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Settlers The Intruders
George Washington to Henry Knox, August 13, 1790

August 1790.

The Honorable Henry Knox
Secretary of War.

The Session of Congress having closed, and it being my intention to go to Virginia as soon as the public business will permit; and wishing, during my absence from the Seat of Government, to have my mind as free from public cares as circumstances will allow; I am desirous of having such matters as may, by Law or otherwise, require the agency or sanction of the President of the United States, brought to view before my departure. I therefore request that you will cause such business, within your department, as may be necessary to receive the aid or approbation of the President, submitted to me as soon as its nature will permit, -- particularly --

Regulations for trade and intercourse with the Indian Tribes, agreeably to the Act.
And information and opinions on the following points--
Whether any other, and what steps shall be taken with them to restrain their Hositilities--
Whether the orders given, and measures adopted, are adequate to the Peace of the Western Frontiers?-- If not, what further is to be done for this purpose?--
Upon the expediency and policy of a proclamation forbidding encroachments upon the Territory of the Indians or treating with them contrary to the Law lately passed--
Instructions for the Governor of the Ceded Territory So. of the Ohio. Where ought the Governor to reside?--
What notice should be taken of the Insult offered to Major Doughty?--1
What steps should be taken with respect to his recommendation of a Post at the mouth of the Tennessee?--
Other measures than those pursued by the present contractors for suppling the Western Posts ought to be adopted, that the Troops in that Country may be more efficiently employed in sudden emergencies anti the Posts better secured.
Have any orders been given concerning the condemned Soldiers?--
I am &c.
(Signed) GWashington
United States
August 13--1790
1. Maj. John Doughty while on a mission to the Chickasaw and Choctaw Nations was fired upon by a party of Cherokee, Shawnee, and Creek Indians. Five of his part were killed and six were wounded.

Source : Library of Congress, American Memory, The George Washington Papers.

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