Photos Graciously Submitted by
Dot Taylor-Sandy
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Milt and Mary Hawks Woodard Family - 1937
Left to right:
Ethel Woodard, Lovie Woodard, Fannie Woodard, Milt Woodard, Mary Ellen Woodard
in front of Milt, Mary Woodard, Ruby Woodard, Joy Woodard, Betty Woodard, behind
Milt Woodard Jr (Peck), and Willard Woodard.
Ethel Woodard m. Ted Russell, Lovie m. Thomas Sanders, Fannie m.Dave Crusenberry,
Mary Ellen m. Alfred Taylor (my parents), Ruby m. Jess Robinson, Joy m. Frank Smith,
Betty m. Charles Brewer divorced and then m. Harry Hester. Milt Jr. m. Robbie ?
and Willard m. Dovie? who died in child birth also in the Woodard graveyard and
then m. Mildred? from NC.
Ellen Hughes Woodard and Sons
Front Ellen Hughes Woodard her son Will Woodard and behind her
left to right sons: Louis Woodard, Milt Woodard and Felix Woodard.
Ellen Hughes Woodard daughter of Sam and Susan Highers Hughes, first married
a Pope and then married Felix Woodard, Felix was shot and killed coming home
from church when Milt was 10. Ellen also had a son (Sam Pope) by a previous
marriage but he is grown at that point and is not in the picture.