELOCH....
1867 April Term - (Report and Statement) shows D.D. CLAIBORNE purchased negroes at the
sale made by John K. HOWARD, C&M....
1869 Mar. 30 - Andrew J. WINTER says he purchased a family of negroes of one Daniel D.
CLAIBORNE. Asa JACKSON and W.R. WINTER were securities.
1869 Sept. 27 - Power of Atty. from Isaac Shelby CONNER and Elizabeth his wife late Elizabeth
INGRAM, Mariah FELLOWS late Mariah INGRAM and William INGRAM to James R.
PETTIGREW of Washington Co., Ark.
1870 Feb. 10 - Fayetteville, Ark. Dear Sir, "...situated as I am I know of no one else to call on for
the information desired. Some years ago Wm. BARRINGTON bought of James INGRAM his
interest in some estate of which you have the control of, perhaps the estate of a Miss DELOACH
or Miss SMITH I do not recollect the names. James INGRAM moved to Oregan. Wm.
BARRINGTON died. INGRAM gave BARRINGTON a power of atty. to draw his part, and I
think the papers were placed in the hands of Judge WALKER, what he did with them I don't
know. Now will you advise me how to get at the matter so the money can be drawn for the
children. Col. James R. PETTEGREW has just returned from your city drew money for several of
the INGRAMS, but says he got none for the BARRINGTON Estate. Will you tell me what he did
in the premises and what course to persue so as the money can be drawn. I don't know whether
James INGRAM is still living or not, please let me hear from you at your earlyest convenience
and confer a favour on an old Tenessean born and raised in Lincoln County. BARRINGTON was
a Brother-in-law of mine. By the way Col. PETTIGREW and his wife have both had the smallpox
since they come home. He is better his wife is very low at this time will hardly get over it. Yours
Respectfully P.R. SMITH."
1870 Oct. 28 - Washington Co., Ark. E.I. STEWMAN examiner. - Deposition of Johnathan
SKELTON and A.C. MALES the former about 52 and the latter about 50 in the presence of
Green W. SHERRY and Issac Shelby COUWEN parties to this suit at the law office of REAGAN
& PETTIGREW in the town of Fayetteville Co. of Washington in the State of Ark. Johnathan
SKELTON says he lives in Washington Co. and he was acquainted with Polly SKELTON in her
life time. She died in the year of Christ Jan. 1852. Her name before she was married was Polly
INGRAM Her father was named Shadrich INGRAM. She was my wife. She died at Washington
Co., Ark. - A.C. MALES says Polly died 18 Jan. 1852. He knew her before her marriage and
he lived with them sometime after they were married.
1873 Sept. 20 - Washington Co., Ark. Depositions of William S. DEAVER and Presley R.
SMITH. DEAVER says he knew William BARRINGTON and Minerva INGRAM. SMITH says
he was clerk in Washington Co. in 1853 and before that time and am now....
N.D.: Deposition of John HOLLAND says he lived a 1/4 mile of Geo. K. ROBERTSON from
1854 up to the time he left this county and for many years before. About 1856 Judy was laid up
about 5 weeks with a bone-felon; and several weeks during the next year. - Deposition of Rev.
Levi FISHER says he lived 1 1/4 mile from ROBERTSON.... - Deposition of W.P. RUSSELL
says he lived 1/2 mile of ROBERTSON.... - Depositions of neighbors of William SPICER:
Reuben SEARCY; Cader BASS.
1876 June 15 - "We Green W. SHERRY and Delilah SHERRY his wife of Washington Co., Ark
for $1. paid by B.R. DAVIDSON have nominated B.R. DAVIDSON their atty. in fact to collect
for the estate of the grandfather of Delilah...."
1803 Feb. 26 - Indenture made between Etheldred HARGROVE of the County of Edgecombe,
N.C. of the one part and William SPICER, Jr. of the same county and state ... a tract of land 100a
more or less lying in said county and province and on the S. side of TyanCokry Swamp cornered
as followeth: by the School House branch ... John PROCTORS line ... PROCTORS Patron
line.... /S/ Etheldred HARGROVE, Unity X HARGROVE, Winnefred HARGROVE. Wits:
Perminta BRACEWELL; Moses SPIEN. Joseph J. PORTER Public Reg. of the county.... John F.
