Bry Gregory Documents For Pension

These Documents Submitted by Terri Dillehay
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Court Record For Bry continued

making a three month tour, that he volunteer
both times in Chatham County, North Carolina
being a resident of said county and state.

(The Next 2 lines where not transcibed struck through as in error
See actual document above)

Afterwards in the year 1782 he volunteer in Chatham
County, North Carolina under Capt. Alex Clardy,
marched to Caine Creek and then had a Battle
under General Butler and (Literal) then he then
pursued the enemy to (Ross)Swamp then returned
back to (Cross) Creek and there remained until
discharged, serving three months more. The war
closed about that time, making in all nine
months service. He has no written discharge nor
(?) any for the two last services, nor has he
any other documentary evidence of which he
can prove his service nor does now know
of any person by whom he can prove the
same, except William Gregory. He hereby
relinquishes any claims whatever to a pension

Transcriber Note:
Any words in (..)'s are unknown or unsure
Transcribed by Colleen Taylor & Netta Mullin

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