This Photo Graciously Submitted by Tom Dickerson.
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Pictured are Hugh and Myrtle Sanderson Hackett in about 1909. Hugh was born Sep 2, 1878 and
died Apr 8, 1959. He was the son of Levi and Elizabeth (Lizzie) Kemp Hackett.
Myrtle was the daughter of Joe and Ellen Sanderson.
Hugh and Myrtle were married Sep 19, 1909. They had seven children and six lived to be adults.
Unlike most young people in Myrtle's time, she was well educated having attended Tennessee
Polytechnic Institute at Cookeville where she received a teaching certificate. She did not, however,
teach after receiving her certification. Instead, she operated a millinery shop in Pleasant Shade
in the 1920's where she designed, made and sold women's hats, headdresses etc.
In the hollow behind the house is a slave and/or Indian cemetery.
Only fieldstones with no inscriptions mark the graves.