SPRIGHT chairman and presiding magistrate of the court of Pleas & Quarter Session.... William
A. JONES clerk of the court of Pleas & Quarter Sessions....
1806 Feb. - Inventory of the Estate of Samuel DELOACH, dec'd taken by Solomon DELOACH
the executor.... Buyers at the Estate Sale: Samuel DELOACH, Wm. RYALS, Wm. ALLEN, John
Shaderick INGRAM, Richard WHITTINGTON, Owen BARBER, Widow, John EASON, David
IVY, Britton HONEYCUT, George PARRISH, James MAINER, Wm. SIMS, David BELL,
David AVIRA, Etheldred BELL, Matthew JONES, John FISH, Reas COLLINS, Thos.
BRASWELL, Lovel AVY, John COATS, Elijah LASITTER, Tracy SPICER, Obediah
JOHNSON, Osbourn HUNTER, Needham BRYAN, James MAINER, Rebecca DELOACH,
Redden JOHNSON, Jacob FLOWERS, Samuel BRYAN, Polly INGRAM. Thos. D. SNEAD,
1807 Nov. 25 - Indenture between William SPICER and Tracey SPICER of Edgcombe, N.C. and
Peoples HILL and Nathaniel HILL of same ... 100a more or less.... [The same discription as
previous indenture.] Wits.: William HILL; Harras PROCTOR; Hardy X PROCTOR....
N.D.: George K. ROBERTSON was admr. of Alfred MCCLAIN, dec'd. - N.D. Jesse DELOACH
had six children, their interests: Wiley, Thomas B. and Elizabeth NETTENVILLE, J.A. LILLY
and wife Minerva, Benjamin WALKER and wife Emeline, William DELOACH.
5306 - 1859 Aug. 8 - (O.B.) Jefferson MYERS a citizen of Rutherford Co., TN Against W.M.
MAXWELL, Harriet E. MAXWELL, and Charles W.C. MAXWELL all of Wilson Co., TN.
W.M. and wife Harriet MAXWELL executed a deed to Charles W.C. for 85a in Civil District
(blank) adjoining the lands of Drury HOLT and EASTRIDGE, Adam ALSUP. The same land
conveyed to them by Elijah B. ALSOP in the year '54.
5307 - 1857 July - (O.B.) Saml. D. MORGAN, Robt. H. GARDNER, Charles J. CHENEY,
Richard C. GARDNER, W. Clair M. MORGAN, partners in trade under the name of MORGAN
& Co. citizens of Davidson Co., TN Against John J. CRITTENEN both in his individual capacity
and as admr. of Prior CRITTENDEN, dec'd., also against Geo. F. CRITTENDEN
individually and Thos. P. CRITTENDEN and Ed. C. CRITTENDEN and Geo. F.
CRITTENDEN, as securitites of Jno. J. CRITTENDEN, as admr. of said Prior dec'd., said Jno. J.
a citizen of KY, Geo F. and Ed C. citizens of TX and Thos. P. of Wilson Co., TN. Prior
CRITTENDEN died 185_ intestate.... Geo. F. is a son ... widows dower ... son, John J....
5308 - 1866 May 30 - (O.I.B.) Nathan C. MCCULLOCK, Thomas J. NORTHERN, W.J.
Rutherford Co. and John PERKINS of Wilson Co., TN. MCCULLOCK sheriff of Wilson County.
Josephus WALKER is dead no admr....
5309 - 1855 Apr. 6 - (I.B.) Gideon M. ALSUP of Wilson County and James W. MCADOO of
Cannon Co. Against David B. SMITH and Rial C. JENNINGS exors. of Shadrack SMTIH, Sr.,
dec'd. citizens of Wilson Co., TN and Shadrack C. SMITH, Jr. and E.N. SMITH citizens of
Montgomery Co. all of TN. ...W.G. ROBERTSON a Deputy Shff. of Wilson Co., TN....
Shadrack Sr., father of Shadrack C., Jr., published his last Will & Testament on 20 Jan. 1851 and
departed this life on 1 Feb. 1855. Will probated Feb. Term of 1855. Had negroes ... wife died
before testator ... Shadrack C. is entitled to 1/9 part ... E.N. SMITH is a son of Shadrack, Jr.
David B. is a brother of Jr. 1857 - Summons for David B. SMITH, Joshua L. SMITH, Robert
JENNINGS, Uriah JENNINGS, Lewis PATTERSON, and J.C. CRADDOCK to appear at the
office of B.W. SMITH, J.P. town of Statesville, Wilson Co., TN.
5310 - 1855 Dec. 29 - Bill of petition of Stephen MCDONALD and Green H. HUNTER, exors.
of Wright HUNTER, dec'd. against F.S. DILLARD and his wife Nancy W., and Mary J.
HUNTER and William L. HUNTER, James J. HUNTER, Maxey C. HUNTER and Howell A.B.
