Joseph Pitts estate to Patsy Pitts

Joseph Pitts Sr. Estate Division to Patsy Pitts, March 13, 1819.
Source: Robertson County Tennessee Will Book 3, pg 67-69.
Transcribed by Sharon Smith
© 2009

pg 67)
         Choice of hogs 17 in number, 2 cows and calves, four head of choice cattle, choice 3 ewes and lambs & 3 weathers ditto, one blade stack, one coffee mill, 15 dozen oats, all the corn that is in the barn, 1 cutting box & knife & c, the top stack and shucks, one gourd of hogs lard, 400lb bacon, wheat soap grease there is, 4 barrels, one piece tallow rice in thehull supposed to be 1/2 bushel, 1 flax brake big pot, little kettle, dutch oven and skillet,
pg 68)
1 grind stone with iron crank, two horse plows, 1 bull tonge plow. fp 12 share plow, ditto shovel plow, 1 mattock, two weeding hoes, two clevices, irons & c. One club axe and hand axe, 1 cloth loom & c. and all the apparatus belonging to it, one hand saw, one reap hook, one deceiving knife and chisel, one set of dog irons, 10 bushels of wheat, one flax & cotton wheel, one count real & winding blade, six sitting chairs, two women's saddles, candle moulds, one pair sheep shears, a parcel ___ truck, supposed to be 30 yrds, 20 weight ginned cotton, 1 looking glass, one corner cupboard, two bed steads and cords mats & c. two feather beds and pillows & bolster, one coverlet and blanket, 1 counterpane, 1 undersheet, 2 sheets & 1 bed quilt & blanket, 2 dozen candles, 6 pewter plates and one earthen plate & dish, one bread waiter & tin coffee pot, 1/2 dozen knives and forks, 4 tablespoons, ditto teaspoons, 6 saucers & five teacups & 4 glass tumblers & pepper box, 1 salt seller, 1 Bible and hymn book, 1 jug, 1 brass candle stick, 4 earthen crocks, 2 pair pot hooks and pot rack, 1 brew tray and sifter, 1 grindstone and whetstone, 1 pair of cotton cards, 1 washing tub and water pail & piggin, 1 trunk and eight head of geese, three pounds of cleaned flax, 2 bottles, 1 small keg full of grape wine, pair of warping barre, 1 iron wedge, 2 work horses, 2 bells and collars, 2 bushels of sweet potatoes seed, ten pound iron to a parcel of sugar what there is to the salt, ___ bushel flax seed, the dunghill fowls that's on the place, a parcel of dressed deerskins, to the dried fruit, a parcel of shoe leather, five bushels of cleaned oats.
         We the undersigned have met and layed off for Patsy PITTS, wife of Jos. PITTS dec'd her part of the perishable property as ___ the virtue and meaning of the will of said PITTS as ever thought just and equitable.
Abraham MOORE

Robertson County Court May term 1819
pg 69)
remaining of the will of dec'd Pitts as being __ just and equittable. Amos Moore, Alexr Gordon, Abraham Moore. The Commissioners appointed to lay off the estate of Joseph PITTS dec'd which was divided to his wife was delivered into Court and ordered to be recorded.
Test, Wm SEAL C.R.C.

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