These Photos Graciously Submitted by John Waggoner Jr.
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Gregory, Mary Elizabeth 11 Nov 1872 - 5 Aug 1928
"Meet me in Heaven"
Gregory, J.M. 19 Mar 1863 - 1 Mar 1936
"Father let thy grace by given that we may meet in Heaven"
Gregory, Letha 10 June 1825 - 19 Aug 1901
Gregory, J. J. 23 Oct 1818 - 11 May 1885
Wilburn, Cora 23 Nov 1866 - 30 Mar 1885 W/O Albert Wilburn
"Loved one is gone from our circle, on earth we shall
meet her no more, She has gone to her home in Heaven,
and all her afflictions are over"
Names and dates from Smith County Tennessee Cemeteries - North of the Cumberland River.Page148.
Epitaphs added by JCWJr. Oct. 18, 2002
Letha, daughter of George Oldham and his wife, Cilia Sutherland Oldham,
married James Gregory, son of "Big Tom" Gregory
James and Letha were the great great grandparents of Charlie Gregory webhost for Smith County.
Update!! November 10, 2004 By Charlie Gregory
On this date John Waggoner Jr. Retta Waggoner and Charlie Gregory went to do some digging
and made two discoveries. The Stone above belonged to J. J. Gregory which can clearly be
seen in the following photo. Being totaly satisfied with that discovery we began a search
for the stone of Letha looking close to the James J. Gregory stone but it wasn't there.
As we prepared to leave i walked out a bit and noticed where a horse had scared a stone.
On closer inspection it was the stone of Letha Gregory and only by luck were we sucessful
in finding it or was it divine intervention i feel it was !
This cemetery is in a very poor condition and i was thinking maybe we should try and save it!
If you have an interest in trying to save this cemetery please contact me and lets see what
we can do. It may be to late but if you relate to this family this may be a project we
might want to consider... Comments to Charlie Gregory
Top Of stone almost buried after 2 years!
J. J. Gregory Stone before cleaning!
J. J. Gregory Stone
As you can see we half unburied the stone but roots were all around it and
fearing damage to the stone we stopped digging at this point!
Letha Gregory Stone
Her Epitaph reads :
"Her spirit smiles from that bright shore,
And Softly whispers weep no more."
Notice skid marks on bottom of stone which drew my attention through the grass!