HUNTER the last four minors and their last friend J.H. HUNTER all citizens of Wilson County
except William who has removed to IL. Against Ann L. HUNTER. Wright HUNTER the father
of all the parties except Stephen MCDONALD and F.S. DILLARD died in Wilson County about
the month of Jan. 1854 testate. ...until Howel A.B. HUNTER arrives at 18 ... negro man Turner,
negro boy Pink and woman Caroline.... Nancy has married with petitioner DILLARD. Green H.
has married and intends leaving the homestead shortly.... MCDONALD is somewhat advanced in
years.... Mary does not have the mind to attend to business. Ann is the oldest ... the youngest girl
Maxey. Howell is about 10 years old.... - 3 May 1841: Isaac HUNTER and Paulding
ANDERSON of Wilson Co., TN are bound unto William R. THOMPSON and Guy PHELPS of
KY.... Isaac has filed a bill of Inj. against THOMPSON and PHELPS as Exor. of John DUNN....
1854 - SMITH & LESTER merchants at Fayeteville, TN. - 1855: Taylorsville, TN bill from
Calhoun TAYLOR & Co. per Thos. TAYLOR. - 1856: bill for weaving for the family from
Elizabeth LYON. - 1856: Hartsville, TN. Bill from J.A. & R.W. ANDREWS, merchants. -
1857,1858: Tuition paid to Wm. MOHON. - 1 May 1859: Receipt dated California of G.H.
HUNTER to Thos. H. GOLD.
1860 July 7 - William L. HUNTER sells to Edward N. HUNTER his 1/9 part of land and slaves
of his brother Howel A.B. HUNTER he having died intestate. ...100a joining Green H. HUNTER,
William TOMLINSON, W.D. SMITH. A slave boy about 8 named Solomon....
1861 Mary J. and A.L. HUNTERS board paid to E.N. HUNTER.
5311 - 1881 Dec. 5 - Petition of Wm. H. MCDONALD a citizen of KY against R.A. PRICE of
Wilson Co., TN. Petitioner represents that a judgment was rendered against R.C. THOMAS, J.H.
HOLMAN and himself in favor of W.H. BROWN.... John D. STOKES a J.P. W.M.
MCKONKLE, J.P. Berryman WARREN a debtor....
5312 - 1866 Mar. 25 - (I.B.) Lewis W. MCCARTNEY of Wilson Co., TN Against James
WADE, Armstead A. LANE, Robert A. GRIGG and Jesse A. GRIGG admr. of W.S. GRIGG,
dec'd. of Wilson Co., TN. LANE stated that the wife of Defdt. WADE, she being also the dau. of
Defdt. LANE, said that if Complt. did not take the "Confederate money" for the note she would
report him to the Rebel authorities.... Defdt. WADE was at the time of the transaction (1863) a
soldier in the Confederate Army. Complt. had always been a Union man.... W.A. GRIGG died
intestate in the county subsequent to the execution of the note....
1867 Apr. 3 - Deposition of Asa G. ROGERS, 49. He was for the South. "I refused to take
Confederate money.... The later part of Jan. 1863 I was arrested by a squad of 10 or more men
and carried to Gen. MORGAN'S Hd'Qrs at McMinnville. Gen. MORGAN told me he had me
arrested but it was BRAGG'S orders. He would release me if I agreed to take the Conf. money in
payment of all debts and would go home and tell the people they had it to take; that if they did not
and they were reported to him, he would send them hundred miles through the Federal lines after
them. Gen. BRAGG was in command of the Conf. forces in this country of that time and
continued so up to the fight at Missionary Ridge. A good many men claimed to be Union men
after the Federals got here, who were pretty smartly Rebel before. At the time I was arrested,
the Federals were in possession of Murfreesboro & Gallatin. ...I refused to take it, when Venus
HARKREADER, V.C. HARALSON, Josiah J. RUSSELL, Joseph B. MURRY (constable) and
three men who said they belonged to MCCANN'S squadron came and tried to force me to take
the money.... HARKREADER and another went to Col. HAWKINS, who was camped at Col.
SCOBEY'S on the creek, and HAWKINS wrote a note by DABB requesting me to come down.
