T. T. (Tom) and Mary S. Mitchell Shepherd
T. T. (Tom) SHEPHERD ( born: 22 Oct 1844 and died: 15 May 1928 and wife:
Mary S. Mitchell (born 05 Nov 1852 and died: 01 Mar 1920)
Tom Shepherd is the son of James and Lucinda (Hutchison) Shepherd
and the grandson of Thomas And Betty (Jones) Hutchison.
Betty was the dau of SAM JONES a Revoltionary Wars Soldier.
MARY S. MITCHELL is the daughter of HENRY (born abt. 1830) and
KATE (GREGORY) MITCHELL (born abt. 1832)
Tom Shepherd has one sister that I am aware of :
Mary Elizabeth Shepherd born abt. 1843
Tom and Mary S. Shepherd had 12 children but I only know 3 names at this time:
Jonas Shepherd, John Shepherd and Rosetta Frances Shepherd (my direct).
Rosetta Frances Shepherd born 07 Oct 1875 and died 04 Aug 1942 who married Alexander
Roscoe Brooks born 26 Apr 1877 and died 05 May 1967 . Their dau: Della Eunice Brooks
born 24 Jan 1901 and died 06 Oct 1999 married Willie Ester 'Billie' Lankford born
11 Jun 1896 and died 17 Aug 1983 and their son: Larry Kenneth Lankford Sr.
born: 25 Jan 1928 and died: 24 Feb 2003 is my father.
Would love to know remaining children’s names.
Please contact me at email at top of page !!