This Photo Graciously Submitted by Tom Dickerson.
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Pictured in about 1892 is the Elisha and Elizabeth Sloan family. They lived on the Sloan Branch
immediately east of the Sloan Cemetery in downtown Pleasant Shade. Their home was located on
the site of the present white house shown in the Sloan Cemetery picture on this website.
Elisha, born May 8, 1836 and died Jun 27, 1909 was the son of Jason and Patsy Brockett Sloan.
He was first married to Mary Goad, daughter of Reuben Goad, Jr. and Betsy Ellis Goad. From
this marriage, Elisha became the father of two daughters: Monola and Mary V. Sloan. Monola
died at nine months. After the death of his wife Mary, Elisha went off to the Civil War
asking Elizabeth, her sister, to take care of his daughter. She did and after his return,
they were married and became the parents of ten children, with eight living to be adults.
Elizabeth was born Jul 28, 1842 and died June 23, 1908.
Front, l-r: William Jason (Billie)Sloan, born Mar 31, 1866 and died Jul 5, 1941, Elisha
Sloan, Charlie Campbell Sloan, born Mar 10, 1884 and died Jan 28, 1960, Elizabeth Sloan,
Edith A. Sloan, born Sep 16, 1881 and died Dec 18, 1977 and Mary V. Sloan (Aunt Tee,
Mary's daughter), born Feb 16, 1859 and died Jan 21, 1948.
Back, l-r: Sally T. Sloan, born May 24, 1876 and died Apr 3, 1944, Archie Fredrick Sloan,
born Dec 28, 1878 and died Jul 22, 1965, Martha Annie Sloan, born Oct 8, 1867 and died
Feb 17, 1915, Elisha E. (Mann) Sloan, born Dec 1, 1873 and died Jan 5, 1933 and Elizabeth
(Bettie, Aunt Darling) Sloan, born Sep 24, 1869 and died Nov 19, 1940.
Billie married Margaret E. (Maggie, Mag) Gregory Sep 30, 1888. She was the daughter of
Will Gregory and great granddaughter of William "Squire Bill" Gregory, one of the first
Gregorys to migrate from N. C. to Smith County. He settled in the Nixon Hollow just south
of the Graveltown community. Billie was known for being quite an entrepreneur and was a
successful farmer and businessman. He owned one-third interest in the Sloan Brothers Store
at Pleasant Shade as well as other businesses. At one time, he bought a tobacco warehouse,
representing a sizable investment and Mag worried that he might lose everything. So she
purchased, in her name, a small house near the head of the Sloan Branch, stating that she
would live there when Billie went broke.
Billie once told his young daughter, Opal (later Mrs. Jimmy Green and mother of Vondell
Green Lancaster and the late Hugh E. Green, longtime Carthage doctor), that if she needed
or wanted anything from the Sloan Brothers Store that she could get it since he was part
owner of the store. So Opal picked out a lovely silk umbrella and went home with it open.
As she tried to enter the door, it hung on the doorway and was torn apart. Upon hearing
about this, Billie said, "I'spect you'd better let your mamma help you pick out something
from the store next time.
Billie and Mag lost two young children and at the death of the first one, they didn't know
where to bury it. As they puzzled over what to do, Elisha said, "I'm going to be buried out
here in my yard, so you may bury the baby out there where I will be. So the baby, Irma M.
Sloan, was buried there in 1892 and later their other child, Earnest E. Sloan, was buried
there in 1899. This was the beginning of the Sloan Cemetery.
Charlie, at about sixty years of age, married Joella Price, daughter of Benton and Willie
Price. Charlie and Joella lived in the white house shown in the Sloan Cemetery picture.
Edith was married to Pleasant Shade's resident doctor, John Johnson (J. J.) Beasley and
their picture may be seen on this website.
Mary V. "Aunt Tee" was never married. Charlie took care of her in her old age.
Sally was married to James Ballard Apr 18, 1896.
He was the son of Allen and Nancy Hesson Ballard.
Archie married Thellie Beasley Sloan on Feb 12, 1899. She was the daughter of Henry and
Alice Taylor Beasley. Her picture may be seen on this website with the Henry Beasley family.
Annie married Clayton Hesson, Jr. Oct 14, 1894. Annie died unexpectedly, from a heart attack,
while at a quilting bee. Clayton was the druggist at Sloan Brothers Store. Dr. Beasley
probably taught him enough about drugs so that he could dispense them.
Elisha E.(Mann)Sloan
Elisha E. (Mann) was married to Bettie Smith Sloan, daughter of local Baptist minister,
Luther Smith and Mary Grinad Smith. They were married Nov 17, 1885. Mann was unnamed
as a baby and small boy. This may have not been unusual for the 1870s. After Mann was
old enough to name himself, he chose his father's name, Elisha, but no one knows what
the "E" stood for or how he acquired the nickname, "Mann". Mann was one of the co-owners
and operator of Sloan Brothers Store and he is pictured on this website inside the store.
Go To Pleasant Shade - Old Sloan Bros. Store Picture
Bettie, "Aunt Darling" married Campbell Grissom Nov 4, 1888.
An unnamed child was also the case with Archie's youngest son, Dwight. He was referred to
as "that baby" until he was three at which time he was named, Dwight Lyman.
Elisha and Elizabeth's obituaries were published in the Carthage Courier and
can be viewed on the obituary page on this website.
Note: The date of their wedding is in error as it was April 19, 1865 rather than
April 13, 1856. In Elisha's obituary, reference is made to one son who has not
"Fully stepped over to the Lord's side". This son was Archie, who later claimed
to have made his peace with God. A picture of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church
where Elisha and Elizabeth were members may be seen on this website.
Go To Sanderson Cumberland Presbyterian Church Pictures