Col. HAWKINS released me.... Lewis WRIGHT was arrested.... BRAGG had left Tullahoma
when I was arrested the last time; and the Federal troops commanded all the stations so far as I
knew, such as Murfreesboro, Carthage, McMinnville, Woodberry.... - J.B.F. GREGG of lawful
age says he was in the Army with Mr. WADE from Nov. 1862 to 20 June 1863. I belonged to the
same company and regiment. I never heard of MCCARTNEY being a friend of Jeff DAVIS or
that he voted for Separation. He was for BRECKENRIDGE against DOUGLAS in 1860...." -
Deposition of James MCCARTNEY, a son of Lewis. "Defdt. LANE'S wife is his sister. My debt
was an old debt created before the war and a portion of it was part of my interest in my mother's
estate. His brother is the defdt. ...uncle West MCCARTNEY ... Standback WILBURN... I don't
know that I ever heard my brother say that he wanted to go to Cairo, when the war first broke
out, to fight the Yankees." - W.W. GREGG, 33, says his brother Wash is dead.... - 11 Apr.
1867: Deposition of Wm. ESKEW, 52....
1867 Apr. 15 - Deposition of Thomas MCCARTNEY, 18, son of Lewis W. MCCARTNEY. He
was living at home with his father in 1863. Armstead LANE came to pay a debt. Wash GRIGG
came with him. He went to Peyton LIGON'S and told Alfred ASKEW to come up. They told him
if he did not take the confederate money, Sis would report them before night. James W. WADE'S
wife was known by the name of Sis... LANE said they had been taking men off, making them pay
a fine of $500., and putting then in prison for 6 months for refusing to take Confederate money.
His father ultimately agreed to take the money. - William S. MCCARTNEY, 22, son of Lewis W.
1867 Apr. 16 - Deposition of Mrs. Mary E. FIELDS a dau. of complt. I was living with my father
through the year 1863.... I said, "Uncle Arms keep your old stock and pay papa in good money as
he loaned to you ... my sister Josephine ... debt paid to Isaac GIBSON....
1867 Oct. 14 - Deposition of J.E. GIBSON. - Dep of Wm. B. TATUM says that at a drill at John
F. CLEMMONS' where Mr. GOLLADAY was making up his company for the Confederate
service, it was read from a newspaper that Gen. MCCULLOCK had not been killed as reported
but had gained a victory in Missouri, when Mr. MCCARTNEY intimated that he was glad that
he was alive (which was the common feeling of all present) and said he hoped he would live until
he head was as white as a cotton patch ... he (MCCARTNEY) had some Rebel sympathy.... Frank
GRIGG was a brother to Wash GRIGG. - R.S. WILBURN says before the battle at
Murfreesboro, MCCARTNEY wanted the neighbors to cook provisions and carry to the
Confederate soldiers at Chattanooga or Knoxville, and buy up turkeys and carry them to them at
cash for he understood they were suffering for something to eat. I thought he was a southern man.
I was a Rebel when I had the talk with MCCARTNEY, but was not at first. I voted Separation. I
understood TATUM, LANE, and ROGERS, to be Rebels during the war.
5313 - 1865 Sept. 24 - (O.B.) Charles T. NERR against Marion B. KITTRELL, M.P. HEARN,
William CARTER, George W. EDWARDS, B.S. GREEN and Alexander HADSFORD, Robert,
John, Rufus, Elizabeth, Sarah, Martha, Lusy GREEN children and heirs at law of John G.
GREEN, dec'd. all citizens of Wilson Co., TN. Charles T. NERR on the 5th day of July 1858 sold
to KITTRELL a tract of 311a in Civil District 11 known as the Lynwood or NERR tract....
Defdts. are in possession of some portion of the land.... Jordan E. WHITE, gdn. ad litem for
Alexander HANDSFORD and the GREEN minor heirs.
5314 - 1856 Jan. 26 - Petition for sale of land. Wm. NELSON, admr. of James ADAMS, dec'd.,
James L. ADAMS, Nicholas ADAMS, Terry STOVALL and his wife Martha, J.P. ITSON and his
wife Harriet, Louisa ADAMS and Mary PICKETT against James M., Wm. H., Sarah J., and
Martha F. ADAMS citizens of Wilson Co., TN and Nancy J., Sarah A., and Huldah A. ADAMS
citizens of MO, all of the defdts. are minor children of Edwin ADAMS, dec'd. James ADAMS
died intestate in this county in the month of March 1855. He left chattel property and two tracts
of land containing 140a in Civil District 20. James L. NICHOLS, Martha STOVALL, Harriet
ITSON, Louisa and Mary are the only living children of said intestate and the defdts. Nancy J.,
Sarah A., Huldah A., James M., William H., Sarah J., and Martha F. are the only children and
heirs at law of Edwin ADAMS, dec'd., who was a child of said intestate... petitioners and defdts.
are the only heirs at law of said intestate. By 1859 J.L. ADAMS lived in KY.
