Thomas Mitchell Perry
Thomas Mitchell Perry was born June 11, 1845 in Smith county, Tennesse.
His father was Winston Perry b. June 11, 1811, and his mother was Sarah
(Sallie, Saley ?) Key b. May 10, 1823, according to my aunt's geneological
records. A Will for Logan Davis Key mentions Saley Perry. We had known in
an informal way for many years that their were Key relations on the Winston
Perry line, that is, I would here my older generation members talk about the
Keys. The Winston Perry family moved to Cooke county, Texas, on what date I
am not sure. They had five children, one of which was John Lawrence Perry,
my grandfather. Thomas Mitchell Perry married several times, one wife was
Kizziah McLerran, born in Kentucky ?. Another was Mary B. Thompson. At some
point, it seems that Thomas Mitchell Perry moved to Searcy county, Arkansas,
before eventually moving to Cooke county, Texas.