Tobias Williams Pension File

These Documents Submitted by Peggy Martin Blue
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State of Tennessee
Smith County

I Daniel Smith one of the
acting Justices of he Peace
in and for the county aforesaid hereby certify that
the small slip of paper hereto annexed and bearing the
date of the birth of William Williams was taken
from the family bible in the possession of Mrs.
Jemmima Williams before mentioned in my
presence at the time she made the foregoing
Declaration and that she stated him to be her
first born child.

In testimony whereof I have here
unto set my hand and affixed my
Seal this 1st day of October

Daniel Smith (SEAL)
Justice of the Peace

State of Tennessee
Smith County

I John J Burnett
Clerk of the County Court
of said Smith County hereby certify that Daniel
Smith whose name appears to the foregoing Declara-
tion and certificate is and was at the time the same
bears date an acting Justice of the Peace in and
for the county aforesaid duly commissioned and
qualified as the law directs and that full faith
is due and of right ought to be given to his
official acts as such. In testimony where
of I have hereunto set my hand
and affixed my seal of said
court at office in Carthage this
2'd day of October 1838.

John J. Burnett Clerk

Transcribed By Peggy Martin Blue

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