5315 - 1868 Mar. 28 - (O.B.) George NEAL of Wilson Co., TN against Wm. E. FOUST sheriff
of Wilson Co., TN, Jackson VANTREASE of Wilson Co., TN and J.J. FORD of Dekalb Co.,
TN. The defdt. JACKSON was the son in law of complainant.... Complts. dau. now dead ...
VANTREASE'S last wife and small babe ... VANTREASE is a son in law of NEAL. Case about
notes and slaves. - Deposition of J.W. SHANKS: ...about the time VANTREASE started off to
war ... VANTREASE had a family grocery right at his house. John RAWLINGS was present....
My father-in-law refused $50. per acre for an adjoining tract. He was an old settler and did not
wish to leave. His land was sold since the war. VANTREASE sobered up some 2 or 3 weeks
after he married his last wife. He was in the army 6 or 8 months and a good part of that time he
was at home. It was in 1863 that he went into the army.... - Deposition of VANTREASE says he
entered the army the year that ALLISON left TN with his cavelry, the same year tht the battle was
fought at Chickamauga. He first married NEAL'S dau. by whom he has one living son. He got to
Lebanon between 10 and 11:00. He lives 16 miles away and left at daylight. His 1st wife has been
dead 3 years next January. - Deposition of J.M. FLOYD, about 39 ... Hon. J.W. PHILLIPS,
5316 - 1854 Oct. 25 - (O.B.) Sarah NEAL, William LAWRENCE and his wife Elizabeth, Ashley
NEAL, George NEAL, Jonathan NEAL, Isaac SMITH and his wife Sally, Isaac NEAL a minor
by his gdn. George NEAL all of Wilson Co., TN, William WRIGHT and his wife Polly, Daniel
SMITH and his wife Amy and James ALLEN and his wife Nancy of Dekalb Co., TN against
Sarah WHALEY a minor of MO. Pallas NEAL departed this life in Wilson Co., TN in March
1851 testate. George NEAL and Isaac SMITH two of the exors. Pallas NEAL devised the whole
of his estate both real and personal (except a devise of land to your orator Jonathan) to his wife
oratrix Sarah during her life and at her death to be sold ... divided between all of his children. She
is now quite old being between 75 and 80 years old. She is quite feeble and has nearly lost her
eyesight ... about 242a of land on which there is a large plantation ... nine negroes: Polly, about
52; Dave, about 43; Ann, about 18; Margaret about, 16; Jane, about 13; Nance, about 11; Matt,
about 8; Harriet, about 5; and Dee, about 2 years old. She is too old to care for the property.
Elizabeth LAWRENCE, Polly WRIGHT, Ashley NEAL, George NEAL, Jonathan NEAL, Amy
SMITH, Sally SMITH, Nancy ALLEN are all the living children of said Pallus NEAL Isaac
NEAL is the son of Isaac NEAL a son of Pallas, and Sarah WHALEY is the dau. of Margaret
who was the dau. of Isaac son of Pallas. Sarah is a minor.... A clause in the will states, "I also will
to my three grandchildren namely, William, Margaret Jane and Isaac NEAL $450...." William and
Margaret named in will are dead. William died without issue. Margaret died leaving the defdt.
Sarah WHALEY her only child. Polly WRIGHT at the time of her father's will was the wife of
Joseph B. LAWRENCE who died previous to the death of her father. After the death of Joseph
B. she married her present husband William WRIGHT.... - John K. HOWARD gdn. ad litem for
1854 Nov. 17 - Buyers at sale of personal property of the estate of Pallas NEAL, dec'd: James
Joab BAILIFF, William WRIGHT, William ROULSTONE, Joseph TIPPETT, Wm. J.
YERGAN, G.A. TUCK, Jonathan NEAL, James ALLEN, Henry BASS, Warren BASS, Matison
NEAL, John BASS, Marvel OWEN, John WALDEN, Richard MARLOW, J.T. REECE, J.D.
TRAMEL, Ashley NEAL, Pallas SMITH, R.G. ANDREWS, Henry FITE, James TALLY, John
CRIPS, Norman WELCH, C.C. SMITH, Joseph PHILIPS, John JONES, J.J. FORD, Benjamin
ALLEN.... - H.C. BURKS and Wm. VANTREASE say they know the land....
1865 Oct. 24 - Extrs. paid distributees Jonathan NEAL, Ashley NEAL, George NEAL, Mary
E. ANDERSON, Daniel SMITH and Isaac SMITH. - N.D.: A list of articles sold at the sale of
Sarah NEAL, dec'd.
5317 - 1860 June 29 - (A.I.B.) Thomas Y. NORTHERN a citizen of Davidson Co., TN against
Samuel HUGHLEY, Joseph RUTLAND, Wm. C. RUTLAND, and John LOGUE and Vincent A.
