Photo Graciously Submitted by Bill Amonette
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Church of Christ - Riddleton
In the 1880's the village of Riddleton was experiencing a boom. Town lots were being sold and
residents were constructing modern homes. There were three stores, a blacksmith, a school house,
a steam sawmill and church houses were being erected. A group of citizens obtained a town lot
for the purpose of building a Church of Christ from the widow M. L. Bradley. The building was
located across the pike from the school house and Cages Bend road. Congregations of any
persuasion were free to use the building when not occupied by the Church of Christ.

Also the transcribed deed for this church is online on this website:

Go To Riddleton Church Deed - 1887

The building was used, although infrequently for some periods, until the 1930's when the
property was sold and the building torn down. The above picture was probably made in the
1890's. Part of the original journal has been in my possession a long time.

Photo of the church from the Fergusson Files at the TSLA.

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