“. . . he could Penetentary all of them . . .”
~ 1842 ~

Adair County Missouri Letters
Copyright © 2003, Frederick Smoot. All Rights Reserved.

Manuscript postmark too faded to read.
            Levi Trewhitt

Adair Mesoura
May 8nd 1842
        Dear Brother I am Blest with the oppertunity of Riting you a few lines to let you now that we are all well and has bin Ever Since I Rote to you before hoping these lines may find you all well the Reason I have not Rote sooner is because I had no paper I Received your letters dated october & march the one dated march the other day and was glad to here from you and I want you to Rite whither I do or not for I have not the chance to Rite when I please as you have or I should have Rote before now. I want you to Rite Every three months at the furthest Whither I do or not. I have nothing Strange to Rite. We had a Vary open warm winter & forward Spring and Vary Dry I planted a Bout twenty five acres in corn and got don by the 15 of april -- weighden Haglar son William is here and I want you to Rite what of a Caracter he is under as he Resorts my house he come hear with Garett Hall and he says he is well acquainted with you and your Boys. old Issac Gilstrap lives a bout two miles of me and is a peace of the Justice and patterns after Lavender, has as many fites as he can git, he has the hole Atkins crew a round him. Steve lope William the other day and whipt him and they have commence the old morgan tricks and it is a distroying Issac Estimation among the People they was old respectable men there the other day at the trial and they say that they never saw such a set before as he and atkins is -- old man Blake to come to this country he could take the confession of Issac - he could Penetentary all of them. I want you to Rite what James & Fenton are doing & a liveing -- the last letter I got from them they talk of moving to Georgia I would be glad to heare from them all and Rite with out fail if you Please -- money is scarce hear but Property will pay debts - they is no market for Produce only by new comers corn is worth $1.50 cents a Barrel, Bacon 6¼ cent lbs, I Recon William will have a Bout four thousand weight of Pork to sell this fall if no acident hapens to his hogs but they is no market -- I will Rite more in my next & I am your Effectionate Brother till Death
/s/ Jesse Trewhitt

Levi Trewitt

From the Collection of Fred Smoot
Provenance: America West Archives, 2003.

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