MURRAY citizens of Wilson Co., TN and James B. RUTLAND of Davidson Co. Re a
judgement. ...a negro man named Spencer ... money loaned to Wade BAKER....
5318 - 1866 Mar. 10 - (O.B.) William OAKLY a citizen of Wilson Co., TN against Ptolemy
MCMILLEN, Thomas KNIGHT, Henry HILL and David CHAMBERS all of Wilson Co., TN.
Orator purchased land in Civil District 15 from defdt. KNIGHT in Wilson Co., TN bounded by
David MOONY, George JENNINGS, James KING.... - Answer of David CHAMBLISS ... 18
June 1857 indenture between Thomas H. KNIGHT and William OAKLEY $2490. land in Wilson
Co., TN Civil District 15 on the waters of Smith's Fork, 166a bounded by T.H. KNIGHT, James
T. JEWELL ... Charles SIMPSON ... James KING ... A.T. STROUD ... Green B. ADAMS ...
Wits: John W. MOORE; T.G. WILSON.... - Deposition of Mr. P. MCMILLAN, aged 40. 1866 -
Summons: Carrol PORTERFIELD, Chas. MCMILLAN, Henry SHORES, and Thomas
5318-2 - 1869 - The State of TN VS Hiram CURTISS for horse stealing. Wilson Co., TN
summons for J.H. DAVID and James M. SMITH. Benton Co., TN summons for O.E. HOWLEY
and A.M. LASHLEY. Davidson Co. summons for Nathan KIMBRO, col'd. Dekalb Co. summons
for John CURTISS, Jr. and Lilly CURTISS.
5319 - 1859 Nov. 3 - (I.A.B.) James C. OWEN of Wilson Co., TN against Jarratt TUCKER of
Wilson Co., TN. Case about his being a bondsman with Benjamin J. TARVER. Jarratt has a store
house on the Trousdale Ferry Pike.
5320 - 1867 May 4 - (I.B.) C.S. OWEN of Wilson Co., TN against M.V. WILSON, M.
WILSON, Thomas PHILLIPS citizens of Wilson Co., TN and L.B. FITE, T.D. FITE, F.M.
SHEPHARD and Thos. PRICE partners trading and doing business under the name of FITE,
SHEPHARD & Co. of Nashville, TN. Complt. shows that in the year 1860 he purchased of B.F.
ODOM a mule and gave a promisory note.... S.C. HAMILTON a constable....
5321 - 1865 Aug. 26 - (I.A.B.) C.H. OLDHAM, G.W. COWAN, M. COWAN surviving partners
of the firm of OLDHAM COWAN & Co. (W.B. OLDHAM who is now dead) citizens of Wilson
Co., TN against J.A. ANTHONY of Wilson Co., TN and Danl. J. ANTHONY of Sumner Co. and
John B. SCOBY of Wilson Co., TN. Orators show that in Jan. 1858 they made sale of a mill and
real estate near the Silver Springs in Civil District 2 of Wilson Co., TN ... 8a and a few poles....
Noble D. ELLIS the surviving partner of the firm of ELLIS & MOORE. - 1869: Summons for
5322 - 1859 May 21 - (O.B.) Asa ONEAL and George W. CARROL VS James A.
BLANKENSHIP and Thos. PHILLIPS. Complts. show that on the 15 of Sept. 1856 they
obtained their grant from the State of TN for 11a 141p in Wilson Co., TN....1859 - Deposition of
John MCCABE age 50 lives Cannon Co. 1859 Nov. 25 - Deposition of A.A. OWEN, aged 53,
says John BOND was to be the surveyor and John PHILLIPS and Ed GILLIAM Chain
carriers.... John STEWART and McCabe STEWART would not sign.... H.L. HENDERSON
brought the first one back and said that ARBUCKLE said it was not right.... John PHILLIPS is a
brother of Defdt. PHILLIPS and H.L. HENDERSON is the son of Preston HENDERSON and
brother-in-law to both defdts. R.P. DONNELL, J.P.
1860 - Summons for R.P. DONNELL and Washington JACKSON. Rev. John BONDS and Chas.
1868 - Summons for Edmund GILLIAM and Jas. THOMPSON.
