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Act to Establish Union County

An ACT to establish the county of Union.-Passed. Jan 3.

Section 1. Be it enacted, etc., That a new county be and the same time established, to be composed of fractions taken from the counties of Grainger, Claiborne, Campbell, Anderson and Knox, and to be known and designated by the name of Union County.

Sec. 2. That the county of Union shall be bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a sweet gum, in the Knox County line., at the end of Clinch Mountain, and four chains south of the Nanse ferry road; thence running north thirty-eight, east one mile and thirty-four poles, to the top of a chain of Clinch Mountain; thence north, twenty-five east, one mile and forty-two poles, to the top of a spur of said mountain; thence north six west, three-quarters of a mile, crossing the main range of Clinch Mountain; thence north forty-five east, along the side of mountain one mile, to a white oak on the top of a spur, leading down the mountain opposite Wm. Donehue’s; thence north, crossing Flat Creek two miles and twenty poles, to a beech on the bank of Dyer’s Branch; thence north ten west, two hundred and twenty poles, to the top of Copper Ridge; thence north one mile and three-quarters to the top of the Log Mountains; thence north twenty-five, east one hundred and ninety-two poles, to a sugar tree near John Bullard’s; thence north eighty, east one hundred poles to a stake, near John Wolfinbarger’s house; thence north eighteen, east five miles and eight poles, to Clinch River, three-quarters of a mile above Cappe ford; thence down the south bank of said river, as it meanders, five miles and a quarter, to a large double sycamore, below Dodson’s Island; thence north twenty-five, west, crossing Clinch River, one hundred and eighty two poles, to a white oak four poles north of the Big Valley road; thence north thirty-five, west five miles and a quarter, to Powel’s River at a Spanish Oak, forty poles below the mouth of Camp Creek; thence down the south bank of Powel’s River, as it meanders twenty-nine miles and a quarter, to a walnut at Thomas ford; thence south ten east, four miles and a quarter to Clinch River, eight poles above a large spring; thence crossing said river the same course, twenty poles to a beech on the south bank of side river; thence down said river, as it meanders, two miles, to the line of Henderson & Co.’s survey, about two miles above the mouth of Powel’s River; thence with line of Henderson & Co., south forty-five, east a half mile, to a white oak on said line; thence south, thirty-eight east, four miles and one hundred and ten poles, to Bryam’s Fork, on Hynes Creek four poles above a large white oak; thence south fifty west, one hundred and forty poles, to a stake in Charles Mitchell’s field; thence south twenty-eight east, two miles and one-half, to the Knox County line, on top of Chestnut or Hynd’s Ridge; thence along the top of said ridge, with the Knox County line, two hundred and thirty poles, to a road crossing from Martin Gentry’s to Knoxville; thence south thirty-five east, two miles, crossing Raccoon Valley road and Bull Run Creek, to a stake near Morrill Hill’s house; thence south seventy-five east, four miles and twenty poles, to a white oak, east of Gordon Mynatt’s; thence north seventy-eight east, two miles and fourteen poles, to an ash in J. Gibb’s field; thence south eighty-one east, four miles and three hundred and ten poles, to the top of House Mountain; thence with the extreme height of said mountain to the east end of the same; thence north fifteen east, four miles and twenty poles, to the Knox county line at Nelson Mynatt’s; thence with said line to the beginning.

Source: Whitney, Henry D. Land Law of Tennessee, p.p. 803-804. W. H. Anderson & Co. Law Book Publishers, Cincinnati Ohio, 1893. From microfilm of original book, Tennessee State Library and Archives (TSLA), Nashville TN.