McMinn County, Tennessee
William | Barnett | Private, North Carolina Line, $43.33 Annual Allowance $129.99 Amount Received February 5 1834 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Andrew | BIGHAM | Private, North Carolina Line, $73.33 Annual Allowance $219.99 Amount Received October 11 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll). | |
Samuel | BLAIR | Private, North Carolina Line, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received May 23 1834 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll). See Surname B | |
Benjamin | Brown | Private, North Carolina Line, $61.66 Annual Allowance $184.98 Amount Received May 3 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Daniel | BROYLES | Private, Virginia Line, $23.33 Annual Allowance $69.99 Amount Received October 18 1833 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Charles | Carter Sen. | Private, Infantry and Cavalry North Carolina Line, $53.33 Annual Allowance $133.33 Amount Received October 2 1833 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
ELI | COFFEY | 1839 | NC Line, ELI COFFEY (Pension R2098) served in the NC Line, applied 6 May 1839 McMinn Co, TN, aged 75, enlisted in Wilkes Co, NC, also served as a sub for his bro Ambrose COFFEY. He was born 1 Mar 1764 in Albemarle Co, VA, and in 1784 soldier moved to KY, |
William | CRYE | Private, Infantry and Cavalry South Carolina Line, $29.16 Annual Allowance $72.90 Amount Received October 25 1833 Pension Started (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
James | Cunningham | Private, Virginia Line, $22.66 Annual Allowance $67.98 Amount Received October 25 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | DODD | Private, North Carolina Line, $70.00 Annual Allowance $210.00 Amount Received August 2 1833 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Robert | DOUGLASS | Private, Virginia Line, $26.66 Annual Allowance $79.98 Amount Received September 30 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Robert | FORRISTER | Private-Sergeant, Virginia Line, $95.00 Annual Allowance $285.00 Amount Received September 28 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | HALE | Private, North Carolina Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $50.00 Amount Received September 30 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | HAMPTON | Private, Virginia Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received October 18 1833 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
James | HANKINS | Private, Virginia Militia, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received October 17 1833 Pension Started Age 81 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
John | HUGHS | Private, North Carolina Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $00.00 Amount Received October 25 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | KELLY | Private, SOUTH CARLINA Line, $46.66 Annual Allowance $139.98 Amount Received July 14 1833 Pension Started Age 76 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Isaac | LANE | Rank Not Stated,Virginia Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received September 18 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Hugh | LARRIMORE | Private, North Carolina Militia, $46.6 Annual Allowance $136.98 Amount Received August 14 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Thomas | LESLY | Private, South Carolina Militia, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received February 23 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Christopher | LINER | Private, Georgia Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $00.00 Amount Received February 5 1834 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | LONGLEY | 1833 | William LONGLEY applied 3 Jun 1833 in McMinn County, enlisted in Oct 1780 in Loudoun Co, VA where he then resided with his father. He was born inNJ in 1761, resided in Loudoun for short time after the war, then in Shenandoah, Rockbridge, then in Washing |
William | LONGLY | Private, Virginia Line, $50.00 Annual Allowance $150.00 Amount Received September 28 1833 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Joseph | LUSK | Private, North Carolina Line, $34.66 Annual Allowance $103.98 Amount Received August 14 1833 Pension Started Age 82 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
David | MARSH | See David MARSH of Campbell Co, TN | |
Henry | MATLOCK | Private, Williamson'S Tennessee Regiment, $96.00 Annual Allowance $2000.60 Amount Received January 8 1819 Pension Started (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
John | May | Private, Virginia Line, $33.33 Annual Allowance $99.99 Amount Received June 12 1834 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | May | Private, Cavalry and Infantry Virginia Line, $50.00 Annual Allowance $150.00 Amount Received April 21 1834 Pension Started Age 70 (1835 TN Pension Roll) 1840 Polk Co, Census (Polk from McMinn and Bradley in 1839). See http://www.tngenweb.org/polk/p_pensns | |
William | McCALLISTER | Private, Maryland Line, $80.00 Annual Allowance $240.00 Amount Received September 18 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Robert | McCORMICK | Private, North Carolina Line, $66.66 Annual Allowance $199.98 Amount Received July 26 1833 Pension Started Age 72 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
John | McMAHAN | Private, Virginia Line, $33.33 Annual Allowance $83.33 Amount Received December 18 1833 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Edward | MURPHY | Private, Virginia Line, $55.00 Annual Allowance $165.00 Amount Received November 19 1833 Pension Started Age 92 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | NORMAN | Private, Virginia Line, $30.00 Annual Allowance $90.00 Amount Received September 10 1833 Pension Started Age 71 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
William | PETERS | Private, North Carolina Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received September 28 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
REECE | PRICE | Private, North Carolina Militia, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received February 14 1833 Pension Started Age 83 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
John | QUEENER | Private, Maryland Line, $36.66 Annual Allowance $109.98 Amount Received September 28 1833 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
MAXIMILLIAN | RECTOR | Private, Virginia Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $332.01 Amount Received November 20 1818 Pension Started Age 76 Suspended May 1 1820 Restored September 9 1821 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
David | REID | Private, Pennsylvania Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received March 16 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
James | RIGGINS | Private, North Carolina Line, $40.00 Annual Allowance $120.00 Amount Received May 3 1833 Pension Started Age 79 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Edmund | ROBERTS | Private, North Carolina Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $50.00 Amount Received September 30 1833 Pension Started Age 77 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
MOSES | RUSSELL | Private, Virginia Line, $70.00 Annual Allowance $210.00 Amount Received February 15 1833 Pension Started Age 78 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Henry | Smith | Private, Virginia Militia, $23.33 Annual Allowance $69.99 Amount Received March 16 1833 Pension Started Age 81 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
James | Stanfield | James STANFIELD aka STANPHILL lived in Rowan Co, NC at enlistement, then moved to Buncombe Co, NC. See Surname S | |
Thomas | Steed | Private, Virginia Militia, $56.98 Annual Allowance $170.94 Amount Received March 21 1833 Pension Started Age 75 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Thomas | Thompson | Private, North Carolina Line, $26.66 Annual Allowance $79.98 Amount Received August 14 1833 Pension Started Age 74 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
John | Walling | Private, Virginia Line, $30.00 Annual Allowance $90.00 Amount Received August 14 1833 Pension Started Age 84 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Samuel | Wheeler | Private, 39TH Regiment U. S. Infantry, $48.00 Annual Allowance $943.46 Amount Received January 24 1817 Pension Started (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Bergess | Witt | Private, North Carolina Continental Line, $96.00 Annual Allowance $660.26 Amount Received December 11 1826 Pension Started Age 69 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Earia | Witt | Private, North Carolina Line, $43.33 Annual Allowance $129.99 Amount Received January 9 1834 Pension Started Age 73 (1835 TN Pension Roll) | |
Samuel | Young | Private, North Carolina Line, $20.00 Annual Allowance $60.00 Amount Received March 16 1833 Pension Started Age 78 (1835 TN Pension Roll) |
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