1869 April Term - Deposition of John BOND, Deputy Serveyor for this County for a number of
years conmencing in 1820 & 1821. I ran out for Preston HENDERSON a 50a tract before he
obtained a grant for it.... I chopped in the Cedars and compared the age of the chops with the date
of the survey and found they agreed in age. - Deposition of James B. THOMPSON, aged 62,
says he was present at ARBUCKLE Cross Road ... "my son is James Newton.... My shop is
daddy TEAGUES old shop. This was in '46." - Deposition of Edmond GILLAM says he has been
acquainted with the land since 1815 before any of the land was entered. Parson BOND said he
could not run it out without the papers.... "I was present when Col. Sam ANDERSON run out
the same grant. I was also present when Wm. EATHERLY, the County surveyor run out the
O'NEAL and CARROLL grant...."
5323 - 1865 Sept. 5 - (O.B.) Chas. F. PUCKET, admr. of Armstead A. PUCKET dec'd., citizen
of Wilson Co., TN against Ash WILLIAMS, admr. of T.J. ADAMS, dec'd., Jane M. ADAMS, the
widow, and the following minors his children: Thomas W. aged about 12, William A. about 10,
John C. about 8, Charles W. about 6, and Fanny ADAMS about 4 years all Wilson Co., TN. [One
paper has ROBINSON after Fanny's name.] Orator shows that on 1 Apr. 1861, his intestate, A.A.
PUCKET sold to T.J. ADAMS a farm in Civil District (blank), (blank) acres ... bounded by Jo
TALLY ... Mat GUNN'S corner ... E.C. CRADDICK, dec'd. corner ... W.A. GRIMMET line ...
Jas. DILLARD line.... T.J. ADAMS died in this county several years ago leaving the defdt.
Jane M. his widow and the defdts. Thos. W., William A., John C., Charles C. and Fanny ADAMS
his only children... A.A. PUCKET died intestate several years ago. Alex. W. VICK gdn. ad litem.
1866 Gibson Co., TN - Eudora A. PUCKETT was appointed gdn. of Joseph W. PUCKETT
minor child of A.A. PUCKETT with A.L. LETT and S.J. LETT securities.
1871 Feb. 20 - P.B. EDMONDS is a J.P. of Gibson County, TN.
1872 July 14 - Letter from Trenton, TN to H.Y. RIDDLE C&M from J. WILLIAMS, Shff. You
will find the Sifas against J.W.C. DAVIDSON and the minor heirs of Eudora A. DAVIDSON
formerly E.A. PUCKET. She left 3 minor children Joseph W. PUCKET, W.C. and J.S.
5324 - 1866 Aug. 16 - (O.B.) Saml. H. PORTERFIELD a citizen of Waxahachie, TX against
Eliza WOMACK widow of Thos. S. WOMACK, dec'd., Amanda Melvina WOMACK, a minor
dau. of Thos. S. WOMACK, dec'd., Jno. MOSIER and his wife Mary Jane, formerly Mary Jane
WOMACK also a dau. of Thos. S. WOMACK, dec'd. and Julia Ann DONNELL and Robert
COLEMAN, admr. of Thos. S. WOMACK, dec'd. all of Wilson Co., TN. Orator says that about
Nov. 1859 he sold to Thos. S. WOMACK now dec'd. a tract of land in Civil District 18 ... 109a
127p.... That in 1861 or 2 WOMACK died intestate leaving Eliza his widow and defdt. Amanda
Melvina a minor and defdt. Mary Jane MOSIER his only heirs ... sometime in the early part of the
war and sometime before the 18th Dec. 1862, the said Wm. E. DONNELL left his home to join
one of the contending armies in the field ... left the notes with Julia Ann DONNELL who was
then his wife.... Robert COLEMAN admr. of WOMACK....
1866 Oct. 5 - The answer of Eliza and children. Melvina is 19 years old. Thomas S. WOMACK
died in this county on the 3rd August 1861. Julia Ann DONNELL is the dau. of Samuel H.
PORTERFIELD. - Deposition of Julia Ann DONNELL ... Robert COLEMAN is brother of Eliza
5325 - 1854 June 16 - (O.B.) Charles R. PUCKETT VS Richard ADKINS and others. Orator
shows that on 22 Oct. 1849 he was the owner of about 50a of land in Wilson County in Civil
District 23. He sold land to Richard ADKINS .... in 1852 A. HOWELL sold land to John
ANDREWS of Montgomery Co.... A. HOWELL in Rutherford Co....
5326 - 1860 Mar. 22 - (O.B.) Thomas C. PEACE of Wilson County against Benjamin CLIFTON
of Wilson County and George W. BROWN and his wife Margaret both citizens of Davidson Co.
Orator in 1858 sold CLIFTON land in Civil District 4 of Wilson County....
5327 - 1861 Sept. 30 - (A.B.) Benjamin D. POWELL and M.P. HEARN against Samuel T.
SEAGRAVES and Henry D. LESTER all of Wilson Co., TN. In 1859 SEAGRAVES bought of
defdt. LESTER a small tract lying near the turnpike road leading from Lebanon to Cumberland
1860 May 23 - Samuel T. SEGRAVES sold to J.Y. BLYTHE the remainder of his Brick Kiln in
town of Lebanon, the balance here of four negroes: Jacob, Fillis, General, Virgil one negro boy
named Ben ... all of my brick yard ... for debts.... 1866 - Summons for Sallie, Samuel, Andrew
and Kelly SEAGRAVES minor children of Sam. T. SEAGRAVES, dec'd.
1867 Feb. 12 - Samuel is 17 or 18, Andrew is 13 or 14, and Kelly 9 or 10...
5328 - 1865 Aug. 18 - (A.I.B.) R.W. PATTON of Wilson County against Thos. A YOUNG of
Wilson County and R.B. MOSS of Sumner Co. Orator shows that in 1859 MOSS sold YOUNG a
tract in Civil District 5 40a ... bound by Mrs. PATTON, James MOSS, Mrs. SCRUGGS....
1866 Oct. 4 - Answer of Robert W. PATTON to the bill filed by Henry M. LAWSON and
Mourning C. LAWSON against him and Robert MOSS and Thomas A. YOUNG &C. Says he
knows nothing of Isham DAVIS. Mourning C. married Henry M. Her children are: William J.
MOSS, Isham T. Robert Barksdale MOSS, and Elizabeth Charlotte MOSS.
1867 Aug. - Deposition of Wm. PATTON brother of R.W. PATTON. - Deposition of W.J.
MOSS, aged 37, brother of R.B. MOSS ... "I think YOUNG was in the Confederate Army at
time of the sale. R.B. MOSS came back from the Conf. Army much damaged.... I sold my interest
before my mother went to KY. I was born in 1830 and there was two children between Bob and
myself. Bob was born about 1837 is my guess...."
5329 - 1849 June 4 - (O.B.) Robert M. POTTS exor. of Alston CORLEY, Thomas P.
BROWNING, admr. of Ennis DOUGLASS, dec'd. against Mariah DOUGLASS widow of Ennis,
John DOUGLASS, Thomas DOUGLASS, James DOUGLASS and Austen, Ila, Elizabeth and
Cela DOUGLASS all children and heirs of Ennis, the 4 last being minors. Your orators show that
Austen CORLEY died in 1841 leaving a will in which he directed his land to be sold by his exor.,
POTTS, which was done to the highest bidder, Ennis. Ennis was son-in-law by his first marriage
to the testator and never paid any part ... but being entitled to one share of the estate as his
son-in-law.... John HARRIS security.... The sale was made 22 Oct. 1841. Ennis died in March
1848 BROWNING was apt'd. admr. The second wife of Ennis was married to him but a few
months before his death.... - Ewing was gdn. of his own children.
1819 July 1 - Original Indenture between Gideon HARRIS of Wilson Co., TN and Austen
CORLEY of Wilson Co., TN, $500....
1835 Mar. Term - Ennis DOUGLASS gdn. for his children legatees of E.B. CORLEY, dec'd.
1844 May 31 - Memo of settlement with R.M. POTTS exor. of Austen CORLEY, dec'd. To be
paid to 2 heirs of Sally COSBEY $20., to 2 heirs of Frances CHURCHMAN $20., to 1 heir of
John COSBEY $50., to 4 heirs of his dau. Louisa $400, to 3 heirs of dau. Elizabeth $300., to 2
heirs of dau. Jane ADAMS $200., to his wife $800. J.S. MCCLAIN, Clerk. Attest:
Robert W. ANDREWS.
1847 Apr. 27 - Ennis DOUGLASS bill of debt to R. AVERITT of Hartsville.
1848 - Dr to Jacob TOWSON for a cherry coffin for self ... $10.00.
1850 Feb. 22 - E.P. LOW highest bidder.
1851 Dec. 11 - Mary E. DOUGLASS of Calloway Co., KY appoints John W. DOUGLASS her
attorney in fact to recover for her from Paulding ANDERSON from legacy bequeathed to her by
Edwin CONLEY, dec'd. of Wilson Co., TN.
1852 - Claims against the estate: Ed DUNCAN, DYER & PRESLEY, T.W. PAGE, T. OWEN,
DOUGLASS, Ed HARRISON, R. AVERITT. - 1852 - Notice of John W. DOUGLASS, Thomas
B. DOUGLASS and Mary E. DOUGLASS by her atty. in fact John W. DOUGLASS,
children of Ennis DOUGLASS.
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